Chapter 22

Ye Tianyi's explanation made Zhang Hu and others feel frightened. Just now, they were lured by the little girl zombie like a mystery. If Ye Tianyi hadn't suddenly appeared and killed the zombie, I'm afraid they would have been killed at this time today. When they lost their lives.

Ye Tianyi ignored Zhang Hu and others who were surviving the disaster. His eyes were attracted by a pack of chocolates on the shelf, and then he touched the little leaf in his arms that was staring at the chocolate with green eyes.

Xiaoye is a folded-eared cat, so he can't eat anything that ordinary cats can't eat. He can't even take calcium supplements and needs to eat less salt. Things like chocolate cannot be eaten. The main component of chocolate is theobromine, which is poisonous to animals.

But for some reason, Little Leaf likes the smell of chocolate very much, and she can't help drooling every time she sees chocolate.

Ever since he knew that Xiao Yezi couldn't eat chocolate but liked chocolate very much, Ye Tianyi never ate chocolate again because he was worried that Xiao Yezi would be greedy.

Fold-eared cats are inherently very fragile cats. They also have genetic diseases and are prone to die young. Ye Tianyi takes care of little Ye Zi very carefully, and does not let it touch anything that is inedible.

But Ye Tianyi couldn't resist Xiao Zizi's longing eyes.

But now, Xiao Yezi has awakened the nine-tailed cat demon bloodline, and can no longer be regarded as a fragile folded-eared cat. Its strength is self-evident. So, eating a little chocolate shouldn't be a problem, right? !

Apparently, it was not only Ye Tianyi who thought this, but Little Ye Zi also felt that he could eat whatever he wanted now. He swung his tail and anxiously hit his arm with a small meat ball, urging him to hurry up and get him a few packs of chocolates.

Ye Tianyi was helpless after being urged, so he had to go and plunder all the chocolates in the convenience store. He also took out a pack, unsealed it, and fed it to little Ye Zi one by one.

Feeling the silky and fragrant taste spreading on the tip of the tongue, Little Leaf was so happy that her cat eyes narrowed, her tail swung happily around behind her, and she scratched her mustache with her paws from time to time.

But looking at Xiao Zizi's extremely happy look, Ye Tianyi felt very sad.

He, the dignified head of the Ye family, could only give Little Leaf the low-priced and poorly made ordinary chocolate sold in convenience stores. He deeply felt that he was sorry for Little Leaf and failed to give it the best.

While Ye Tianyi was feeding chocolate to Little Yezi, he was thinking about how to find better chocolate to feed to Little Yezi.

Chocolate is a food with high calories, easy to carry, and very suitable for human consumption in an environment like the end of the world. So there should be many people using chocolate as a food reserve, so he should be able to exchange for chocolate at the human survivor base.

In the human base, it's not good for him to be too arrogant as a zombie, so if he wants to get chocolate, he has to come up with exciting bargains. Ye Tianyi looked at the little Ye Zi who was eating chocolate in his arms and made a calculation in his mind.

Zhang Hu and others next to him also started to call people outside to move in supplies. Zhang Hu looked at Ye Tianyi feeding chocolate to the kitten and hesitated.

Zhang Hu knew that cats couldn't eat chocolate, but he was worried that Ye Tianyi would dislike him for meddling in other people's business. However, he thought that Ye Tianyi had beaten Wang Fengming severely because of the cat. This cat should have a high status in Ye Tianyi's heart, so he took the initiative to come over and said: "Su Tian, ​​cats can't eat chocolate. Chocolate The theobromine in it is poison to animals. "

Little Leaf doesn't know anything about theobromine. It only knows that this tall guy dares to persuade the owner not to eat chocolate. It is a heinous crime!

It didn't grow in size, it only enlarged and lengthened its tail, and then swept over with its tail, knocking Zhang Hu upside down.

Zhang Hu climbed up and looked at Xiao Yezi's tail that was slowly retracting in shock. Damn it, even the cat has become a spirit!

Ye Tianyi expressed his tenderness and touched Little Yezi's tail, which had returned to its original shape, and said to Zhang Hu: "It's not an ordinary cat. There's nothing wrong with eating chocolate."

Little Yezi can even eat zombies, not to mention just a few pieces of chocolate.

Zhang Hu looked at the indifferent Ye Tianyi and the cute little Ye Zi with fear, and then left without saying a word.


Ye Tianyi ignored Zhang Hu's little thoughts. He only had the obedient and cute little leaf in front of him. Whenever his eyes fell on that soft and small ball, his cold and stern eyes would always soften.

He knew very well the consequences of revealing his strength. Either he would be treated as a bodyguard by the people in the team, or he would be ostracized as a person with evil intentions.

No matter what the situation is, it is very frustrating, but Ye Tianyi doesn't care very much. He is confident that in the face of sufficient strength, any small tricks are useless.

After feeding Xiao Yezi a large bag of chocolates before stopping, Ye Tianyi picked up Xiao Yezi who was still reluctant to leave, and then put most of the other chocolates into the space, leaving only a small part to hide from others.

He walked toward the convoy waiting outside.

The car had just been filled with gas, and the entire convenience store had been searched. The trunk was full, and it was even difficult to find a place to stay in the car. There were still a bunch of things tied to the roof.

