Chapter 62

Ning Zi'an was originally born in Mengjiawan. After graduating from university, he went to work in City B. When the apocalypse broke out, he happened to receive the news that his parents were seriously ill. On his way back to Mengjiawan from City B, unexpectedly, he He was actually used as a shield by his companions and pushed into the zombie's mouth.

Although he awakened the wood power in time to save his life, he was still scratched by zombies, infected with the zombie virus, and turned into a miserable half-zombie, looking at his gradually decaying body day and night without relief.

But Ning Zian, who still missed her parents and relatives, secretly returned to Mengjiawan. Due to the rapid development of the city, many families no longer stayed here, so there were not many residents and not many zombies. But he discovered that his parents had died of serious illness long before the apocalypse broke out. It turned out that they had become seriously ill early, and they only endured it so as not to implicate him. If he couldn't endure it anymore, he wanted to see him like this As a son, he is afraid that he will not know until his parents pass away.

Ning Zian painfully blames herself for being unfilial. In the past few years, she has rarely returned home to be filial to her parents while working hard outside. She is also somewhat grateful that her parents died before the end of the world. Otherwise, with their weak bodies, they will definitely be infected with the zombie virus and become zombies. How can he attack his parents then?

The folks in Mengjiawan all watched him grow up or grew up with him. Ning Zian chose to stay in Mengjiawan. He killed all the zombies and worked hard to upgrade. Later, the plants mutated. Fortunately, his wood power was powerful enough to control the mutated plants without hurting people. Perhaps because of his status as a half-corpse, Ning Zian's desire for strength is stronger than ordinary people. He always thinks that maybe if his power level is improved, he can become a human again.

However, the wood power has been upgraded to the fourth level, and Mengjiawan has become a beautiful paradise under his protection. However, his body is still rotting day by day, and the stench of rot on his body is very strong and heavy. To the point where he would be suspicious even if he excused himself because he was contaminated with zombie carrion. In the end, he had no choice but to hide in the mountains and dig a large cave in the middle of the mountain as his residence to isolate himself from others.

Ning Zian was hiding in the mountains like a rat in the ditch, hiding his rancid body tightly under his black robe day and night. When he met Ye Tianyi, he was almost ecstatic. When he and Ye Tianyi met for the first time, he knew that Ye Tianyi was no longer a human being. He would not have mistaken the strong pressure of a high-level zombie. If he were not just a half-zombie, he would be under this pressure. I can only bow my head and obey orders honestly.

When Ning Zian saw Ye Tianyi's intact face and body, he was so excited that his slow heartbeat accelerated a lot. If his well-preserved appearance like Ye Tianyi no longer looks rotten and disgusting, it wouldn't matter even if he turned into a zombie.

However, Ye Tianyi said to him: "My situation is different from yours. I mutated into a third-level zombie from the beginning, which is why my appearance is so complete, but you are a half-zombie."

The degree of decay on a complete zombie may be It won't be as serious as Ning Zian's, because their mutation process only lasts one or two hours, but Ning Zian's body has been in the process of mutation since he was scratched by the zombies until now. His body has been rotting to the point of being unable to survive. When it continues to rot, or when it rots to the point where his mind disappears, he becomes a complete zombie.

The pain of this process is unbearable for ordinary people.

Ye Tianyi has only two possible solutions to this problem: "One is that you give up the struggle and your mind disappears and becomes a complete zombie; the other is that you work hard to improve your strength and delay the degree of decay. Maybe you can also be like a complete zombie. The higher the level, the better the appearance." Intact."

Ning Zian had no choice but to choose the second method.


Ye Tianyi stayed in Mengjiawan. The mutated animals in Mengjiawan were tamed by Xiao Yezi, who was almost at the fifth level, while he studied the half-corpse man in front of him every day.

It wasn't until waves of superpowers from the survivor base in City B came to his door that Ning Zian confessed to him: "Actually, although half-corpse people are rare, I'm not the only one. I once met two other people outside. A half-corpse, I brought them into Mengjiawan. "

After all, we are both half-corpse, so we can't help but feel sympathy for each other. If the half-zombie people are known to humans, they will be killed as zombies. When the zombies smell their scent, they will only treat them as food and want to eat them.

So Ning Zi felt relieved and took the two half-corpse men who were hiding in Tibet to Mengjiawan, hiding their identities.

The two half-corpse men met later and became companions after seeing that they were the same kind. After they stayed in Mengjiawan for a while, they wanted to go to City B to find their relatives who might still be alive, so they left Mengjiawan. Since then, Ning Zian has never seen them again, but not long after, Mengjiawan saw waves of superpowers from the survivor base in City B...

