Chapter 61

The remaining two superpowers saw Ye Tianyi dig out the female superpowers with ease. Yidan, all of them looked extremely pale and ugly. In particular, they were shocked to discover an unbelievable fact - this stern young man who looked just like a human was actually a zombie!

If it wasn't a zombie, how could it have those long sharp black nails?

So if he is a zombie, are the other two also zombies? They looked at the handsome young man wearing a windbreaker and a hat, and the man in black robe who was covered from head to toe in black robe with only a pale chin exposed. They also thought of what Ye Tianyi said before - "These three people have different elixirs. If you want, you can dispose of their corpses at your disposal." - It seems very likely that not only will they die, but their whole bodies will not be left.

Ye Tianyi took the slightly dirty crystals in his hand and looked at Xiao Zizi, who was wearing a long windbreaker covering his cat tail and ears. Xiao Zizi threw a water ball over with his mind and cleaned up all the dirt and crystals on his hands. After cleaning it, Ye Tianyi put the cleaned crystal into his pocket, actually putting it into the space.

Then he walked up to the remaining two superpowers. This time he did not directly kill anyone to get the elixir, and asked softly: "What superpowers do you two have?"

Of the two superpowers, only The bald and honest man answered Ye Tianyi's question honestly: "I am a qiáng chemical superpower."

Ye Tianyi's eyes fell on the middle-aged male superpower and said to himself: "It turns out he is a spiritual superpower. Can you..." To be able to withstand his mental power hint, either the power level is higher than his, or it is the same mental power, and the level is not too low.

Of course, this middle-aged male with supernatural powers cannot have a higher power level than him, so it can only be a spiritual power. The bald, honest man with superpowers was a strongman, so he couldn't resist his mental suggestion, and he quickly revealed all his flaws.

The middle-aged superpower wanted to wake him up, but because his superpower level was not as good as Ye Tianyi's, he could only watch helplessly as the bald superpower explained all their purposes here under Ye Tianyi's guidance.

Ye Tianyi killed the female superpower in front of the two of them before, just to scare them and break down their psychological defense, otherwise the mental suggestion would not take effect so easily. After all, the mental power of superpowers is not weak. If they are forced to hint or control, they will only make them resist stubbornly.

The bald-headed superhuman's expression was in a trance, and his eyes were unfocused: "I received news from above that there are no zombies in Mengjiawan, and the mutated plants and animals are very docile, so we sent people to find out the reason. But all the superpowers who came here are There is no return, so the superiors sent our first team..."

Ye Tianyi listened while thinking about the situation in the survivor base in city B.

The survivor base in city b is not inferior to the survivor base in city a. On the contrary, because city b has developed agriculture and has many granaries, the survivor base in city b transported a lot of food from the granaries in city b. The living conditions of the people in the base are better than those in city a. The people at the city survivor base are even better.

I no longer worry about food, but I care more about how to improve my strength. It is said that the Survivor Base Research Institute in City B has developed a potion that can increase the chance of awakening supernatural powers.

After humans are bitten by zombies, they either mutate into zombies or awaken their powers and become superpowers. Even if they are already superpowers, there is a small chance of awakening another series of superpowers. The drug developed by the Survivor Base Research Institute in City B is exactly the drug that increases the chance of awakening powers in this situation.


The apocalypse breaks out, and humans fall from the top of the food chain. Zombies, mutant animals, mutant plants, etc. all pose a huge threat to humans. Ordinary people cannot even defeat a newly awakened mutant mouse. Therefore, human society gradually changes from The original peaceful morality has become the law of the jungle where the weak eat the weak and the strong are respected.

In the last days, the ugly sides of all human natures are exposed. If you want to live well, you can only rely on your strength.

Therefore, awakening supernatural powers has become a coveted opportunity for ordinary people. The medicine developed by the research institute can increase the chance of awakening supernatural powers. This is undoubtedly a light of hope for ordinary people. Perhaps, after being bitten by a zombie, they are likely to awaken their superpowers. What they lack is the increased chance of this potion. There are even some ordinary people who, in order to become superpowers, would pay any price in exchange for a potion, and then take the initiative to be scratched by zombies, and then drink the potion in the hope of awakening their superpowers.

There are many people who do such extreme things. Some people succeed, but more people fail.

Ordinary people who want to live a better life focus on those successful examples and choose to ignore those who fail and die. They are all lucky - maybe I am the successful one.

However, this potion did bring more awakened superpowers to the survivor base in City B. Although the strength of the superpowers awakened by the potion is somewhat worse than those of naturally awakened superpowers, it should not be underestimated.

