Chapter 49

Ye Tianyi is the most familiar with City A. After all, the Ye family's industry is mainly in City A, and he grew up here. Therefore, after he teleported out of the survivor base, he decided to treat City A as his territory.

If he wanted to control the entire City A, he first had to conquer the zombies in the city.

As the only fourth-level zombie with spiritual powers, Ye Tianyi has a huge advantage.

Ye Tianyi occupies Z Hotel, the largest hotel in the city center, as his permanent residence. No zombies are allowed to enter Z Hotel, and the surroundings are surrounded by evolved zombies. They will be Z Hotel's first line of defense.

It is not easy for high-level zombies to control low-level zombies. Only after zombies reach the third level can they deter other zombies, making other zombies afraid to offend at will, but unable to control zombies. Only after the zombies reach level five can they control ordinary zombies without superpowers and low-level zombies with the same superpowers, but zombies with mental superpowers are an exception.

The best thing about spiritual powers is to create illusions and control beings whose mental power is inferior to their own. Therefore, after entering the third level, zombies with spiritual powers can control ordinary zombies and zombies with powers lower than themselves. They are not limited to All abilities can be controlled.

Ye Tianyi has now upgraded all three series of abilities to the fourth level. It is very easy to control other zombies whose levels are not as good as his own. He took Xiao Yezi with him and walked around the city unscrupulously. Now there are basically not many surviving humans in the city. At least Ye Tianyi didn't see any survivors when he was looking to control the evolved zombies.

Ye Tianyi only found two third-level zombies in the entire City A, one of water type and one of wind type. The third-level wind type zombie advanced by occupying large material storage areas and hunting down the humans who came to look for supplies, but That third-level water zombie was a bit strange.

Because when Ye Tianyi discovered it, it was in a reservoir. There were not many humans around the reservoir, and the number of zombies was also relatively small. But how did this zombie advance its superpower to the third level in a sparsely populated reservoir? Especially since it rarely leaves the reservoir.

Ye Tianyi looked at the relatively well-preserved body in front of him, which was a third-level water zombie that was somewhat swollen after being soaked in water for a long time. Finally, he decided not to take it away, but let it live in the reservoir. But Ye Tianyi also stayed behind. He wanted to stay here to observe the daily life of this zombie and see how it advanced its powers.

He looked at Xiao Yezi who was clinging to his thigh and refused to leave, and said helplessly: "If you stay here with me, I won't have any chocolate for you to eat." His inventory had long been eaten up by this greedy little cat. He originally wanted Little Leaf to go back by himself, but he didn't expect that Little Leaf was unwilling to leave with him.

Little Ye Zi couldn't help but swallow when she thought of the delicious and smooth chocolate, but she couldn't bear to be separated from her owner, so she could only look at Ye Tianyi pitifully with her big, watery sapphire blue eyes.

Ye Tianyi, who felt soft-hearted at the sight of it, knelt down, touched its little head, and said patiently: "Little Ye Zi, be good, I have to stay here to find out how this water zombie cultivates super powers, and I can't leave casually. "If he could find a way that this zombie rarely eats people or that the zombie crystal core can also improve his superpowers, he might be able to speed up his superpower training. Now he can practice superpowers just by relying on that mysterious formula, and his speed has become even faster. A lot slower.


Little Ye Zi is now a third-level dual-line mutant beast with extraordinary strength and higher intelligence than mutant beasts of the same level. He understands Ye Tianyi's words well.

Therefore, after listening to Ye Tianyi's words, it stretched out its mental power to contact Ye Tianyi's mental power. In this case, it meant that it had something to say to him. Ye Tianyi allowed Xiao Zizi's mental power to penetrate without any hindrance.

[Master, I know, I know how it is practiced. ] This was an unexpected surprise. Ye Tianyi asked in surprise: "Do you know?"

Xiao Zizi: [I am also... of the water system, so I, I know. ][Water power, practicing in water will speed up...]Ye Tianyi: "..." Why didn't he think of this? The answer to the question that had troubled him for so many days turned out to be so simple? No wonder the third-level water zombie has been sinking into the reservoir and making no movement these days!

Ye Tianyi said to Xiao Zizi: "Then your speed of practicing supernatural powers will be much faster in the water?"

Xiao Zizi nodded: "But I want to be in ice water." ]

Ye Tianyi never let Little Ye Zi stay in the water often because cats don't like water, so he didn't expect Little Ye Zi who awakened the water and ice powers after the apocalypse to like water.

