Chapter 42

Everything around was calm, nothing happened.

But just because nothing happened, Su Tianyun felt his hands and feet were cold and couldn't help but tremble.

His sky is falling... He can't even enter the space!

No! To be precise, the space disappeared.

He found that even if he pressed the Guanyin statue, he could not feel the connection with the space, as if he had never obtained that space.

First the spiritual spring was gone, and now the space was gone... Su Tianyun gritted his teeth.

leaf! sky! Yi!

It must be Ye Tianyi! When I came back after meeting Ye Tianyi last time, I found that the spiritual spring had disappeared. When I met Ye Tianyi again today, the space disappeared.

Ye Tianyi is his nemesis! Nothing good will happen as soon as he meets him. Ye Tianyi will definitely take away everything he has... Hatred spreads in Su Tianyun's heart, but after the strong hatred, there is endless panic.

what to do? Before there was no spiritual spring, you could still grow fruits and vegetables in the space with water-based powers, but now there is no space left, let alone growing vegetables and fruits. Even his previous inventory is gone. He promised General Xiao Supply them with fresh fruits and vegetables.

Su Tianyun reluctantly tried several more times, until the Guanyin image on his body completely faded and disappeared, and he had to give up trying in despair.

For the current plan, either find a way to restore the space, or find a way to escape from the survivor base in City A before the Xiao family learns of his abnormal behavior.

Su Tianyun got used to living such a comfortable life after his rebirth, and he didn't want to relive the days before his rebirth when he had no food, no clothing, and was exposed to heat everywhere.

He gritted his teeth and decided to go find Ye Tianyi.

This is inside the base, Ye Tianyi should not dare to do anything to him.

He had met Ye Tianyi twice in a row when his treasure disappeared. The problem must have arisen from his good brother. Maybe things would turn around after seeing Ye Tianyi.

Su Tianyun would never leave the survivor base in City A unless he was at the end of his rope.

After all, he only had water powers that had no attack power, and he had no space to save his life when he left the base. If he was lucky, he would be captured and tortured, but if he was lucky, he would almost die from the mouth of a zombie.

Unfortunately, things don't always go according to his ideas. When he doesn't want to see Ye Tianyi, Ye Tianyi always appears in front of him, making him uneasy.

Now when he wanted to see Ye Tianyi, he couldn't find her.

Su Tianyun secretly used almost all the contacts at his disposal, but still could not find Ye Tianyi. In the end, he had no choice but to ask Master Xiao.

Master Xiao's network of contacts is much wider than his, and it is easier to find people than him.

Master Xiao was very curious about Su Tianyun's purpose: "Why are you looking for Ye Tianyi?"

Ye Tianyi had clearly wanted to kill him before, but he actually dared to come to him?

Of course, Su Tianyun would not tell Master Xiao that his space had disappeared, so he could only say: "He is my brother after all. There was a misunderstanding between me and him, which is why he repeatedly tried to kill me. I just wanted to find him and have a good talk with him." Let's talk and resolve this misunderstanding."

This reason is very convincing, and Master Xiao believes it.

After all, having a master like Ye Tianyi secretly watching is indeed a disturbing thing. It would be best to be able to resolve misunderstandings and turn enemies into friends. If not, it is better to stay on the right track than to be watched all the time. Assassination.


Ye Tianyi, who was thinking about Su Tianyun, was holding his kitten and renting a house under Su Tian's fake identity. He planned to settle down in the survivor base of City A for the time being, at least before killing Su Tianyun and Su Ming. Before the two of them, he had no intention of leaving.

After getting the key to the rental house from the housing agency, Ye Tianyi immediately closed the door and checked whether there was surveillance in the house. After checking, he entered the space with Xiao Yezi in his arms.

His previous contact with Su Tianyun confirmed his suspicion. He felt a clear stream coming from Su Tianyun into his body, and he felt it more clearly this time. The clear stream entered his space, so He immediately couldn't wait to enter the space to find out.

After Ye Tianyi entered the space, he couldn't help but sigh in admiration.

His previously desolate supernatural space has now changed greatly. There are mountains, water, soil, fruit trees, vegetables and rice grown, and warehouses full of warehouses.

If his prediction was correct, the vegetables, rice, and materials stored in the warehouse should have been planted or collected by Su Tianyun.

It's just that now it's all easier for him.

Ye Tianyi had heard about it at the base a long time ago. Su Tianyun is a dual-system superpower of water system and space system. It is estimated that his space is obtained by the Jade Guanyin. Otherwise, when he silently recited the mysterious formula obtained from the Jade Guanyin in his heart, , it is impossible to take away the spiritual spring and space from him.

The Jade Guanyin that was taken away by Su Tianyun was now returned to Ye Tianyi in a different way, and all the materials he had collected with all his efforts were cheaper for Ye Tianyi.

Just looking at the supplies in this big warehouse, Ye Tianyi was a little troubled.

