Chapter 45

The thunder power has the strongest attack power and the most destructive nature. Therefore, when Ye Tianyi let the thunder and lightning from his fourth-level thunder power rush into Su Tianyun's body and destroy his meridians, he immediately couldn't feel it. The pain in the Dantian started because the pain from the burning and breaking of the meridians far outweighed the pain in the Dantian.

Su Tianyun is not a very strong person, otherwise he would not have been reduced to relying on his body in exchange for food in his previous life, so under this pain, he wailed heartbreakingly, and all the noble deeds he usually pretended to be turned into a Ridiculously arrogant, howling like a slaughtered pig.

Hearing this, Master Xiao, who was very close to him, took a step back in shock. Ye Tianyi threw him to the ground in disgust, looked at him rolling on the ground coldly, and said to Master Xiao, "You can take him away now."

In fact, there are great similarities between supernatural powers and internal powers. The only difference is that internal powers are stored in the Dantian instead of in the elixirs in the brain. Usually, the stimulation of supernatural powers also needs to go through the meridians, so Ye Tianyi will Su Tianyun If his meridians are disabled, he will not be able to condense supernatural attacks. At most, he can only slowly condense a small water ball to drink some water.

And to be on the safe side, Ye Tianyi even destroyed his Dantian, just because Ye Tianyi heard in the base that there were people practicing martial arts in the base, and they were ancient martial arts with internal strength. In order to prevent Su Tianyun from making a comeback with the help of martial arts and mental skills, he even destroyed his Dantian.

Now Su Tianyun only has the strange elixir in his head, and his superpowers have not been lost. But now Su Tianyun's condition, if it is better, he can still send out a small water ball to quench his thirst, if not, he can even drop water. Can't condense. He is basically a useless person.

Ye Tianyi watched Master Xiao ask his men to carefully carry Su Tianyun away, his eyes were cold.

He originally wanted to kill Su Tianyun directly to give him pleasure. After all, he was thrown by Su Tianyun to feed the zombies while he was in a coma. He was not awake yet, so his feelings were not very strong, saying how much he hated Su Tianyun. It's also a bit fake.

But now I know that Su Tianyun actually knew the secret of Jade Guanyin and was so cruel to him in order to win over Jade Guanyin, especially when he said in front of him with the tone of "Jade Guanyin is mine, please return it to me quickly" When Ye Tianyi asked him for the Jade Guanyin, she felt very disgusted.

So he decided to 'show great mercy' and let Su Tianyun live for a while, although Su Tianyun may not want this kind of life.

He wanted to see if the Xiao family could tolerate a useless person who had lost his space and powers, and what would happen to this guy in the end.

However, life is definitely worse than death.

After Su Tianyun was taken away by Master Xiao, Ye Tianyi never saw him again, as if Su Tianyun had left the survivor base in City A without any news.

The Xiao family also behaved very strangely, as if they had never courted Su Tianyun, and Master Xiao seemed to have never liked a man named Su Tianyun. Everything was acting as normal, which made those who followed Su Tianyun's news feel strange.


After Master Xiao took Su Tianyun away, Ye Tianyi planned to deal with Su Ming and then leave the survivor base in City A, enter City A, practice hard, and maybe one day be able to regain his human identity.

Although he is now accustomed to the identity of a zombie and is not too obsessed with the identity of a human being, he still hopes that one day he can have a body temperature and heartbeat after being a human being for more than 20 years. Only in this way can he accurately feel that he is still alive. of.

This is the instinctive desire for life.

However, Ye Tianyi discovered that after Su Tianyun was taken away, he could not find Su Ming's whereabouts, and his departure was delayed.

That night, Ye Tianyi was touching the Guanyin statue above his chest with his right hand in the space. The voice of a man chanting mantras sounded in his mind. He closed his eyes and concentrated on sensing the feeling of supernatural powers swimming in his body...

He suddenly opened his eyes, Finding that he was in an abandoned warehouse, he subconsciously went to look for Xiao Yezi, and he didn't feel at ease until he hugged Xiao Yezi who was standing on his shoulders.

There were roars outside the warehouse, and he was very familiar with that sound. It was the sound of zombies hungry for fresh blood and meat.

From the sounds, it was clear that the zombies had surrounded the abandoned warehouse. The sound of zombies banging against the door came from outside the door. He couldn't help but feel a sense of fear in his heart, and his heart beat very fast... Wait! Heartbeat? Ye Tianyi touched his chest in shock.

Yes, heartbeat, this is the feeling of heartbeat, a living heart still beating, full of vitality and life.

And the warm feeling on the skin under the palm, this is body temperature... Didn't he become a zombie at the beginning of the apocalypse?

Ye Tianyi cast his eyes on Xiao Yezi in his arms. At this time, Xiao Yezi only had two tails. He should have just awakened to become a first-order mutant cat.

