Chapter 60

The honest man ignored the peasant woman's changed expression, touched his bald head and smiled naively: "Sister, we just want to stay here and avoid it. It would be better if we could stay here and not leave. Outside It's really too dangerous. If we can't stay here forever, we'll leave in a few days."

He sincerely expressed his desire to become a member of Mengjiawan, and said: "The three of us are all superpowers, despite our strength. Average, but at least it's not bad."

After the peasant woman heard what the honest man said, a look of hesitation appeared on her face. At this time, the captain tried to persuade her while the iron was hot, and made up a few words about the pitiable incident to gain sympathy.

Finally, the peasant woman glanced at the three-headed dog and said to them, "Come with me."

The three of them followed the peasant woman and walked toward Mengjiawan.

Mengjiawan was just an ordinary bay before the apocalypse, but in today's crisis-ridden apocalypse, it is so safe that it feels weird. There are many mutant plants, but none of them are aggressive, and mutant animals live in the village like ordinary livestock.

Human beings, on the other hand, are concentrated in the houses on the back of the mountain deep in Mengjiawan.

The three superpowers followed the peasant woman to the settlement of Mengjiawan residents, and were not much rejected. Someone simply asked them about their status and superpowers, and then settled them down. He just told them to help with the farming work, and the only restriction in Mengjiawan was that they could not go up the mountain casually, otherwise they would be responsible for the consequences.

These three people were originally sent by the Survivor Base of City B to explore the unusual features of Mengjiawan, so they lived here for a while and soon set their sights on the building that the residents in the bay seriously warned not to do so casually. Enter the hill.

On a dark moonless night, the three of them quietly avoided the residents and mutant animals of Mengjiawan and sneaked into the mountains. This mountain, regarded as a forbidden area by the residents of Mengjiawan, did not have any protective power, so they entered easily.

The mountain is not very tall, and even an ordinary person with poor physical strength can climb it. Many of the trees and shrubs are mutated plants, but like the mutated plants in Mengjiawan that do not attack humans, they did not make any attack on these three uninvited guests.

The three of them were very wary of the mutated plants at first. Then they saw that the mutated plants were as harmless as ordinary plants, so they gradually relaxed their vigilance and focused more on looking for mutated animals and other abnormal conditions.

The three of them walked towards the depths of the dense forest. No one noticed that behind them, several black shadows were creeping silently behind them without making any sound. In the thick night, the black shadows were completely covered up. Living.

The three superpowers continued to move forward. In the silent mountain forest, there was only the sound of the honest and honest man from the chemical department cutting through the thorns. The six scarlet eyes of the three-headed dog beside the captain looked around like searchlights, and the bright red pupils looked at them. When heading towards the rear, the black shadow that was creeping forward immediately stopped and actually deceived the eyes, ears and nose of the three-headed dog.

They walked towards the depths of the mountain forest step by step. The dark front was like the bloody mouth of a huge monster, just waiting for them to walk in on their own initiative and then be swallowed...


As soon as the sky dawned, Meng Jiawan has once again regained peace and tranquility.

As for the absence of three foreign superpowers, no one asked a question. Everyone seemed to be accustomed to it, as if the three outsiders had never appeared. They continued to live a peaceful and peaceful life as before the end of the world...

but at this time, the three supernatural beings who were missing on the mountain...they looked at the three people in front of them in horror.

Especially the captain, he couldn't believe that his most trusted partner, the three-headed dog, actually bit his fangs at him. Since the mutation, the three-headed dog that ignored no one except him, the owner, is now sticking out its tongue to please and wagging its tail happily in front of a beautiful boy wearing a long windbreaker and a hat. The tail-wagging begging posture is just like before the end of the world. The pug looked completely cold in front of his master.

The beautiful young man smiled slightly at the three-headed dog wagging its tail, stretched out his hand to touch one of its heads, and praised: "Good job." His voice was clear and sweet, even with a slight smile at the end, which made people laugh. I feel so numb in my heart.

The three-headed dog that had been praised seemed to be eager to pounce on the boy, but was kicked away by the stern young man standing next to the boy. The young man stood in front of the young man in a protective posture, and his cold eyes fell on the three-headed dog. The three-headed dog, which was naturally ferocious, lowered its head slightly as if encountering an irresistible natural enemy, and clamped its tail between its legs. Between the two hind legs, this is a posture of surrender and fear.

