Chapter 25

The strength of zombies is also related to the strength of humans before mutation. This is the basic physical quality.

For example, after a young and strong man mutates into a zombie, he will be stronger than the zombie that mutates into a weak old man, and the possibility of evolution will be greater.

But that's not always the case. For example, although a child's physical fitness before mutation is not as good as that of a young adult, and after mutating into a zombie, his strength is not as good as that of a young adult zombie, the possibility of evolution is much higher than that of a young adult zombie. Because children have not yet grown up, they are much more plastic and can evolve easily.

This is why Ye Tianyi saw so many zombies along the way, and the only second-level zombie turned out to be a mutated zombie of an underage girl. Because children are more plastic and evolve more easily.

Ye Tianyi drove away all the young and middle-aged zombies, leaving only the mutated zombies of the old, weak, women and children, and not even one evolved zombie. The convoy of superpowers easily swept through the entire small village.

Zhang Hu decided that everyone would stay in a few houses near the entrance of the village tonight. They checked the situation in the house and confirmed that there were no zombies left before going out to call those who were staying in the car at the entrance of the village to come in.

After driving the car to the door and parking it, everyone packed up some supplies and moved them into the house to prepare dinner.

Probably because they were about to arrive at the base, everyone was happy and wanted to celebrate. The dinner was very sumptuous.

As usual, Ye Tianyi only took his share and went back to the room.

Although he is a zombie and has no problem eating human food, his current diet has been changed to zombie-flavored food. Eating human food is like eating rotten food, which is very disgusting. So he won't eat if he can.

After dinner, the person keeping vigil was identified, and the others went to rest.

There is no entertainment in the last days, so it is better to go to bed early at night to recuperate.

Ye Tianyi sat on the bed and practiced his superpowers. He now has spiritual superpowers that he can practice by silently reciting mantras every day. In addition, he has absorbed the strong emotions of many people and swallowed a second-level spiritual zombie. The crystal core has entered the bottleneck of breaking through to the fourth level.

Facing the situation of imminent breakthrough, he was not in a hurry and continued to recite the mantra silently to practice the other two series of superpowers. It would be great if all three series of powers could break through at the same time.

But at night, Ye Tianyi frowned and opened his eyes not long after practicing. The people next door disturbed him.

He subconsciously swept away with his mental power, then frowned even more tightly, and quickly withdrew his mental power.

Unexpectedly, those unpleasant moaning and gasping sounds he just heard were actually made by Zhang Hu and his sister-in-law... They are really shameless!

Even when the baby was kept crying next to him, the two people were still doing it vigorously to the accompaniment...

It's no wonder that Zhang Hu, a somewhat selfish person by nature, was willing to protect his wife for his brother. Child, don't say that his brother has saved his life. How can a person like him care about saving his life? It turned out that it was for the sake of his sister-in-law that he was willing to keep a baby who was always crying.

Ye Tianyi thought for a few times and analyzed the situation clearly. Then he shook his head feeling unworthy of Brother Zhang Hu and stopped releasing his mental power.

Obviously, brother Zhang Hu was killed by zombies in order to save Zhang Hu, and finally entrusted Zhang Hu to take care of his wife and children.

From Zhang Hu's attitude of turning a blind eye to the baby in the crashed car, we can see his selfish nature. He must have disliked his nephew for doing bad things. His sister-in-law probably followed Zhang Hu in order to find support for herself and her child. ...

&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&Ye Tianyi's pity for Sister-in-law Zhang flashed through his heart and he ignored her. He never thought of helping or anything.

Everyone has their own way of living, and it is better to rely on yourself than relying on heaven and earth. He never helps or asks for help, not to mention that he is currently full of things.

It is not uncommon for people with good intentions to help someone turn out to be an enemy. If you lend a helping hand, others may be grateful to you, but if you don't continue to help, others may hate you for not continuing to help them, even more than they hate their enemies. This is what it means.

Ye Tianyi once encountered this kind of thing, and he has never helped anyone since then. So what if he is said to be cold-blooded and heartless? In this way, if he occasionally lends a hand to others, it will be easier for him to gain gratitude from others.

Just like a good person who helps others every day, over time others will take it for granted. As long as he fails to help once, he will be accused of being a hypocrite. His previous kindness was all fake. And if a bad person does bad things all the time, and occasionally helps others, others will be flattered and grateful, and may even think that the bad person is a slut who can't be changed in exchange for money.

Therefore, it is said that people are cheap and must be trained well. The best way to use people is to use kindness and power. Treating people blindly with favor will only create a greedy and insatiable wolf.

When Ye Tianyi had nothing to do with anything else and was about to continue practicing with his eyes closed, his eyes glanced at Little Ye Zi lying at his feet.

At this time, Little Leaf had woken up from her sleep, shook her little ears, and looked at him curiously. Seeing that his attention fell on it, a mental message came over: [Master, is there someone fighting next door? ? It seemed like someone was crying in pain. ]How should he answer the innocent little leaf's simple question?

Do you want him to say - haha, the people next door are indeed fighting! Monsters fight!

Seeing Xiao Yezi's clear and pure eyes, he couldn't say anything, okay? !

Ye Tianyi couldn't help but direct his anger at the two happy couple next door. Can't they go to a room farther away to have sex? Can't you lower your voice? What should I do if I break his little leaf?

Fortunately, Xiao Yezi didn't have mental powers like him, so he couldn't detect the specific situation next door. He just listened to a voice and was fooled by it.

Ye Tianyi stretched out his hand to cover its two soft ears, and whispered: "It has nothing to do with us that they are fighting, just keep sleeping!"

Little Ye Zi lay there obediently and let him cover his ears, and his spiritual power came into his mind. His voice was timid: [Master, I can't sleep. ]Ye Tianyi laughed dumbly, picked up little Ye Zi and put it on his legs where he was sitting cross-legged: "Did you sleep too much during the day? Then you can practice with me."

The close contact with the master made little Ye Zi very happy. It was so happy that it took off Ye Tianyi's shirt, ran up to his shoulders with its hind legs, licked his cheek intimately, and then squatted obediently on Ye Tianyi's right shoulder: "Master, let's practice together." ] Ye Tianyi smiled and reached out to touch Xiao Yezi's tail that wrapped around his left shoulder from the right side along the back of his neck: "Okay, Xiao Yezi is so good."

He coaxed Xiao Zizi before immersing himself in practice.

Ye Tianyi had just closed his eyes. Little Ye Zi, who had been lying on his shoulder with his eyes closed, immediately opened his eyes and carefully looked at Ye Tianyi to make sure that his master was really immersed in the practice. Then he relaxed his body.

It can't just enter cultivation casually. The master is cultivating now, and it has to help the master look out for the wind. What if a bad guy comes in and wants to take the opportunity to harm the master?

Little Leaf's wisdom is not low. It has also practiced like Ye Tianyi, and knows that once immersed in practice, it is easy to ignore the dangers from the outside world. Even if Ye Tianyi releases his mental barrier at all times, he may still be attacked by others.

So it insists on helping to monitor the surrounding roughness while its master is practicing.

If the owner doesn't agree, it helps without telling the owner.

What is cultivation? Is it important to have a master?

Xiao Yezi sat on Ye Tianyi's shoulder, a pair of sapphire blue eyes scanning around in the darkness, and the tail behind him dropped naturally because of his concentration, and stopped swaying.