Chapter 54

Ye Tianyi's fourth-level intermediate thunder power completely destroyed the mutant bird. However, because the mutant bird was born with the ability to fly, and its speed was not slow, it caused him a lot of trouble. But probably because the mutant bird's power was thunder, it had a very violent temper. Seeing that Ye Tianyi not only snatched away its favorite prey (the strange elixir of the mutated elm tree), but also attacked it, they got into a fight with him. , and didn't want to run away.

Ye Tianyi relied on his unexpected spatial teleportation and the mystery of his mental abilities to cause the thunder mutant bird to suffer several big losses.

No matter how smart the thunder-type mutant bird is, no matter how violent its temper, it still has the instinct to sense danger. When it realizes that its strength is not as good as Ye Tianyi's, it spreads its wings and flies away from Ye Tianyi's attack range.

At this time, Xiao Yezi, who had a tacit understanding with Ye Tianyi and had already blocked its escape route, immediately turned into a huge cat shape and slapped it out with a slap, freezing the thunder mutant bird and then slapped it to the ground.

With a 'click', the hard ice cracked under the violent impact. Ye Tianyi came over and took out the crystal clear thunder-type elixir from the mutated bird's body. The round, light purple elixir looked particularly beautiful.

Ye Tianyi smiled and pulled Xiao Yezi, who had turned into a human form again, and said: "Let's go into the space!"

Since the fusion of space powers with the Jade Guanyin space, they have used the space as a portable residence. They usually enter when they rest or want to break through. In the space, this space makes their life of wandering and hunting outside quite enjoyable.

They had encountered people from the Survivor Base of City A while hunting in City A. Although they had not had much contact with those humans, Ye Tianyi still monitored them through his mental power and learned a lot about the human base.

For example, the first rain after the end of the world not only ruined Ye Tianyi's plan to become king, but also caused considerable turmoil in the human base. The distant base is unclear, but the survivor base in City A is not very optimistic.

Since there are not many houses in the base, it is difficult to accommodate all the survivors, and the rent of the houses is very expensive. Therefore, many ordinary survivors who cannot afford the rent just sleep on the ground in the open space. Anyway, the weather is very hot and sleeping like this is not afraid of catching a cold. But when the rain came, these ordinary survivors were caught in the rain full of zombie viruses. Although some ordinary people were lucky enough to awaken their powers, more ordinary people turned into zombies, and the base It's a mess.

Fortunately for the superpowers, even if they get caught in the rain, they will only suffer some burns at most and will not mutate into zombies. However, many zombies suddenly appeared in the crowd in the base, causing panic and causing chaos in the base. Countless people who accidentally killed were bitten by zombies, and the number of survivors was greatly reduced.

Originally, the top leader of the survivor base in City A was Commander Jiang. Commander Jiang was considered a good commander who loved the people and made many decisions that were beneficial to ordinary survivors, so he had a high prestige in the hearts of ordinary people. However, if he wants to provide benefits to ordinary survivors, it will harm the interests of superpowers. Therefore, the number of superpowers under Commander Jiang is not as many as those under General Xiao.

General Xiao believes in respecting the strong, and believes that the end of the world is an evolution of natural survival of the fittest, and those with special abilities will eventually replace ordinary people and become the future masters. Therefore, General Xiao, who did not care much about ordinary people and paid great attention to the interests of superpowers, was supported by many superpowers.

This rainstorm caused great losses to the ordinary people, and also put Commander Jiang at a disadvantage in the struggle with General Xiao. The top management of the Survivor Base in City A underwent a major reshuffle after the bombardment. The Xiao family has replaced the Jiang family as the most powerful person in the base.


Ye Tianyi is not very interested in the replacement of rights in the human base, but the survivor base in City A is the closest human survivor base to City A, so he pays more attention to it. After learning that the Xiao family came to power, Ye Tianyi was not very happy. He had not forgotten that the last time a zombie was discovered in the base and ordered to be killed, it was the son of General Xiao who was responsible. He had to flee the base.

