Chapter 44

Su Tianyun felt cold in his heart. He found that except for Ye Tianyi who was kicked in the head by a donkey and took the initiative to return the Jade Guanyin Space to him, he had no way to regain the space.

Ye Tianyi looked at Su Tianyun's pale face and sneered: "I don't know how you can be so stupid. I wanted to kill you before, but you still dare to appear in front of me now?"

Su Tianyun took a deep breath and tried to calm down: "You don't Anyone who dares to kill me will not be allowed to fight or kill anyone in the base."

Ye Tianyi raised his eyebrows: "Oh?" Are you so sure?

Su Tianyun looked back at Master Xiao and the others in his sight, raised his chin slightly, and said, "What's more, Master Xiao is still looking at us."

Ye Tianyi followed his line of sight and looked over, but quickly looked away again , he looked at Su Tianyun in front of him, and suddenly felt that this child was so stupid that even if he killed him, he would not be able to arouse the slightest interest.

Why was he so naive that he didn't dare to kill Master Xiao in front of him?

If Master Xiao is willing to avenge him, escaping from the base is completely trivial with his own ability; if he doesn't have much weight in Master Xiao's heart, maybe Master Xiao will pretend to be nonchalant and win over him.

Ye Tianyi can be said to be unscrupulous.

Facing the self-confident Su Tianyun who came to seek death, he was not polite. He stretched out his hand and strangled the person's neck. He lowered his head and approached Su Tianyun's panic-filled face, and said softly: "Look, you have such high hopes." Lang Ke doesn't want to care about you at all."

Su Tianyun looked at Master Xiao in disbelief, who was slowly walking towards him, not worried about his safety.

Although he no longer has any trust in Master Xiao since that time when Master Xiao handed him over to Ye Tianyi in exchange for a chance to escape. He dared to come to Ye Tianyi like this today because he believed that Master Xiao would not let him die in Ye Tianyi's hands even if it was for those fresh fruits and vegetables.

But now he was choked so hard by Ye Tianyi that he couldn't breathe, but Master Xiao led the people over here leisurely.

Why don't you come here to do it even if you are paralyzed? In terms of walking speed, Wuguī was faster than them. When they came to save him, the yellow cauliflower was already cold.

The man named Xiao didn't care about his life or death at all. He probably didn't even care about fresh fruits and vegetables. Otherwise, how could he let him fall into Ye Tianyi's hands?

Su Tianyun, who only resented Ye Tianyi for being cruel and cruel and Master Xiao for standing by, never reflected on his own problems from beginning to end. It was clearly him who sent the person away first.

Master Xiao was wrongly misunderstood by Su Tianyun.

He was first deceived by Su Tianyun and brought to Ye Tianyi. Su Tianyun wanted to have some private talk with Ye Tianyi and send him away. He had to keep a close eye on the situation here for the safety of Su Tianyun.

But Ye Tianyi is such a master. If they want to attack Su Tianyun, they are so far away from Su Tianyun. When they come to save people, the body will be stiff.

Therefore, Master Xiao did not expect that he and his men could stop Ye Tianyi from rescuing Su Tianyun here. He only hoped that Ye Tianyi would worry about them not to deal with Su Tianyun now.

It's a pity that his idea was destined to fail, and he didn't know what Su Tianyun said that made Ye Tianyi pinch his neck in anger.


Master Xiao walked towards this side unhurriedly and unhurriedly.

In fact, he had long seen that Ye Tianyi just pinched Su Tianyun's neck and did not kill him immediately, so he guessed that Ye Tianyi might want to use Su Tianyun's life to negotiate some conditions with him. Su Tianyun's life was absolutely not in danger before their negotiation collapsed.

After all, if Ye Tianyi really wants to kill Su Tianyun, they may not be able to react even if the person is completely dead, so there is no need to be too anxious and give the other party more negotiating weight.

Master Xiao tried his best to confuse Ye Tianyi by showing that Su Tianyun was not important and could not threaten them even if he was used.

It's just that Ye Tianyi didn't use Su Tianyun to threaten Young Master Xiao from the beginning to the end. He just guessed that Young Master Xiao might react and deliberately did it to hit Su Tianyun.

Ye Tianyi kept saying in Su Tianyun's ear: "Look, you have no value at all. Master Xiao doesn't care about you at all. You definitely didn't tell him about your loss of space, right? You said, if the Xiao family Knowing that you have nothing but a useless water power, what will happen to you?"

He said it next to Su Tianyun's ear when he spoke, his lips did not move clearly, and his voice was like a mosquito. A Su Tianyun could hear his voice.

But the sound as small as a mosquito sounded to Su Tianyun like thunder on a clear day. He raised his neck and reached out to grab Ye Tianyi's hand that was squeezing his neck. However, he couldn't break it off, and his body was holding back after Ye Tianyi finished speaking. Trembling slightly, he looked at Ye Tianyi with pleading eyes, his throat was pinched tightly but he couldn't speak.

Su Tianyun is not too stupid, but after his rebirth, he has always been complacent about knowing the future. His arrogance has blinded his eyes, and he has unconsciously looked at other people with a look-down attitude, which makes him always do something. Foolish things that you think are right.

