Chapter 10

After Ye Tianyi climbed into the villa from the window, his first move was to rush over and hug Xiao Zizi down.

Although the big cabinet was a bit high and couldn't be climbed up by ordinary people, Ye Tianyi's jumping ability was very good after his limbs were relieved of stiffness. He easily jumped very high and took down the little Ye Zi who was still showing off his power on the cabinet.

Ye Tianyi finally felt at ease after placing Xiao Zizi on top of his head again.

Xiao Yezi suddenly left him without saying hello just now, which made him very nervous. He didn't feel comfortable until Xiao Yezi came back to him again.

He had no memory of his relationship with Xiao Yezi and what kind of past they had, but he still remembered that Xiao Yezi was very important, so he went to find Xiao Yezi as soon as he mutated into a zombie.

In his heart, Xiao Yezi is his little friend who will never be separated from him, and he is unwilling to be separated even for a moment.

Ye Tianyi wrapped Little Ye Zi's much longer cat tail around his neck to ensure that he could feel Little Ye Zi's presence at all times. Then he felt more relieved and turned his attention to the person who was hiding in the corner and wanted to run away but couldn't. Foods that dare to run away.

The outside of the villa has been blocked by ordinary zombies. This group of people has lost the best opportunity to escape from here and can only become the dead souls under Ye Tianyi's claws.

All those who were more powerful were killed by Ye Tianyi's spiritual power attacks. The rest were ordinary people, and none of them could block his claws.

Ye Tianyi was not in a hurry to kill all the food reserves, but first dragged a man over in front of everyone, dug his claws into the man's head and stirred it, looking for the small round ball that made him salivate.

No one else knew the underlying meaning of his actions, but this did not prevent them from breaking down emotionally when faced with such a shock.

Feeling the people's emotions of collapse after despair, Ye Tianyi greedily absorbed this negative emotion to strengthen his mental power.

These negative emotions flowed into his mind like streams of clear water, expanding his mental power, making his memory and thinking ability stronger, and even reminded him of many intermittent fragments... For example, who threw him away? Going downstairs and letting him be eaten by zombies...

Ye Tianyi captured the memory fragment and firmly remembered the faces of Su Tianyun and Su Ming.

These memory fragments were intermittent and not very clear. He did not remember who they were, but he remembered the situation at that time and the Jade Guanyin that was snatched away by Su Tianyun.

Although Ye Tianyi was in a coma at the time, he had already begun to awaken his powers.

Before Su Tianyun and others arrived, he had already awakened his spatial powers. When Su Tianyun dragged him to the floor-to-ceiling window and threw him downstairs, he had already awakened his spiritual powers. But he was destined to awaken the three-series powers, so he didn't wake up until he awakened the thunder-series powers. However, it was already too late, he had already been bitten by a zombie.

After mutating into a zombie, Ye Tianyi lost the memory of his time as a human, so he did not deliberately search for those memories.

Until he had just absorbed too many negative emotions, which caused his mental power to grow, which made him think about many memory fragments. Among them was the scene when he had just awakened his mental power and his mental power was released and automatically recorded.

He was particularly impressed by the faces of Su Tianyun and Su Ming.


After knowing who threw him downstairs, Ye Tianyi became very irritable and restless. He had been vaguely affected by the negative emotions he had absorbed.

Ye Tianyi's eyes were red as he stared at the emotionally devastated food reserves. A bolt of lightning struck over and killed all the people hiding in the pile. In the end, only one person was left, who was abandoned by everyone and sat aside stupidly. The woman on the ground survived.

The woman stared blankly at the charred corpses on the ground, her eyes dull and motionless, like a puppet.

Ye Tianyi also noticed her and thought of this food that survived safely after being attacked by him with his spiritual power.

With his zombie mind, he couldn't tell the difference between a normal person and a fool. He only knew that this woman was unscathed by his supernatural attack.

So Ye Tianyi no longer used spiritual powers to deal with her this time, but used thunder powers to attack her.

The woman didn't even know she was escaping. She just stared blankly at the deep purple lightning falling on her body, making no sound.

Ye Tianyi was a little surprised. How could the 'strong enemy' who had not been killed before die so easily now? He was also planning to ask Xiao Yezi to cooperate with him.

He walked over and crushed the head of the 'qiáng enemy' with one foot, and then came a scent that made him fascinated. Even after the scent spread, the ordinary zombies guarding outside the villa screamed eagerly. .

Ye Tianyi happily took out the small transparent ball from the woman's head and stuffed it into his mouth. The small leaf on the top of his head touched his forehead with his paw, and then summoned a stream of water to help him again. Rinse the paws and balls clean.

Ye Tianyi stared blankly as his right hand holding the small ball was washed away by the clear water. He subconsciously reached up to the top of his head with his left hand and patted the small leaf on his head with his paw.

But when Xiao Zizi saw the dirt splashed on Ye Tianyi's left hand, he jumped from his head to the table nearby in disgust: [Master, how can you be so unhygienic? ]Ye Tianyi was stunned, hygiene? Is that Shenma Dongdong?

[The owner obviously used to be more hygienic and clean than Xiao Zizi, and he never allowed me to go to bed without taking a shower. Now Little Leaf doesn't allow the master to touch my beautiful hair without washing his hands! ] Little Leaf felt that she had sacrificed a lot, just letting her master wash his hands.

Now the master doesn't like to be clean, and his whole body stinks and is stained with blood and brains. He doesn't let the master take a bath before touching him and hugging him. It's already very affectionate.


Ye Tianyi looked at his slightly dirty left hand and his right hand that had been washed clean by Xiao Zizi's water power, and then he stretched out his left hand in front of Xiao Zizi very crisply: [Xiao Zizi, help me wash my hands! ]Little Ye Zi stood on the table and condensed a big water ball to wrap Ye Tianyi's left hand in it. Soon the dirt on his left hand was taken away by the big water ball. Little Ye Zi controlled the big water ball and threw it away.

After cleaning his left hand, the first thing Ye Tianyi did was grab Xiao Yezi's tail and stroke his beautiful fur hard.

Xiao Yezi: [...]