Chapter 57

Ye Tianyi only felt that his mental power was like a fish entering the sea, being contained in it, and he felt extremely comfortable and comfortable.

He focused his eyes on the giant tree. At this time, his mental power was still entangled with the huge mental power. In his eyes, the giant tree was no longer what it was before. The whole body of the giant tree was dotted with stars. The light green light spots, the emerald green leaves seemed to be composed of countless light spots, and the most concentrated light green light spot in the entire tree was the flaming fruit.

The fruit was obviously flaming red, but when Ye Tianyi looked at it, he only felt that the fruit was composed of green light spots full of vitality.


Ye Tianyi was stunned for a moment. He seemed to have heard someone speaking in his mind just now?

[It's me, child...]

Ye Tianyi looked at the giant tree in front of him in shock, because he discovered that the voice in his mind came from that huge spiritual power, and the source of that spiritual power was This huge tree.

The mysterious giant tree does not speak the language of the earth, but a language with a very charming but strange pronunciation. This language Ye Tianyi does not understand, but because it transmits sounds directly through spiritual power, Ye Tianyi can Contact understands the meaning of that language.

It's just that he, a zombie in his twenties, is still called a child...

[Child, I've been waiting for you for a long time, come on, come to me...] Ye Tianyi hesitated, although he couldn't feel the giant tree. There is malice in the spiritual power, but he is kind and tolerant to him. However, the giant snake climbing on the trunk of the giant tree is not easy to mess with. I don't know what the giant snake eats to grow up, but it is even higher than him. High, a full fifth level intermediate level.

In fact, the giant snake was just lucky enough to break into this place and live in the giant tree. It usually eats the leaves of the giant tree, and the giant tree has countless leaves. It doesn't care if a small insect occasionally chews two pieces. Leaves. That's right, chewing two leaves occasionally. There was too much energy in the leaves, and the giant snake could only nibble the edges of the leaves from time to time.

And these humans are just a team of survivors with good or bad luck.

Their destination is the survivor base in city B. There are dozens of people in the group, and there are more than 20 superpowers, which can be regarded as a good force. This road was the closest to City B, and happened to break into the barrier unintentionally.

Call them unlucky. They were able to encounter this giant tree. If anyone could get a leaf from the giant tree, it would be a big gain. They said they were lucky, but they were unlucky enough to encounter a mutant giant snake that had been promoted to the fifth level. In front of this mutant giant snake that even Ye Tianyi found troublesome, they were just a piece of food, and they could not even feed others with their teeth. No qualifications.

When only a dozen or so people were left in the team of survivors, Ye Tianyi happened to break in and temporarily saved their lives from the venom of the mutated giant snake.

However, if their battle with the mutated giant snake hadn't caused the commotion on the ground, and also attracted the attention of Ye Tianyi and his two men, Ye Tianyi might not have come to check on the situation, but would have taken another route to City B

All we can say is that there is God's will in the dark.


The call of the mysterious giant tree became stronger and stronger. Ye Tianyi even had a feeling that if he didn't go, he would regret it. He would definitely regret it.

This premonition was so strong that he could hardly resist the urge to walk towards the giant tree.

But we still have to deal with the mutated giant snake first.

Ye Tianyi shouted at the dozen survivors with supernatural powers: "Why don't we cooperate?"

Those dozen psychics were not fools. When they entered this place, they could naturally see that the giant tree and the fruits on it were not A good thing in general, otherwise why would the mutated giant snake cling to the tree and look up at the fruit with covetous eyes from time to time? Even when attacking them, they just spit out venom and are not willing to come down at all, otherwise they would have been wiped out long ago.

Faced with Ye Tianyi's request for cooperation, the dozen or so superpower users very cautiously asked about Ye Tianyi's superpower level and system.

Ye Tianyi had no intention of letting these dozen people leave alive. The reason why he told them to cooperate was just to treat them as targets to attract the mutated giant snake. Therefore, he did not hide his power level, saying: "I am a fifth-level lightning power user." As for the space system and the spiritual system, it was harder to see during the battle, so he hid it.

The dozen or so superpowers took a deep breath and were extremely shocked.

A fifth-level lightning power user? The lightning system is an extremely rare power. They have never seen it before, let alone the fifth level.

After the shock, they felt a burst of ecstasy. Now they were saved. The mutant giant snake was only a fifth-level snake. They might be able to escape with the help of this master.

