Chapter 53

After Ye Tianyi dressed Xiao Zizi, he looked at the beautiful cat boy up and down. He was satisfied and a little itchy at the same time, so he stretched out his hand to touch He touched Xiao Yezi's head and said with a smile: "Well, it's pretty good." When

Xiao Yezi was happy, he wanted to get down on all fours. Ye Tianyi quickly stopped him and said: "You have turned into a human form now. You can't be like a cat in the future. To crawl, you have to stand upright and walk on two legs."

Xiao Yezi looked at his white and tender legs in confusion, then at the hands held by Ye Tianyi, and stood up tentatively. , took two steps in the direction of Ye Tianyi.

Although I feel that this way of walking is a bit unaccustomed, it is indeed more convenient for the humanoid to walk on two legs than to walk on limbs of different lengths. Little Yezi walked a few steps under Ye Tianyi's protection. After getting used to it, he jumped up and down. In Ye Tianyi's arms, he stuck out his tongue and licked his face.

The smooth touch on his face made Ye Tianyi freeze. In the past, Little Ye Zi often licked him. This was after all an animal's friendly and close behavior, but now that Little Ye Zi turned into a human, he licked him like this. The teasing and ambiguous meaning almost made him lose control. Originally, he had a special feeling for the beautiful boy in his arms. He was very beautiful, plus those cat ears and tail that were a big killer for men, his ignorant little expression, and his innocent and charming closeness. Actions... Ye Tianyi felt that he had good self-control now that he could not throw Xiao Ziye directly into Jiangjiang Zongnong.

He hugged Xiao Yezi, feeling very entangled in his heart. He wanted to teach little Ye Zi not to lick people casually, but he also selfishly didn't want this little benefit to disappear. In the end, after hesitating for a long time, Ye Tianyi said nothing. Anyway, Xiao Yezi can only come into contact with him now, and the one who wants to kiss and lick him will only lick him. Only a fool with such a good welfare would push it out.

However, Little Leaf now looks like a ignorant child and behaves as before. It's just that he is now in human form. It would be a bit bad if he still behaves like a cat. Therefore, Ye Tianyi plans to personally teach Little Leaf how to behave. manner.

#Teach you how to be a human being in minutes! #First

start with teaching how to hold chopsticks when eating - Ye Tianyi helplessly watched Xiao Zizi knocking over a plate of food again, and finally gave up teaching him how to hold chopsticks to eat. Anyway, the cat demon does not need to eat. Ye Tianyi failed n times He comforted himself.

Teaching Xiao Ziye how to dress ended up almost causing a gunfire and was declared a failure again.

Ye Tianyi worked with Xiao Zizi for more than ten hours, teaching him to eat, dress, walk and speak... Except for the relatively big progress in speaking, nothing else followed Ye Tianyi's idea, and they all ended in failure.

In the end, Xiao Yezi impatiently changed back into the cat form, and Ye Tianyi had no choice but to give up.

Ye Tianyi sighed and touched the hair on Xiao Yezi's back, and said: "Forget it, if you don't want to learn, just don't learn. Anyway, it's the end of the world now, and maybe even humans will perish."

Anyway, he and Xiao Yezi are now both If you are no longer a human being, why are you still clinging to human living habits? At worst, in the future, Little Leaf will turn into a human form and won't be able to eat. He will feed him. He won't be able to dress. He will help him dress. He won't be able to walk. He will hold him and walk... As long as he is here, it doesn't matter if Little Leaf doesn't know anything. Will take care of everything.

Moreover, Ye Tianyi also had an unspeakable intention in his heart - it would be best if he raised little Ye Zi so delicately that he would never be able to live without him.


Little Yezi took a look at Ye Tianyi's face and saw that he really gave up and continued to 'torturing' him, so she happily threw herself into his arms: "Meow~ Master, you are so kind!"

Ye Tianyi responded with the conditions. He hugged Xiao Zizi who was rushing towards him like a sheep. When he heard Xiao Zizi speak, he was quite shocked: "You can actually talk?"

It's not surprising that Xiao Zizi in human form can talk. Now Xiao Zizi is in the shape of a cat, and he can actually talk. Can you speak human language?

Little Leaf shook his tail in confusion: "I have been able to speak for a long time." Why is the owner making such a fuss about Mao?

Ye Tianyi touched Xiao Zizi's throat. He must have been like those monsters in TV novels who were able to speak human words. He also calmed down and stopped making a fuss.

He looked at Xiao Zizi and suddenly said: "Can I give you a name?"

Xiao Zizi tilted his head and asked strangely: "Don't I have a name?"