He still holds this grudge.

Therefore, after Ye Tianyi learned that the survivor base in City A was controlled by the Xiao family, he planned to break through to the fifth level and lead tens of thousands of zombies to the base to increase the sense of crisis for the Xiao family. After all, one should be prepared for danger in times of peace, right? Seeing that the Xiao family had just gained power, he was probably a little carried away.

After Ye Tianyi got the elixir of the thunder-type mutant bird, he couldn't wait to pull Xiao Yezi into the space together, ready to start attacking the fifth level. He has been waiting for this day for a long time.

Moving from level 4 to level 5 is a qualitative breakthrough and is not easy. However, Ye Tianyi's thunder power has already reached the peak of the fourth level after acquiring the thunder elixir, and the remaining energy is enough for him to reach the fifth level. As for the space power and the spiritual power, he has accumulated them for a long time. With the help of Lingquan, Ye Tianyi successfully broke through to the fifth level with almost no effort. He even reached the advanced fifth level all at once with the space powers and spiritual powers that he had accumulated for a long time.

The first thing Ye Tianyi did when he recovered from the breakthrough state was to pull Xiao Yezi, who was sitting beside him and guarding him, and give him a firm kiss.

Little Yezi, whose cheeks turned red after being kissed, turned around in embarrassment: "Master, you, why are you kissing me?"

Ye Tianyi smiled and persuaded him: "I kissed you because I like you, and you lick me too, don't you? Because you like me? Since we both like each other, of course we can do some intimate things. "

"But...but..." Xiao Zizi is still a little hesitant. He has watched a lot of TV dramas and even kissed. This was something a man and a woman could only do before. Although he didn't quite understand what lovers meant, it didn't stop him from sensitively feeling that something was wrong with Ye Tianyi's words. But he felt that the master's words seemed to make sense...

Ye Tianyi kissed him on the forehead again, but this time it was different from the hard kiss just now, but a gentle and pitying kiss, which was rare for Ye Tianyi. The tenderness.

He stretched out his hand to caress Xiao Yezi's smooth face and whispered: "It's nothing, you don't have to think too much, you just need to remember that we are the most intimate existence between each other." He hugged Xiao Yezi tightly. In my arms, it was as if I wanted to rub him into my bones, completely integrating the two of them into one, truly becoming the most intimate existence.

Although Xiao Yezi was still a little confused, after listening to Ye Tianyi's words, he no longer struggled with this. He smiled happily and imitated Ye Tianyi's behavior just now, and kissed him on the face: "I'll kiss you too, I like you too. "


The fourth level to the fifth level is a watershed, and the strength is completely qualitative change. Ye Tianyi is now a fifth level zombie, with fifth level primary lightning power, fifth level advanced space spirit power, great strength rise.

He felt that now that his strength had increased, he should try to see how much his strength had increased. As for the goal of the experiment... the survivor base in City A is a good choice, as it can also test the Xiao family. Anyway, he had planned to leave City A for City B after breaking through to the fifth level. Before leaving, he had to make trouble for the Xiao family, who had some grudges against him.

Before Ye Tianyi broke through, he could use his spiritual powers to control other zombies. Now that he has broken through to the fifth level, even if he does not use his spiritual powers, the coercion of the fifth-level zombies is enough to control countless ordinary zombies and fellow zombies. Zombies with lower power levels than him obey his orders. As for those zombies that are not of the same power type, as long as their level does not exceed his, he can still control them with spiritual power.

With this calculation, Ye Tianyi can control tens of thousands of zombies, including many high-level evolved zombies, and he can do so easily.

The survivor base in City A is located in the suburbs. It occupies a large area, but is very desolate. If this place were not desolate and sparsely populated, there would be no survivor base established after the apocalypse, because a place with many people before the apocalypse means there will be many zombies after the apocalypse.