They immediately agreed to Ye Tianyi's request for cooperation. Even though Ye Tianyi asked them to attract the attention of the mutated giant snake and kill it, which felt like making them ashes, they still agreed. In this situation, the strength is inferior to others, so in order to seek a chance of survival, one has to do what the stronger one says.

Ye Tianyi's plan is simple but should be very effective, because among the mutated animals, except for his little Ye Zi who awakened the cat demon bloodline, the other mutated animals are not very smart and are dominated by animal instincts. But this fifth-level mutated giant snake seems to be very intelligent. No matter how the superpowers attract its attention, it always spits venom at them, prevents them from approaching the giant tree, and refuses to leave the giant tree. The tree gān.

Seeing this, Ye Tianyi had no choice but to confront the mutated giant snake himself and gave up his plan of a sneak attack.

Ye Tianyi first used his thunder power to tentatively attack the mutated giant snake. However, when the thunderbolt landed a few meters above the tree trunk, it was swallowed up by a series of light green light spots.

That's right, it was swallowed.

In the eyes of others, the thunder and lightning emitted by Ye Tianyi disappeared inexplicably, but in Ye Tianyi's eyes, he could clearly see that the light green light spots around the giant tree came over and swallowed up the thick thunder and lightning. , and then returned to its original state.

The mutated giant snake seemed to have expected this. It raised its head high and stared at Ye Tianyi coldly with a hint of ridicule and provocation.

It was really ridicule and provocation. Ye Tianyi was sure that he was right. The mutated giant snake was almost as human as Little Ye Zi.

When he was frowning, the voice calling him sounded again: [Come directly, don't be afraid... Come on, kid... Come...] &&&&&&Ye Tianyi walked towards the giant tree involuntarily, Just when he was about to come into contact with the pale green light spot, he was suddenly awakened by the severe pain in his arm.

After waking up, Ye Tianyi quickly stepped back and stayed away from the giant tree again, for fear that the light green light spots would touch him.

Ye Tianyi watched the bite wound on his arm gradually heal, and reached out to touch the head of Xiao Zi who woke him up from his confusion: "Thank you, Xiao Zi, you saved my life again."

Followed by Ye Tianyi Although Xiao Yezi, who has been studying for a long time, does not quite understand what his master said, he obviously only helped his master this time, but he was still very happy to be praised and thanked by his master =v=

Ye Tianyi had already put all the All the mental power was withdrawn into the body, and he no longer used his mental power to observe the surroundings, but looked with his naked eyes.

Sure enough, the scenery seen with naked eyes was different again.

This giant tree was not as huge as the ones he had seen before. It was just bigger than other mutant trees. There were no more than a dozen superpowers who had reached a cooperation agreement with him under the tree. The bones include those of humans and mutant zombies. There is no longer the fifth-level intermediate mutant giant snake crawling on the tree trunk, but a huge twisting vine. The fruit hanging on the tree is still there, but the fruit is not like the one Ye Tianyi saw before. It was as beautiful as a fairy fruit, but like a dark red stained by countless blood, exuding a disgusting smell and full of ominous feeling.

At this time, Xiao Yezi turned into a human form, stood next to Ye Tianyi, and said to him: "The ability of this mutant tree is to create illusions. It belongs to the spiritual system, and its level is almost fifth level."

At this point, Ye Tianyi, who had just escaped from the illusion, It's also clear.

I hunted geese all day long but almost got pecked in the eye by the geese.

Ye Tianyi, who had just been promoted to the fifth level and had extremely high self-confidence, immediately restrained himself a lot. He began to reflect on the reason why he almost fell into the trap of a fourth-level peak mutant tree.

He felt that firstly, it was because he was too confident in his own strength, and secondly, because he relied too much on his mental detection.

The spiritual power of this mutated tree is quite special. Not only is it good at creating illusions, but it is also good at using other people's mental power to lure others. This kind of temptation is not controlled by force, and people automatically imagine what they are subconsciously thinking in the illusion. Things are difficult to discover, even if their mental power is higher than that of a mutated tree.

Just now, Ye Tianyi was attracted by the movement deliberately caused by the mutated tree. As soon as he came over, he released his mental power detection. He happened to fall into the trap of the mutated tree and fell into an illusion. The spiritual power of the mutated tree deliberately induced him. The behaviors of those superpowers and the mutated giant snake were all imagined by Ye Tianyi's own subconscious.

If he hadn't been bitten by Little Leaf at the last moment, Ye Tianyi would have been tempted to walk into the mutant tree's hunting trap. Although he could escape even if he fell into the mutant tree's trap, no matter what, today he was indeed Careless.