Chapter 8

After Ye Tianyi found that his limbs were not as stiff as before, although he didn't know how he became flexible, he was still very happy.

His happiness was reflected in the fact that he chased the two pieces of food faster.

Of the two young men, although one was a wind power user, his power had been exhausted, and although the other was stronger and stronger, he was just an ordinary young man.

The two ran desperately for a long time, and in the end they were both so tired that they stuck out their tongues like dogs, but they did not dare to slow down even if their legs felt like they were filled with lead.

They are lucky for the time being. Although Ye Tianyi's limbs are now relieved of stiffness, his speed has not yet fully exploded. Moreover, due to the coercion of the third-level zombies he released, other zombies do not dare to come over to grab food from him. The two of them are considered I ran without encountering any other zombies blocking my way.

As for the extremely fast little leaf, it was lying on top of its owner's head and wagging its tail.

Obviously, Little Leaf didn't think that its owner would be unable to catch up with the two slow-moving food.

As Ye Tianyi adapted to his body after the stiffness of his limbs was lifted, his speed became faster and faster, and the distance between him and the two young men became shorter and shorter.

Seeing that the food was three meters in front of him, Ye Tianyi was about to stretch out his claws to catch them. Suddenly he felt a creepy sense of crisis and subconsciously jumped to the side. Several people appeared where he was standing before. crater.

Ye Tianyi had just seen such a lethal weapon, his pupils shrank, and small fragments came up in his mind. These memory fragments told him that it was very dangerous, and his current body could not withstand the attack of this weapon.

So he gave up and continued to hunt the two food items.

He watched two pieces of food run into a large villa, and the man with a scar on his face holding a weapon he feared was standing by the window, with a black muzzle aimed at his head.

Ye Tianyi stared intently at the scarred man holding a gun, and then with a roar, a dark purple thunder and lightning appeared out of thin air at the window and fell hard on the man.

Caught off guard, the scarred man dropped the gun in his hand and rolled backwards, unexpectedly dodging the thunder and lightning.

Although Ye Tianyi's main target of attack was the gun that he instinctively felt was dangerous, he did not expect that the scarred man abandoned the gun so decisively and rolled to the ground to escape the thunder and lightning attack.

Although Ye Tianyi has lost most of his memory, he is not stupid. He knew at the first sight that the scarred man was a powerful character. He could deal with it, but it would take a lot of effort.

Gaining maximum benefits with minimum effort is a creed engraved in his bones, and he has not forgotten it even if he has become a zombie now.

He didn't rush in rashly.

Those two pieces of food weren't worth the risk of breaking into a villa that he didn't know how to defend himself against.

Is it true that the only gun that can pose a threat to him is the one he just destroyed? He wasn't sure.

Ye Tianyi retreated cautiously, then spread his mental energy to explore the villa.

There were many people in the villa, but most of them were young adults, a few women and children, and only one old man.

The old man in the villa seemed to be the leader of these strong young men. Even a powerful man like Scar Man treated him with respect.

At present, his mental power can only detect superficial things. In other words, he cannot detect things in boxes or clothes.

So of course Ye Tianyi didn't find the second spear, he still cautiously summoned a dozen ordinary zombies around him.


As soon as the two young men entered the villa and closed the door, they collapsed to the ground in a panic, breathing heavily.

As survivors who escaped from Ye Tianyi's claws, they were very much concerned by the owner of the villa, an old man who was treated respectfully by the scarred man.

The old man smiled kindly and asked: "Can you tell me about the situation when you encountered that evolved zombie? This will help us deal with that evolved zombie."

Upon hearing that someone was willing to deal with Ye Tianyi, the two The young man looked happy.

The wind superpower was the first to speak: "He and I escaped from home together. We saw food and water in a deformed car, and the owner of the car was dead, so we wanted to take those things away. Supplies. At that time, there was only one zombie with his back to us, so I used the wind blade to attack him..."

At this point, the wind power user paused deliberately, and the old man said cooperatively: "So you are too. A superpower."

The wind superpower nodded with a smile and continued: "But I found that my wind blade that could cut the zombie's head was blocked within three meters of the zombie, as if there was an invisible transparent barrier. Then the zombie Turning to look at us, I discovered that he was actually Ye Tianyi!"

The old man had obviously heard of Ye Tianyi's name. He frowned and sighed: "What a pity..." Such an outstanding young man turned into a zombie.

The wind power user didn't care whether it was a pity or not, he didn't want to see Ye Tianyi at all.

"Ye Tianyi's appearance is very complete, without any zombie decay. He should be an evolved advanced zombie."

When he heard about the evolved advanced zombie, the old man frowned tightly, with wrinkles layer upon layer.

At this time, a thin man who was specially guarding the window to observe the situation outside suddenly shouted: "That zombie that can only discharge electricity has attracted a lot of zombies."

A group of people gathered around the window to look, but they did not dare to lean on it. Too close, just stood far away and peeked through the window.

Sure enough, outside the villa, more than a dozen rotten and horribly ordinary zombies gradually surrounded him. Those zombies were standing behind Ye Tianyi, like soldiers, extremely well-behaved.

Ye Tianyi screamed at the zombies, and then the zombies rushed towards the villa. Even if they shot at them from the window and killed several zombies one after another, not a single zombie was able to retreat.

And more zombies gradually came over under Ye Tianyi's call.

Seeing this scene, everyone's hearts sank.

Ye Tianyi was still standing far outside the safe villa. The bullets could not reach him at all, and he did not care at all about the life or death of the ordinary zombies he summoned.

He raised his head and stared at the window on the second floor with his bright red eyes. There were still black marks on the window struck by his lightning.