When Su Tianyun was collecting supplies, he was like locusts crossing the border, leaving no trace behind. All the things in supermarkets and convenience stores were taken in, regardless of whether he needed them at the time. Even the shelves for goods were taken into space.

But also because he collected too many materials and didn't organize them. After the Jade Guanyin Space brought these materials and merged them with Ye Tianyi's superpower space, Ye Tianyi could only stare at these messy materials.

It was too messy... Ye Tianyi silently exited the warehouse, looked at the warehouse door, and sighed at the little leaf in his arms: "Do you think I should find some coolies to come in and help me organize my things?"

He was not Su Tianyun, How do you know how the supplies are arranged? It would be so troublesome to find things.

Anyway, the space can now hold living things. He can capture a few people who have a grudge against him and ask them to help him do hard work. After the hard work is done, they can be thrown to feed the zombie brother.

Ye Tianyi thought about the people who had a grudge against him. He counted them on his fingers and found that there were quite a few. He just didn't know if those people had turned into zombies.

Thinking of zombies, Ye Tianyi suddenly had a flash of inspiration in his heart. How could he forget this? Aren't zombies the most obedient workers and the least likely to leak information?

Although the current low-level zombies are a bit stupid, they are better than being obedient.

Ye Tianyi thought of a way to deal with these messy supplies, and then went to inspect other places in a good mood. His eyes fell on the fruits, vegetables and rice. He took a large bottle of spiritual water from the spiritual spring and asked Xiao Yezi to use it. The special ability is diluted to help with watering and irrigation.

The effect of the spiritual spring water is indeed extraordinary. As soon as it was sprinkled, the leaves became energetic.


Ye Tianyi came out of the space and entered the bathroom of the rental house, ready to take a bath. He rushed to the base on foot and was already dusty.

As for why he doesn't take a shower in the space? Because there is no place to discharge sewage in the space, he cannot use the spiritual spring to bathe.

Although the spiritual spring will help him evolve to a certain extent and become more and more like a human being, if he enters the spiritual spring in the body of a zombie, his whole body will be as hot and red as if he entered boiling water. The pain will definitely not be the same. Easily affordable.

You know, zombies have no sense of pain, and they will not feel pain even if their arms are cut off. The same is true for Ye Tianyi. His body can't feel pain, but his soul can.

For example, the last time Ye Tianyi advanced due to seizing Su Tianyun's spiritual spring, the pain was so painful that he could hardly hold on. The pain spread from the depths of his soul, not the physical pain. It would be the same if he entered the spiritual spring.

There is no water in the faucets in the rental houses, because water is too precious in this apocalyptic world where all water resources are polluted. Only those with water powers can condense pure water. If other people in the base want to use water, they have to go to the base to buy pure water in buckets. These clean water are all water powers belonging to the base. condensed.

However, Ye Tianyi had a little Ye Zi with dual water and ice abilities beside him, so there was no need to exchange food for water.

He went into the bathroom to take a bath and carried Xiao Zizi in his arms. He placed Xiao Zizi on the side of the bathtub and started to take off his clothes. As he took off his clothes, he said to Xiao Zizi: "Fill the water in the bathtub."

Xiaozi shook his head. It flicked its four beautiful tails, and then clear water automatically appeared in the bathtub. The water level gradually spread up. It felt like a scene in a ghost movie, except that the bathtub was filled with blood instead of clear water for no reason.

After the bath was full, Xiao Zizi tilted his little head and watched his master strip off his clothes and show off his figure.

Ye Tianyi's figure is still as clear-cut and graceful as before the apocalypse, but it lacks a sense of elasticity and vitality. The originally healthy wheat-colored skin has turned into a pale, lifeless color.

But fortunately, he is handsome, his appearance is not as rotten as low-level zombies, and his body is well preserved. Overall, this is a very handsome zombie.

However, from the aesthetic point of view of the cat Xiao Zizi, the owner looks really miserable. After becoming so ugly, there will definitely be no female cat like him.

Little Leaf looked at his strong (young) body, beautiful tail, fluffy and soft hair, and then at his owner's smooth body. Except for the top of his head, only one part of his body had thicker hair, while the rest of the hair was short. The hair is so short that it can't even cover the skin. It's so ugly.

It thought very seriously that when it grows its fifth tail and can transform into a human form, it must remember to keep its long, soft and beautiful fur...

After Ye Tianyi took off his clothes, he entered the bathtub and started soaking. Although the water in the bath is cold, and because Xiao Yezi has water + ice powers, the temperature of the water produced by the water powers is relatively low, but he is so strong that he can already ignore the cold temperature.

His eyes fell on the petite body of Xiao Yezi who was squatting by the bathtub as if he was concentrating on something. He asked with a smile: "Little guy, what are you thinking about?"

He just made fun of his cat casually, not at all. I didn't expect that Xiao Yezi's pitifully small brain would have such terrible thoughts.