Chapter 46

The heart-wrenching despair made Ye Tianyi's heart feel like it was being clenched tightly, making him unable to breathe.

But at this moment, he suddenly discovered that the jade pendant hanging on his chest was his Jade Guanyin.

His Jade Guanyin was not taken away by Su Tianyun?

Ye Tianyi could no longer care about this. He held the Jade Guanyin in his hand almost as if he had received a life-saving straw... But, what should he do to get the space and spiritual spring?

How did Su Tianyun awaken to the Jade Guanyin Space? He has no idea!

After regaining hope, he suddenly fell into despair. At this time, Ye Tianyi felt that the body of Little Ye Zi in his arms had become completely cold. He reached out tremblingly to touch its heartbeat, and there was peace...

Ye Tianyi remained expressionless. I don't know how long after this action, he suddenly moved - he violently threw the Jade Guanyin in his hand towards the ground!

Since little leaf can't be saved, what's the use of the Jade Guanyin? Might as well ruin it!

The moment Jade Guanyin shattered, a white light flashed...

Ye Tianyi suddenly opened his eyes and looked at the snow-white wall in front of him, still unable to recover. This was not the suburb he had just been carried to by Xiao Yezi, but He entered the rental house where he was practicing... He turned to look next to him, and sure enough, Little Ye Zi was lying down next to him practicing, with his four tails swinging back and forth rhythmically.

His hand had unconsciously taken away from the Guanyin statue under his neck, and the voice of the man reciting the mantra in his mind also disappeared.

Ye Tianyi couldn't care less about continuing to practice. He quickly held Xiao Yezi in his arms. Only when he felt the real entity of Xiao Yezi in his arms did he feel relieved.

Little Ye Zi, who was pulled out of the cultivation state, looked at his master strangely. When he saw that the master just smoothed it soothingly and said nothing, he lay peacefully in his master's arms and slept with his eyes closed.

Although it is a very curious cat, before the end of the world, its owners would often suddenly hug it and caress it. It has long been accustomed to it and is not surprised anymore.

Ye Tianyi sat on the bed in a daze, holding Little Leaf in his arms, looking at the white wall in front of him without focus, recalling the scene he had dreamed about before, and the feeling of despair still remained in his heart.

His heart had stopped beating long ago, but he still felt the pain of his heart being squeezed tightly.

This feeling was so real that he didn't want to believe it was just a dream.

What's more, he is already a zombie that can't sleep or dream. Every time humans sleep at night, that's when zombies are most active. Because zombies are yīn in nature, they prefer nights without sun.

Zombies are considered living dead and do not have all the physiological functions of living people. Even Ye Tianyi, who has recovered his memories as a human, is nothing like a human except for his appearance and memory.

He has no heartbeat, no breathing, no body temperature... he does not have any vital characteristics that a living person should have, so he will not be sleepy, let alone dream.

Therefore, Ye Tianyi concluded that the bizarre dream he experienced before - let's call it a dream for the time being - was definitely not a real dream, but another future.

Ye Tianyi is a very smart person, and he is also good at association. He immediately associates the situations in the previous dream with the possible future.


In that bizarre dream, he was a superpower who had not mutated into a zombie. His superpower was still a third-level third-level superpower of the thunder system, spiritual system, space system, but he was still only a peak third-level intermediate superpower. Those who are capable.

But Xiao Yezi is still a first-order advanced mutant cat with two tails.

The abandoned warehouse where the two of them were trapped seemed to be an abandoned warehouse in the south of City A. There were several well-known shops with iconic signs in the place where Xiao Zizi led him to escape. It was easy to guess where they were. Where is the street?

He and Xiao Yezi probably planned to come out from the south of the city and head towards the survivor base in City A, which was different from the reality that he and Xiao Yezi came out from the east of the city.

Probably because the only way to the base from the east of the city was blocked by a group of tens of thousands of zombies. In reality, if he were not a high-level zombie, he would not be able to make those tens of thousands of zombies give up a safe passage.

In the dream, neither he nor Xiao Yezi could make way for tens of thousands of zombies, so it was normal to take a detour from the south of the city. In reality, many of the survivors who came to the base came from the south of the city. Although there were many zombies there, they were very scattered. Especially the streets and alleys extended in all directions, which was very suitable for escaping from the zombies.

In the dream, he didn't know why he was alone with Xiao Yezi on the road, and he didn't know why he was trapped in an abandoned warehouse by a group of zombies. As a result, Xiao Yezi had to desperately save him.

If he was not turned into a zombie by Su Tianyun in reality, but was just a person with super powers, he might have experienced the scene in the dream, and maybe Xiao Yezi would have really died to save him.

