Chapter 58

Ye Tianyi deeply reflected on himself. In fact, there were many flaws in the mutant tree. It was all because he was too smooth. When he first awakened his powers, he was at the third level. He had just been promoted to the fifth level, and his strength far exceeded other zombies or Human beings have never encountered any difficult enemies, so they take it lightly with blind confidence.

Previously, Ye Tianyi saw in the illusion that his thunder powers could not attack the mutated giant snake, but those human powers could use their powers to attack it and attract its attention. He did not notice such an obvious flaw for a while. . And that huge and all-encompassing mental power is also an illusion. The mutant tree's mental power is not as good as his at all, so they dare not attack him, otherwise Ye Tianyi will definitely wake up from the illusion. He happened to be tempted so lightly that he didn't even react when he heard the voice in his mind tempting him to go over.

Ye Tianyi was very dissatisfied and blamed himself for his previous unpromising performance, and his originally inflated self-confidence was withdrawn by him.

The world is so big, and it cannot be said that there is absolutely no one who is stronger than him. Even if he is weaker than him, if he underestimates the enemy, he may capsize in a ditch, like this time.

Ye Tianyi regained his composure, and then looked at the mutated tree that almost caused him to fall over.

The original shape of this tree can no longer be seen. The branches and leaves are very luxuriant, but this mutated tree feels full of weirdness. The gray-brown trunk is gnarly in color, and the green leaves are actually dark green, and even more... Not to mention the sinister dark red fruit. The overall feeling of this mutated tree is that it is lifeless.

Ye Tianyi looked at the piles of bones under the tree, both human and animal, and even a few corpses covered with a layer of skin on the skeletons, as if their blood and flesh had been sucked by something. This scene reminded him of the baby zombie he encountered on the way to the survivor base in City A when the apocalypse first broke out. The humans it killed also looked like zombies.

Ye Tianyi condensed a thick bolt of lightning and threw it at the trunk of the mutant tree. The weakness of the mutated tree was the trunk and roots. The roots were deeply rooted in the ground. It would be difficult to kill it without pulling them all out, so he chose Attack the tree trunks exposed on the ground. The mutated tree that had been pretending to be dead since he came out of the illusion immediately erected a barrier of branches to block the tree trunk.

It's just that Ye Tianyi's thunder power has reached the fifth level, and it can't be easily stopped by the branches of the mutant tree that are far from the peak of the fourth level. When the dark green leaves encountered the deep purple thunder and lightning, they were like snow meeting boiling water. Their defenses were easily broken down. Even Ye Tianyi was a little surprised by the ease.

He had dealt with many mutant trees before, but the levels of those mutant trees were not as good as this one. Although their branches could not block his lightning, they could last longer than this fourth-level peak mutant tree.

Before Ye Tianyi could think about the reason, the lightning struck hard on the tree trunk. The originally thick gray-brown tree trunk was almost penetrated into a large hole, revealing the veins like blood vessels inside. There seemed to be blood-like red liquid flowing in the dense veins, which made one's scalp numb.

Ye Tianyi directly surrounded himself with countless thunder and lightning, and walked towards the mutated tree like a god of thunder descending to earth. Ignoring the branches and leaves that wanted to attack him but could not break through the lightning defense, he walked straight to the trunk of the tree and looked at it carefully. .

& & & & & & & & & & & & & &&

Ye Tianyi took out a knife from the space, attached it to the thunder power, and peeled off the bark bit by bit, and found that all the liquid in the veins was flowing towards the dark red fruit on the tree. He couldn't help but be curious about the very evil-looking fruit, so he jumped up the tree and reached out to pick the fruit.

This mutated tree treasured the fruit very much. When it discovered that Ye Tianyi wanted to pick the fruit, the originally relaxed offensive immediately became crazy. Ye Tianyi could even feel a spiritual force inducing him to want to Drag him into the illusion.

However, this mutated tree is only at the peak of the fourth level, which is very different from the fifth level. If it hadn't caught Ye Tianyi off guard before, it would have been absolutely impossible to pull him into the illusion. Now Ye Tianyi has been prepared for this tree. The mutated tree, which is better at trapping prey in illusions, has poor attack capabilities, so it can't do anything to him and can only struggle.

Ye Tianyi ignored the irrelevant attack of the mutated tree and directly reached out and picked off the dark red fruit. As soon as the fruit left the tree, the crazy attack of the mutated tree suddenly stopped. The branches that had grown shorter and longer at will seemed to have lost their ability. He dropped down like a control.

