Chapter 17

Due to various reasons, Ye Tianyi mutated into a zombie and did not rot. Now, except for his pale skin, which looks like he has just recovered from a serious illness, and the slight rotten smell on his body, it is completely impossible to tell that he is a zombie.

Therefore, when he ran to the people in the convoy with Little Leaf, he was not attacked, but he was stopped by very vigilant people.

The people in the motorcade looked at each other, and a tall man came up and asked: "Who are you? Where do you come from?"

Ye Tianyi deliberately pretended to be scared, and his voice was slightly trembling: "I ...I want you to take me to the survivor base. "

The zombies around here have been cleaned up by the people in the convoy, so the people in the convoy did not see Ye Tianyi's behavior of moving freely among the zombies. In their eyes, this was At that time, Ye Tianyi was a spoiled young master who was constantly afraid of the apocalypse.

This place is not far from the villa area. This area is a wealthy area. They are not surprised that a rich second-generation young man appears here. They easily believe Ye Tianyi's performance and rhetoric.

However, this group of people is obviously unwilling to accept Ye Tianyi, who seems to be a spoiled and pampered person who is just a burden.

Someone said to the tall man in the lead: "Brother Tiger, let's leave him alone. He will be a drag with us."

No matter who sees Ye Tianyi's pale face and frightened expression, he will feel that he is a drag.

Brother Tiger's eyes moved from Ye Tianyi's pale face to the little Ye Zi who was huddled motionless in his arms, then frowned slightly and was about to speak to expel him.

Ye Tianyi knew what the man was thinking when he saw his frown, and said quickly: "I know the news about Commander Jiang's only son. You can take Commander Jiang's son to find him. He is a commander with a heavy army!"

This news was heard by everyone ! Thousands of emotions stirred up in my heart.

Most of the people in their convoy are from the bottom or middle class of society, and none of them are qualified to live in a luxurious place like a villa area. In other words, they are the kind of people who have no money and no power.

The end of the world is here, money is nothing, power and military strength are the top priority.

Even if they are just ordinary people with little knowledge, they still know what a commander with heavy troops means in this end of the world. If they could really find Commander Jiang's only son and bring him safely to Commander Jiang, they would have a big backer in the last days.

With such a big and delicious pie falling on their heads, there was no reason not to eat it.

Brother Hu's cold face turned into a smile. He smiled at Ye Tianyi and said, "It's okay if you want to follow us, but you have to tell us where Commander Jiang's son is. If you dare to lie to us..." In the end, he seemed threatening. With a sneer, he took out a machete stained with zombie blood and swung it a few times, "The ball on your head can't be saved!"

Ye Tianyi narrowed his eyes slightly, he had never dared to threaten him like this before. Live well.

However, thinking of Jiang Yan who was still lying unconscious in the villa at this time, and looking at the group of men behind the man who had been subdued by him, Ye Tianyi gave up the idea of ​​teaching him a lesson.

Ye Tianyi deliberately flinched and pretended to be frightened, "Don't worry, I won't lie to you. If I lie to you, I will be dead when I see Commander Jiang."

Everyone also thought that what he said It makes sense, but Brother Tiger was a little regretful that he couldn't kick the sick young master away halfway. He asked, "Then do you know where Commander Jiang is?"

Although they were deceived by Ye Tianyi's few words They felt that it would be hard to have a big backer in the future, but ordinary people like them didn't know where Commander Jiang, who was said to have a heavy army, was.

If the journey to find Commander Jiang is too long, they don't want to take the risk. After all, no matter how big their backers are, their lives are not as important.

Ye Tianyi said: "Commander Jiang is stationed in our city A, probably at the survivor base on the outskirts of city A."

If Commander Jiang hadn't been in city A, he wouldn't be so bored as to mind Jiang Yan's business. It would be great if he could save Jiang Yan's life, let alone find a way to send Jiang Yan back to Commander Jiang.


& & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & has just started five days. The military power stationed in City A has begun to establish a survivor base in a scarce suburbs, and this news has been notified in the only a few channels that can be played on the radio TV. knew.

Commander Jiang is stationed in City A, and he must be building a survivor base in City A now.

After the apocalypse broke out, Su Tianyun and Su Ming took away Ye Tianyi's Jade Guanyin from the Ye family and assassinated him. Therefore, these two people should not be able to leave City A immediately. They will definitely go to the survivor base in City A.

Commander Jiang has soldiers and power, and he will definitely become a high-level executive of the survivor base in City A, and may even be the top leader. If he could get his help, it would not be difficult for Ye Tianyi to find Su Tianyun and Su Ming in the huge base.

That's why Ye Tianyi tried so hard to get into this team and brought Jiang Yan with him.

If he was the only one carrying Jiang Yan, it would be too conspicuous, so it would be safer to blend into the convoy. When the time comes, I will find a way to meet Commander Jiang and just ask for someone, and it should be met.

But the top priority was that he still had to work hard to practice the mysterious formula and get rid of the faint rotten smell on his body as soon as possible before arriving at the survivor base.

His appearance is very similar to that of a human being. The characteristics of a zombie can be concealed with caution, and the inspection method for entering the base is also very simple - isolation.

I heard on the radio that the incubation period of the zombie virus is one to five hours. Those who want to enter can successfully obtain a temporary residence permit and live in the survivor base as long as they stay in the isolation room for five hours.

As long as Ye Tianyi hid himself well enough, tried not to come into contact with others, and did not expose his two abnormalities of cold body temperature and no heartbeat, it would be easy to sneak into the base.

Ye Tianyi saw that some people in the convoy were still hesitant, so he added fuel to the fire: "You take Commander Jiang's son with you. If you encounter the army that enters the city to search for survivors, you will definitely be rescued as soon as possible."

This sentence As expected, everyone was impressed, and they had no objection to bringing two tow bottles.

Ye Tianyi also smiled and got into one of their cars, giving them directions and telling them where Jiang Yan was at this time.

In fact, he was talking nonsense about military search and rescue. It is only the fifth day since the end of the world, and time is very tight. It is surprising that the army in City A can immediately enter the construction of the survivor base.

After all, zombies mutate, no matter whether you are an ordinary person or a soldier, there must be many people in the army who mutate into zombies or people with super powers, and the turmoil caused is certainly not small. It had only been five days, and the army simply could not spare any manpower to rescue people in the city where there were mountains of corpses. Otherwise, the broadcast would not have asked the survivors to move closer to the survivor base, instead of asking them to wait for rescue.

What's more, the survivor base has not yet been completely built... The army may enter the city to rescue the survivors, but this will definitely not be implemented until the survivors are built.