Chapter 27

Ye Tianyi first let a bolt of lightning travel over the corpse. After confirming that there was really no murderer he wanted to find in the corpse, he whipped the corpse to the ground and stepped on the corpse. The terrifying shriveled head.

The head that was scorched by the lightning power was so brittle that it was easily crushed into powder.

He took a few steps back and looked at the headless corpse with disgust. This corpse did not have the Yidan. The Yidan must have been absorbed by the black shadow in Li Min's mouth along with the blood and flesh.

Ye Tianyi thought of what Li Min said. The black shadow had sucked in many people with supernatural powers before. If it sucked blood and flesh and also sucked the strange pills together, then it would definitely grow into a terrifying killer.

I just don't know if this unknown black shadow is also harmful to zombies... But this question is not too important. He has decided not to let such evil creatures live around him.

The black shadow may not be interested in zombies covered in rotting flesh, but that doesn't mean it won't be interested in mutant animals as well. There is still a little leaf beside him that needs to be protected.

Ye Tianyi didn't even look at Sister-in-law Zhang, who was holding the child shivering and hiding on the bed, not daring to look at him. He walked towards Li Min, and stood outside the room with Li Min. The others who were watching inside were using Looking at him with a frightened look, he couldn't help but step back when he got closer, as if he saw a monster.

However, these people's rejection of him was simply because he was not as timid and afraid of corpses as they were. Instead, he was bold enough to step forward and crush the corpse's head, so they felt frightened. This is the coward's fear of the strong. Ye Tianyi doesn't take it to heart. It's good that they can be afraid of him.

Ye Tianyi's footsteps stopped in front of Li Min. His shoes were very clean. Because they had been isolated by a mental barrier, they were not contaminated with the filth of corpses.

He asked in a low voice: "Can you explain to me the news about the black shadow in detail?"

Li Min was a little hesitant, and the soldier who was protecting him behind him also said: "I can't tell you!" However, this man was very restrained and said Without revealing too much information, he only reminded Li Min in a low voice.

Ye Tianyi sneered: "Don't tell me? If you don't tell me, then you just wait here to die!"

Anyway, he can take Xiao Yezi out of here overnight without fear of zombies and dangers on the road. As for entering the base to seek revenge from Su Tianyun, he is completely You can find another way, and you don't have to use Jiang Yan to hook up with Commander Jiang, even if it would be a lot more troublesome to use other methods.

Ye Tianyi completely thought that if he could deal with the shadow monster, he would kill it as much as possible. If he couldn't deal with it, he could just pat his ass and leave without causing any problems.

However, for Li Min and others, the shadow monster is like a life-threatening talisman, unable to escape or killed.

So after hesitating for a while, Li Min decided to go against all opinions and tell Ye Tianyi everything that he and others had experienced before, even if some secrets related to the mission were leaked, it didn't matter. After all, the arrogant young man in front of me is a rare thunder power user, and he is very powerful. It would be great if he can get his help, but if he misses it next time, he will not be so lucky.

Li Min and Ye Tianyi looked at each other and said, "Can you take a step to talk?"

Ye Tianyi also knew that Li Min must have some secrets that could not be told openly, so he did not refuse, followed him to the side, and even used The mental barrier sealed off the surrounding area to prevent anyone from eavesdropping.

&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&The night is already very deep.

Since Zhang Hu's tragic death, no one dared to sleep peacefully, even with the powerful night watchman.

Everyone gathered in the hall downstairs, leaning against each other to keep warm. No one dared to leave at will. Even to go to the toilet, they had to wait until they couldn't hold it in and let a few superpowers go with them.

Ye Tianyi was sitting alone on a wicker chair, with a white cat lying on his shoulder. His blue eyes in the darkness made people feel a little scared.

He was waiting for the mysterious executioner to strike again.

And these living people gathered together are the best bait.

His mental power has wrapped around everyone. Once someone is attacked, he will definitely find something wrong immediately, especially those with special abilities.

