Chapter 52

Ye Tianyi took Xiao Zi into the space to rest. However, as soon as he entered the space, before he could interrogate what Xiao Zi had hidden from him, Xiao Zi swallowed the ice type elixir in one gulp and started to prepare. Breakthrough to level four.

Now Xiao Yezi is a four-tailed mutant cat. After breaking through to the fourth level, he will grow a fifth tail.

Ye Tianyi also attached great importance to its breakthrough. Seeing this, he stood aside to protect Xiao Zizi with a serious face. Fortunately, the space is isolated from the outside world, so there is no need to worry about Little Leaf attracting zombies or mutated plants due to the fluctuations in the advancement.

Little Ye Ye accumulated a lot of experience and advanced very smoothly. An hour later, the energy fluctuations during the advancement quickly and gradually dissipated.

Ye Tianyi walked over and held Xiao Zizi in his arms, but when his eyes fell on its tail, he suddenly froze because he found that Xiao Zizi's tail still had four tails, and the fifth tail actually switched between virtual and real. , clearly not fully advanced.

"Little Ye Zi, wake up!" Ye Tianyi called to Little Ye Zi who fell into a deep sleep, hoping that it would wake up quickly and control the energy in its body to continue to hit the bottleneck. Otherwise, if the advancement fails this time, it will be much more difficult to advance in the future. Times.

It's a pity that no matter how Ye Tianyi calls, Xiao Yezi never wakes up from his deep sleep. The tail behind him is swaying slightly. The fifth tail keeps switching between virtual and real, but it has never been able to complete the advancement and become real. Tail.

In desperation, Ye Tianyi could only pour spiritual spring water into Xiao Zi. His powers were different from Xiao Zi's, and he couldn't even help. Apart from this, he could only hold Xiao Zi and watch helplessly. With.

There was only day and no night in the space. Ye Tianyi didn't know how long he had been waiting. He only felt that his body had been maintaining the same movement until it was a little stiff. He turned around and took out a small bottle of spiritual spring water again, and when he was about to feed it to Xiao Zizi, he suddenly felt something wrong with the touch in his hand - why did the furry touch suddenly become smooth?

He looked down, and this time his whole body really stiffened - who the hell is this beautiful boy?

In his arms lay an extremely beautiful young man. The young man's beauty transcended his gender, making it impossible to describe his beauty in words... However, Ye Tianyi glanced at the two drooping hairs on the head of the beautiful young man in his arms. The cat ears finally landed on the big fluffy tail behind the naked boy. The big tail flicked and split into five small tails in an instant.

Well, even if he still couldn't believe it, Ye Tianyi had to admit that the beautiful boy with cat ears and tail in his arms should be the little fold-eared cat he raised.

He looked at the peacefully sleeping young man, and carefully looked at the two cat ears on the young man's head, as if he was afraid of disturbing the sleeping young man. But his free hand still couldn't help but want to touch the furry little ears, and even twitched at the five slightly swaying cat tails.

Ye Tianyi glanced at Xiao Zizi's peacefully sleeping face, and thought to himself, just touch it, it shouldn't wake him up... His right hand quietly touched the tail behind Xiao Zizi.

Just when he was about to touch a tail, five tails suddenly swung automatically, just in time to avoid his claws. Ye Tianyi stared at the naughty five tails closely this time, and then moved extremely quickly on the newly born fifth one. A touch on the tail.


People are always greedy. Although Ye Tianyi is a zombie now, he is a zombie turned from a human after all. So Ye Tianyi, who touched the tail as he wished, started thinking about touching the cat's ears again... I don't know why, he used to I often touched the tail of the cat-shaped little leaf, but I was not very interested in its ears, because the ears of folded-eared cats are droopy, and they feel very fragile. But now he couldn't help but want to touch and pinch the drooping cat ears on the humanoid little leaf's head...

Ye Tianyi looked at the sleeping appearance of little leaf again. It seems that he is sleeping deeply and won't wake up for a while, so it shouldn't matter if he touches it carefully. Didn't he touch the tail just now and not wake up Xiao Zizi?

So Ye Tianyi, who was comforted by himself again, stretched out his claws towards Xiao Zizi's two cute and fluffy cat ears...



Ye Tianyi silently pressed the slap mark on his face with no expression on his face. He said to the beautiful boy in his arms: "Are you awake?"

The cat's ears, which had just been touched the most sensitive, screamed subconsciously, and then scratched the bastard who dared to touch his cat's ears with his claws (scratching with his claws, turned into scratching with his claws) Little Ye Zi looked blankly at the five fingerprints on his master's face, and suddenly said angrily: "Master, please tell Little Ye Zi, which little bitch dares to slap you? Master Cat, I You must deal with that guy!"

