Chapter 33

A sinister sneer appeared on Ye Tianyi's lips: "I'm looking for these two people, Su Tianyun and Su Ming."

When Li Min heard these two names, he was stunned: "Su Tianyun?"

Ye Tianyi frowned: "Do you know them? Him?"

Li Min hesitated, nodded, and asked, "Your surname is Su, what is your relationship with Su Tianyun?"

Ye Tianyi snorted in his heart, whose surname is Su?

However, he remained calm on the surface: "Don't ask any more about this. Just tell me the news about Su Tianyun and Su Ming."

Li Min probably thought that the name Ye Tianyi reported was also Su, but he didn't expect that Ye Tianyi He came to seek revenge, so he told the news about Su Tianyun without much thought. Anyway, Ye Tianyi would have known about it soon if he didn't tell him.

Because Su Tianyun is too low-key.

Ye Tianyi was stunned after hearing what Li Min said about Su Tianyun's "great achievements".

Su Tianyun was escorted by several superpowers before he arrived at the base. It is said that he was not clear with these superpowers who were not low in strength. The most important thing is, what the hell are those superpowers? All are men!

It is said that after Su Tianyun entered the base, he hooked up with the son of the second-in-command of the base. He was so smitten with the young master Xiao that he didn't even mind that Su Tianyun was flirting with other superpowers. This is simply... too arrogant, okay? good?

Ahem, the above are all sexy news about Su Tianyun, and his strength is also very amazing.

Su Tianyun has both water and space powers. It is said that his space is very large, and he has very few powers to load a large amount of materials. Moreover, his water powers actually have a purifying effect. It is said that the water essence he condenses Can evolve into contaminated water sources.

Anyway, there are many legends about Su Tianyun. He is considered a big celebrity in the base. He is as cool as he wants.

Ye Tianyi narrowed his eyes slightly, the smile lines at the corners of his mouth straightened, and his face was expressionless.

He really underestimated his illegitimate brother. That guy actually has such abilities? !

Purify polluted water? Big, big space? Ye Tianyi subconsciously thought of his Jade Guanyin that was snatched away by Su Tianyun. These almost intuitive guesses made him feel that they were inseparable.

Su Tianyun lives so nourishingly and arrogantly, I am afraid that he cannot do without that magical Jade Guanyin.

Ye Tianyi asked Li Min about the addresses and recent relationships of Su Tianyun and Su Ming, and then said: "I have some issues with Su Tianyun, and I plan to resolve it with him privately. I also asked Chief Li to keep this matter confidential."

This matter needs to be kept secret . What is it? Li Min also knew it, and he nodded without hesitation.

Anyway, Su Tianyun's life and death had nothing to do with him, he could just watch and pretend not to know anything.

After receiving Li Min's guarantee, Ye Tianyi sent the person away with satisfaction.

He began to think about how to kill those two guys.

Su Tianyun and Su Ming entered the base before Ye Tianyi, but they paid high rent to live in Area B.

Those two people probably thought that he had turned into a zombie and could not come to them for revenge, so they generously registered into the base with his real names, and their behavior was not low-key and ridiculously public. He wanted everyone to be like him. Many people can't stand the way they kneel down and lick them.

However, Su Tianyun kept Master Xiao, the only son of the base's second-in-command, in his hands to protect them. In addition, his ability to purify water sources was indeed very useful to the base, so nothing happened.

If Ye Tianyi wanted to take action against them, he could only think of a way to assassinate them, but it was not easy to kill them.

He remembered what Li Min said that Su Tianyun was going out with Master Xiao to do a mission to find supplies recently

... I found out the specific time they went out to do the mission, and they didn't deliberately hide it anyway.

Ye Tianyi left the base early on the day they went out and waited silently on the roadside outside the base.

Master Xiao and the others had a lot of people doing the mission, so they couldn't hide the day they would go out, so they didn't bother to hide it. It was easy to know the time they left the base. But what tasks they did and the route they took were confidential and could not be found out by outsiders, and of course Ye Tianyi didn't know either.

However, although he didn't know their specific route, he could wait for them to surrender on the only road outside the base.

Ye Tianyi recruited a group of ordinary zombies on the roadside early in the morning. He hid in the pile of zombies and stared silently in the direction of the base until Su Tianyun and others' large military truck drove over.

It is normal for the sound of the car's engine to attract zombies, so Ye Tianyi ordered the zombies to follow Master Xiao's motorcade. No one suspected that this was abnormal, and he just let the zombies fall far behind the car. The superpowers in the car They won't just find trouble to deal with these zombies who are not a threat to them.