Ye Tianyi guessed like this and couldn't help but sneer in his heart. From this look, he might have to thank Su Tianyun.

In this apocalyptic world, it is indeed much easier to identify a zombie than a human being, but as time goes by, who knows whether humans, who are now at a disadvantage, will make a comeback?

But the more likely possibility is that human beings may just disappear from this world.

Ye Tianyi put aside the inexplicable thoughts in his mind, sighed slightly in his heart, and hugged the little leaf tightly in his arms.

Although it might have been just a dream prophecy before, a possibility of future development, and had nothing to do with reality, he had indeed experienced the pain of losing Xiao Yezi personally.

Ye Tianyi and Xiao Zizi looked at each other's ignorant sapphire blue eyes for a long time, smiled softly, and gently pressed a kiss on its forehead: "It's okay, go back to sleep."

Xiao Yezi stretched out his hand. The little tongue licked his cheek, but this time Ye Tianyi did not reach out to wipe his wet cheek, and his eyes were gentler.

Maybe that dream was not an accident... Ye Tianyi touched the Guanyin statue on his body and thought casually.

But this is no longer important. Regardless of whether the dream was caused by the mysterious Jade Guanyin, he has determined one thing - Little Yezi is indeed very important to him, and he must work hard to become stronger and protect Little Yezi. , at

least it cannot be reduced to being protected by Xiao Yezi with his life. That would hurt the heart of his master too

... , eating, drinking, sleeping and playing together, he has simply turned into a cat slave.

That day, when he was playing enthusiastically with Xiao Zizi with the cat stick, there was a knock on the door. Ye Tianyi was too lazy to get up and open the door. He glanced at it and saw that it was Su Ming?

Su Ming's condition at this time was quite bad. It was worse than the group of refugees waiting to die in Area D. If Ye Tianyi hadn't known him quite well, he wouldn't have been able to bear the thought that such a wretched person turned out to be so glamorous. Su Ming.

Ye Tianyi was very curious about what this guy had done to end up like this, but he already had some vague guesses in his mind, probably related to Su Tianyun's disappearance.

In other words, Su Ming's situation was probably indirectly caused by Ye Tianyi. Ye Tianyi said that he felt a little embarrassed.

In order to calm down his somewhat hesitant mood, he opened the door. He had to get the truth from Su Ming to confirm his suspicion before he could feel more at ease.

After opening the door, Su Ming looked at Ye Tianyi who was living a particularly comfortable life. A bit of jealousy flashed in his eyes, but he was more thankful.

Su Ming immediately squeezed in through the open door and into the room.

He was so dirty that Ye Tianyi couldn't help but take a step back, not wanting to come into close contact with the dirt on his body. As a result, he was given the opportunity to break into the house.

When Ye Tianyi saw that Su Ming had already come in, he was too lazy to chase him out. He wanted to listen to what this guy had to say first.

He closed the door and asked, "Tell me, why did you come to me?"

He never asked how Su Ming ended up in this situation.

This made Su Ming, who wanted to wait for Ye Tianyi to ask him about it and then cry out about his misery, a little embarrassed. However, since he came to find Ye Tianyi, he naturally trained his face to be thicker than the city wall. He cried to Ye Tianyi with tears and snot in his nose: "Usually, your brother and I lived well, but your brother suddenly disappeared a few days ago, and the people we had been close to before also avoided seeing him. Tianyun awakened his space powers, so all their supplies were placed in the In his space, I only had very little food on hand. I couldn't eat enough, and I couldn't afford the rent, so I had to live in D District for a while..."

Then Su Ming cried and complained about how long he lived in D District. It was so miserable, but he couldn't bear to harm Ye Tianyi. In the end, because he had eaten all the food and was hungry for many days and couldn't hold on any longer, he had no choice but to come to Ye Tianyi.

After Ye Tianyi listened, he listened in one ear and out the other, not paying attention at all.

If he took Su Ming's words seriously, he would be the biggest fool in the world.

Just before, Su Ming looked sneaky in front of his door for fear of being discovered, and how there were always people hanging around and watching him these days, but after Su Ming appeared, those people who were watching him left immediately. Ye Tianyi became suspicious.

The author has something to say: There really are cat slaves and dog slaves:

the mother takes the dog and her son to go shopping.

Son: Mom, I'm tired.

Mom: Are you tired after such a short journey? useless!

Dog: Woof woof woof!

Mom: Oh, honey, are you tired? Mommy will carry you away!

Son: Mom, QAQ, who is your son?