City A is a large city with an extremely developed economy and a large population. Even if most people turn into zombies or die, the number of survivors is still a very considerable number. One survivor base cannot support so many humans. Therefore, a circle of land was opened outside the city wall of the base to grow some high-yielding food. Fortunately, the wood-type superpowers could purify the soil after being promoted to the third level, so that humans would not even have a place to grow food.

It's a pity that the level of third-level wood superpowers is still low. They have the ability to purify the soil, but they are unable to purify all the toxins in the soil. At most, they can only allow food to grow in the soil. The food belt that grows Contains slight toxins and is not very suitable for human consumption.

But when people are extremely hungry, how can they care about whether there is poison in the food? Not to mention that these micro-toxins are not fatal immediately. Even if they die soon after eating them, these extremely hungry people will still eat them.

This kind of toxin-containing food is supplied to ordinary civilians, so the people who venture out to work and serve this food outside the city walls are also ordinary civilians. This kind of work is very dangerous, but the pay is relatively generous. One day of work can earn a family of four three days of rations, so many ordinary people are willing to take the risk to farm.

On this day, the sun had just come out and it was so hot that people were sweating profusely. A small door opened at the city gate, and ordinary people responsible for farming outside the city came out with hoes and other tools.

However, before they could enter the fields to serve those precious seedlings, they noticed small black spots appearing on the distant horizon. These black spots were increasing rapidly and slowly approaching the base... &&&&&&&&&&&& The

fourth level arrived The fifth level is a watershed, and the strength is completely a qualitative change. Ye Tianyi is now a fifth-level zombie, with fifth-level primary lightning power and fifth-level advanced space spiritual power, his strength has greatly increased.

He felt that now that his strength had increased, he should try to see how much his strength had increased. As for the goal of the experiment... the survivor base in City A is a good choice, as it can also test the Xiao family. Anyway, he had planned to leave City A for City B after breaking through to the fifth level. Before leaving, he had to make trouble for the Xiao family, who had some grudges against him.

Before Ye Tianyi broke through, he could use his spiritual powers to control other zombies. Now that he has broken through to the fifth level, even if he does not use his spiritual powers, the coercion of the fifth-level zombies is enough to control countless ordinary zombies and fellow zombies. Zombies with lower power levels than him obey his orders. As for those zombies that are not of the same power type, as long as their level does not exceed his, he can still control them with spiritual power.

With this calculation, Ye Tianyi can control tens of thousands of zombies, including many high-level evolved zombies, and he can do so easily.

The survivor base in City A is located in the suburbs. It occupies a large area, but is very desolate. If this place were not desolate and sparsely populated, there would be no survivor base established after the apocalypse, because a place with many people before the apocalypse means there will be many zombies after the apocalypse.

City A is a large city with an extremely developed economy and a large population. Even if most people turn into zombies or die, the number of survivors is still a very considerable number. One survivor base cannot support so many humans. Therefore, a circle of land was opened outside the city wall of the base to grow some high-yielding food. Fortunately, the wood-type superpowers could purify the soil after being promoted to the third level, so that humans would not even have a place to grow food.

It's a pity that the level of third-level wood superpowers is still low. They have the ability to purify the soil, but they are unable to purify all the toxins in the soil. At most, they can only allow food to grow in the soil. The food belt that grows Contains slight toxins and is not very suitable for human consumption.

But when people are extremely hungry, how can they care about whether there is poison in the food? Not to mention that these micro-toxins are not fatal immediately. Even if they die soon after eating them, these extremely hungry people will still eat them.

This kind of toxin-containing food is supplied to ordinary civilians, so the people who venture out to work and serve this food outside the city walls are also ordinary civilians. This kind of work is very dangerous, but the pay is relatively generous. One day of work can earn a family of four three days of rations, so many ordinary people are willing to take the risk to farm.

On this day, the sun had just come out and it was so hot that people were sweating profusely. A small door opened at the city gate, and ordinary people responsible for farming outside the city came out with hoes and other tools.

However, before they could enter the fields to serve those precious seedlings, they noticed small black spots appearing on the horizon in the distance. These black spots were increasing rapidly and slowly approaching the base...