Chapter 24

Zhang Hu was very hesitant about this child.

It was already very hard to have a nursing baby in the team. Even though the baby was his nephew, he sometimes felt disgusted.

Because the baby is completely ignorant, he cannot understand what adults say and will only cry randomly to attract the attention of zombies. Sometimes at a critical moment, the cry of a child may be a reminder, so he is unwilling to take over this burden.

Give up... Just pretend you didn't see it... Anyway, no one else except him could hear the child's cry, and no one would think he was cold-blooded...

Zhang Hu struggled in his heart for a while, he didn't dare to look at the woman who never closed her eyes. With wide, protruding eyes, he lowered his head and left in a hurry.

Everyone else in the convoy gathered around and asked: "Captain, what's going on in the car?"

Zhang Hu looked a little strange: "It's a man and a woman. The man probably mutated into a zombie while driving, and the woman was bitten to death. "

Everyone didn't take Zhang Hu's strange expression to heart, thinking that he felt uncomfortable after seeing the scene of the car accident.

Zhang Hu had already said that everyone in the car was dead, and everyone turned their attention to the supplies in the car: "Then let's go and find out if there are any supplies in the car. Maybe there is some food."

Zhang Hu said . Of course, Hu didn't want people to see the baby in the car. He immediately retorted: "I just took a look and there are no supplies in it. Even if there are, they are stained with the blood from the woman's wound. The woman's wound is in The blood on the carotid artery was sprayed all over the car, and it was bitten by a zombie. Maybe the materials contaminated by her blood also carried the zombie virus. "When

he said this, everyone immediately avoided the car. No one mentioned going to that car to look for supplies anymore.

Zhang Hu breathed a sigh of relief.

He glanced at the twisted and deformed car without leaving any trace, and then said to everyone: "It's no longer safe here. It's almost dawn anyway. Let's go on our way first."

He couldn't let the convoy continue to stay here, saying Maybe someone will discover the baby's existence.

Zhang Hu is very aware of the situation in the convoy. There are many women, and they are all soft-hearted people. If they see a baby, they will definitely want to take it away. Even if there are people who don't want to take the baby, they will ask to take it to cover up their selfishness. baby.

If he refuses to bring a baby to the team, his prestige in the team will be greatly reduced, which is not conducive to his leadership of the team; if he agrees to bring a baby, then the burden of having an extra baby will not be good for the long-term development of the team. , but it is very likely that the team will fall into a desperate situation.

Originally, if his brother hadn't lost his life trying to save him, and his sister-in-law...he wouldn't even want to take his nephew with him.

A baby that has not yet been weaned is really a drag in the end of the world. Zhang Hu, who was worried about his nephew along the way, knew this very well.

Zhang Hu proposed to leave early, but no one objected. After encountering this kind of thing, they were also panicking at this time, and they felt relieved to leave early, especially now that the sky was brightening.

Originally, everything was put back in the car last night, and there was nothing to pack, so basically everyone could leave as soon as they got in the car.


Ye Tianyi also got into the car. He did not pay attention to the situation in the car anymore, because not long after Zhang Hu left the car, the last trace of living people in the car disappeared...

That unfortunate car In the hearts of everyone in the team, it was just a little joke. Except for Zhang Hu, who was still a little guilty, he thought from time to time that everyone else had forgotten this little joke. They were all in a good mood at this time. , because the survivor base in City A is about to arrive.

The convoy encountered the army coming out from the survivor base to search for supplies, and learned that the survivor base was close at hand.

As the captain, Zhang Hu came forward to negotiate with the head of the army who came out to search for supplies. Ye Tianyi watched from a distance and listened to the conversation between Zhang Hu and the officer.

Zhang Hu is a smart man, so he just mentioned the situation of the convoy to the officer, and then inquired about the situation of the survivor base. He did not mention that Commander Jiang's only son Jiang Yan was in the convoy.

However, he seemed to still have doubts about Jiang Yan's identity, and deliberately inquired about Commander Jiang's situation. After learning from the officer that Commander Jiang did indeed have an only son named Jiang Yan who had been kidnapped and has not been found, Zhang Hu was ecstatic. On the surface, Zhang Hu was ecstatic. But there was no clue at all.

The officer was polite to Zhang Hu and answered all questions. Anyway, what Zhang Hu asked about was not a confidential matter. He could use information that almost everyone in these bases knew about Zhang Hu, a team with many superpowers. It's not bad to have a good relationship. Maybe they will become comrades in the future.

