Chapter 32

The current situation in the base is not bad, but in the future, the number of survivors in the base will increase, supplies will become less and less, and the threat of zombies will become greater and greater. Sooner or later, people will starve to death. .

And at that time, as the level of zombies increased, the threat to humans became greater and greater, and the base relied more and more on people with special abilities, and the lives of ordinary people would become very difficult.

Ye Tianyi could almost foresee these consequences. If the leader of the base is a person with a good heart and means, then the life of ordinary people is not hopeless. If the leader is ruthless, maybe these ordinary people will still be there. When the base is short of food, it is used as a food reserve.

Sometimes, it may not be zombies that eat people, but maybe humans themselves.

Xiao Zhang didn't know whether it was because of Li Min's instructions or because he wanted to please Ye Tianyi. He was very enthusiastic about arranging the accommodation of Ye Tianyi and others. Even if Ye Tianyi knew that he had an ulterior motive for being so diligent, he would still inevitably have a good impression of him.

The policy of the base is quite humane. The house requires rent, and the rent is paid with food. If there is no food, it can be borrowed temporarily and made up for later. However, this policy only targets people with special abilities who are able to pay off their debts. Ordinary people do not have this treatment.

Xiao Zhang introduced to Ye Tianyi and others: "The outermost place is D area. It is generally where ordinary people who have no food to rent a house and no ability to repay their debts live. If they don't have a house, they can only set up tents."

Ye Tianyi looked at it . There were a mess of tents, large and small, crowded together. Some people even had no tents and couldn't afford to buy one, so they just slept on the ground in the open air. It's just that the temperature during the day is so high that eggs can be steamed on the ground. It's a torture to lie on the ground.

At the tip of his ear, he could hear someone crying: "Who the hell stole my food..."

There was only a layer of cloth between the tent and the outside world, so people in Area D were already used to it. Strangely, even the patrol team responsible for security turned a blind eye to this. Anyway, as long as no one is killed, I don't bother to take care of it, and I can't do anything about it.

Going further, Area C is clearly distinct from Area D. There are many more patrols here, and the people walking around are more glamorous than those in Area D.

Xiao Zhang said: "This is Area C. The houses in Area C are relatively cheap. The rent is ten kilograms of food a month for the cheaper ones, and fifty kilograms for the more expensive ones. This is where ordinary people with a lot of money and some people with supernatural powers live. Then there is Area B. Only people with special abilities are eligible to move in. The rent for a cheap house is nearly 100 kilograms of food a month."

He only introduced Area B casually, obviously not recommending that they rent Area B. The house, and the one in Area A was not mentioned at all.

Someone curiously asked about the situation in District A, and Xiao Zhang dismissed it with just one sentence: "The houses in District A are not for rent, they can only be bought."

In fact, the houses in District A are open to the public and can only be bought. It's just an excuse to prevent outsiders from entering Area A, but it's actually reserved for the privileged class. After all, the end of the world is full of dangers. Who can guarantee that the base will remain standing? If the base is overrun by zombies, wouldn't the house bought at a large price be wasted?

Now is not the time before the apocalypse, when a house can appreciate in value if you buy it and leave it alone. The house after the apocalypse is the least valuable. No one wants to be taken advantage of and buy a house. At most, they rent a house.

&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& Xiao Zhang took Ye Tianyi and others to the housing agency in District C to choose a house to live in. In order to facilitate his own work, Ye Tianyi deliberately chose a house in a relatively expensive area. Others were tight on money, and no one chose the houses around Ye Tianyi, so Ye Tianyi parted ways with the others.

Before Xiao Zhang left, Ye Tianyi said hello to him: "If you meet Chief Li, just tell him that I am waiting for him here."

Ye Tianyi is willing to give the credit for finding Jiang Yan to Li Min, but this does not mean that He gave up searching for Su Tianyun through Commander Jiang.

Xiao Zhang agreed very simply: "Okay! Don't worry, I'll remember your address."

Ye Tianyi entered the house he rented. It was a simple one-bedroom and one-living room, but it was fully furnished and everything. The houses rented by others looked like snow caves, but they were still worthy of the high rent.

He entered the bedroom, replaced all the sheets on the bed with new ones in the room, and then lay down on the bed relaxedly.

He had been sitting in the car along the way. Even if he rested in a residential house on the way, he was meditating and practicing his powers. He did not dare to let down his guard. Now that he entered the base, he could not help but relax a little.

