Chapter 59

Mengjiawan is just an ordinary bay next to City B. The main road outside is a cement road and is barely wide enough for a car and a bicycle. Further inside Mengjiawan, there are only dirt roads, and it becomes muddy when it rains.

But even so, there are many wealthy residents in Mengjiawan. Their houses are built into three-story small Western-style buildings with gardens, which are very impressive. Of course, there are wealthy residents who can afford to live in small villas, and there are also poor residents who still live in dilapidated houses. The gap between the rich and the poor forms a sharp contrast.

Mengjiawan is just a rural area. The houses are not neatly planned like in the city. Instead, they build their own houses according to the foundation. The height and floor style are all different from person to person, without any regard to neatness, beauty, and the spacing between buildings. question. Therefore, the bay is winding and winding, and people who are not familiar with this place may really get lost.

After the apocalypse, Mengjiawan could not escape the catastrophe of most residents turning into zombies. Although they were in rural areas, they had televisions and everything. No matter how poor they were, they also had a dilapidated radio, and the news was not backward, so Mengjiawan The survivors in Jiawan also know what the zombies are.

However, the residents of Mengjiawan who were supposed to flee to the nearest survivor base in City B like other residents of Wanzi, surprisingly no one left here. It's not that they can't leave for some reason, but that they don't want to leave here.

Because it is very calm and peaceful here...

Mengjiawan is peaceful. There are no roars of zombies or the naught of mutated plants. It is like a paradise.

However, this strange calm made the three people who had just entered Mengjiawan a little uneasy.

The three people were two men and one woman. The serious middle-aged man who led them was followed by a black mutated dog. This mutated dog actually had three heads and a ferocious face. It was very similar to the legendary three-headed hell dog. picture.

The dark, muscular, bald man following behind the middle-aged man looked quite big, but he looked very simple and honest, and he seemed to be very easy to bully. Following on the other side is a voluptuous, mature and charming woman. She may not be very beautiful, but her figure and mature charm make her a very attractive and beautiful woman.

The woman looked at Mengjiawan, which was not much different from before the apocalypse. Her natural female intuition made her frown, and said to the middle-aged man: "Captain, this Mengjiawan is indeed very wrong as Xiao Li said." , Do you want me to go up to the sky and take a look? "She is a mutant bird with super powers, and she is best at flying and surveying from the air.

The middle-aged man shook his head and said: "It's better not to scare the snake, let's see the situation first." The people they sent before did not have mutant bird powers, but they were all here, and finally let them The three most powerful people took over the task, which shows that the mutant bird superpower's investigation may not be able to find anything, but will only frighten the snake.

When the captain spoke, the woman immediately fell silent. The strong and honest man always stood four steps away from the captain, with the distance between his steps being exactly the same. From the walking movements of these three people, it can be seen that they are professionals who have received very strict training and are very good at detecting clues.

The captain patted the head of the three-headed dog following his feet. The ferocious-looking three-headed dog bowed its head slightly when faced with the caress of its owner, and even stretched out its tongue to lick the owner. palm.

The captain said to the three-headed dog: "Man, let's go."

The three-headed dog ran forward a few steps in a humane manner, sniffed around with its three heads, then all turned to look in the same direction, and then spread its legs in that direction. run.

The captain waved to his two team members, "Follow me!"


Under the leadership of the three-headed dog, the three men ran towards Mengjiawan very purposefully, moving very carefully for fear of being discovered. whereabouts.

But their caution was meaningless, because they didn't see a single living person along the way, and they couldn't feel any living movement in the house.

This Mengjiawan is really getting weirder and weirder... The female superpower looked at a jujube tree growing in a certain yard. This jujube tree was very luxuriant, and there were heavy jujubes on the tree. The fragrance of it penetrates people's nostrils, which is very attractive.

The female superpower said to the honest man: "Silly big man, get rid of this tree." She was basically sure that this jujube tree was definitely a mutant tree, but what was unclear was why the mutant tree appeared when they entered it. There is no attack within the scope of the territory?

This honest and honest man is called a stupid big man by female superpowers. He really lives up to his size. He has a lot of strength. He took a few steps forward and uprooted the mutant jujube tree which was very thick after the mutation. However, his movements were unpredictable. It is so light that even if it is uprooted, it will not move much.