I heard that the research institute at the Survivor Base in City B is researching a drug that can suppress the zombie virus. If the drug is successfully developed, even if humans are scratched by zombies, they will not transform into corpses as long as they drink the drug.


Ye Tianyi learned a lot of news about the Survivor Base in City B from the bald people with superpowers. What he paid most attention to was the news about the Survivor Base Research Institute in City B, but these news were only heard by the bald people with superpowers. What is said is rarely true. However, Ye Tianyi is basically certain that the institute's research is progressing so fast and it dares to spread rumors that it will soon develop a drug to suppress the zombie virus. It should be like Ning Zian said, one of his companions was captured. The one who was conducting the experiment...

Ye Tianyi looked at these two people. He found that the three superpowers who came this time probably had different identities and should know a lot of information. In the end, he chose to keep these two superpowers for the time being. In any case, it was not too late to dig out all the valuable information in these two people before killing them.

The dark green mutant vines dragged the two people away. In the dim cave, it looked like a black shadow swept away the two people.

Seeing that Ye Tianyi did not kill the two superpowers, the man in black robe asked strangely: "Why did you let them go?" When he heard the bald superpower mentioned the institute before, he wanted to kill them himself. . Ye Tianyi did not answer his words, but asked the man in black robe

: "Ning Zian, how is your rottenness now?


, hands with black and sharp nails, opened the black robe outside, revealing his true appearance.

Almost all the hair fell out, and it was rotten and blackened from the top of the head to the top of the nose, but below the nose, it looked like a normal person. Of that pair of eyes, only a black eye socket was left in the left eye, with a sticky black unknown liquid flowing inside, emitting a disgusting rancid smell, but the right eye was intact, except that the eyeball was black. The pupils are still white and the whites of the eyes are all a turbid scarlet. There is a scarf around the neck, but the tumbling blue-gray fur can be clearly seen at the edge where the scarf contacts the skin of the neck... Further down, there is a body that is tightly covered by clothes, and nothing can be seen. .

Ning Zian's dark left eye socket and scarlet right eye looked straight at Ye Tianyi. When he saw Ye Tianyi's pale skin but intact face, jealousy rolled in his heart.

He said in a hoarse voice: "I feel myself rotting day by day. The disgusting rotten smell made me sick from hearing it and now I am used to it. Now I can hardly hear the sound of my blood flowing. , the beating of the heart is

minimal . The blood of living people is becoming more and more attractive to me, and I am becoming more and more intolerable to human food... What should I do? "I can feel that I am about to be completely mutated!" After being bitten by a zombie, he mutated into a zombie, and then slowly regained his consciousness. He was a complete zombie, so he didn't know much about the condition of the half-zombie.

That's right, Ning Zi'an is a half-corpse.

A half-zombie is a human being who begins to mutate into a zombie after being bitten by a zombie, but unlike ordinary people, the mutation process is very long. The half-zombie's mutation process is very long, and his mind is still very clear. He can clearly feel his own As the body rots and turns into a zombie day by day, its characteristics as a living person gradually disappear, and its human sanity will slowly be replaced by the instinct of the zombie.

Although the half-zombie can definitely awaken the supernatural power, and the power level is not low, this long process of rotting corpse transformation makes the human mind extremely painful. Therefore, the half-zombie either collapses in pain and gives up, loses his mind and quickly becomes a walking zombie, or he persists in his mind and resists in an effort to delay the time when the rotting corpse turns into a zombie.

Ning Zian is the latter.

But he felt that he could no longer hold on.

When Ye Tianyi first came to Mengjiawan, he found it strange that the smell of living people and the smell of zombies were intertwined here, especially since he didn't find a single zombie in Mengjiawan at all. So he followed the smell to the center of the hill and discovered Ning Zian's presence.

It was also the first time for him to see the species of half-corpse. When Ye Tianyi saw Ning Zian struggling painfully in the process of corpse transformation, he couldn't help but secretly admire him. Ye Tianyi's situation is different from Ning Zian's. He mutated directly into a zombie, and then miraculously recovered his memory. Moreover, since he had third-level third-level powers when he woke up, he mutated into a zombie and was also a third-level zombie with very different physical appearance. Whole and not rotten. Ning Zian, on the other hand, rotted from a human into a zombie bit by bit, during which time he also lost his mind bit by bit and became a zombie with only instincts.

Ye Tianyi had no good solution for Ning Zian's situation. He thought that maybe the mysterious formula could help him, but his biggest trump card was this mysterious formula, so he would never reveal it to an untrustworthy person.

So Ye Tianyi finally asked Ning Zian to speed up and improve his strength.

The higher the level of the zombie, the higher the integrity of its appearance, and the increase in strength is also conducive to preserving sanity.