Chapter 9

Ye Tianyi had been paying close attention to the situation in the villa. Sure enough, he saw someone taking out a gun from the box, and then shooting at the window at the ordinary zombies that were clumsily charging into the villa.

These ordinary zombies have stiff limbs and walk slowly and leisurely. Their only advantage is their strength, but this strength advantage has no chance to be used when they are not in contact with people. So these slow zombies were targets, and their heads were shot one by one by the snipers upstairs.

While the firepower upstairs was focused on ordinary zombies, Ye Tianyi quietly retreated.

After the scarred man killed all the zombies downstairs, he put down his gun and said to the old man: "Boss, kill them all."

The old man asked slowly: "Where is Ye Tianyi?"

The scarred man was stunned for a moment, trying to react. The 'Ye Tianyi' in the old man's mouth was the zombie that evolved the power of lightning, and he replied: "He escaped."

He saw early on that Ye Tianyi was afraid of his sniper rifle, so after he killed all the zombies, he found that Ye Tianyi was missing. , I felt that Ye Tianyi must have escaped. Evolved zombies know how to fear, and naturally they also know how to escape.

The old man nodded, and when he was about to say something, his eyes suddenly widened, and then he fell down without making a sound.

Everyone else was panicked. When the scarred man wanted to rush up to check the old man's condition, he suddenly felt as if his mind had been hit hard by a heavy hammer. He was suddenly dizzy, and even the things in front of him were blurred. He couldn't see clearly and was plunged into darkness.

The old man and the scarred man, one was the leader and the other was the strongest. Both of them died, and they died so bizarrely in front of everyone. Everyone was immediately panicked, looking around vigilantly, for fear of the mysterious God of Death or something. The time has come for them.

Someone who was smart wanted to pick up the sniper rifle that fell to the ground after the Scar Man died, but as soon as he touched the gun, he died inexplicably like the Scar Man and the old man. No one dared to pay attention to that gun anymore, it was almost a precursor to death.

The person who wants to use the gun will definitely die, but the person who doesn't use the gun may not die.

During this short period of time, everyone died in mysterious ways like those who died before. There were no traces of wounds on their bodies, and they just stopped breathing. People became more and more frightened and panicked. They wanted to escape, but they were deterred by the large number of zombies that gathered outside the villa again at some unknown time.

Ye Tianyi lay on the wall outside the villa, mentally sensing the panic emotions of human beings, and then silently absorbed their fearful emotions to strengthen his own mental strength.

Ever since he awakened his powers, he instinctively knew how to use them.

For example, just now he was using his mental powers to penetrate into the brains of those people, destroying their mental powers and causing them to die in bizarre ways.

But Ye Tianyi doesn't know how to advance his superpowers, but he instinctively absorbs energy that is beneficial to him, such as the strong emotions in the human spirit, which can increase his mental power.

Ye Tianyi continued to use his mental power to attack, killing the food one by one.

But when he attacked the woman who was extremely emotionally excited and screamed silently and was about to collapse, he failed!

A weak mental power was released from the woman, and her mood stabilized.

Apparently, this woman had awakened her spiritual powers due to extreme fear and stress.


Ordinary humans also have spiritual power in their brains, but this spiritual power is very weak and cannot even resist the attack of spiritual powers for one second. Although the mental power of non-mental superpowers cannot be released as much as that of mental superpowers, it is stronger than ordinary people and has the ability to resist attacks from mental superpowers.

Although this woman's spiritual power is weak, it can be released. This is a sign of awakening spiritual powers.

Ye Tianyi is a third-level spiritual zombie with supernatural powers. Of course he was aware of the woman's much stronger spiritual power, otherwise she would not have survived his attack.

He almost instinctively increased the intensity of his mental attacks. He only knew that this woman had given him a slight sense of threat and must be eradicated, otherwise it might grow to the point of threatening him.

The number of spiritual power users is very rare, and in this villa, a spiritual power user who had just awakened was crushed by Ye Tianyi with his third-level mental power until his mental power collapsed and he became A fool.

The woman had just awakened her superpower, and she didn't even realize that she had awakened her superpower. She suddenly felt that her ears and eyesight were much clearer, and she was crushed by Ye Tianyi's third-level mental power.

Although her mental instinctive defense was still defeated, she did not die. Instead, her mental power collapsed and she became an idiot.

The strangeness of the woman was quickly discovered by everyone in the group, but when they discovered that the woman had just become an idiot, they no longer cared about her.

In the eyes of others, this phenomenon of a woman is just that her mental endurance is too poor and she has gone crazy.

In this cruel apocalypse, when everyone is in danger, who has the heart to care about a madman. Even in the peaceful era before the end of the world, few people were willing to take care of it.

After Ye Tianyi killed several people with the same method, the little leaf that had been lying obediently on his head suddenly swooped in, so fast that even Ye Tianyi could only see a white shadow.

Except for the wind power user who could vaguely see the trace of Xiao Yezi, no one else could see his shadow clearly, and they all thought it was because they were dazzled.

Little Ye Zi was also very smart. He probably knew that the wind power user could see him, so he was the first one to attack.

This time, Xiao Ye did not grow bigger like when he stopped the sports car before. Instead, he attacked with the size of a small cat. The little flesh ball stretched out its sharp claws, and before the wind superpower could react, he At that time, Xiao Yezi's tiny cat claws left several deep blood marks on his neck, and blood spurted out from the main arteries.

The wind power user subconsciously covered his neck, and he still didn't react - what was that white shadow just now? Why did my neck suddenly spurt blood?

He never had the chance to know these two questions. He just stared and fell in a pool of blood. No one around him dared to come close.

After killing the wind power user, Xiao Yezi did not continue to attack. Instead, he landed on the high counter on one side, pacing gracefully and proudly with his sapphire blue eyes. looked at the panicked humans below.

Ye Tianyi was shocked by Xiao Zizi's series of actions and quickly came in from outside the villa.

Everyone who had been panicked because of Xiao Zizi became even more frightened when they saw Ye Tianyi coming in from the window.

After all, compared to the cute little Ye Zi, even if he knew that he had just killed a person with powers, it would be difficult to feel fear, but facing Ye Tianyi's handsome but green and white face, and that long and The ten black claws can make no one avoid fear.