Chapter 13

Ye Tianyi now has basically recovered except for some of his memories as a human being, such as the zombie's rigid thinking ability.

Seeing Xiao Yezi's genuinely happy look for him, Ye Tianyi also smiled. At this time, apart from looking a little weak due to his pale face, his smile was no longer as stiff as before and was very natural.

Ye Tianyi finally knew how powerful his Jade Guanyin, which Su Tianyun had only dreamed of obtaining, was.

He was very sure that the voice that sounded like chanting sutras in his mind was definitely unusual. He could regain his sanity just by repeating the content of that chant in his mind. One can imagine how mysterious the content was.

And the content of the chanting appeared when he discovered the secret of Jade Guanyin. It should be closely related to Jade Guanyin. Maybe it is the formula of some legendary martial arts.

This mantra was different from the first time he heard it. He couldn't remember it. This time he recited it in his mind along with the young man's voice in his mind. The biggest gain was that he regained his consciousness and memorized the mantra.

Ye Tianyi could not wait to try again. He said to Xiao Zizi: "You must concentrate on memorizing what I will read out later. It is best to recite it silently in your own mind. This will definitely be good for you. . "

This mantra can restore his sanity as soon as possible, but will it also make Xiao Yezi more intelligent and human-like?

After Ye Tianyi saw that Xiao Zizi had written down his words carefully, he casually sat on the ground, closed his eyes, and continued to recite the mantra attentively: "Mokonya...Lasiris...Tianjie Nayi...Zixin Qiu..."

He found that reciting it silently in his mind and reciting it aloud were completely different things. The content of this mantra was very difficult to pronounce, making it difficult for him to roll his tongue. He even made some mistakes in reciting it and had to read it again.

However, these small difficulties are not worth mentioning compared with the actual benefits.

Ye Tianyi discovered that as long as he recited the mantra aloud and recited it correctly, he could feel his powers increase a bit. It was an obvious feeling, and there were even memories that he had not recalled, including those years that he could not remember for a long time. The memories of living there gradually made him recall a little bit.

"Mokonya Lasiris Tianjie's clothes are self-conscious..."

Ye Tianyi read it over and over again, very seriously, while Xiao Yezi was lying at his feet, staring at him seriously with a cat face. He looked at it with his moving mouth and silently chanted in his mind. A tail swung back and forth behind him, gradually splitting into two, and even the faint shadow of a third tail appeared.

What Little Yezi awakened was the bloodline of the nine-tailed cat demon. Although this bloodline was very thin, it was enough to make Little Yezi smart. This is why Little Yezi grew up so slowly. He was still a little milk cat in more than ten years. The reason for the appearance.

If it hadn't been for the arrival of the end of the world, which allowed him to awaken his superpowers and his bloodline at the same time, I'm afraid he would have lived as an ordinary fold-eared cat until the end of his life.

The awakening of his bloodline not only gave him an IQ comparable to that of humans and the possibility of transforming into a human form, but also gave him inherited memory. Even if this inherited memory was incomplete, it was enough for him to know that what his master read could increase the energy in his body. How powerful is the formula.


Ye Tianyi, who was immersed in the pleasure of increasing his strength by reciting the mantras, had to interrupt after two hours because he could not continue reciting.

There seems to be a force in the dark that prevents him from continuing to recite the mantra. Also, this method of easily increasing one's strength should indeed have limits, otherwise it will really go against the will of heaven.

Ye Tianyi opened his eyes and hugged the cute little Ye Zi lying at his feet. He stretched out his hand and gently scratched his chin: "Little Ye Zi, give me some water. I'm so thirsty.

" I stopped reading for too long and was really thirsty.

Although his body is still a zombie, it has also restored various human senses. For example, his eyes have restored black pupils, and the red mist in everything he looks at has disappeared. Although his nose is right I am very sensitive to fresh blood and meat, but I can also smell other flavors. My mouth will feel thirsty and my tongue can taste the taste of human food.

Little Leaf obediently followed Ye Tianyi's instructions and flicked his tail, condensing a small water ball to Ye Tianyi's mouth.

Ye Tianyi opened his mouth and took the clearest water ball condensed from the small leaves into his mouth. The sweet taste spread to every taste bud of his, and fell into his body along his smoking throat, making his expression relax with comfort. a lot of.

At this time, Ye Tianyi suddenly frowned. He heard a group of people coming towards him outside the villa. The footsteps were getting closer and closer, mixed with gunshots. His nose can smell a lot of fresh blood and meat, especially the smell of superpowers who have delicious elixirs in their brains, but there are several of them... As for the zombies that follow the humans and are full of putrid smells , and was automatically ignored by him.

The arrival of the prey caused Ye Tianyi, who was already hungry, to regain his black pupils and a red light flashed in his eyes.

He took out an alien elixir from his own space, swallowed it in his stomach, and then walked out of the room.

The bedrooms were all on the second floor, so as soon as Ye Tianyi came out, he stood upstairs and looked down.

A group of people broke into the villa and immediately closed the door. Several people noticed Ye Tianyi upstairs and only glanced at him defensively before continuing to hide in the villa and shoot the zombies outside from the windows.

There are a total of eight people in this group, six men and two women. Four of the men are supernatural beings, while one of the women is a supernatural being, and the other is an ordinary person protected by a male supernatural person.

Ye Tianyi held Xiao Zizi and looked at the five superpowers downstairs who were releasing fireballs, wind blades and ice cones to attack the zombies outside. He licked his lips with saliva and whispered to Xiaozi: "That woman is an ice superpower. Her magic elixir is just right for you."

Little Ye Zi also put his front paws on Ye Tianyi's arm and stretched his head to look down. When he saw the tall woman with an indifferent expression attacking the zombies with an ice pick, Bao Lan was stunned. Color's eyes lit up.

There weren't many zombies, and the group took care of them quickly.

After the zombies outside were dealt with, this group of people also focused on Ye Tianyi, an outsider.

The ice female superpower took a few steps forward, raised her head and said to Ye Tianyi: "Have you ever seen a ten-year-old boy in this villa?"