The flesh and blood of superpowers contains more energy than the flesh and blood of ordinary people, so it is more popular. They are also more likely to become the prey of the black shadow monster.

Until the middle of the night, it was just as he expected.

Someone wanted to go to the toilet, and several superpowers got up to escort them. Ye Tianyi focused most of his attention on the few people who were alone. The possibility of them being attacked was very high.

When they returned, one of the superpowers heard a short cry, and Ye Tianyi subconsciously mobilized his mental power to wrap around that person's body.

Ye Tianyi used his mental power to scan, but did not see any black shadow attacking the superpower, but the superpower gradually shrank under his mental detection.

He quickly ran out to check the situation.

In the few seconds he was running out, the attacked superpower had turned into a corpse like Zhang Hu, but this time Ye Tianyi wrapped the superpower with his spiritual power while the superpower was turning into a corpse. He lived in his body, so the culprit who caused him to become a corpse must still be in the corpse.

But no matter how Ye Tianyi searched, he couldn't find the black shadow. He asked the other people who came out with the person with the attacked power: "Did you just see the black shadow?"

A person closest to the person with the attacked power wiped out Breaking into a cold sweat, he said with lingering fear: "I saw it... I saw through the moonlight a black shadow about the size of a cat jumping on Wei Zi, and then Wei Zi turned into a corpse in the blink of an eye."

He was very happy, Although he was very sad that his companion died, he was more grateful that it was not him who died.

You know, he was the closest to the dead Wei Zi. If Wei Zi hadn't walked a little ahead of him, I'm afraid he would have turned into a corpse now.

Ye Tianyi had no time to pay attention to the panic and rejoicing of these people. He looked at Wei Zi's corpse with a solemn expression.

He has not rashly removed the spiritual power that wrapped the corpse yet.

If his guess was correct, this shadow monster should also have superpowers, and its superpower should be immune to mental power detection.

So after Zhang Hu's death, he couldn't find it no matter how hard he mentally scanned the surroundings. Someone just saw the black shadow, but his mental power couldn't scan the black shadow at all.

Being immune to mental power detection does not mean shielding mental power detection.

Shielding mental power detection means that when the mental power is scanned, it can be found that there is a place that cannot be scanned. The mental power is blocked, but people with mental powers can know where it is blocked, but they do not know what the blocked place is. Qíng situation.

As for immunity to mental power detection, even if you appear openly within the detection range of a person with mental powers, as long as you are not noticed by others, you will not be detected, even if you are a person with mental powers. It was useless to sweep his spiritual power across his body.

Therefore, Ye Tianyi suspected that this mysterious shadow monster's power was to be immune to mental detection. Now it was most likely trapped in this corpse, but he could not detect it through scanning.

After all, when he wrapped Wei Zi's body with his spiritual power, the body had not been completely sucked into a corpse.

Ye Tianyi stared at Wei Zi's corpse, but did not remove his mental power to wrap the corpse, blocking the way for the black shadow monster to escape from the corpse.

He reached out and touched the little leaf on his shoulder: [Little leaf, seal this corpse in ice, but don't expose you. ]Little Ye Zi has water and ice abilities. It is trivial to freeze a corpse. It cleverly understood what Ye Tianyi meant, and pretended to be sleepy and nestled in his arms. It turned back into a human and flicked its tail, and then the corpse lying on the ground that no one dared to move gradually disappeared. Frozen.

Everyone else looked at Ye Tianyi when they saw this scene. They didn't expect that Ye Tianyi turned out to be a dual-power user.

The expression method of spiritual power is relatively hidden, so no one can see it. Everyone only saw Ye Tianyi's whole body shining with lightning before, so they thought he was a thunder power user. Now that I saw this frozen corpse, I thought he was also an ice power user.

However, the people in the team were not too surprised. After all, the team already had a dual-type superpower.

Jiang Yan's wind and water abilities have long been exposed. After all, he is just a ten-year-old child and doesn't understand what it means to be clumsy.