Little Leaf, who had been lying in his arms, squatted on his chest, stretched out her little tongue and licked his chin: [Master, will we live with humans in the future? ]Little Leaf is not a human being after all. As a cat before the end of the world, it only eats, sleeps and plays. Its simple life makes its thinking relatively simple. After Ye Tianyi told it that he had mutated into a zombie and was therefore not a human being, and had no heartbeat, it automatically understood that it and its owner were both non-human beings, and would not play with humans in the future.

Now that Ye Tianyi entered the base, everything he could see were human beings. Only then did Little Ye Zi ask such a question.

Ye Tianyi took out his right hand from the pillow behind his head, and held the petite little Ye Zi's body in his palm. He sighed: "Little Ye Zi, do you still remember Su Tianyun?" After the

death of Mr. Ye, Su Ming He once openly brought his two illegitimate sons, Su Tianyu and Su Tianyun, to the Ye family, hoping to let his true love and illegitimate son enter the house, which made Ye's mother angry to death. After Ye Tianyi took control of the Ye family, he drove them all out.

However, despite this, Su Tianyu and Su Tianyun also lived in Ye's house for a long time.

Little Ye Zi tilted her head and thought for a while, vaguely remembering that two children whose owner was very annoying lived in the Ye family for a period of time: [Are they the bad boy who always pulls my tail? ] Ye Tianyi said: "No, the one pulling your tail is Su Tianyun's brother Su Tianyu, and the one who is cowering behind Su Tianyu is Su Tianyun."

The two brothers were not very young when they were brought into the Ye family by Su Ming . , Su Tianyu was a naughty child, and he extended his evil claws towards Ye Tianyi's pet little leaf. In the end, Ye Tianyi called the bodyguards and beat him severely before he restrained himself. At that time, Su Tianyun was still an invisible person with low self-esteem and timidity, always following Su Tianyu like a tail. He never expected that the timid child would grow into such a cruel and ruthless person.

Ye Tianyi still appreciates Su Tianyun's ruthlessness, but when this method is used on himself, no matter how he feels about him, he must die!

Thinking of this, Ye Tianyi touched his neck where he always hung a Jade Guanyin, and it was empty...

&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&. When Li Min found this place, it was a few days later than Ye Tianyi imagined.

Ye Tianyi looked at Li Min, who was smiling at him outside the door, and then opened the door: "Come in."

Seeing the youthful look on this guy's face, Jiang Yan must have arranged everything well and got the benefits.

Ye Tianyi's eyes darkened, and Xiao Yezi, who was squatting on his shoulder, shook his tail and lay down, staring at Li Min with his sapphire blue cat eyes.

Li Min calmly found a chair and sat down, looked around, and then politely praised Ye Tianyi for his good taste and the warm decoration of the house.

Ye Tianyi said with a smile: "The layout of this house was originally like this. I didn't bother to change it after I came here."

The smile on Li Min's face froze, and then he changed the topic and praised Ye Tianyi for his good taste. I just fell in love with such a well-furnished house.

Ye Tianyi said expressionlessly: "This building is all decorated like this, so I just chose one at random."

Li Min couldn't hold back his smile this time, and said sternly: "Brother, what are you doing? Brother, the information I provided allowed me to show my face in front of Commander Jiang. If you have anything to do in the future, just say it. Brother, I will do my best. "

Ye Tianyi: Haha...

the information you provided? I directly delivered Commander Jiang's only son to you. Is this just providing information?

Showed your face once? You have retrieved Commander Jiang's precious only son, Commander Jiang, who was only born when he was over forty years old, but Commander Jiang still doesn't regard you as the benefactor of the Jiang family. Is this just showing your face?

Just say it? Do your best? This empty promise promise is so exciting that it makes people's hearts flutter!

Ye Tianyi estimated that Li Min took all the credit. After all, the kindness of the top leader of the base was really coveted. Even if Li Min was not a bad person, he couldn't resist the temptation.

This situation was completely expected by him, and he didn't think that the strength he showed would make Li Min afraid.

Ye Tianyi didn't care that Li Min took all the credit, and he didn't want to name himself in front of Commander Jiang. He said to Li Min straightforwardly: "I won't stay at the survivor base in City A for long. I came here just to find two people. Just leave."

Li Min's eyes lit up: "You tell me!" He also understood that Ye Tianyi didn't want to compete with him. It would be best to leave the base right away... It's just to find someone. This is not good. manage?

A sinister sneer appeared on the corner of Ye Tianyi's lips: "I want to find Su Tianyun and Su Ming."

The author has something to say: In fact, Li Min can handle the matter of finding people, and there is no need to worry about causing the big boss of the base to attack . Be careful to increase the possibility of your identity being exposed.