Chapter 12

Xiao Yezi controlled the water flow so as not to wet Ye Tianyi's pants, and urged: [Master, please take off your pants quickly! ]As a result, Ye Tianyi stayed there for a long time, which made Xiao Zizi impatient to wait. He rushed forward and used two cat paws to swipe Ye Tianyi's pants into pieces.

The broken pieces of trousers fell down, revealing Ye Tianyi's long, smooth legs and...

Little Ye Zi looked curiously at the owner's area below the waist and above the thighs, and then looked down at himself a little depressed. He controlled the water flow to help Ye Tianyi clean his lower body. He suddenly transformed and became huge, almost breaking the ceiling when he raised his head.

Ye Tianyi saw Little Yezi getting bigger, and subconsciously tensed up his body: [Little Yezi, what's wrong with you? ]Little Yezi shook the two tails behind him triumphantly, and smashed a TV in the bedroom, "Master, Little Yezi is bigger than you now~" Ye Tianyi looked at Little Yezi's huge body, and then He looked at his 'frail' body again and said with a serious face: [Well, little Ye Zi is older than me! ]After Little Ye Zi received the owner's personal recognition, she became so petite that she threw herself into Ye Tianyi's arms and rolled around.

Ye Tianyi indulged him and let him toss in his arms. When Little Ye Zi had done enough, he put Little Ye Zi on top of his head and put on his shirt and pants.

After washing off the dirt on his body and putting on clean clothes, Xiao Zizi preferred to be in Ye Tianyi's arms rather than lying on his head. Cats always like to be caressed by their owners, and fold-eared cats even like to play with their owners.

So after Ye Tianyi put on his clothes, Xiao Yezi immediately jumped from his head into his arms.

Ye Tianyi subconsciously hugged the snow-white fur dumpling and scratched his belly. Seeing the soft and cute little thing in his arms stretching out comfortably to reveal the softest belly to him, Ye Tianyi couldn't help but show a slightly stiff face. smile.

Just when the atmosphere was good, there was a sudden clang, and the big wardrobe next to Ye Tianyi opened by itself, and the boy hiding inside rolled down and fell hard.

The boy got up in a daze and sat down, touching the big bump on his head. He didn't react for a long time. It took a long time before he opened his mouth and was about to cry. But when he saw Ye Tianyi's pale face, he immediately stopped crying. He suppressed his thoughts and hid in his bed, looking at Ye Tianyi warily with misty eyes.

It turned out that the little boy was hiding in the closet, tensing up and listening to Ye Tianyi's movements outside. It was too much for an adult to be tense for so long, let alone a ten-year-old child. So he accidentally fell asleep in the closet, leaned forward unconsciously, and rolled out of the closet.

Ye Tianyi was really not interested in the cubs eating this kind of food. They were so weak that he had no interest in taking a look at them. The few taels of meat were not enough for him to stuff his teeth. Moreover, he now likes to eat delicious Yidan and is no longer interested in human flesh.

So he held the little leaf in his arms and walked out, ignoring the little boy who was still huddled in the bed and looking at him helplessly.

After he left the master bedroom of the villa, he was not in a hurry to leave the villa, and ran to other rooms to check out, planning to put more clothes into the space to avoid having to change clothes when he got dirty in the future.

It's a bit nerve-wracking to have a cute pet around you who loves to be clean and also likes to take care of his owner.


Just after entering a guest bedroom, Ye Tianyi put the unopened clothes in the guest bedroom into the space, when he heard the sound of a young man mechanically reading, and he could not understand a word of the content: [Mokonyala] Sirius Tianjie's clothes are so ruffled...] Ye Tianyi asked Xiao Zizi: [Little Zi Zi, did you hear any sounds? ] Little Ye Zi, who was lying quietly in Ye Tianyi's arms, raised his head blankly, licked his little paws, then wiped his face, turned his head and listened carefully, shook his head and said: [I didn't hear anything. . ] The voice in Ye Tianyi's mind continued: [Mokon Yalasiris Tianjie's clothes are so thin...] Ye Tianyi also subconsciously chanted in his mind along with the voice: [Mokonya Lasiris Tianjie's clothes are so thin...] The more he thought about it, the more he thought about it, he felt as if he had fallen into an ethereal state, completely blocked from the outside world, and more and more fragments appeared in his mind. They had appeared before but could not remember them. The memory fragments he had remembered were almost complete, and the feeling of confusion and dullness gradually faded away as he silently thought about it.

Xiao Zizi also noticed Ye Tianyi's dazed look. He used his mental power to contact Ye Tianyi's mental power, trying to convey his consciousness to him, but he suddenly felt confused and his mental power was repulsed by the force.

Although Little Ye Zi was very smart, he didn't know what was going on with his master now. He didn't dare to move around, so he could only huddle in his master's arms and watch the situation around him.

Maybe the master is about to advance like this. What if he rashly disturbs the master and ruins the master's advancement?

Ye Tianyi fell into that mysterious state for a full hour before he woke up. As soon as he woke up, he hugged Little Yezi tightly in his arms and shouted in a hoarse voice: "Little Yezi..."

Little Yezi ..." His body trembled, and he was so surprised that he conveyed his thoughts and said: [Master, can you speak now? ]In fact, Xiao Yezi blamed himself for Ye Tianyi's current state of becoming a zombie. He was in a coma while awakening his bloodline and abilities, so the awakening time was longer than that of Ye Tianyi who awakened the third-level abilities of the third series.

When he woke up, he found that his master had been bitten by zombies that could transmit the virus. Xiao Yezi deeply blamed himself for not waking up early to protect his master. He had known for a long time that his master was just a smart ordinary human being...

He didn't know that Su Tianyun was behind this, so he only blamed himself for not protecting his master well and allowing him to be harmed when he awakened.

Now Ye Tianyi doesn't know how to speak. Xiao Yezi thinks that if he works hard, he might be able to turn his master into his original appearance... The master who turned into a zombie is really stupid _(:з」∠)

_ Ye Zi was surprised that Ye Tianyi could speak, and noticed his expression, and was even more surprised: [Master, your face has returned to normal? ! ]Ye Tianyi's face turned a little pale at this time. Although he looked like a patient who had been seriously ill, with no color at all, it was much better than the pale and gray complexion before.