Chapter 18

Ye Tianyi joined the team and soon figured out the situation of the team.

There are a total of fifteen and a half people in the convoy, of which only ten men are capable of fighting, and six psychics are pretty good. The remaining five people are all women, and the half of them is a baby sucking milk.

The captain of the team is called Zhang Hu, a very ordinary name, but he holds the team up.

The woman holding the baby is Zhang Hu's sister-in-law, and the child is Zhang Hu's brother's son.

Zhang Hu's brother died at the claws of zombies trying to save him, so he fled for his life with his helpless sister-in-law and one-year-old nephew. This convoy was pulled together in the process of escaping. Many of them were acquaintances who knew the details, and only two or three were rescued halfway.

The end of the world has just begun, and human nature has not been completely wiped out, so Zhang Hu's wife and her children are considered a vulnerable group and always receive the best treatment in the team. People not only want to please Zhang Hu, the strongest person in the team, but also the mother and son.

However, this situation is only limited to the end of the world, when there is still enough food, and when the food is almost exhausted... haha.

Ye Tianyi looked at the women riding in the same car with him - he was regarded as a young man with no power, so he was treated the same as the women - and frowned slightly, is it really okay for him to choose this team?

With this car's weak drag, can Zhang Hu really lead the convoy to the survivor base?

Forget it, even if that didn't work, he could help secretly. Zhang Hu had to take Jiang Yan to the survivor base in City A alive. He really didn't have time to go find another convoy nearby, and he might not be able to find one.

With Ye Tianyi's guidance, it didn't take long for the motorcade to drive all the way to the small villa that Ye Tianyi had just left. Jiang Yan was in this villa.

Ye Tianyi could also detect Jiang Yan's aura.

There was the aura of the third-level zombies he left in the villa, so no zombies dared to approach. So Zhang Hu looked around and stopped the car directly in front of the villa. "Get out of the car and look for someone. Get in as soon as you find someone." Get out of the car!"

Ye Tianyi got out of the car and led the way.

He took Zhang Hu to the master bedroom on the second floor and found Jiang Yan, who was huddled in the closet and had not yet woken up: "That's him. He is Commander Jiang's only son, Jiang Yan."

Zhang Hu picked up Jiang Yan himself. Then he called his men to take away all the food that Ye Tianyi had left in the bedroom to prevent Jiang Yan from starving to death.

Since finding Jiang Yan, no one has ignored Ye Tianyi.

Ye Tianyi, who was like an invisible man, followed everyone into the car silently. He always tried to remain silent, lowered his sense of presence, and sat in the car seat silently reciting the mysterious mantra.

Although reciting the mantra silently to increase superpowers is not as effective as reciting it aloud, it is still better than nothing.

He was successful in blending into the team, but when it was time to eat, a problem arose.

Ye Tianyi looked at the bottle of mineral water and a pack of biscuits and a piece of ham that were given to him, and then looked at the people eating silently beside him, and he licked his lips.

He also felt hungry, but his food was different from that of humans. His stomach would feel uncomfortable if he ate human food - he tried this after he regained his consciousness.

But it didn't seem good not to eat in front of so many people, because he found that there were already people nearby who were eyeing his food.

Although there is still plenty of food now, because it is difficult to find food in the last days, Zhang Hu is very frugal. Everyone has a daily food quota, which can only keep him from being hungry, but he cannot be said to be full. So Ye Tianyi refused to eat, so he was stared at by a tall man who was not full: "If you are not hungry and don't want to eat, you can give it to me."

Ye Tianyi shook his head, then quickly opened the bag of the cake and took it. Take out a piece of cake and stuff it into your mouth.

In order to prevent himself from becoming more greedy, the man turned his head away. Ye Tianyi took advantage of the fact that no one noticed him eating, pretending to devour the cake, but in fact he put the cake into his own space. .

In this way, he smuggled the cake into the space bit by bit, pretended to be reluctant to drink it, took a few sips of water, and put away the mineral water bottle.

Ye Tianyi performed the image of a timid young master in trouble very well, except for the little Ye Zi who made people feel strange.

After all, in the end of the world, if you can't even protect your own life, who would care about a cat, which is still a little kitten that is prone to die young.

However, the people in the motorcade only looked at Xiao Zizi a few times, asked a few questions, and didn't get involved much. They probably thought that Ye Tianyi was either too reluctant to part with the cat or wanted to take the cat with him as a food reserve.

However, most people's guesses tend to be towards the latter, because Ye Tianyi never fed the cat anything to eat or a sip of water.

Ye Tianyi had no idea what these people were thinking. He sat in the car every day, hugging Little Yezi and closing his eyes to rest. He silently recited the mysterious mantras and practiced like Little Yezi. He was extremely calm and low-key.

And with his third-level zombie escorting him, few zombies around dared to deal with this convoy.

If Ye Tianyi didn't want to make things too bizarre, the convoy would not have encountered even a single zombie. After all, the apocalypse has just broken out, and the third-level zombies are already the well-deserved kings of zombies, and no zombie dares to provoke them.

There were fewer zombies, and Zhang Hu and others did not become suspicious. They just felt that they were lucky.

On the way to the survivor base in City A, Jiang Yan, who had been unconscious for many days, finally woke up.

As soon as Jiang Yan woke up, Zhang Hu couldn't wait to ask him his name, identity, etc.

Jiang Yan was lucky enough not to be oppressed into an idiot by Ye Tianyi's powerful mental power, so when faced with Zhang Hu's inquiry, he answered clearly and clearly. The information he revealed also surprised Zhang Hu and others.

This is indeed Commander Jiang's son.

Zhang Hu didn't think Jiang Yan was instigated by Ye Tianyi to lie, because Jiang Yan said he didn't know Ye Tianyi. If Ye Tianyi instigated Jiang Yan to lie, he should have asked Jiang Yan to say that he was his brother or relative.

What surprised Zhang Hu and others even more was that Jiang Yan actually awakened his superpower.

An ordinary person without special powers, no matter how prominent his status is, will be considered a burden; and a child with superpowers and a prominent status will not be able to help them even if he does nothing. I don't think he is a burden.

Moreover, Jiang Yan awakened a very practical water power.

The combat power of the water-based superpower is not very strong, but it has certain healing capabilities, such as cleaning wounds to prevent infection. And if people want to live, they cannot live without water. Who knows if the unsealed water is contaminated in the apocalypse? What if you turn into a zombie if you drink it? But drinking mineral water all the time is not enough.

However, those with water powers can condense pure water, which is not only enough for drinking, but also for washing and swabbing.

So with the addition of a water power user, Zhang Hu and others regarded Jiang Yan as a treasure.