He glanced at the dark shadow in the center of the reservoir - the third-level water zombie lurking in the water - and after a few glances, he stopped staying here and turned around to leave.

Since water-type abilities can be cultivated faster in water, will his thunder-type abilities be cultivated faster in thunder and lightning? But what about spatial abilities? As for mental abilities... Ye Tianyi thought of the unconscious days when he had just mutated into a zombie. He had absorbed the negative emotions of humans and increased his mental power a lot. Human emotions can be regarded as a kind of release of mental power. When human emotions are exposed, his mental powers do run faster.

Ye Tianyi is not very anxious about the space ability, because his space ability has been integrated into the Jade Guanyin space and mutated. After entering the fourth level, he has the ability to teleport. The teleportation distance is very long. Chie is not in a hurry. On the other hand, the thunder power was only advanced to the fourth level after taking away Su Tianyun's spiritual spring by mistake last time. After that, except for the mysterious formula that can increase the thunder power, there is no way to increase it. Qiang Lei has superpowers.

Even though the mysterious formula can increase the speed of superpower cultivation, the increase is not too great. Based on this, I don't know how long it will take to wait for the thunder superpower to advance to the fifth level. Now he has found a way to increase the speed of superpower cultivation, which can speed up the advancement of thunder superpowers. When he reaches the fifth level...

Ye Tianyi raised his head and looked to the south, which is the direction of the survivor base in City A. , a red light flashed in the black pupils that were almost the same as those of normal people... He learned from the superhuman who came out to do a mission from the survivor base in City A that he captured last time that the Xiao family has not given up looking for him...


Ye Tianyi held Xiao Zizi and teleported quickly away from the reservoir, heading towards the Z Hotel in the city center.

Halfway through, he suddenly stopped teleporting and raised his head to listen carefully. There was the sound of cars driving on the street next door, mixed with the sound of people with superpowers killing zombies. Other sounds were not heard at all. Yeah, I guess I was worried that making too much noise would attract too many zombies.

After he heard the voice and determined that it was a human being, his mental power immediately spread over and clearly detected all the conditions in the street next door.

Those cars were not ordinary cars, and they were large military trucks. Ye Tianyi also detected a familiar presence - Li Min. Li Min seems to have a high status in this team and seems to be the team leader.

He used his mental power to eavesdrop on the conversation between Li Min and others, and learned that they only entered the city for supplies. After discovering his whereabouts, he stopped paying attention to them. He teleported and left here again.

Ye Tianyi returned to the Z Hotel, which he regarded as his home base, and first filled a bathtub of water for Xiao Zizi, allowing him to swim freely in the ice water in the bathtub. After feeding Xiao Yezi a few pieces of chocolate, he walked to the bedroom.

He set his sights on the café next to the bed... Hotel Z was powered on again by Ye Tianyi using a generator, so this café was electrified.

Ye Tianyi stretched his fingers onto the sofa, and sharp nails popped out. The extremely black nails formed a sharp contrast with the fingers that were so pale that there was no blood at all. He dug his nails into the hole, and a series of electric currents were instantly transmitted into his body. He subconsciously used the electric current as a thunder power to operate. Unfortunately, apart from being a little stiff due to the electric current, he could not do anything. I didn't feel it, and there was no movement at all from the thunder power.

It seems that his plan to use electric current to cultivate thunder powers has failed. I originally thought that current is electricity, and thunder and lightning are also electricity. The two should have something in common, but I didn't expect this to be useless. So... Ye Tianyi looked at the darkening sky outside the window, and he didn't know when there would be a thunderstorm. With the current temperature, which was so hot that there was no downward trend at all, the possibility of a thunderstorm was too small. For the time being, he There is no way to try to use nature's thunder to practice thunder powers.

Ye Tianyi stood up and was about to close the curtains of the window when he suddenly stopped and frowned slightly as he looked at the inconspicuous one or two drops of gray sewage on the glass.

He looked out the window attentively, and sure enough he saw traces of small and sparse raindrops. Was it raining?

Although he had just been looking forward to a thunderstorm that would allow him to try the method of practicing thunder powers, it started to rain, and he was sensitive to the fact that something was wrong with the rain.

The temperature is still so high, and the sun that has not yet set is still so hot, as if it can cook people to death.

But it was raining sparsely outside. It could be seen from the increasing number of water droplets on the glass that the rain was getting heavier... However, after the raindrops fell on the window glass and flew away, what was left behind was A small pool of turbid sewage...