However, when Ye Tianyi opened the car door, he found that the seat where he was sitting was quite empty. It was not like other people's seats that were stuffed with things under the seat and had no place to stay.

He glanced at the car Zhang Hu was riding in the front, and he was very satisfied with this arrangement.

Since several people were killed before being surrounded by zombies, the parking spaces of several cars are now very spacious. At least these ten people can sit down easily and there are extra spaces for storing supplies.

And Ye Tianyi occupied the entire back row of the car by himself. Except for the people in the driver's seat and the passenger seat in front, no one shared a seat with him.

Of course, the loose position is more comfortable. After Ye Tianyi got in the car, he placed the little leaf beside him, which he had been holding in his arms, and continued to happily feed his little leaf chocolate.

Whenever he saw Little Ye Ye's cheeks bulging while chewing chocolate, Ye Tianyi felt a strange sense of satisfaction rise from the bottom of his heart.

The strong aroma of chocolate spread throughout the car. The two men sitting in the driver's seat and the passenger seat couldn't help but look at the chocolate in his hand from the rearview mirror, with expressions of longing for tolerance and regret on their faces. , but no one dared to look back. The way Ye Tianyi dealt with Wang Fengming harshly before was still vivid in his mind.


The convoy kept driving all day long, and even had lunch in the car. It was not until it got dark that they stopped and continued on their way.

The night of the apocalypse is far more dangerous than the day. Traveling at night is like hanging your head on your belt.

The car stopped on the side of the road, and everyone got out of the car and prepared to light a fire to cook and have a warm meal.

The weather after the apocalypse is very strange. It is extremely hot during the day, but it is so cold at night that people shiver. Moreover, the temperature is getting hotter and hotter during the day, colder and colder at night, and the temperature difference is getting bigger and bigger.

Ye Tianyi randomly found a larger stone and sat down, seemingly doing nothing, but in fact his mental power had already spread, and the zombies surrounding him that smelled of fresh human scent were scared away by him.

After confirming that the surroundings were infected with his aura and zombies with lower levels than him did not dare to surround him, he withdrew his mental power and began to close his eyes and silently recite the mysterious mantra to practice his superpowers.

Others were making fire and cooking not too far away from him. Although Ye Tianyi was not very gregarious, his strength was there and he had saved many of them, so everyone only thought that he was a master, and he was not very gregarious. I thought there was something wrong with his attitude, so I treated him politely and attentively.

So after the meal was cooked, no one ate first, but Zhang Hu was asked to call Ye Tianyi first.

Ye Tianyi was awakened by Zhang Hu's call, interrupted from silently reciting the mantra, and opened his eyes displeased.

But Zhang Hu came to ask him to eat, and seeing that the others didn't dare to eat first, but were waiting for him, he didn't feel embarrassed to get angry at Zhang Hu, so he walked towards the crowd silently.

Having just collected a lot of supplies, this fiery first meal certainly won't be too shabby.

I cooked a pot of noodles in a large pot, added ham, mushrooms, and various vacuum-packed cooked foods. It tasted delicious when cooked together.

It is already a luxury to have a hot bite in the last days, not to mention this meat and vegetable noodles, which can be called a feast. Everyone was drooling around the pot.

Zhang Hu served Ye Tianyi a large bowl of noodles, which was very substantial and contained more meat than noodles.

When he brought the bowl to Ye Tianyi, it attracted many people's coveted eyes.

Ye Tianyi looked at the big bowl of noodles, but he only felt a headache. Although he, a zombie, could taste it, eating it would ruin his stomach.

He took the bowl and chopsticks from Zhang Hu's hand, and then without hesitation put most of the bowl of food back into the pot, leaving only a small half of the bowl. He glanced at everyone indifferently, then stood up holding Xiao Zizi in one hand: "You guys eat." After that, he turned around and left.

However, his disgusting behavior moved everyone so much that they all looked at the mostly solid ingredients in the pot that Ye Tianyi took back. Thinking that they just saw only half a bowl of noodles and soup left, they all took the initiative to ask for more. Give some weight to Ye Tianyi.

People are always so strange. Originally, they were unhappy because Zhang Hu put most of the good ingredients in the pot into Ye Tianyi's bowl, but they did not dare to say it clearly due to Zhang Hu and Ye Tianyi's abilities.

Ye Tianyi simply complied with their wishes and left with only half a bowl of clear soup noodles. On the contrary, they felt embarrassed and offered to add more food to Ye Tianyi.

However, Zhang Hu did not dare to disturb Ye Tianyi anymore. When he asked Ye Tianyi to eat just now, the look Ye Tianyi gave him was too shocking. So the incident of adding vegetables stopped like this, and everyone didn't seem embarrassed to get their hands on the things in the pot, and started grabbing them one after another.

Ye Tianyi withdrew his eyes from the people around the messy fire, looked at the bowls and chopsticks he placed on the stone surface, plucked Xiao Zi's ears with his hands, sighed, and poured the noodles into the bowl. In a bowl in space.

He feels that his space is now almost becoming a waste recycling plant.

But fortunately, time in space stands still, and the preservation function is very good. In the future, you can use these foods to exchange for chocolates at the human survivor base for his little leaves.