Chapter 29

After Li Min left, Ye Tianyi privately opened the head of the little zombie's corpse and dug out the crystal clear core inside.

This crystal nucleus is the same color as the crystal nucleus of the girl zombie I met before. It should also be a spiritual crystal nucleus, but it is just larger than the previous crystal nucleus. The little zombie's head is very small, and this crystal core is enough to occupy half of its brain's capacity.

Ye Tianyi directly burned the corpse of the superpower and the corpse of the little zombie to ashes, so as not to leave anything suspicious.

The convoy and the small army led by Li Min merged together. On the surface, the leader was Li Min, but in fact, the two teams had some disagreements and were very different from each other.

The army felt that the people in the convoy were all a mob, undisciplined and unorganized. It was outrageous that they had to drag their feet to complete Commander Li's order.

The people on the other side of the car felt that the people in the army had brought a catastrophe of little zombies to them, causing their captain and a superhuman to die. In the end, it was also the people in their convoy who killed the little zombies. Their convoy had a great impact on the army. It can be said that we had a life-saving grace, but the officer named Li was so brave that he wanted to be our captain...

However, both teams were looking at Ye Tianyi's face. The people in the army were worried about their attack on the people in the convoy. This expert's bad attitude caused dissatisfaction with the expert, and the people in the team thought that Ye Tianyi was secretly accumulating strength and preparing to take back control of the team with one blow, so they did not dare to act rashly.

The two parties maintained a delicate balance with Li Min turning a blind eye and Ye Tianyi turning a blind eye.

Li Min was now trying to please Jiang Yan, who didn't like him very much, almost treating this little guy as his ancestor.

Although he has never seen what Commander Jiang's only son looks like, he is lucky enough to have met Commander Jiang. Jiang Yan is indeed Commander Jiang's biological son. He looks very similar to his father. No one believes that the two are not related by blood.

And as far as he knew, Commander Jiang's only son's name was indeed Jiang Yan.

Li Min was almost sure of Jiang Yan's identity, which was undoubtedly pie in the sky for him. If he takes Commander Jiang's long-lost only son back with him, the life-saving grace will fall entirely on him, and promotion and salary increase are completely trivial.

After the group packed up, they all got in the car and drove towards the survivor base in City A.

Ye Tianyi was the most powerful and received good treatment. Li Min originally planned to let Ye Tianyi ride in the same car as him and Jiang Yan, but Ye Tianyi was worried that close contact with Jiang Yan would cause Jiang Yan to regain his memory, so he refused.

So Li Min didn't force himself to beg, and specially allocated a car for Ye Tianyi. Apart from the supplies given to him, there was only one driver in the car, and no one else was sitting with Ye Tianyi.

Li Min's move invisibly promoted Ye Tianyi to a high level and received generous and special treatment, but it also isolated him from the rest of the team. After all, Ye Tianyi gave people the impression that he was a noble young master and a master with special qualities. People did not dare to approach him casually. With Li Min so separated from everyone, it was difficult for Ye Tianyi to win over people.

However, what Li Min did because of this extra little thought was exactly what Ye Tianyi wanted.

He didn't want to have too much contact with other people, but now he was sitting alone in the car with Xiao Zizi, and the driver didn't dare to pay any attention to his affairs. It was much more relaxed, as he didn't have to always be on guard against the smell of corpses. people discovered.

&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& The base is in sight, but this team composed of two teams has all kinds of contradictions, big and small.

The first issue to break out was the problem between Sister-in-law Zhang and her son.

Whether Sister-in-law Zhang reluctantly committed herself to Zhang Hu for her son or she was greedy for life and wanted to find a backer to deliberately hook up with her brother-in-law, her relationship with her brother-in-law Zhang Hu has been seen by everyone.

If Zhang Hu was still alive, no one would dare to make irresponsible remarks to her. But the problem is that Zhang Hu is dead. Sister-in-law Zhang is now helpless. She only has a lagging son who is still nursing. Can she raise her well? It's still a problem.

Moreover, babies are delicate, and their food and clothing are not bad. For example, the child needs to drink milk every day. This gives the woman who has objections to Sister-in-law Zhang an excuse: "Why do we men have to pay for the supplies that we men have worked so hard to get for free?" Give it to them? That milk is so expensive now. For a child that big, half a box a day is enough, but she can take so much

in one go! "Sister-in-law Zhang is not arrogant, so when Zhang Hu was still alive, She didn't show off to others, but instead enthusiastically helped many people. So while this woman was chatting, someone stood up and spoke for her: "Stop saying a few words! What's wrong with the child having more milk? Touch your conscience, the captain didn't give it to you for free before he died. I'll give you something!"

But the bad nature of people is there. No matter how approachable Sister-in-law Zhang was when she was in power, now that she is in trouble, there are more people who want to step on her, even if some people don't say anything like the one just now It was ironic, but he also looked on coldly, with some disdain in his heart.

After all, no one was willing to come forward to help her. Even if someone couldn't stand it and said a few words, there was no actual help. The woman who initially mocked Sister-in-law Zhang became proud when she saw that no one else was helping Sister-in-law Zhang. She cursed a few times and saw that Sister-in-law Zhang was silently feeding the child and ignoring her. She felt that it was not enough, so she went up and beat Zhang off. The baby bottle held in sister-in-law's hand.

"What else are you feeding? You didn't hear what I was saying to you, did you? This little oil bottle is suffocated to death. It always cries and attracts zombies. What a disaster!"

Sister-in-law Zhang couldn't help it anymore, she glared Looking at the woman, he said with tears in his eyes: "He is just a child who doesn't understand anything. You can't even tolerate a child sucking milk. Is your heart iron-clad?"

She was not such a strong woman to begin with, otherwise she would not have been left without support after her husband's death, and she would have obeyed him under Zhang Hu's coercion and inducement. She had watched Zhang Hu turn into a corpse before, and this unbearable memory put her on the verge of collapse.

If there wasn't a child who relied on her to survive, she would have been unable to bear it and hanged herself with a rope.

The child has now become her only support for survival. She doesn't care what others do to her, but her son is her lifeblood. Anyone who dares to touch her will fight to the death!

She was also present when the little zombie that killed Zhang Hu was killed. She also saw that the little zombie was the mutated form of an infant baby.

She just thought that if her child didn't have her as a mother to protect him, he might become a zombie's ration at some point, or he might turn into that scary little zombie and be killed by a person with powers.

How could she let her child end up in that situation? She lived a miserable life but tried her best to raise her son.

Sister-in-law Zhang has a timid character. The woman was contradicted by Sister-in-law Zhang who she thought she could bully at will. She suddenly became angry and started pushing and pushing her.

The child was inevitably disturbed during the pushing. Sister-in-law Zhang now violently fought with the woman for the sake of the child. Then the people around her tried to pull and persuade, and the commotion became louder, reaching Li Min and Ye Tianyi. .

It was lunch time at this time. The motorcade only stopped for a while and would continue on its way soon. There was not much time to eat, so everyone ate in a hurry.

Li Min was taking the time to have lunch, but when he was told that there was a commotion over there, he felt unhappy immediately. He put down his lunch box and walked over there with a sullen face.