Ye Tianyi followed them into the city. Judging from their driving direction, Master Xiao's mission this time should be a factory that produces down jackets in Dongcheng District.

The temperature at night is getting lower and lower after the apocalypse, and there have even been cases of people freezing to death in the base. Since down jackets are very effective in keeping warm, it is not surprising that the base issues such a mission.

Ye Tianyi took the little leaf that had been squatting on his shoulder into his arms and carried it in his arms: "Be good, don't move around. If I accidentally lose you, I won't be able to find you." ] Little Ye Zi stopped moving, but still muttered unwillingly: [I can find the owner...] Ye Tianyi let the zombies around him roam freely, while he ran alone behind the convoy.

Even if the convoy is not in his sight, his mental strength is enough to guide him, and as a zombie, he doesn't feel tired, even if he keeps running, he doesn't feel tired. As a zombie who is about to advance to the fourth level, his strength and speed are comparable to those with power powers and speed powers.

Even after he knew the goals of Master Xiao and others, he secretly took a path and ran in front of them.

The trail is not accessible to vehicles and is easy to walk on.

As he approached the factory by taking a small path, he suddenly stopped and showed a gloating smile in the direction of the convoy behind him.

This group of guys had really bad luck. The factory they chose turned out to be the territory of a third-level zombie.

I don't know what kind of level this third-level zombie is. Although it is only a basic level three zombie, it is not very different from his third-level advanced zombie. If he fights with this zombie, he will have to put in a lot of effort.

As far as he knew, the most powerful superpower in the base now was a second-level senior. He was not a subordinate of Master Xiao, but a subordinate of Commander Jiang.


. Food.

There are more than a dozen superpowers, only a few are second-level, and the rest are all first-level. The second-level superpowers are just a rich dish to the third-level zombies, and the first-level ones are even more boring.

This group of people hadn't noticed the danger yet, but Su Tianyun who was following the leader, Mr. Xiao, was the first to feel something was wrong: "Be careful, something seems very wrong here!"

Ye Tianyi hid in the dark and stared at Su Tianyun gloomily, completely ignoring it. He picked up the man next to Su Tianyun, Mr. Xiao, who had particularly conspicuous red hair.

Su Tianyun didn't know what was going on, but he became more hydrated after the apocalypse, especially his fair skin. Just looking at it made people want to pinch it to see if water could come out.

Su Tianyun, who was originally just a bit handsome, somehow became more beautiful... Yes, she was just beautiful, like a transvestite. Not only do they look similar, they also behave a bit alike.

But what Ye Tianyi had to admit was that Su Tianyun had indeed become very attractive to men, and those men who were fascinated by him were indeed not unjust.

But Ye Tianyi just felt that Su Tianyun's change was a bit evil. In the past, Su Tianyun was not very masculine, and he looked like a gangster, but he could still tell that he was a man. And now, with that indistinguishable androgynous look, you might mistake him for a woman if you're not paying attention!

Master Xiao listened to Su Tianyun's warning and asked in a low voice: "What did you find?"

Su Tianyun frowned slightly. He didn't find anything. He just had an intuition that something was wrong here, and this intuition had saved him several times. .

He subconsciously moved his right hand a little above his chest, and then shook his head at Master Xiao: "I just feel something is wrong here, it seems very dangerous."

The end of the world is coming, and mysterious things like zombies and supernatural powers have appeared. , then intuition is not so untrustworthy.

Master Xiao still trusted Su Tianyun's words. He asked his men to stop advancing and carefully looked at the situation in the factory.

Soon he discovered something was wrong: "There is not a single zombie around here!"

Nowadays, the city has basically been occupied, and zombies are running all over the ground, otherwise there would be no survivor base established in the suburbs. The location of this factory is not very remote. When they just drove over, they killed a lot of zombies along the way, but when they arrived at the factory, they found that there were no zombies at all!

There is definitely something wrong with this!

The author has something to say: Let's take care of Su Tianyun. There's no rush for now, just take care of your body and mind! In fact, Su Tianyun managed so well because he had the advantage of rebirth and took away Ye Tianyi's Jade Guanyin. He himself is relatively stupid.

In fact, the protagonist is already very powerful. The third-level zombie is not a common commodity. There is a reason why the third-level zombie in this factory has become so strong. Ye Tianyi knows the method of becoming strong but does not dare to use it casually. Because there are hidden dangers.