Chapter 19

Ye Tianyi was stunned when he heard that Jiang Yan had awakened the water power. Last time he saw Jiang Yan awakening the wind power, why did he become the water power?

Could it be that he has awakened dual abilities?

Thinking about his three-line abilities, Ye Tianyi didn't find it strange that Jiang Yan had two-line abilities.

Because he didn't know if his frequent presence in front of Jiang Yan would irritate him and remind him of something, so Ye Tianyi always hugged Xiao Zizi in the car and did not go to Jiang Yan to show his presence.

Ye Tianyi has always kept a low profile. If he hadn't been given an extra portion when distributing food every day, I'm afraid no one would remember him.

Zhang Hu came over with half a pack of cakes and handed it to him: "Su Tian, ​​this is for you today."

Many people have heard of the name Ye Tianyi, so he simply changed his name to Su Tian, ​​surnamed Su. He might as well ask Commander Jiang to help him find Su Tianyun and Su Ming under the pretext of looking for his relatives.

Ye Tianyi silently took the half-pack of biscuits. Since he always stayed in the car doing nothing, just like the baby who was still sucking milk, everyone in the team had objections to him, especially now that the food was a bit unsatisfactory. Nervous.

People are selfish. They will not remember that it was because of Ye Tianyi that they were able to find the talisman of Commander Jiang's son. They will only feel that it is a drag that he did nothing but let them protect him.

What's more, he was extremely cowardly and easy to bully, and never made a sound even when the food was being deducted from him.

Therefore, the food allocated to him is getting less and less, and now his daily ration is only half a pack of cakes.

Although Ye Tianyi didn't need to eat, he still felt that these people were cruel enough when he saw the half pack of cakes. There were only five cakes in the half pack. A child didn't feel full even if he ate it as a snack. They actually gave him a grown man. Serve as a whole day's ration.

Looking at Zhang Hu's leaving figure, he sneered. Before he found Jiang Yan, he promised him that he would definitely ensure his safety and make him full. However, after finding Jiang Yan, he immediately changed his face.

He casually threw half a bag of biscuits aside. Forget it, why bother with this group of people who only know how to bully the weak and fear the strong? Hasn't he already seen through the bad nature of people?

Ye Tianyi was holding Little Ye Zi in his arms and was about to continue practicing. At this moment, Little Ye Zi, who was lying obediently in his arms, suddenly jumped up, ran out of the car, and ran towards the bushes on the side of the road.

Ye Tianyi laughed and shook his head. Seeing him running so fast, he must have needed to urinate. But he is quite shy and has to hide in the bushes.

But before he could look away, he saw a man named Wang Fengming, whose strength was second only to Zhang Hu in the team, walking toward Xiao Zizi. His movements were very gentle, as if he was going to catch the cat.

Ye Tianyi quickly got out of the car and shouted to Wang Fengming: "What do you want to do?"

Xiao Yezi quickly rushed back at this time and jumped on Ye Tianyi's shoulders.

Ye Tianyi touched his fur that was still moist. This little guy really loves to clean himself. He even cleaned himself.

When Wang Fengming saw Ye Tianyi shouting and the cat ran away, he immediately stared at him with raised eyebrows and displeasure: "What are you shouting for? I advise you to get that cat out quickly, otherwise we will throw you away." , Believe it or not?"

Ye Tianyi narrowed his eyes dangerously: "What do you want my cat for?"

Wang Feng obviously didn't take Ye Tianyi seriously. He told him unabashedly: "This little cat doesn't look like much. Two pieces of meat, but at least I can fit my teeth into it. I haven't tasted meat for many days, so this cat slapped my teeth... "Sacrifice..." He couldn't say the last word, so Ye Tianyi said it. A fist hit him in the face, knocking out all the teeth in his mouth.

Ye Tianyi took off his chin and took a look inside. There were still a few teeth left. Well, the technique was not up to par. It didn't matter. Just give it another shot.

So he aimed his fist at Wang Fengming's cheek again, so that the guy's face was swollen into a pig's head, and the remaining teeth fell out on the floor.

Ye Tianyi helped him put the chin back on, raised his eyebrows coldly, and asked: "Now that you have no teeth, how are you going to get them?"

Wang Fengming opened and closed his mouth, mumbling and couldn't say a word. Clearly, but the look of horror in his eyes was enough to show his fear.

He can become the strongest person in the team besides Zhang Hu. Of course, he is also a person with superpowers and a speed superpower. But he, a speedster, was punched twice by Ye Tianyi, knocking out a whole mouth of teeth without being able to react.

Even when he mobilized his superpowers, he felt a strong pressure from Ye Tianyi - it was the suppression of the mental power of low-level superpowers by high-level spiritual superpowers.

That incomparable feeling made him tremble from the depths of his soul.

As soon as Ye Tianyi released the hand that was holding him, he immediately knelt down and kowtowed, apologizing vaguely and begging for mercy.

This dramatic scene shocked everyone else in the team.

No one expected that the cowardly oil bottler, whom none of them looked down upon, would knock out the second strongest man in their team with one fist.

Ye Tianyi ignored everyone's various thoughts, and he also knelt down and knelt down to beg Wang Fengming for mercy. He hugged Xiao Yezi who was standing on his shoulders and retracted into the car.

It's just that this time his behavior of retracting into the car was very different from before in everyone's mind.

In the past, people thought he was timid and lazy, but now people think he is particularly cool and handsome, like a master who sits in the car and does nothing.

At this time, Zhang Hu also sent a lot of food, including milk, bread, instant noodles and mineral water, as if he wanted to make up for all the neglect these days.

With a very warm smile on his face, he talked to Ye Tianyi: "Brother Su Tian, ​​we were too negligent before..." In the end, the topic turned to superpowers, "What superpower does this little brother have?"

Ye Tianyi's attitude was very serious. He was cold and ignored Zhang Hu. The smile on Zhang Hu's face gradually stiffened, and he cursed in his heart: What a strange guy. He is obviously a superpower and still pretends to be an ordinary person. Pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger is not the way to pretend, right? So proud!

However, Zhang Hu did not dare to offend Ye Tianyi. After all, he did not dare to say that he would be able to beat this weak-looking guy.

After Zhang Hu left, it didn't take long for the team to set off again.

Probably everyone saw Wang Fengming's miserable state and had trouble with Zhang Hu. They knew that he was not a good-tempered person, so they didn't dare to provoke him. At most, they just looked at him a few times and gossiped in private.

Ye Tianyi closed his eyes, but his mental energy dispersed, and he ordered the ordinary zombies around him to come around.

That Wang Fengming actually dared to have the heinous thought of eating his little leaf. Although he couldn't kill the guy personally in order to continue to stay in this convoy, he could still kill him in indirect revenge.