Looking at Xiao Zizi's ignorant sapphire blue cat eyes, Ye Tianyi's heart suddenly calmed down. Although he didn't know what was going on, Xiao Yezi was still by his side.

The gate of the abandoned warehouse was in disrepair. It was a miracle that it could withstand the zombie horde for so long. It didn't take long for the zombies to rush in.

Ye Tianyi subconsciously yelled to scare them away. When he realized that he was not a zombie at this time, his body began to move involuntarily, releasing supernatural powers to kill zombies one after another.

However, the zombies were still approaching... Ye Tianyi could no longer care about the group of zombies in front of him. His attention was attracted by his current situation.

Because he found that he was now like a soul trapped in this body. He could only see the outside world through the eyes of the body, but could not control the body.

This feeling of being helpless is really terrible.

However, before Ye Tianyi could think of any way to regain control of his body, he found that the powers in his body had been exhausted, and he could only rely on his physical strength to kill zombies. However, zombies continued to come up.

"Little Ye Zi, it seems that we are all going to die here today. Maybe we will turn into zombies. As long as we are scratched by a zombie, we will be infected."

Ye Tianyi was shocked to hear that his body was not under his control . He said these last words to Xiao Yezi who was fighting with him.

He suddenly realized that something was wrong, very wrong.

Not to mention that he was already a fourth-level zombie, and Xiao Yezi had also advanced to the third level. How could he appear in this abandoned warehouse and be surrounded by a group of zombies that could only reach the third level and have to wait for death?

And he couldn't control his body, but he didn't find a second soul in his body, as if these words were all spoken by his body. Isn't this too weird?


Little Ye Zi, who was fighting side by side with his master, seemed to understand his master's sad and desperate words, and suddenly grew in size.

Ye Tianyi heard his body shouting in panic: "Little Ye Zi, hurry up and get smaller!" Little Ye Zi is only a first-level person. When he was young, he could still avoid the attacks of second-level and third-level zombies with his flexible and petite body. Now that he has become so big, he can't In a narrow space like an abandoned warehouse, aren't zombies coming to your door to scratch?

But Little Leaf didn't listen to his master at all. After becoming as big as two cars, he used his two tails to fly away the zombies around his master, rolled up his master and put him on his back.

Then it ignored the wounds on its body that were attacked by supernatural zombies, and ignored the bloody marks on its lower limbs and abdomen scratched by the zombies. It did not dodge or fight back against the zombies' attacks, but just wrapped its tail around its own. The master, with his body of flesh and blood, relied on his large size to charge a bloody path arrogantly.

It stepped on the zombies and its own flesh and blood, and blasted open the door with a single attack with the most powerful ice power, revealing a hole large enough for its huge size to pass through.

Little Leaf rushed out of the cave with the master on its back. The speed was extremely fast, which was completely incompatible with the level of its first-order mutant animal. It rushed forward as if it was burning with life, even the one chasing behind it. Only the third-level wind zombies were temporarily thrown away by it.

Ye Tianyi still has not regained control of his body, and can only be trapped in the body in a daze, looking through the eyes of the body at the large areas of bright red blood stained on the snow-white cat fur outside, and the blood and flesh that bloomed at the wound. Blood spurted out from Gululu.

"Little Leaf..."

With such a serious injury, not to mention that Little Leaf may turn into a zombie cat if he is injured by countless zombies. Even if he does not turn into a zombie cat, he will die from the injuries. Especially when Little Ye Zi was still running hard despite being so seriously injured, he just wanted to bring his master to a safe place.

Little Leaf had been carrying his master to get rid of the large group of zombies chasing him. When he arrived at the outskirts where there were only a few zombies, he finally let go of his breath and couldn't hold on any longer. He quickly shrank in size and turned into a zombie covered in blood. It's a little kitten with a wound.

Ye Tianyi didn't care that he fell hard on the ground after Xiao Zizi suddenly shrunk, or how he suddenly regained control of his body. He rushed over and hugged the dying Xiao Zi's body, his hands trembling: "Xiao Zizi" Ye Zi, you must hold on, I will take you into the space to heal..."

However, no matter how he contacted his supernatural space, he still couldn't enter. Not only could he not bring little Ye Zi in, but even his master could not enter. .

When he tested his spiritual power, Ye Tianyi's heartbeat almost stopped - the space is the most primitive supernatural space that cannot contain living creatures. Not only can it not be cultivated, but there is no spiritual spring that can bring the dead back to life.

He hugged Xiao Yezi's gradually cold body, slumped on the ground, and shed tears in despair...

The author has something to say: I originally wanted to write about the past life as a side story, but now I still feel that it is better to write it in the main text, which will help promote promotion. The emotional development of aggression.

After all, to Ye Tianyi now, no matter how important Little Ye Zi is, he is just a cat.