However, when he faced Ye Tianyi, his brother who was the winner in life that he could only envy, envy and hate in his previous life, he felt a sense of inferiority in his heart. Even if he took away Ye Tianyi's golden finger in his rebirth, he would still be inferior to him.

When Ye Tianyi strangled his throat tightly, the suffocation made his eyes go dark, but his mind was as clear as ever.

He could sense that Ye Tianyi was just threatening him, but he had no murderous intentions towards him for the time being. Compared with the Ye Tianyi he met last time in City A, the current Ye Tianyi had no murderous intentions. So he still harbored some hope in his heart that he might not die today.

Since he won't die, he certainly doesn't want Ye Tianyi to tell Master Xiao that his space has been taken away, otherwise he will fall from the clouds into the abyss.

Su Tianyun could only look at Ye Tianyi with pleading eyes, hoping that he would let her go this time because of his humble begging for mercy.

Ye Tianyi looked at Su Tianyun's pleading eyes and had to say that no matter whether he had any grudge against Su Tianyun or not, someone looking at him with such eyes did make him feel very happy.

As soon as the feeling of joy in his heart rose, Ye Tianyi immediately felt that something was wrong.

How could this twisted, pathological psychology of finding pleasure in the painful pleading of the weak appear in him?

Although Ye Tianyi is cold-hearted and aloof due to his family environment and upbringing, he is not a pervert. He has no interest in finding pleasure in bullying the weak.

Ye Tianyi frowned, it felt really bad to have his character affected by some force...


Master Xiao came to Ye Tianyi, his eyes swept across Su Tianyun, and said to Ye Tianyi: "Su... Young Master Ye , Please stay with Mr. Ye's subordinates, you are brothers after all."

He wanted to make a breakthrough from this aspect, but it was a pity that Ye Tianyi was never a person who cared about the love of blood.

He temporarily suppressed the doubts in his heart and sneered at Master Xiao: "My surname is Ye, and my surname is not Su. How can he and I be considered brothers?"

As for his previous pseudonym of using the surname Su, he temporarily dismissed it. Forgotten.

When Master Xiao saw Ye Tianyi's fight with Su Tianyun, he complained in his heart that Su Tianyun didn't tell him what the grudge between him and Ye Tianyi was. It was not easy to find the right entry point when he wanted to have sex now.

He could only say: "Master Ye, just give me a face and give the Xiao family a face."

This sounded like he was begging for Su Tianyun's favor, but in fact it was to put pressure on Ye Tianyi. We won't let you go for the sake of the Xiao family's sake."

In fact, Master Xiao doesn't think highly of Ye Tianyi. After all, no matter how good Ye Tianyi was before the end of the world, he is nothing now. Compared to the Xiao family, he is nothing at all, even if Ye Tianyi's power level is very high.

But Master Xiao had to be wary of Ye Tianyi because of Ye Tianyi's high level of powers.

Based on his understanding, it is estimated that no one in the entire base has a higher power level than Ye Tianyi. If the Xiao family offended him because of today's incident, and he turned around and joined Commander Jiang, wouldn't the Xiao family be unlucky? Master Xiao has not forgotten that he found out that Li Min had been looking for Ye Tianyi, whose pseudonym was Su Tian.

Moreover, even if a master of supernatural powers who is careless and lonely is desperately trying to cause trouble for the Xiao family, even if he doesn't seek refuge with anyone, just assassinating him is enough to give them a headache.

Master Xiao was proud of his status and looked down on Ye Tianyi, but how could Ye Tianyi think so highly of him?

Ye Tianyi has been the proud son of heaven since before the end of the world. He has never bowed his head and is proud of the world. Although he was turned into a zombie by Su Tianyun after the apocalypse, he was also the highest-level zombie, and even more handsome. With his current fourth-level mental power, he can drive tens of thousands of zombies to attack the survivor base in City A. How can he be afraid of a Xiao family?

So when faced with Master Xiao's seemingly sincere and low-key request, but actually very high-profile and arrogant, Ye Tianyi directly threw four words at him: "Daydreaming!"

He said he would give him face if he gave him face? Let him go if he says he will let him go? Beautiful thought!

Face is not given by others, but earned by oneself. There is nothing in the entire Xiao family that Ye Tianyi should be afraid of. Would he be afraid of the Xiao family? Not to mention that the Xiao family is now just the second-in-command in the base who dare not make any moves. Even if the Xiao family controls the entire base, he is not afraid.

Ye Tianyi suddenly felt that the identity of a zombie was actually pretty good, at least he didn't have to worry about facing human forces. If he were still human, he might not be able to be so unscrupulous.

When Master Xiao heard Ye Tianyi's disdainful rejection, his face suddenly darkened, but he looked at Su Tianyun who was still struggling in Ye Tianyi's hands, gritted his teeth and said: "Then how can Master Ye let him go? "Su Tianyun is at stake and must be saved.

Ye Tianyi did not make things difficult for him anymore, but stretched out his hand and gave Su Tianyun a hard slap on his Dantian. First, it broke his Dantian, and then the destructive thunder and lightning rushed into his body and began to destroy his Dantian wantonly. meridians.