Chapter 16

Ye Tianyi collected a lot of food and put it in the villa, at least so that Jiang Yan would not starve to death soon, and then left his third-level zombie aura in the villa to ensure that zombies with lower levels than him would not dare to come in and eat. After removing Jiang Yan and placing these, Ye Tianyi left with Xiao Yezi.

He still wants to seek revenge on that guy Su Tianyun.

If Su Tianyun hadn't thrown him downstairs, he wouldn't have been bitten by a zombie when he awakened his powers and mutated into a zombie.

If you can be a living, good person, who would be willing to be a walking corpse? At least he felt disgusted every time he thought about coveting the blood and flesh of living people. He was not the kind of psychopath who liked to eat human flesh, and he could accept cannibalism without any psychological barriers.

But he couldn't control his instinct to covet human flesh, so he could only suppress this instinct by swallowing the different elixir crystal cores.

Swallowing different elixirs and crystal cores also made him find it difficult to accept. After all, those things were dug out of human brains, so it would be difficult for a normal person not to react. But what Ye Tianyi knows better is that Yidan and crystal core are good things that can improve his strength, and in the end of the world, the most indispensable thing is strength.

After all, swallowing different elixirs and crystal cores is much easier to accept than eating raw human flesh.

But no matter what, although Ye Tianyi has accepted his identity as a zombie, it is impossible to forgive the culprit who turned him into a zombie. He is not such a holy father.

He used to be hostile to Su Tianyun, a younger brother who was only a few months younger than him. This meant that Su Ming was out playing around and killed someone when his mother was only a few months pregnant. This made him quite hostile to this younger brother. .

But now, he hated his half-brother Su Tianyun so much that he wanted to tear him alive.

Ye Tianyi is now strong enough and has regained his sanity. Of course, his first thing is to seek revenge from Su Tianyun.

Ye Tianyi carefully recalled the words and demeanor of Su Tianyun and Su Ming when they came to him to borrow money and ask for the Jade Guanyin the day before the apocalypse broke out. Now he also realized that something was wrong.

Su Ming so generously said that the borrowed money would be repaid several times after three days. It must not be that simple. If Su Ming could borrow money from him and repay the principal, it would be the sun rising in the west. Could it be that they had known for a long time that the end of the world was coming, so they had the confidence to promise to pay back the money several times over? After all, the apocalypse will come in three days, and all the money will become useless paper.

Ye Tianyi also thought that the day before Su Tianyun and Su Ming came to him, they had been informed of the Su family's large-scale purchase of supplies...

But if the Su family had known the news that the end of the world was coming, how could they wait until the end of the world was approaching? Start purchasing supplies? How did they get the news about the end of the world?

After all, the Su family is in decline. Even he, the head of the Ye family, has not received the news. The Su family can actually get the news of the end of the world. There must be something wrong.

And his Jade Guanyin, Su Tianyun's excitement when he got the Jade Guanyin was also detected by his mental power.

That Jade Guanyin must have a big secret. He had just experienced the benefits brought by the secret of Jade Guanyin, but it was only after he had worn it for more than 20 years that he accidentally discovered the secret because of Su Tianyun's attitude. Su Tianyun had no idea. How do people who have met him several times know that Jade Guanyin is extraordinary?

All these questions have taken root in Ye Tianyi's heart, and these questions are inseparable from Su Tianyun.


Su Tianyun's sudden personality change, the Su family's bizarre behavior, and a lot of news that Su Tianyun knew inexplicably... These all gave Ye Tianyi a very bizarre guess.

Ye Tianyi walked slowly, turning a blind eye to the zombies coming and going around him. He pursed his lips tightly and fiddled with the ears of Little Ye Zi in his arms: "Little Ye Zi, tell me, can time travel really happen in this world?" What about rebirth?"

Little Leaf's soft ears twitched, and he raised his eyelids and looked at his master: "Master, there are even zombies in the apocalypse, and I, the nine-tailed cat demon, have also appeared. Time travel and rebirth might actually be possible. ]As a cat who likes to watch TV series, he is no stranger to time travel and rebirth, and he also knows that if he can grow to nine tails, he can break the void and leave this world. This is similar to time travel.

But the Nine Tails was too difficult, so he should just honestly think of how to grow five tails and turn into a human form.

Ye Tianyi thought Xiao Zizi was comforting him, so he smiled and touched Xiao Zizi's head to his tail. When he touched the tail, his hand paused: "Xiao Zizi, when did you grow two tails? "

He remembered that in the past, little leaves would only have two tails when they grew bigger. How come the little milk cat now has two tails when it is just as small?

Little Leaf shook his two long tails and said with a little pride: [I have grown three tails! So when I get bigger, I will show three tails, and when I get smaller, I will show only two tails. ]He can get bigger when he has two tails, but every time he gets smaller, the number of tails will be one less than when he got bigger. It is said that if a small animal can grow nine tails, it can become a fairy in the daytime. That would be the legendary Ten Tails.

Ye Tianyi was very curious about the two tails of his little Ye Zi, and wanted to take a look. However, the little Ye Zi, who was almost as intelligent as a human, certainly didn't want his little butt to be seen, so he gently swept it with his tail. Ye Tianyi's face disturbed his sight, then he broke free from his arms, jumped on his head and lay down on his head.

[Master, you are not a female cat, how can you look at Xiao Zizi's butt? ]Ye Tianyi knew that Xiao Zizi was shy, but he couldn't help laughing and teasing: "I used to look at you when I helped you take a bath, but now I'm shy. It's too late."

Xiao Zizi angrily used his tail on Ye Tianyi was lightly slapped on the back: [Hmph, that's Master, you are so bad, you used brute force to suppress me. ]He was just an ordinary little kitten at that time, how could he compete with Ye Tianyi, a grown man?

Ye Tianyi reached out and touched the furry paws of the arrogant little guy above his head. His eyes fell on the convoy that was fighting a group of zombies in the distance ahead. He paused slightly and then ran towards the convoy.