Ning Zian, no matter how stupid he is, would never believe that these superpowers who seemed to have come to the Survivor Base in City B in Mengjiawan with some purpose had nothing to do with the two half-corpse men who were never heard from again.

Now these superpowers have aroused Ye Tianyi's suspicion. Ning Zian believed that he was no match for Ye Tianyi, so he chose to be honest.

From the information revealed by Ning Zian, Ye Tianyi guessed that the people at the survivor base in City B had set their sights on the inconspicuous Mengjiawan. They probably caught the two half-corpse people, or learned from some other channels. The anomaly in Mengjiawan was discovered.

However, he didn't think this was a trouble. Instead, he teamed up with Ning Zian to make a plan and use Mengjiawan to lure those with special abilities here. When they entered Mengjiawan, their identities changed from hunters to prey.

The superpowers developed by superpowers by absorbing the energy from the zombie crystal cores are very messy and impure, and they are prone to death due to superpower explosions during advancement. Therefore, superpowers are more inclined to cultivate pure superpowers on their own. . Therefore, the energy in Yidan is far purer and easier to absorb than the energy in the crystal core.

This is also the reason why zombies and mutant animals prefer to eat people with superpowers. If it weren't for the fact that humans couldn't absorb the energy of the alien elixir, there would probably be many human beings with supernatural powers who would kill each other.

The superpowers that Ye Tianyi lured using Mengjiawan were all good players from the survivor base in City B. They were all of high levels. They absorbed the superpowers of these superpowers. He and Xiao Yezi's superpowers improved rapidly, and The time spent refining impurity energy is also greatly reduced. Ning Zian was envious, but it was a pity that he was half corpse, half human, so he couldn't use the power elixir to practice. The most he could do was pick up the corpses of superpowers that Ye Tianyi didn't want and use them as fertilizer to feed his mutant plants.


After killing the female superpower, Ye Tianyi kept the remaining two male superpowers alive and asked Ning Zian to guard them to prevent them from running away. Then he took Xiao Ye back to a cave they dug on the other side.

The reason why he didn't rely on Ning Zi to settle down was because Ye Tianyi didn't want to expose his space.

He only wanted to use Ning Zian and didn't trust him at all. Even if he told Ning Zian how to prevent further decay, it was just because he was curious about the half-corpse and wanted to do an experiment.

Ye Tianyi and Xiao Yezi entered the cave and pushed a huge stone to block the entrance, and the two entered the space.

The conditions in the space are much more comfortable than outside. How could they not live in a comfortable space and go to sleep in a cave?

Lying on the soft and huge bed, Ye Tianyi reached out and pulled off the hat of the windbreaker that Xiao Zizi was still wearing on his head. With his other hand, he felt along the hem of the windbreaker, and then grabbed the long cat tails. , his slender fingers circled the base of the cat's tail a few times, causing Little Leaf to soften and fall into his arms.

Little Ye Zi narrowed her sapphire blue eyes, looked at him accusingly, and said softly and cutely: "Master, how can you pull my tail?"

This cry of 'Master' made Ye Tianyi feel hot all over, and he has become a zombie after so many years. My body temperature has always been cold, and it only warms up when I get emotional.

Ye Tianyi stroked the base of Xiao Zizi's tail with one hand, and touched the slightly folded cat ears on the top of his head with the other hand. He leaned into the ears of Xiao Zizi, who had blurred eyes, and said affectionately: "Good boy, please call me again." "What?"

Xiao Yezi's tail and ears were already sensitive points, and when he touched and pinched them with such skill, his whole body became as limp as a puddle of spring water. But after hearing his master's words, he still managed to wake up a little, and shouted in a soft and soft voice: "Master, master... master, don't touch me there. Ah... master..."

Ye Tianyi looked at this The little guy looked like a teenager, but in the end he couldn't resist eating the person's dick and wiping it clean, but took his white and tender little hand and finished it for himself. Ye Tianyi pulled the kitten who had just been happy into his arms, lowered his head and kissed the tip of his ear, and said softly: "Little guy, you have to break through quickly."

Little Ye Zi is now at the peak of the fourth level, Breaking through to the fifth level can transform into a complete human form. Although the lack of ears and tail makes him less interesting, he can only be considered a true adult cat demon when he completely transforms into a human form. Therefore, Ye Tianyi had to endure whatever he said until Little Yezi reached the fifth level.

Little Ye Zi is still confused now. He doesn't quite understand why his master is so anxious for him to reach the fifth level, but his animal instinct makes him feel a sense of crisis - there is always a feeling that he has reached the fifth level. It feels like the master will eat him.

Little Yezi looked up at Ye Tianyi's gentle eyes, secretly thinking that he might have thought too much. Then he nodded obediently.