Then Ye Tianyi discovered that the veins that could squirm and grow again even if he blasted a big hole gradually shrank, and then a dead red liquid appeared on the surface of the tree, and a strong smell of blood emanated, feeling emotional The red liquid flowing in the veins, which resembled blood vessels, turned out to be blood.

Ye Tianyi jumped down from the tree and his eyes fell on the ground under the tree. He didn't know how many people's bones were buried here, but there was so much blood to support this fruit.

He looked at the dark red fruit with a sweet fragrance in his hand and couldn't help but frown. The fruit didn't smell much when it was on the tree, but after it was picked, it emitted such a sweet and disgusting fragrance. What on earth is this? ?

At this time, Xiao Zizi, who had been holding tightly on his shoulder, came up to take a sniff. Ye Tianyi looked at Xiao Zizi's cute little nose and couldn't help but joked: "Little greedy cat, you can't eat this casually. "

Little Leaf snorted twice and said: "I'm not trying to be greedy, I just smell it. If I smell it correctly, the fragrance should be Wankugu Fruit."

Although Ye Tianyi was confused about what this evil fruit was, he never thought that he could really know its origin, so he was very surprised: "Ten Thousand Bones Fruit?"

Looking at the color and disgusting fragrance of this fruit, he thought that this fruit was probably... Being raised by human blood, Ye Tianyi immediately felt that this name was really vivid.

&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&. When Xiaoye awakened his dual-system abilities in the last days, he also awakened the bloodline of the nine-tailed cat demon. Although his bloodline is not very pure, he is still a nine-tailed cat demon after all, and he is probably the only one on earth. Only. Therefore, he also has the inherited memory of the nine-tailed cat demon clan.

The nine-tailed cat demon is different from the ordinary cat demon, just like the ordinary fox demon is different from the nine-tailed fox. Therefore, the nine-tailed cat demon certainly has a high-level thing like inherited memory to educate future generations, but Little Leaf's inherited memory is not very complete.

But he still dug out information about this fruit from his inherited memory.

The Wanku Bone Fruit is a very evil fruit. To grow this kind of fruit, a tree must grow in a place with strong yin energy and sufficient blood supply. However, a tree can only bear one fruit, and When the fruit is removed, the mother tree dies. This is also why this mutant tree, in addition to having good mental power, has attack and defense capabilities that are not as good as ordinary mutant trees, because most of its energy has to be supplied to the Wanku Bone Fruit. When Ye Tianyi wanted to pick the fruit, the mutated tree frantically blocked it because if it didn't stop him, the fruit would die if it was picked.

After listening to Xiao Zizi's story, Ye Tianyi couldn't help but extend his mental power underground, and sure enough, he found many bones underground, both human and animal. He didn't know where so many bones came from. No wonder they could If the fruit of ten thousand bones grows and so many people die, how can the yin energy not be heavy?

But it's the end of the world now, and Ye Tianyi doesn't bother to think about why so many people died here. He looked at Xiao Zizi and asked: "What is the effect of this Ten Thousand Bones Fruit?" It sounds awesome, but if it is not used If it does, it will be useless no matter how awesome you are.

Xiao Yezi lowered his head in embarrassment and whispered: "My inheritance memory is incomplete, and some memories are sealed because of my lack of strength, so..." The effect and use of the Wanku Bone Fruit were not found.

Ye Tianyi: "..." =口=

Xiao Zizi said: "But master, you can use the branches of the mother tree to make a wooden box and keep the Wanku Bone Fruit here. When my strength improves, I can lift the seal of the inherited memory. Then you will know how to use it."

Although Ye Tianyi felt that Xiao Yezi's inherited memory was incomplete and a part of it was sealed, and there was probably no way to remove the seal, she still did as he said. It would be a pity to throw it away anyway, and it doesn't take up much space in the space if you keep it.

Thinking of this, Ye Tianyi immediately started to cut some thick branches from the dead mutated tree and made a small box. Although the craftsmanship was a bit rough, the small box could still put the Wankugu Fruit inside and cover it. Be strict.

Ye Tianyi casually threw the covered wooden box into the corner of the space, then temporarily put it behind him, and continued their journey with Xiao Yezi.

However, after this lesson, Ye Tianyi regained his previous caution and did not dare to underestimate the enemy again.