Chapter 14

This ice female superpower is only in her twenties. She looked very anxious when she mentioned that the little boy was about 20 years old. They must have a brother-sister relationship.

After Ye Tianyi speculated about her relationship with the little boy, he ignored the ice female superpower. After all, no one wanted to answer questions obediently while being stared at by a group of people, especially since he was still a strongman.

Ye Tianyi ignored the group of people below and carelessly stroked Xiao Yezi's tail.

But his arrogant attitude angered the group below.

Eight people, five with superpowers, and the remaining three are relatives of superpowers. In the face of this apocalyptic disaster, one can imagine how arrogant these extraordinary powers are when they treat other people.

No matter what their status was before the end of the world, since they awakened their powers, these powerful people with powers are equal and different from those mortals without powers. This kind of thinking is growing day by day, and the smooth and smooth days make them more and more arrogant.

So when they were dissatisfied with Ye Tianyi's indifferent attitude, the ice female superpower shot out ice picks one after another without saying a word.

It is naturally unusual for her to be able to subjugate this group of people and become the leader of a team of superpowers. Her ice power has been advanced to the first level and is much stronger than other superpowers, so she is also more arrogant. .

The reason why she was so kind to Ye Tianyi before was because Ye Tianyi was handsome, and even more because she felt that Ye Tianyi was not an ordinary person, otherwise he would not be so calm when seeing them with powers and zombies, so she decided to make peace with him. he. But after all, she didn't have enough skills, so she couldn't hold back the anger in her heart just because she was ignored by Ye Tianyi.

Perhaps, she also felt that if Ye Tianyi was also a person with superpowers, she would have to defeat him to conquer him.

Facing the ice pick whizzing towards him, Ye Tianyi didn't even look at it.

He just held the little leaf in his arms, then turned over and jumped down from the second floor.

The eight people were startled by his actions and thought he was jumping off the building in a panic to avoid the ice pick. But seeing Ye Tianyi's calm expression, no one believed that he was desperate.

Sure enough, Ye Tianyi fell to the ground very lightly. Then he threw the cat forward towards the ice female superpower. The petite cat's body became extremely huge in the blink of an eye, and then raised its fleshy paws that had become hundreds of times larger and aimed at the ice female superpower. The attacker patted her over and killed her with one claw.

As for those superpowers who wanted to come over to help rescue people, they were all killed by Ye Tianyi with his thunder superpowers. There was still one wind superpower left behind his companions and fled away.

The wind power user has a speed bonus, so he can escape very quickly. Ye Tianyi suddenly became playful and wanted to test his speed, so he did not use the power and relied on his own speed. Catch up.

Ye Tianyi's speed just broke out so fast that the wind power user was caught off guard and scratched his claws. However, at the critical moment, the wind power user actually advanced, speeding up a level again, and escaped from Ye Tianyi's hand.

Ye Tianyi, who was caught off guard, was stunned for a moment, and then quickly chased after him. However, before he could catch up two steps, he found that the wind power user suddenly stopped.


"Hehe——" After the wind power user stopped, his face turned blue-gray, his body stiffened, and he also exuded a putrid smell. He had obviously mutated into a zombie.

Ye Tianyi stood there and looked at the nail of his right hand where he had just scratched the man's paw, and then a bolt of lightning fell on the newly mutated zombie's head and electrocuted it into charcoal.

This zombie was electrocuted to death by Ye Tianyi's lightning almost immediately. It didn't even have the slightest ability to resist, and was worse than ordinary people.

This was noticed by Ye Tianyi, and he remembered that when he had just mutated and released the thunder power to kill zombies, other zombies were afraid to stay away from him. Are the zombies afraid of the thunder power?

This thought only circulated in his mind for a while, and then he temporarily put it behind him. He walked over and crushed the zombie's head.

This zombie was mutated from a wind power user, and he should have that delicious power elixir in his mind.

Ye Tianyi rummaged around and found what he was looking for in its brain, but it was not a small ball-like elixir, but a sharp-edged crystal core.

Could it be that after a person with super powers mutates into a zombie, the elixir in his brain mutates into a crystal core?

The crystal core is not as tempting to him as Yidan, but Ye Tianyi still wants to taste what the crystal core tastes like.

So he waved to Little Yezi, who had just swallowed an ice elixir: "Little Yezi, come here."

Little Yezi transformed into a white shadow and rushed into Ye Tianyi's arms, licking his face lovingly.

Ye Tianyi couldn't help but smile and said: "Clean your hands and this crystal core for me."

It was okay to be confused before he had not recovered his sanity, but now that he had recovered his sanity and most of his memory, of course he couldn't bear it. This dirty crystal core was stuffed into his mouth.

Little Ye Zi obediently spit out a big water ball from his mouth, wrapped Ye Tianyi's dirty hands and crystal core in it, and quickly cleaned him up.

The crystal core is a crystal clear light cyan crystal prism, which reflects beautifully in the sunlight and is very beautiful.

Ye Tianyi put the crystal core in his mouth and found that it was much more difficult to chew than the Yidan, but fortunately there was no big problem. It felt like eating nut-like food. He chewed the crystal core and swallowed it, and felt that his superpower had grown a little bit more. Although the increase was not obvious, it did increase.

The crystal core and the elixir are both effective in increasing his abilities, but the crystal core is not as attractive to zombies as the elixir.

Yidan is like a delicacy to zombies, and crystal core is like tasteless white rice to zombies.

Both can fill their stomachs, but zombies that only rely on instinctive attraction to chase food generally prefer eating Yidan.

But there is another question that puzzles Ye Tianyi. Xiao Yezi has ice and water powers, so he can only take ice and water elixirs or crystal cores. He himself only has three powers of thunder, space, and spirit. , why can superpowers be increased even if one eats the wind crystal core?

He didn't think that eating other types of elixir crystal cores would have any impact on his abilities. It was normal.

However, although this kind of normalcy was a good thing for him, he wanted to know the secret of it, and he still felt uneasy if he didn't get to the bottom of it.

When Ye Tianyi was thinking about this problem, he suddenly felt a very attractive smell coming from upstairs. It was like the smell of Yidan, but it was much more attractive than that delicious one. His eyes that had turned back to black almost turned into black again. It turned red...