Chapter 50

The rain became heavier and heavier, and the thin raindrops turned into large raindrops, falling on the glass window with a crackling sound. After a while, the originally clean and transparent The glass windows were covered with turbid sewage.

Ye Tianyi stood by the window and reached out to open the window. The raindrops outside splashed in and fell on the ground, leaving small pools of sewage traces. There were still some raindrops splashing on his body and falling on his skin... Ye Tianyi stretched out his hand and watched the raindrops that fell on the back of his hand being gradually absorbed. In the end, only a little wet mark remained, and he knew that this day, again It's about to change...

The raindrops are not the transparent color before the end of the world, but gray. The gray substance contained in the rain is not dirty, but a kind of energy. This energy can be absorbed by zombies and zombie animals to increase their strength. , but it has a damaging effect on mutant animals and people with superpowers.

Ye Tianyi asked Xiao Yezi to stay in the house to take shelter from the rain, while he took off his clothes and stood in the rain, trying his best to absorb the energy in the rain. Although he didn't know what the gray thing in the rain was that could increase the strength of zombies, he would not miss this good opportunity to increase his strength.

Compared with the zombies who can only passively accept the rain falling on their bodies to absorb supernatural powers, Ye Tianyi has a much greater advantage. He can accelerate the absorption of unknown energy in the rain by reciting the mysterious mantra. For a time, due to his rapid absorption The speed created a spectacle - the rain falling within a radius of five meters around him was involuntarily absorbed by him, and even the speed of raindrops falling nearby became much faster.

It rained for three days. During these three days, the zombies outside the Z Hotel all stood in rows and looked up at the sky without moving, greedily absorbing the energy in the rain. However, the humans were hiding from the rain. , dare not let a drop of rain fall on your body, otherwise you may be infected with the zombie virus and mutate into a zombie.

However, no one noticed that when the rainwater fell into the ground, it was absorbed by the soil. The roots of the plants planted in the soil were rooted in the underground soil, and they also greedily absorbed the rainwater. The branches and leaves were slightly withered by the scorching sun. The yellow turned into bright green, as if reborn...

Three days later, the unusual rain finally stopped. After being washed by the rain, the city not only did not take on a new look, but became even more so because of the gray matter in the rain. of filth. Many dilapidated buildings collapsed completely under the impact of the heavy rain, leaving them in ruins.

Ye Tianyi felt his fourth-level peak strength and his increased physical strength. He punched a luxury car parked nearby with one fist and kicked the car's wreckage away with a light kick. He spread his fingers. Hold it, I am quite satisfied with my current strength.

The advantage of zombies over humans is that even if zombies do not have awakened power, their own power is comparable to that of human power users. The same is true for speed. Even if the speed power is not awakened, zombies will increase in speed after advancement, comparable to human speed powers. This has also resulted in the phenomenon that power users and speed users are not taken seriously among humans, because every evolved zombie is born with power and speed powers.

However, other types of human beings with superpowers may not have the same strength and speed as zombies. After being unable to defeat zombies, they have little chance to escape. Therefore, human superpowers are generally no match for superpower zombies of the same level.


Although Ye Tianyi still has the memory of being a human being, it is simply a joke for him to be a savior to save mankind.

He is a zombie after all!

Ye Tianyi understands human nature very well. Even if he helps humans kill all the zombies and save humans, he is still an alien to humans. The only thing waiting for him is to be dissected and studied after his use value is exhausted.

If there was an opportunity in front of him, a chance for him to become a human again, Ye Tianyi would never choose to become a human again.

Not only is the identity of a human being not as convenient as a zombie in this apocalyptic world, but also because his identity as a zombie has been exposed. If he changes back to a human, he will not be able to return to the human world. If he is not careful, what is waiting for him may also become The fate of the research institute's experimental products. After all, a person who transformed from a zombie back to a human is really valuable for research.

Ye Tianyi has long given up on the idea of ​​​​collaborating with humans. Now that zombies have an absolute advantage, humans can only survive in the base. What Ye Tianyi wants to do now is to occupy City A and try his best to strengthen himself. In the zombie world, the strongest are respected, and the hierarchy is extremely strict. If he does not want to be enslaved by other high-level zombies, he can only force himself to enslave other high-level zombies.

Ye Tianyi is now at the fourth level peak, only one step away from the fifth level. However, his fourth level peak is only the zombie level, not the superpower level. His only superpower level is the spiritual superpower, which has been upgraded to the fourth advanced level. Space The supernatural power is at the fourth-level intermediate level, while the lightning-based power is still at the low-level fourth level. If you want to break through to the fifth level, you can only let all three series of abilities break through together.

