Chapter 34

Hearing Master Xiao's words, Su Tianyun also knew something was wrong. He exclaimed: "There must be a high-level zombie here, otherwise the low-level zombies around would not dare to come over."

Zombies can also encircle territory, Low-level zombies do not dare to offend high-level zombies, so there is no zombie around.

As they walked along, they didn't encounter any zombies for a long time. They thought it was because there were no people here in a factory, so there wouldn't be any zombies after the apocalypse. But now that they think about it, they feel something is wrong.

Even if there are no people living or pedestrians around the factory, there can't be a single worker at all, right? It's unlikely that none of the workers here mutated into zombies, right? Even if the workers in the factory are not there, or if they are lucky enough not to turn into zombies, then the zombies outside will swim over, and there will not be a single zombie here.

Therefore, it is very scary now to see the clean appearance of the surroundings and the zombies outside that dare not swim towards the factory.

Everyone was tense and looked at their destination with fear and fear in their eyes.

Even though they are almost all superpowers, it is very easy to kill ordinary zombies one at a time, but it is a bit difficult for them to deal with those evolved zombies. They once encountered a second-level evolved zombie and killed several people with powers. In the end, Master Xiao personally worked with several other people with powers to kill it.

And the zombies in this clothing factory are probably not lower than level two.

what to do? Can't get in? Everyone looked at their leader, Mr. Xiao.

If you don't go in, the mission will fail, and if you go in, you might even lose your life.

The superpowers in the team tend not to go in and give up the mission. After all, if the mission fails, the most they can do is accept punishment and hand over some food. If they don't give up the mission, they may not even be able to save their lives.

Young Master Xiao stared at the factory not far away. Thinking of what his father said to him before he went out, he hesitated for a while and decided to go in.

If his guess is correct, the zombie in this factory might be a third-level zombie. After all, a second-level high-level zombie can't make the ordinary second-level zombies outside dare not approach. Only third-level or even higher-level zombies can't come close. Only tall zombies will do.

Level 3... According to what my father said, it would be good to have a level 3 zombie now. It is definitely impossible for zombies above level 3 to appear, as the evolution speed is not that fast. And he is already a second-level advanced person, and he only needs a third-level crystal core to advance to a third-level superpower.

This time is a crisis but also an opportunity... If he can get this third-order crystal core, then it doesn't matter if all the superpowers under him die.

Master Xiao glanced at the superpowers standing behind him with an unpredictable expression.

They are just a group of low-level superpowers. How can they compare with the third-level crystal core that can improve his strength?

Master Xiao ordered: "Go in!"

Some people were unwilling: "Master Xiao, there are high-level zombies here. Aren't they asking us to go in and die?"

Master Xiao snorted: "Zombies don't evolve that fast. There's a zombie inside." Only second-level high-level zombies are good. With the strength of our team, there is no problem in dealing with a second-level high-level zombie. If I ask you to die, wouldn't I also die if I go in with you?"

He hid something a little bit. , and lowered the level of the zombies in the factory, otherwise if this group of people heard that there was a third-level zombie inside, they would definitely not listen to him and go in.

When the superpowers heard this, they felt that what Master Xiao said made sense. After all, they all went in together. If the zombies inside were very powerful, he would not go on the adventure with them.


Everyone felt a little calmer. They were more vigilant, prepared their special powers, and walked cautiously towards the factory.

The door of the factory was wide open, and it was dark inside, just like a huge vicious beast with its bloody mouth waiting for them to walk into its belly.

Master Xiao grabbed Su Tianyun next to him tightly and asked him to hide behind him. And he himself winked at a superpower behind him. The superpower nodded slightly and walked towards the factory at the lead.

This superpower is Master Xiao's confidant, given to him by his father as a bodyguard, the kind of bodyguard who can act as a shield when someone is in danger.

Now the team is a little panicked. Even if Master Xiao doesn't want to let his confidants die, he has to let his confidants explore the way. Because if he let the team members behind him who were allied for their own interests to explore the path, he would probably cause trouble. In order to prevent his plan from being in vain, he would rather sacrifice a confidant.

Master Xiao's confidant walked in and scanned the dark factory. He found nothing unusual and only smelled a very strong putrid smell.

