Chapter 43

Ye Tianyi asked casually, but Xiao Zizi answered seriously: "Meow..." The master has no hair...

hair? Ye Tianyi looked at the hairs on his body that were indeed not very obvious, and then at the long soft white hairs all over Xiao Yezi's body, and said: "I am... I am not a cat, and of course I won't have long hair like you. ."

He wanted to say, 'I am a human, not a cat,' but suddenly thought of his current status as a zombie that feeds on humans, so he swallowed the first half of his sentence.

He doesn't have much obsession with whether he is a human or a zombie. Anyway, he has memory and thinking. Except for his different vital signs from humans, there is no difference. It will be easier to survive in the end of the world. But after all, after being a human being for so many years, it was a little melancholy to suddenly change into another type.

Little Leaf didn't care whether he was melancholy or not: "Meow meow~" Master, you are so pitiful, you are hairless. When I turn into a human form, I must have more hair.

The hairless Ye Tianyi was a bit dumbfounded by being treated by a cat. He imagined an image of a humanoid creature covered with white hair, and immediately decided to give Little Ye Zi a good education. At least his aesthetics would change.

Faced with the rare chatter from his master, Little Leaf licked his paws leisurely and then jumped into the bath.

The fluffy fur was wet and tangled with the water. The originally small kitten looked even smaller after the fur lost its fluffiness. It was almost a little bigger than a mouse. It scratched in the bath with its four paws. Looks very pitiful.

Ye Tianyi stretched out his hand, held the little leaf from the bottom of the water, and dragged it out of the water.

The extremely small Little Leaf didn't even take up his palm, lying lazily in his palm. The four tails behind him were almost like mouse tails when wet with water. When they were swung, they didn't look as good as when the hair was fluffy. .

Little Ye Zi, who was lying in the palm of Ye Tianyi's hand, accidentally lowered his head to look at the water. He happened to see his ugly appearance. He quickly stood up and meowed a few times: "Meow meow meow~" What's wrong with my hair? Has it become like this? So ugly!

In the past, when Ye Tianyi bathed the cat, he was worried that the cat would catch a cold if he bathed for a long time, so he always did it quickly. In addition, he couldn't bathe the cat too many times, so the cat would have little chance to notice him. The hair on my body became so ugly after being soaked in water.

Ye Tianyi smiled and comforted it: "It will be done soon, and then you will return to your previous beautiful appearance."

I really don't know when this little guy became so fond of beauty? Didn't you just love to be clean before?

Xiao Ziye heard Ye Tianyi say that after being fucked, he would return to his original state. With a flick of his tail, all the water droplets on his body that made him look ugly obediently left and fell into the bath.

Water power is so easy to use, it is more convenient than using fire power to dry your body.

Ye Tianyi helplessly touched Little Ye Zi, who had returned to his original state and was staring at the beautiful reflection on the water. Then he suddenly became malicious and scooped up a handful of water from the bath and poured it on Little Ye Zi, from head to toe.

Little Ye Zi was stunned for a moment, then looked at his master's bright smile, and immediately counterattacked by condensing a big water ball and throwing it at Ye Tianyi's face who was laughing so hard.

Ye Tianyi, who was forced to take a few sips of water, wiped his face and then opened his eyes. He felt a heavy weight on his head. When he reached out and touched it, he felt that it was furry. The little leaf slyly ran to the top of his head to take shelter.

The little leaf was on top of his head, and it was hard for him to pour water on it. And how could he, a non-water superpower, compete with a cat with water superpowers and play with water?


After the fuss was over, Ye Tianyi simply asked Xiao Zizi to summon the water droplets on his body and put on his clothes without wiping them with a towel, which was very convenient.

But when getting dressed, Ye Tianyi lowered his head and suddenly noticed a tattoo of a Guanyin statue appeared near his neck.

The statue of Guanyin was particularly familiar. It was the image of the jade Guanyin he had worn for more than twenty years. And the position where the Guanyin statue appeared was exactly where he put the jade Guanyin on his neck.

He reached out and touched the Guanyin statue, and the voice of a man calmly reciting mysterious mantras immediately appeared in his mind. This voice seemed to be more influential than the previous times, and it was deeply engraved in his mind. As the man recited the mysterious mantra, the superpowers in his body also grew and condensed, much faster than when he recited the mantra himself.

He put down his hand and no longer touched the Guanyin statue. The man's voice of reciting the mysterious mantras suddenly stopped, and his supernatural powers stopped operating.

He touched the statue of Guanyin again, and then let go... As he expected, as long as he touched the statue of Guanyin, the voice of the man who taught him the mysterious formula would appear in his mind, which was better than reciting the formula himself. The effect of practicing superpowers is much better.

