Chapter 28

Ye Tianyi watched the corpse being completely frozen. He withdrew the spiritual power that enveloped the corpse, then stretched out his right hand, and a dark purple thunder ball condensed in his hand.

Before he could throw the thunder ball at the corpse, he saw something coming out of the corpse's head, turning into a black afterimage and running away to the side. Ye Tianyi, who had been prepared, threw it away. The thunder ball in his hand turned into a huge thunder net, covering the extremely fast black shadow.

He first used his mental power to seal the black shadow so that it could not escape from the corpse, and then used the method of freezing it to freeze it. He withdrew his mental power just to lure it out. The thunder ball condensed in his hand was not only to threaten it to escape quickly, but also to force it to escape quickly. It was even more so that it would later be turned into a thunder net to capture it.

This series of arrangements trapped the shadow monster, which was unable to detect and lock its traces with mental power, in the shrinking thunder net and unable to move.

Ye Tianyi took a closer look and saw that it was a little monster about the size of a cat. It looked similar to an ordinary baby, but the skin all over its body turned black, its limbs turned into sharp zombie claws, and its mouth turned into a strange shape. The shape of his body revealed the kind of sharp teeth that were very easy to bite open the prey's body. A pair of blood-red eyes stared at him sinisterly, fearfully avoiding the lightning nets swimming around the electric snakes and not daring to get close.

Ye Tianyi could tell that this was a zombie turned from a baby, but he didn't expect that the baby would have such powerful lethality after mutating into a zombie. It was also a second-level high-level zombie, far more powerful than the zombie that Ye Tianyi met before. God girl zombies are awesome.

This baby zombie inevitably reminds Ye Tianyi of the baby Zhang Hu refused to save in the car accident he encountered before. Especially the news Li Min told him that their team was attacked near the car accident. He couldn't help it. No doubt.

Ye Tianyi guessed that the child was probably protected by its mother. The mother's blood dyed the swaddling clothes red, and it was inevitable that it would be contaminated with the blood from the wound bitten by the zombie, and then mutate into a zombie.

If the blood, claws and teeth of zombies come into close contact with humans or enter the human body, humans will be infected into zombies. No one, whether they are superpowers or ordinary people, can avoid it. Even if a high-level superpower user is bitten by an ordinary zombie, he may not be able to survive because the zombie virus is too contagious.

Ye Tianyi used his mental power to detect that there was no trace of living people in the car where the car accident occurred, but he did not find that the baby had mutated into a zombie. This must be because the baby awakened his powers as soon as he mutated and escaped his mental detection. , but he didn't pay too much attention at the time and ignored it.

As a result, this baby zombie showed great power and sucked many superpowers and ordinary people in succession, and the level rose to the second level of advanced. This time, it followed Li Min and others to find the convoy, and actually found Zhang Hu. He was stunned to avenge Zhang Hu for refusing to save him.

Ye Tianyi didn't know whether the baby zombie was seeking revenge on Zhang Hu deliberately or if Zhang Hu just happened to be unlucky, but he had already caught the little zombie, and there was no need to get to the bottom of those issues.

The little zombie was trapped by Ye Tianyi's thunder net, but it was not dead yet, so its disposal became a big problem.


People such as Li Min who were chased by the little zombie hated it. Many comrades who accompanied it day and night died miserably. They all felt that this harmful thing should be killed immediately.

The people in the convoy also felt that it should be killed. It looked weird, and its black teeth and sharp mouth were particularly eye-catching. With two corpses in front of them, no one felt that they should let it go.

As for Ye Tianyi, his attitude is indifferent. He has never thought of recruiting any zombie younger brothers. Anyway, when his mental abilities improve and the zombie level becomes higher, all zombies with lower levels than him will become his younger brothers. this one.

Moreover, this little zombie's immune and spiritual ability detection does not seem to be afraid of the pressure of his high-level zombie level to a certain extent. Even if he wants to accept it as his little brother, he is not at ease, so it is better to give it to everyone. A generation.

As soon as Ye Tianyi's mind moved, the thunder net tightened, and the dark purple electric snake swam around the little zombie. Its face, which had shrunk into a small ball, showed a twisted look, and then gradually stopped moving.

The great thing about this little zombie is that it is not easy to catch it. However, once it is trapped, it is like a tiger with its teeth pulled out. It has no attack power and its defense is very weak. It is not difficult to kill it.

The culprit who threatened their lives was dead, and no one wanted to stare at corpses and zombies here anymore. They all breathed a sigh of relief and walked back to the house to rest. After staying up all night, my spirits were tense. Now that I relaxed, everyone was very sleepy, so they all went to catch up on their sleep, planning to wait until the afternoon before setting off for the survivor base.

Li Min sent all his men to rest while he stayed outside.

Ye Tianyi originally wanted to wait until everyone was gone to find the core of the little zombie, but this guy stayed by and refused to leave. He couldn't help asking, "Is there anything else, Chief Li?"

Li Min hesitated for a while and said : "The survivor base has just been established, and it's only a rough outline. It can barely accommodate people. I think it's better for you to come with us, so that we can take care of each other." The implication is that the conditions of the base are not good now. Well, if you want to live in better conditions, you can ask us for help.

He could see that the captain of this convoy might not have been Ye Tianyi before, but now that Ye Tianyi showed his strength and killed this terrible zombie, Ye Tianyi's prestige in the convoy has increased, and even in the hearts of his soldiers The prestige is not low either.

So he discussed this matter with Ye Tianyi, and the two of them could make decisions for others.

After Zhang Hu's death, Ye Tianyi had no shield in front of him, and he also thought about finding another outstanding shield to be the team captain.

But entering the base with Li Min's team... has its pros and cons.

The advantage is that it is easier to meet Commander Jiang after entering the base. Otherwise, why would Commander Jiang, who can be said to be the leader of the survivor base, come to see him because of his words that he does not know whether they are true or false?

The disadvantage is that Li Min seems to be trying to recruit him. He will never stay in the base for a long time. The longer he stays, the easier it is to reveal his identity. After all, his human-like appearance is just to fool people who are not close to him. If When someone gets close to you, your exposure is completely exposed.

Moreover, Ye Tianyi was a little unsure about Su Tianyun and Su Ming's attitude when they saw him. They must have known that he had been bitten by a zombie, but they had not seen him mutate into a zombie. If...

Ye Tianyi's thoughts changed several times. , analyzed the pros and cons of Li Min's invitation in his mind, and nodded to him: "It would be great if we could take care of each other. I'm used to being alone, and I don't like to manage others. This convoy will be handed over to you."

He simply handed over the burdens of the convoy to Li Min. No matter what happens to these people in the future, it has nothing to do with him.

Li Min wanted to refuse.

He is not stupid either. This team is obviously not convinced by him as an outsider. If he takes over casually, it may be a big trouble in the future.

Ye Tianyi blocked his refusal with one sentence: "By the way, there is a Feng Shui dual superpower in the team, named Jiang Yan. He is only ten years old."

Li Min's heart moved, Jiang Yan? Isn't this the name of the son Commander Jiang once sent people to find? The ages are just right. If this Jiang Yan is really Commander Jiang's son...

Ye Tianyi added: "This convoy is just formed by the survivors on the way. When they enter the base, they will probably part ways." This means that after entering the base, there is no need to continue to control the lives of the people in the convoy.

Li Min also heard the implication of his words, a sure-profit deal, and nodded with a smile.