However, the army that was sent out to search for supplies soon parted ways with the convoy. They had a mission, and the survivors could only go to the base on their own.

After Zhang Hu said goodbye to the officer, he walked towards the crowd with a smile on his face and said, "We can enter the survivor base in one more day."

Everyone cheered because of the good news.

Zhang Hu walked toward Jiang Yan, who was sitting in the car but had not come out, as if asking him questions about his family. Ye Tianyi has not had close contact with Jiang Yan since he joined the team because he was worried that his hypnosis would not be very effective on people with supernatural powers. What if he often hangs in front of Jiang Yan and reminds this kid of him?

You can enter the base in one day... Ye Tianyi leaned back in his chair and closed his eyes. The scene where Su Tianyun threw him downstairs to feed the zombies when the apocalypse just broke out appeared in his mind again.

He should really thank God for allowing him to awaken his spiritual powers at that time, otherwise he might not even know who harmed him.

Su Tianyun...hehe, we will meet soon!

Ye Tianyi touched the neck where the Jade Guanyin once hung. He was very curious about the secret of the Jade Guanyin. This time he must get his Jade Guanyin back from Su Tianyun, even if the Jade Guanyin has turned into an ordinary Jade Guanyin. Want to take it back.

Ye Tianyi lowered his head and held Little Ye Zi's front paws, and gently stroked its little meatballs with his hands. The soft touch slowly calmed down the violent emotions in his heart.

Little Ye Zi obediently stretched out her paws for her master to hold. She tilted her little head and looked at him suspiciously. Her pair of sapphire-like eyes were so beautiful that people were mesmerized.

Ye Tianyi looked at the pair of blue cat eyes quietly, then suddenly laughed, picked up Xiao Zizi, and kissed him hard on the nose: "Xiao Zizi, you are so cute!"

Although it's not very cute. He understood why his master suddenly praised him, but Xiao Ye was still very happy that his master was so close to him. He shyly brushed his tail against Ye Tianyi's long legs from behind, lowered his head and licked the fingers that held him, combining closeness and attachment. The emotions are conveyed to the owner.

Ye Tianyi's eyes were filled with smiles involuntarily. He placed Little Leaf on his lap, then stretched out his hand to scratch its belly and chin gently, making it so comfortable that it squinted its eyes and purred slightly. Voice.


It was getting late, Zhang Hu immediately decided to find a place to stay temporarily. Anyway, he should be able to reach the survivor base at noon tomorrow, so there is no need to rush.

Zhang Hu originally planned to camp again like that night, but Ye Tianyi was not willing to do so. He had not been able to find a chance to take a bath these days. The rotten smell on his body became more and more obvious, although he could evade it if others smelled it. It was said that it was tainted with the smell of zombies, but Xiao Zizi, who always loved cleanliness and beauty, couldn't bear it.

Therefore, Ye Tianyi's mental power detected that there was a small village a few miles away, and directly drove away most of the zombies in the village, leaving only a small part that could be eliminated by the convoy.

He approached Zhang Hu and said, "A few miles further, there is a small village. It would be better for us to rest there."

Who wants to camp when they can live in a house? !

So Zhang Hu asked other people what they wanted, and everyone agreed to go to that village. If there are too many zombies in the village, they can leave to camp. If there are not too many zombies, then they can kill them all and move into the house.

The thought of being able to lie down on the bed and sleep under a quilt, and to eat rice steamed in a pot and fried vegetables, made everyone feel full of energy.

It's still early, it's just dusk, the sun hasn't set yet, so it doesn't matter if you delay a little bit.

The car drove to the entrance of the village, and a speedster went to check it out. When he came back, he brought good news: "There are only a few old, weak, sick and disabled zombies, which can be easily dealt with."

Everyone got out of the car and stayed behind. Several people, other capable people rushed in with weapons.

There are really not many zombies, as the speedster who explored the path said, and they are all zombies mutated by the old, weak, sick and disabled.

Some people were confused: "How come there are no young and middle-aged zombies?"

Ye Tianyi turned his head silently, and all the more powerful zombies were blasted away by him!

Someone next to him replied: "Those young people have gone to work in the city, so there are only the old, weak, women and children left." This person also came out to work in the countryside, so he was fairly familiar with the situation in the countryside.

Although the actual situation is not what this person said, he has inadvertently found a good reason for the strange phenomenon caused by Ye Tianyi's expulsion of zombies. No one anymore finds it strange that there are only a group of old and weak zombies in the village. .