Chapter 30

Ye Tianyi was sitting on the car chair holding Xiao Zizi and silently reciting the mantra in his heart.

Although this mantra is mysterious and of great use to him, it also requires diligent recitation. In this situation, although he cannot concentrate on practicing, he can only use some of his concentration to recite the mantra silently in his heart, which is also useful. Somewhat beneficial.

With his sharp ears, he heard the arguments coming from the cars behind him, and saw someone hurriedly looking for Li Min. He frowned slightly, but ignored them.

Anyway, the leader of the team now is Li Min. These disputes should be handled by Li Min. What should we do with him?

It's a pity that Li Min is not as skillful as he imagined. He went to deal with it, but the dispute became louder and louder. A few vague words "What does this matter have to do with you" and "What if...another one" were heard. What to do with that kind of monster?" and even gunshots were heard at the end.

After the gunfire, everything fell silent, and then Li Min's lecture sounded.

Ye Tianyi glanced at the driver who stretched out his head curiously and looked behind him, then continued to close his eyes and recite the mantra silently, not caring about the farce behind him.

After Li Min settled the matter at the rear, he walked towards the front and passed by Ye Tianyi's car. He came over to say hello: "It's not a big deal. It was just a quarrel between a few women. It has been resolved. Soon the convoy will We're about to leave."

Ye Tianyi nodded helplessly.

In fact, he heard clearly all the arguments at the rear.

It was indeed just a quarrel between a few women. The reason why Li Min was unable to resolve it in the past and had to rely on force to suppress it was because of the words of the woman who made the trouble: "Get rid of this child quickly." "The child's immunity is weak, what if he is infected and becomes a zombie or another monster like that?"

To the woman, this sentence was just an unintentional comment to tease Sister-in-law Zhang, but it awakened others. Fear in people's hearts.

The little zombie that the baby mutated into really gave everyone an extremely terrifying and frightening impression, which almost made people panic. What started out as a dispute about how much milk to give the child turned into a dispute about whether to throw away the child. As a soldier, although Li Min has some selfish motives, his desire to protect his family and country has not changed for the time being. Of course, he will not agree to throw away a child. The little beings had no power to protect themselves, so they made a big fuss.

It turned out that everyone in the motorcade was not very convinced by Li Min, so they started to make a noise, and Li Min had to fire a gun into the air to calm them down.

In the end, he had to say: "If this child is abandoned and bitten by a zombie and mutates into that kind of little zombie, we will be really unlucky. It is better to raise him well and let him live and grow up as a human being. Child It's all the future of mankind."

Those people don't care about the future of mankind. They only care about whether they can survive and have enough to eat.

Therefore, Li Min's words also frightened them with the previous sentence, and they may also be frightened by Li Min's threat of force by firing a gun into the air, which is why they are so calm.

These people are from the middle or bottom of the society, they cannot see the long term, and most of them only see the short-term interests of their parents and petty profit. Their survival today is all due to their good luck, and there are many people with awakened superpowers. In addition, He is just a high-level zombie escort.

If Ye Tianyi were still human, he might consider training this group of easy-to-bribe superpowers as his first team, but as a zombie, he just wants to take revenge and find a place where no one is around to hide and fight. Xiao Yezi was practicing together, so he simply ignored these things.


The convoy set off again, encountering only a few waves of zombies on the way. Basically, as long as the power was fully used, they could rush through safely. In the end, not even a single zombie was seen.

Ye Tianyi did not take action to expel the zombies on the road. There was not a single zombie on the road, which meant that this place was very close to the survivor base, because this was around the base and must have been swept away by the army.

Sure enough, Li Min informed everyone in the convoy that the survivor base in City A was close at hand.

After the car drove uphill for a while, the tall and towering base appeared in everyone's sight.

The base is built very high, just like an ancient city. The tall city wall blocks out all dangers. A moat can be seen under the city wall, but the water in the moat is polluted black.

Ye Tianyi's vision was better than others. Others only saw a base similar to an ancient city, but he could also see workers standing on the city wall carrying bricks and building walls.

The base's city wall is already very high, more than thirty meters high, but workers are still reinforcing and heightening it.

A large number of cars and people were queuing up at the entrance of the base. They were divided into two groups. One group was the survivors driving cars on the left and the other group was the survivors walking on the right. They all lined up calmly.

There are a large number of heavily armed troops at the gate of the base, pointing their black muzzles at the survivors queuing up. They are not allowed to disturb the order while queuing up here. If there are any disputes, you can leave the team and go to the side to resolve them, regardless of life or death. For those who cause trouble in the queue or in the queue, the military will not hesitate to shoot the troublemaker in the head.

As for those who foolishly protested against the indiscriminate killing of innocent people for not having human rights, their heads were shot, and their bodies were naturally dragged away.

Extraordinary times call for desperate measures, and the base's ruthless behavior has calmed many people. At least those superpowers who thought they were saviors and the privileged class after awakening their superpowers have behaved obediently with their tails between their legs.

They are not yet at the point where they can ignore bullets.

Ye Tianyi and his group's car also drove close to the entrance of the base and lined up behind the team on the left.

However, if there is Li Min, a person with a relatively high official position in the convoy, how can he queue up slowly like ordinary people? What's more, Li Min and others are returning from a mission and have their own privileges.

Li Min asked someone to stop the car, got out of the car and walked towards the front of the team.

In front of the team was a table and several men responsible for registering survivors' information. Although registering survivors' information under the bright sun was uncomfortable, it was far more comfortable than building bricks on the city wall. , the treatment is also good, so this is also a good job.

Anyone who can get such a good job must have connections behind him. He must know Li Min, an officer with a high official position. When he saw Li Min approaching, a young man who was asking a survivor to fill out a form quickly came over and smiled. He said hello: "It's great that Chief Li is back safely. I saw that Adjutant Wang who went out with you only came back with a few people, and I was worried that something had happened to you."

Li Min said to the young man The man nodded with a smile, said a few polite words, and said: "We encountered some danger on the way, so we returned early and brought back many survivors. You can make arrangements."

If Ye Tianyi and his party did not follow Li Min and his party People, Li Min can bring people in directly without having to register again. But now there are many survivors in the team who are coming to the base for the first time, so we still have to take the time to register.