Chapter 23

After nightfall, except for a few vigilantes who huddled next to the fire wrapped in blankets, everyone else ran to the car to sleep.

Ye Tianyi was still sitting on the cold stone with the cat in his arms, as if he couldn't feel the cold wind, and he looked like a master.

He watched the vigilantes adding firewood to the fire, and then he warned aloud: "Lighting a fire at night can easily attract zombies."

The smell, sound and light would attract the attention of zombies. If it weren't for his three There are a lot of zombies sitting there, I'm afraid they are already surrounded by zombies.

However, his rare kind-hearted reminder was obviously not heard by those trembling psychics, and he did not warn him a second time.

Anyway, he has already reminded him. When he leaves the convoy in the future, will this group of people be wiped out because of this bad habit? What does it have to do with him?

Ye Tianyi opened his coat, stuffed Little Leaf into his arms and wrapped it up to protect it from the cold wind. Although he knew that Little Leaf was quite strong now, Ye Tianyi, who was used to protecting it, still did so subconsciously.

His cold dead body had no warmth at all, but it was Xiao Yezi's body temperature that warmed his body.

When Ye Tianyi was immersed in silently reciting the mantras to cultivate his superpowers, he did not release his mental power to detect the surroundings at all times, so Little Ye Zi did not enter the practice. Instead, he looked around vigilantly with his big sapphire blue eyes, keeping vigil for his master.

Little Leaf has no mental powers, so he can only rely on his senses and eyes to detect danger, so it is quite hard and requires full concentration.

Although Ye Tianyi did not release his mental power to the surroundings to detect at all times, he was still monitoring a dozen meters around him, so Xiao Yezi's thoughtful vigil behavior was detected by him.

Ye Tianyi opened his eyes and smiled silently: [Little Yezi, you don't need your help to keep vigil, I'm always on guard with my mental barrier. ] Little Leaf tilted her head and looked at him, then she crawled into his arms again, closed her eyes, and actually started to snore and fall asleep.

Ye Tianyi was stunned. He originally wanted Xiao Zizi to stop watching the night and practice in peace, but in the end, the little guy was lazy and fell asleep... But the way Xiao Zizi slept was so cute.

In the end, he stared at the lazy little guy for a long time, and reluctantly gave up the plan of waking it up. He really couldn't bear to disturb the sweet sleeping little leaf.

Ye Tianyi tightened his coat to prevent the cold wind from pouring into his arms and freezing the little leaves.

He looked towards the few people standing back to back by the fire to keep warm. He saw that two people were already so confused that they were about to fall asleep. He frowned slightly. This attitude of keeping vigil?

But he didn't bother to care, it was Zhang Hu's business. When he was about to continue practicing with his eyes closed, he suddenly heard the roar of a car and the roar of zombies in the distance.

The sound was still far away, but it was approaching at a very fast speed, and even Little Leaf was awakened.

However, only he and Xiao Yezi, who had very keen hearing, heard the unusual sound, and no one else noticed it yet.

Ye Tianyi's mental power spread quickly. After exploring the situation on the way in, his face changed and he immediately shouted: "Get up! There's a car hitting us!"

His shout contained mental power, no matter how much he slept. Shen Duo's dead people were all woken up by him, and they all jumped up as if they were impatient.


Zhang Hu was the first to run over to Ye Tianyi to ask about the situation.

Ye Tianyi didn't wait for him to speak, and said quickly: "There is a car being chased by zombies and it has lost control. It is heading towards us. It is very likely to hit our car. Drive the car away quickly!"

Although Zhang Hu said He didn't know how Ye Tianyi knew it, but he believed Ye Tianyi's words and immediately gathered people to drive away the car parked on the roadside.

The car had just driven forward for a while, and even the few people watching the night and Ye Tianyi had not rushed to get in the car. The car that Ye Tianyi said was out of control had already appeared in everyone's sight.

It was a sports car with a low chassis, and its defensive capabilities were not very good. The body of the car was covered in green, stained with blood, and had zombie scratches. You could tell at a glance what had happened to the car.

As if there was no driver to control the car, it rushed forward crazily on the road, with the momentum of going all the way, and then crashed into a big tree beside the road with a 'bang' and stopped.

And the fire that had not been completely extinguished was run over by the out-of-control sports car, extinguishing the sparks.

Everyone was still frightened, because if Ye Tianyi hadn't asked them to drive away the cars just now, this out-of-control sports car would have hit their car instead of a big tree.

Ye Tianyi looked at the deformed car from a distance and did not get closer, but he was keenly aware that there were still people in the car who were lucky enough to survive, of course, not counting the zombie inside.

As the captain of the team, Zhang Hu was the first to investigate the situation inside the sports car.

He cautiously approached the sports car and looked inside through the completely broken window. He met a pair of bulging eyes that stared at him, and he was so frightened that cold sweat broke out on his back.

It was a woman sitting in the passenger seat, and the woman wasn't dead.

She struggled to move her eyes and opened and closed her mouth with difficulty. Zhang Hu saw that her mouth was: "Help!"

But Zhang Hu did not move, because this woman was hopeless and would definitely die.

A large piece of flesh was bitten off on the left side of her neck, and the wound was gurgling with blood. It must have been bitten by a zombie. Judging from the direction of the bite, the zombie bit her from the left. Sure enough, Zhang Hu saw a male zombie stuck in the driver's seat and unable to move due to the deformed car.

A zombie and a woman who was destined to die were of no rescue value, so Zhang Hu decided to leave.

The woman who still had one breath left watched helplessly as Zhang Hu left, staring at her eyes out of the car window, and breathed her last breath.

Zhang Hu, who had just walked a few steps, suddenly heard his ears twitching. He seemed to have heard a cat meowing just now?

He subconsciously looked at Ye Tianyi and found that Ye Tianyi was holding his cat and standing far away from him. Even if the cat meowed, he could not hear it.

So where does this cat meow come from?

Zhang Hu listened carefully, but found that the sound that sounded like a cat's meow seemed not to be a cat's meow, but...a baby's cry?

He walked back to the sports car, avoiding the eyes of the woman who was staring at him, and looked inside the car. Sure enough, he saw a swaddle under the woman's protective body.

The swaddling clothes were stained red by the blood gushing out from the woman, and the original color could not be seen, but you could still see that the baby with some blood stains on his face was moving and making a small cry like a cat meowing.

The child is still alive.

Only then did Zhang Hu know why the woman was so desperate and resentful when she saw him leaving. It turned out that the woman who just shouted for help to him was asking him to save her child...