Ye Tianyi, who had watched too many DVDs, sat down with an expressionless expression, pointed at his left hand, and said, "It's a fan." "

... …"

#Just opened his eyes and slapped his master#

#What's wrong with offending your parents? #

小叶子's arrogant expression suddenly calmed down. He held the five tails behind him in front of him. He looked at Ye Tianyi with concern and said: "Master, I... I didn't mean it." After apologizing, he I couldn't help but muttered in a low voice, "Who told you to pinch my ears?" Isn't that conditioned reflex?

But Ye Tianyi's attention was not focused on the words behind Xiao Zizi, but was all attracted by the call of 'Master'.

Originally, the appearance of the cat demon was not much worse than that of the fox spirit. After transforming into a human form, Xiao Ziye turned out to be a stunningly beautiful young man, sitting naked in his arms! There are also cat ears and a cat tail! And call him master! In this situation, a man must stand up!

Although Ye Tianyi is not a man, but a male corpse, thanks to the mysterious formula, his functions are still complete and normal, and his sexual orientation is originally the same sex... Therefore, when I heard that Little Ye Zi When he shouted 'Master' in his clear boyish voice, he felt a hint of master-servant shameful play in his heart... ahem.

Ye Tianyi tried to calm down.

It's a pity that his body is too honest.

Little Yezi curiously reached out and touched the back of his butt: "Master, it seems that there is a stick under me..."

Ye Tianyi's eyes turned red, and he silently reached out and grabbed Little Yezi's restless arm. She said in a deep voice: "Don't move!"

"Oh." Little Yezi looked at him with big eyes, cute and cute, as if waiting for his master's next instruction.

Such an obedient look made people want to throw him down... Ye Tianyi's face tensed up even more, and then he decisively recited the mantra "Jing Jing Xin" in his heart.


Little Yezi looked at Ye Tianyi who was silent curiously, sensitively aware of something wrong with his mood, and asked: "Master, what's wrong with you?"

Hearing the word 'Master' again, Ye Tianyi's eyes turned redder. He said in a hoarse voice: "Stop talking, I want to be quiet." He felt that he really needed to be alone for a while, and he had any urge towards his pet cat that he had raised for more than 20 years. Isn't it too animalistic?

Although Xiao Yezi turned into a human form, he was not a real human being after all. Hearing Ye Tianyi's words, he felt a little aggrieved: "Master, who is Jingjing? How am I inferior to that Jingjing? You don't want me to think about Jingjing's actions?" Well?"

Ye Tianyi: "..."

He looked at Xiao Zizi's confused face and sighed helplessly.

Although he and Xiao Yezi are no longer human beings, it doesn't seem to matter even if they are together. There is no need for him to struggle mentally. It's just that Little Yezi, who has just transformed, is as ignorant as a child. If he really attacks Little Yezi, he will really feel a little guilty...

Ye Tianyi stretched out his hand and rubbed Little Yezi's silky hair, and said with a smile: "Jingjing is not who. , I just said that I wanted to be alone and quiet for a while." His eyes swept over Xiaoye's ears and tail, "Can you put your tail and ears away?"

Xiaoye shook his tail. He turned his head and said, "Just wait until I grow a sixth tail."

Ye Tianyi directly picked up Xiao Zizi and walked towards the house built in the space, personally dressing Xiao Zizi. Since the five tails were really in the way, Ye Tianyi had to modify the pants and then help Xiao Zizi put them on.

Little Ye Zi thought that his master was playing games with him. He was very uncooperative even when he was very happy. It took him almost an hour to put on a suit of clothes. But Ye Tianyi also enjoyed it a little bit. Ever since he just discovered that he had an impulse towards Xiao Zizi, he no longer looked at Xiao Zizi as a pet companion, but gradually regarded him as a lover, so he wore it frequently Mopping during the process of dressing.

Ye Tianyi's feelings for Xiao Zizi may not be called deep love yet, but in this world, the existence he cares about most is Xiao Zizi. In the past, he was because Little Ye Zi was given to him by Mr. Ye, and he valued Little Ye Zi because of Mr. Ye's emotional influence. After raising him for more than 20 years, Little Ye Zi was just a relatively important pet in his heart.

However, that time he saw Xiao Yezi dying to save him in his dream, and he was deeply touched. His feelings for Xiao Yezi changed from a pet to a partner who fights side by side without abandoning or giving up. Now that Xiao Zizi could turn into a human form, he really felt attracted to him...