All spaces and spiritual springs are dispensable to him. Only this golden finger makes him extremely happy and can give him a lot of help on his journey to becoming a strong man.

Ye Tianyi came out of the bathroom in a good mood and heard a knock on the door.

Such a coincidence?

Ye Tianyi swept his mental power outside and saw that it was Su Tianyun? !

I didn't expect that Su Tianyun would dare to come to the door so early.

Ye Tianyi opened the door without fear, but it was only half-open, with no intention of letting people from outside into the room.

He looked at Su Tianyun, who looked anxious and pretended to be calm, with a half-smile, "What's the matter?" His eyes casually glanced at Young Master Xiao, who was standing behind Su Tianyun.

When Su Tianyun saw that it was indeed Ye Tianyi who opened the door, he felt relieved. When he heard that a man named Su Tian looked very similar to Ye Tianyi, he might be Ye Tianyi himself, he was still a little unsure and worried that he had found the wrong person. But now that he saw Ye Tianyi in person, he breathed a sigh of relief and at the same time felt a little fear in his heart.

Thinking about his own space and spiritual spring, then thinking about the deal he had with General Xiao, and thinking about the glorious life he would have if he got his space back... Su Tianyun immediately suppressed the fear he felt towards Ye Tianyi in his heart. He turned his head and said to Young Master Xiao beside him: "I want to talk to him alone."

Young Master Xiao gave him a meaningful look, and then led the people away crisply, but not too far, keeping a distance. Staring closely at this side.

Ye Tianyi withdrew his gaze from Master Xiao and others in the distance, and said to Su Tianyun impatiently: "If you have something to say, say it quickly. If nothing happens, get out of here. Don't hinder my good intentions. Let me kill you now."

Su Tianyun deliberately ignored Ye Tianyi's last murderous words. He stared at Ye Tianyi's face and asked, "Please return my things to me!


Only today did he know that Su Tianyun could be so thick-skinned, and he could confidently say that the Jade Guanyin belonged to Su Tianyun in front of him, the owner. Give it back to him? laugh!

Ye Tianyi smiled and laughed until Su Tianyun's face turned ashen. Then he stopped laughing, but suddenly his face turned cold: "What do you have with me? You want me to give it back to you?"

Su Tianyun was speechless for a moment... He didn't think much about it before. The idea of ​​regaining his space occupied his entire mind, so when he saw Ye Tianyi, he couldn't wait to ask Ye Tianyi to give him back his space.

But Ye Tianyi's question made him stupid.

How should he answer? He felt that the disappearance of the spiritual spring and space was related to Ye Tianyi, but there was no evidence, it was all speculation.

So what if there is evidence? That Jade Guanyin belonged to Ye Tianyi. He was unreasonable and had no right to take it back.

In particular, he didn't even know what method Ye Tianyi used to take away his spiritual spring and space. He recognized the Jade Guanyin with her blood, and the Jade Guanyin had completely integrated with him.

How did Ye Tianyi do it?

Su Tianyun suddenly thought of the Jade Guanyin in his previous life who took the initiative to absorb Ye Tianyi's blood and recognized his master, and felt inexplicably uneasy. Could it be that this opportunity was destined to be Ye Tianyi's, and he couldn't take it away no matter how he planned?

Thinking that the Jade Guanyin had been worn by Ye Tianyi for more than 20 years, probably because of the chance of being raised by people for more than 20 years, Su Tianyun wished that he had been reborn as a child and snatched the Jade Guanyin from the beginning.

Su Tianyun stared at the indifferent Ye Tianyi with an ugly expression. His lips moved a few times, but he couldn't say anything.

He is not Ye Tianyi's opponent at all. His only advantage is to use the power of the Xiao family to force Ye Tianyi, but he cannot tell the Xiao family that the space was taken away by Ye Tianyi.

Su Tianyun didn't trust the Xiao family enough to tell such secrets.

If the Xiao family learns that the space where fresh fruits and vegetables can be grown is a Jade Guanyin, they will definitely throw him aside after taking the Jade Guanyin from Ye Tianyi, and may even kill him to keep the secret.

If the Xiao family couldn't take away Jade Guanyin from Ye Tianyi, the result would be even more miserable for him. The Xiao family would definitely give up on him and choose to win over Ye Tianyi, and he would die as well.

Therefore, Su Tianyun would never tell others about the space news.

It's just... Su Tianyun looked at Ye Tianyi who looked at him sarcastically, and felt helpless in his heart. Ye Tianyi was so strong, what should he do to regain the space? He doesn't even know how to take away space.