Ye Tianyi said: "Xiao Zizi is just a nickname. Can I give you a good name? "Little Yezi is just like nicknames like Xiaobai and Xiaohei. It is a nickname given by the owner to his pet. But now that Little Yezi can become a human, Ye Tianyi decided to treat Little Yezi as his nickname. Treat her as an equal, not as your own pet, so he wanted to give Little Leaf a serious name.

Xiao Zizi had very deep feelings for Ye Tianyi as his master, so of course he nodded happily and agreed without any hesitation. The fact that the master is willing to give him a good name shows that he is very important in the master's heart.

Ye Tianyi smiled and said: "Then I'll call you...Ye Weiqing." Following his surname is Ye, which is considered to be following my husband's surname (?), Weiqing, only you... We are each other's only one.

After all, Xiao Yezi's limited brain capacity didn't understand the profound meaning of Ye Tianyi's name. He didn't even know the three characters of the name. He quickly forgot about it and kept his own name in his mind. It's still the same 'little leaf' as before.

Ye Tianyi didn't mind either, she still called him "Little Leaf" or "Little Leaf".

The reason why he gave Xiao Yezi another name, Ye Weiqing, was just to show his respect and love for him. No matter how nice the name is, it is just a code name. As long as he alone knows the profound meaning of the name 'Ye Weiqing', it is enough as long as the name belongs to Xiao Yezi.

Ye Tianyi looked at Xiao Zizi's happy appearance, a gentle smile appeared on his lips, and his eyes were incredibly soft.


Now that Xiao Yezi has advanced and Ye Tianyi has had enough rest, he decided to find some space to continue their hunting trip.

The last days are becoming more and more dangerous. If they don't work hard to improve their strength, they won't have the power to protect themselves, and they have to continue to work hard. I wonder what the trend will be in the end of the world, will it gradually move towards peace or gradually towards extinction? The future is uncertain, and all Ye Tianyi can do is to work hard to improve his strength so that he and Xiao Yezi can live longer and longer in the end of the world.

Zombies are no longer considered living creatures, so they have no lifespan. But just thinking about the lifespan of a cat demon is very long. Ye Tianyi and Xiao Yezi still have many years to live in the future, and of course they don't want to die in the hands of others because of lack of strength.

Ye Tianyi, who originally planned to unify all the zombies in City A, occupy this once extremely prosperous city, and become the lord of the city, felt that he was not strong enough due to unexpected plant mutations, so he gave up on this time-consuming occupation. Kingly behavior. When he becomes strong enough, shouldn't he just take over as many cities as he wants? There is no need to worry about being discovered by humans or encountering mutant plants that are particularly difficult to deal with like now.

In the blink of an eye, more than three months passed as Ye Tianyi and Xiao Zizi were busy upgrading.

Ye Tianyi's mental and spatial abilities gradually rose to the peak of the fourth level after countless exercises, but his thunder ability was still at the intermediate level of the fourth level. Fortunately, it was temporarily hindered by the thunder ability. , the other two series of abilities can be accumulated without being able to advance. When the breakthrough reaches the fifth level, the energy change may cause a qualitative change, directly allowing the two series of abilities to break through to the fifth level.

Therefore, Ye Tianyi was not in a hurry, and slowly followed Xiao Yezi to use mutated animals to hone his strength. Only by experiencing hundreds of battles can you show your strength to the fullest.

Ye Tianyi and Xiao Yezi attacked the most vulnerable core of a huge mutated elm tree. The third-level advanced mutated elm tree that had been so majestic just now suddenly stopped waving its branches and collapsed suddenly.

Little Ye Zi is now in human form - because Ye Tianyi wants to train his fighting power in human form, he is not allowed to turn into cat form until the critical moment - the speed is also very fast, a few afterimages flash past, and the Yidan in the heart of the tree is It was taken out by Xiao Yezi.

Ye Tianyi looked at Xiao Zizi with a gentle expression as he happily waved the elixir in his hand towards him. Suddenly, a sense of crisis flashed through his heart, and he subconsciously teleported to Xiao Zizi's side, and then teleported him away from that place.

As soon as he teleported away with Xiao Yezi, a huge crater was created by several very thick lightning pillars where they were standing.

Looking at the huge pit, Ye Tianyi felt not fear, but joy. It's actually a thunder power? !

He looked in the direction of the supernatural power and saw a very beautiful bird standing on an ordinary tree that had not mutated. He didn't know what kind of bird it was before it mutated, but he was sure. The lightning power just now must have come from it, and it was still a fourth-level primary thunder power.

It's really hard to find anything without wearing iron shoes, and it takes no effort to get it. The lightning-type zombies or mutated animals that he had been looking for for so long actually appeared in front of him at this moment. They happened to be the fourth-level primary lightning-type elixir that allowed him to break through the fifth-level barrier.

That's right, it's Yidan. In Ye Tianyi's eyes, this mutated bird has become a thunder elixir delivered to his door.