In Water Margin, Lu Zhishen uprooted weeping willows, and now he uproots mutated jujube trees like this, which is quite visually impactful.

However, this honest man can follow this mission. He is not an ordinary power user, but a very powerful chemical power user. Not only will his strength become stronger, but his skin's defense ability will also increase. Becoming stronger is like practicing some kind of invulnerable golden bell and iron cloth shirt.

The captain frowned tightly when he saw that the mutated jujube tree, which was obviously a second-level high-level tree, did not attack people even if it was uprooted. It is very strange and strange that a very powerful and territorial mutant plant did not attack anyone even when it was uprooted.

He walked over and examined the strange mutant jujube tree carefully, but found nothing. This was a normal mutant jujube tree, but for some reason, it was different from other mutant trees that were very aggressive. It will not attack others like the normal tree before mutation.

This situation is not limited to this one.

For example, they encountered the kind of mutated grass, which is small but tough and likes to get into people's pores to suck blood. However, the mutant grass they encountered this time was exactly the same as the mutant grass outside Mengjiawan, but it was also as different as the grass vegetation before the apocalypse. Will attack people, even if they are trampled to pieces.

Along the way, they have become accustomed to it. The mutated plants, zombie plants, etc. in Mengjiawan are just like the ordinary plants before the end of the world and cannot attack. Maybe they cannot attack. Who knows? They only collected some samples and planned to hand them over to the research institute for further study after returning to the survivor base in City B.

Finally, three people and one dog passed a dozen houses outside Mengjiawan, turned a corner, and entered the interior of Mengjiawan.


After turning the corner, what comes into view is a large artificial pond. The water in the pond is very dark and is obviously polluted. There is a row of very old guardrails surrounding the pond, but there are four openings. A long staircase was built all the way to the water on the shore. It was built with huge bluestone slabs and was very wide. These four places are where the residents of Mengjiawan wash their clothes beside the pond.

The three of them casually glanced at the warning sign with the words 'Beware of Water Depth' written on the side. The paint on these four words had faded, but they were still vaguely recognizable.

The three-headed dog bypassed the artificial lake and continued walking toward Mengjiawan, with the three superpowers following behind it.

As soon as they reached the entrance of a trail, the three of them stopped because they finally saw a living person in this weird Mengjiawan. Although this living person was doing a very surprising thing - sunbathing. clothing.

Of course, there is nothing surprising about drying clothes. Before the end of the world, as long as you were not a wealthy person who only wore clothes once, all the clothes you wore had to be washed, and the washed clothes naturally had to be dried.

But, that was before the end of the world! And now, it's the post-apocalypse... In the post-apocalypse, let alone washing clothes, even washing your face with pure water is a luxury that can only be done by people with water powers. Therefore, in this post-apocalyptic world, wouldn't it be a surprising thing for someone to dry their clothes? Especially the clothes he dried were very clean clothes, which showed that he washed them with clean water.

The rural woman, who was holding a basin of clothes and a pile of clothes, also noticed the three people standing at the entrance, wondering whether to hide now or find a living person who finally appeared in front of them to ask about the situation.

The rural woman didn't have much vigilance to guard against the three of them, but she greeted them very warmly: "Hey! Are you here to seek refuge from other places?"

She spoke in a dialect, and the three of them had a little difficulty hearing it, so they could only speak in confusion. Guessing what she meant, he nodded with a smile: "Yes, the three of us heard that there are no zombies in Mengjiawan, so we all thought..."

Unexpectedly, the rural woman who had been warm and hospitable to them just now suddenly pulled her head down. Zi Lai turned around and said sternly: "What are you talking about? Get out! Get out! Get out!" She was passionate but not stupid. She naturally knew that when there were zombies everywhere outside, Mengjiawan without zombies appeared here. This This unusual situation is likely to bring disaster to Mengjiawan.

However, this rural woman's "I don't want to say much but there is definitely a story behind her" look made the three people sent here to check the situation even more curious.

This time the three of them faced a rural woman who suddenly turned against her. The person who came out to deal with her was not the handsome and middle-aged captain, but a simple and honest man who looked easy to bully.

Although the honest man is big and gives people a strong sense of physical oppression, his face is enough to make people believe his words even more.