He took a few steps around and saw that there was really no movement in the factory, so he waved to Master Xiao and his group who were always paying attention to him outside, indicating that it was safe and let them in.

After receiving the safety notice from the forerunners, including Master Xiao, they could not help but breathe a sigh of relief.

They still walked cautiously towards the inside of the factory.

Su Tianyun, who was following Master Xiao, did not relax like the others. He frowned, and his free left hand involuntarily pressed a little above his chest. He didn't know why, but he still felt so flustered.

Could it be... He looked at Master Xiao's confidant with a superpower standing inside the dark factory, his pupils shrank, and a black shadow flashed behind the superpower, as if it was his hallucination, and nothing happened. .

Maybe he was too worried...

At this time, the group was about to enter the factory. Their pace slowed down because they found that there was a large group of zombies surrounding them behind them.

The zombies who were wandering on the streets outside and did not dare to approach the factory now swarmed around the factory, as if someone ordered these zombies to surround them.

With so many zombies, they would definitely be unable to kill them all and escape. Master Xiao said decisively: "Go in and close the door!"

With the current running speed of the zombies, they had no chance to get into the car and drive away, so they could only choose to retreat. Factory, the door of the factory is a heavy iron door that zombies cannot break through.

The two power users each pushed a door and quickly closed it before the zombies surrounded them.

Once the door was closed, the breath of living people was isolated, and the strong and nauseating rotten smell in the factory covered the smell of living people. The zombies outside quickly lost their target and started wandering.


Ye Tianyi, who was hiding not far from the factory, watched Su Tianyun and others enter the factory and stopped with satisfaction.

He was the one who had just controlled the ordinary zombies to surround him. After all, only he, the third-level high-level zombie, could make those ordinary zombies resist the pressure of the third-level low-level zombies and approach the factory. However, there was no way to let the ordinary zombies enter the factory. They instinctively Fearing the high-level zombies in the factory.

The difference between the third-level low-level zombies and the second-level high-level zombies is not just one level. The gap between the two is very large, because only zombies that have reached the third level can order zombies with a lower level than them. Second-level zombies cannot order other zombies. .

Although it is impossible for an ordinary third-level zombie to control a large number of zombies like Ye Tianyi, its strength is not comparable to that of second-level zombies or superpowers.

There was only one second-level high-level superpower in that team of superpowers, and there were only two or three second-level intermediate junior superpowers, and the first-level ones were just for ashes. This group of people was destined not to come out of that factory alive.

Ye Tianyi only needs to wait here until they are almost dead, and then go in and become a fisherman and catch them all.

Not only can he get back the Jade Guanyin, but he can also harvest a lot of Yidan and a third-order crystal core.

It's a pity that the plan couldn't keep up with the changes. He had a good idea, but a huge roar broke his beautiful idea.

This group of people actually brought grenades?

Ye Tianyi was very sure that when he observed them before, his mental power did not scan any weapons, and they all used supernatural powers to kill zombies.

He previously thought that there were not enough arms in the base, so the superpowers did not bring firearms when they went out to do missions. Now it seems that they used the arms as a trump card to hide them, and the hiding place should be Su Tianyun's space.

Thinking of Su Tianyun, Ye Tianyi felt bad. He looked coldly at the door that was blasted open by the grenade. It seemed that he still had to take action himself.

He unleashed his mental power, gathered some ordinary zombies wandering around, surrounded him, blocked his figure, and then quietly used his mental power to detect the situation in the factory.

After the grenade blasted open the large iron door, several figures fled out in a panic, with Master Xiao and Su Tianyun at the forefront.

Seeing that Su Tianyun was not dead, Ye Tianyi was very disappointed. This kid was really lucky! As for everyone else, he automatically ignored them.

The spiritual power extends to the inside of the factory, and it inevitably comes into contact with another strong spiritual power.

Although this spiritual power cannot be released, it is not weak. When it touches Ye Tianyi's spiritual power, strong attack waves are transmitted from that spiritual power.

Ye Tianyi snorted coldly. His mental power was about to break through to the fourth level. How could he be attacked by the mental power of a low-level third-level zombie that did not have mental power?

He directly stimulated the third-level zombie with his mental power, and a sharp roar came from the factory, causing the ordinary zombies around him to retreat in fear.