Multi-system abilities may seem awesome, but they also have limitations. A single-type superpower user only needs to advance one type of superpower, but a multi-type superpower user must advance all of them at the same time. Even if one series of superpowers is not enough to advance, other superpowers can only be stuck at the top waiting.

Therefore, Ye Tianyi still has to worry about the lowest level thunder ability.

Although the rain that just fell could be called a torrential rain, there was no lightning or thunder at all. He had no choice but to experience the feeling of being struck by lightning.

Ye Tianyi glanced at the other zombies around him who had become stronger due to absorbing the energy of the rain, then turned and entered the hotel.

Xiao Zizi was worried about Ye Tianyi, so he kept lying next to the closed glass window and looking down at Ye Tianyi. Therefore, when Ye Tianyi came in, he happened to see Xiao Zizi lying on the window sill with four tails swaying behind him.

When Xiao Zizi saw Ye Tianyi come in, he was so excited that his four tails merged into one, then he rushed up and jumped on Ye Tianyi's head, and even jumped on purpose: [Master, why did you run out? Too dangerous! It worried me for a long time. ]Because the rainwater is comparable to sulfuric acid for mutant animals and humans, it will cause severe pain and great harm when it falls on the body, so Xiao Yezi feels that the rainwater is very dangerous, and Ye Tianyi, who specially took off his clothes and went out to soak in the rain to absorb energy, sees it in its eyes. It turns into deliberately going out to find nüè.

Ye Tianyi smiled and touched Xiao Zi's tail hanging in front of his eyes, and said comfortingly: "I'm really sorry for making Xiao Zi worry. I'll make amends with Xiao Yu Gan later, okay?"

Xiao Zi jumped onto Ye Tianyi's shoulder and lay down. , the sapphire blue cat eyes narrowed slightly with joy: [And chocolate! chocolate! chocolate! ]Ye Tianyi expressed his love very gently: "Okay, there are chocolates."


Ye Tianyi took Xiao Zizi out to go shopping in the supermarket. In A City, which is full of zombies, these two are the only ones who can go shopping leisurely like this. , take whatever you like.

Ye Tianyi found some chocolates in several small shops, but some of the chocolates were expired. How could he give expired or soon-to-expire chocolates to Xiao Yezi? Even if it is not expired, it will turn into a sticky pile under today's high temperature. So he gave up the chocolates in these small shops in disgust, and took Xiaoye to the largest supermarket nearby. There should be chocolates in the refrigerator, which would have a longer shelf life.

But when he approached the supermarket, the mental power he always exuded to detect the surrounding situation discovered Li Min and his group that he had met before.

This group of people has long lost the calmness they had before, and has become very embarrassed. Not to mention the number of people is much smaller, and there are still several superpowers who were caught in the rain and luckily did not turn into zombies but were seriously injured lying on the open space of the supermarket. More air coming out and less air coming in.

Ye Tianyi has long guessed that the energy in the rain is probably a zombie virus or something. Ordinary humans are likely to turn into zombies after being exposed to the rain. People with superpowers have much stronger resistance and are unlikely to mutate into zombies. But for humans, The burning pain, which was like the rain of sulfuric acid falling on their bodies, was also excruciating for them.

The higher the level of the superpower, the stronger the mental power. Ye Tianyi used the mental power to detect the mental power of the people in the supermarket and estimated their level of superpower. Only the taciturn man in military uniform next to Li Min was level three, and the others were Everyone is second level.

Nothing to worry about!

Ye Tianyi carried Xiao Zizi and entered through the back door of the supermarket. His sharp claws easily cut open the locked iron door, just like cutting tofu with a knife, without making much noise to attract the attention of the group at the front door.

Although the strength of Li Min and others was not taken seriously by Ye Tianyi, he did not intend to kill them casually when they did not threaten him. Ye Tianyi avoided the sight of Li Min and others and went straight to the supermarket.

The supermarket is large and has a lot of goods, but it is very messy. Many shelves are empty, and some shelves have fallen to the ground. The scattered products on them have fallen to the floor. There is a half-body zombie under the shelves that cannot move.

When the apocalypse breaks out, not only those humans with fevers turn into zombies, but some normal humans also suddenly turn into zombies in an instant. Therefore, there are many customer zombies wandering around in the supermarket, and some zombies are wearing supermarket work clothes and should be staff.

Ye Tianyi walked past the zombies. The zombies looked at Xiao Zizi with salivation, but under Ye Tianyi's strong pressure, they couldn't help but tremble instinctively and staggered away.