Seeing this scene, the three superpowers who were tightly bound by mutated vines and unable to move had a more intuitive feel for the young man's strength.

The three-headed dog was a mutant beast at the peak of the third level. It was very close to breaking through the fourth level, but it was kicked away by the young man so easily. He didn't even dare to show hostility and simply surrendered with his tail between his legs. Animals are far more straightforward than humans. Once they surrender, they truly surrender to the strength of the strong, unlike humans who are too narrow-minded to show weakness.

But the captain still called his three-headed dog without giving up, but the three-headed dog just glanced at him coldly, then turned around and stopped looking at him.

Seeing this scene, Ye Tianyi said calmly: "You don't have to waste your efforts. It has already become our servant and it can no longer listen to your words."

After saying that, he no longer paid attention to the three people. He looked sideways at the man next to him who was shrouded in black robes from head to toe, and said: "We want the elixirs of these three people, and their bodies are at your disposal."

The man shrouded in black robes The person made a hoarse voice: "Okay."

After getting the answer from the man in black robe, Ye Tianyi walked towards the three people. He was the first to pull out the enchanting female superpower. When he did it, the mutated vines that tied the female superpower loosened automatically. The first thing the female superpower who lost her restraints did was to mobilize her superpowers to attack Ye Tianyi. Although she was a mutant bird superpower, she could still mobilize her superpowers to carry out pure energy attacks without changing her shape.

However, the mutated vine that tied her before was a special mutated plant. The extremely hard vine had tiny thorns on it. The thorns pierced into their skin when the vine tied them, injecting a kind of... The toxin that dissolves their powers. This is why they are unable to use their powers after being bound by mutated vines.

After breaking away from the shackles of the vines and not being injected with the poison, although the female superpower regained some of her superpowers, how ridiculous was this superpower attack power in front of Ye Tianyi? She was no match for him even in her prime, let alone when she was so weak.

Ye Tianyi easily dismissed her attack without even using her powers.


Although Ye Tianyi had seen his extraordinary strength before when he kicked the three-headed dog away, the despair was far less than when he faced it head-on.

The female superpower no longer had the chance to take advantage of him and attack him, but immediately turned around and ran away. The physical fitness of shape-shifters is very good, otherwise they would not be able to withstand the process of transforming from a human body into an animal body. Therefore, even though her powers have not yet recovered, she can still run extremely fast.

But Ye Tianyi still stood there indifferently and did not catch up.

At this time, a faint green light emerged from the wide sleeves of the black-robed mysterious man on the side, and then a black shadow swooped out at a speed that was difficult to discern with human eyes. Soon the escaping female superpower was caught The dark green mutated vines were tightly rolled up and brought back.

Ye Tianyi has never been patient with unruly prey. This time, he didn't bother to free the female superpower from the entanglement of the mutated vines. Instead, he directly stretched out his right hand with long sharp black nails, inserted it into the top of her head without any expression, and quickly took out her hair. An irregular crystal emerges.

Looking at this crystal clear crystal that was different from other elixirs, Ye Tianyi's face was not surprised. Instead, he said clearly: "It turns out to be a shape-shifting superpower user." Yidan is different in that it is not spherical, but irregular crystals.

Since the last time he encountered a fourth-order peak mutant tree and almost suffered a big loss, Ye Tianyi no longer acts overly confidently, but instead acts cautiously. Therefore, when he arrived not far from the survivor base in City B, he did not blend into the base as boldly as before. Instead, he chose to inquire for information in a small survivor settlement outside the base.

Unexpectedly, after he found the small settlement of survivors in Mengjiawan, he made amazing gains here.

In the end, he chose to stay in Mengjiawan.

During this period, waves of superpowers were sent by the Survivor Base in City B to investigate the situation in Mengjiawan. Ye Tianyi basically regarded these superpowers as prey. Their elixirs and the crystal cores of zombies Same, it will help him and Xiao Yezi advance, so of course they can't let it go.

During these days in Mengjiawan, he also got a lot of information that he and Xiao Yezi couldn't get when they lived alone away from the crowd, such as the rare superpower type of shape-shifter.

Ye Tianyi also recalled the mutant birds that were hovering above his head when he sent zombies to attack the survivor base in City A. At first, he wondered how the mutant birds could fly into the base after being injured. Now it seems that those mutant birds have special powers. By! It is estimated that the senior management of the survivor base in City A already knew that he was behind the zombie attack...