Chapter 63

Early the next morning, Ye Tianyi took Xiao Zizi out of the space because he heard the movement outside in the space.

Several tough vines passed through the gap between the boulder blocking the entrance and the stone wall. The strong force caused the boulder to begin to break. When Ye Tianyi took Xiao Ye out of the space, those few vines almost crushed the stone wall. The top of the boulder blocking the cave entrance was shattered.

The vine stretched out in front of Ye Tianyi and swayed a few times, seeming to attract his attention.

Ye Tianyi: "..." Ning Zian's way of calling people is unique enough.

However, he still followed the guidance of these vines, and Little Ye Ye followed him closely, all the way to a dark cave hidden behind the bushes in the mountain col.

Seeing this cave, Ye Tianyi knew why Ning Zian asked him to come here. This is a cave specially used to deal with those with supernatural powers. He had just opened the bushes that blocked the cave entrance. , he smelled the intoxicating fragrance of blood full of superpower energy.

Ye Tianyi and Xiao Yezi walked in together. The stone walls in the cave were covered with mutant plants. They were the guards who guarded the prisoners under the control of Ning Zian. As long as there was any movement from the superpowers imprisoned in the cave, they would Pass the news to Ning Zian truthfully.

After the two entered the cave, the bushes that had been opened returned to their original state and the cave entrance was blocked again. The cave was pitch black, but Ye Tianyi was a zombie and Xiao Yezi was a mutated cat demon, both of whom could survive in the dark. Clear vision.

The soil on the ground was a little moist, soaked in blood. The stone wall covered by countless mutated plants is also dark red, but no one knows it.

All the mutated plants in the cave were Ning Zian's eyes and ears. Ning Zian quickly knew about the arrival of Ye Tianyi and Xiao Yezi and personally welcomed them.

Ning Zian, shrouded in a black robe, almost blended into the dark environment. His hoarse voice sounded: "Tianyi, Weiqing, you are here."

Ye Tianyi ignored his familiar greeting and just walked inside. Walking away, he asked: "How's it going? Did they recruit anything?"

Ning Zian's broken gong voice sounded: "Their identities are indeed extraordinary. They are the confidants of the top management of the survivor base in City B. They came to the Meng family "It's just for..." He paused, "For me."

Ye Tianyi paused: "For the half-corpse?"

Ning Zi'an said: "Yes, my two half-corpse companions were exposed. , was captured into the Survivor Base Research Institute in City B... It is said that they can study how to suppress the zombie virus from the half-zombie people. "

This news is indeed a light of hope for mankind in the end of the world, in order to have enough. After studying the materials, the people from the institute went around to find out the traces of the half-corpse man and capture the half-corpse man. Ning Zian had been with the two captured half-corpse men, so he was naturally included in the capture list.

However, it seems that the research conducted by the Good Control Research Institute was not conducted by the top executives of the entire Survivor Base in City B, but by a certain high-level executive. This high-ranking figure had selfish motives and wanted to gain power and benefits with this potion, so he just captured the half-corpse in private, and issued a mission to explore the specific situation in Mengjiawan, letting the mercenaries take the lead.

This is also the reason why Ning Zian has been targeted, but until now no large force of superpowers has come to capture him.

Otherwise, even if Ning Zian's wood power level was very high, he would not be able to escape the power users from the survivor base in City B who dispatched a large force. Because there are several fourth-level superpowers in the base in City B, but Ning Zian only has one.


Ye Tianyi analyzed the stakes in his mind, then hugged the waist of the little leaf next to him, and strode to the innermost part of the cave in a few strides. The two male supernatural beings who were left alive by him are here.

When Ye Tianyi saw the scene in front of him, he silently covered Xiao Yezi's eyes and blocked his mental power.

The situation of the two male supernatural beings in front of him was so irritating that it made his little Ye Zi look like he had needle holes in his eyes.

He glanced at Ning Zian, who was surrounded by black robes, speechlessly. He really didn't expect that this guy had such a strong taste and liked to play with tentacles... Yes, these two male supernatural beings were controlled by Ning Zian. Many vines burst into flames.

Two or three thick vines squirmed in and out behind the man without mercy, bringing out bloody intestines. When the tearing wound became larger and a gap was opened, another vine penetrated. The naked bodies of the two men were covered with scars from beatings, and the blood and flesh flying around looked quite miserable. However, they had a petal of a medicinal mutated flower in their mouths that could kill them, making them unable to die even if they wanted to.

Although most of the mutated plants have mutated to have powerful attack power, some have mutated to be extremely poisonous and eat flesh. However, some mutated plants mutate in a positive direction and have extremely good medicinal effects, which are far more effective than the medicinal materials before the end of the world. There are even magical mutated plants that can give birth to human flesh and bones.

It's just that this magical plant has only been heard about, and no one has ever seen it. Maybe someone saw it but didn't reveal it.

The petals in the mouths of these two male supernatural beings were the petals of some kind of mutated flower with life-threatening medicinal effects. Although not as precious as the stamens, they were enough to make these two people unable to die even if they wanted to.

Ye Tianyi had to say that Ning Zian's method of confession was really good, allowing the two of them to exchange a lot of useful information honestly.

When the two male supernatural beings saw Ye Tianyi's arrival, their eyes that seemed unable to open were forced to look at him with their arms raised, and then their lifeless heads tilted, as if they were about to die.

Ye Tianyi asked Ning Zian to temporarily control the vines to stay still. He stood there, looking down at the two people lying on the ground like dead corpses, and asked: "You should know where those half-corpse people are being held, right?"

Ye Tianyi asked about the whereabouts of the half-zombie people, not because he wanted to save them with good intentions, but because he wanted to sabotage the institute's research on the half-zombie people, lest they really develop a potion that can resist the zombie virus.

He is not a person who sacrifices himself for the future of mankind. He has been taught since he was a child to learn to use everything available to create the greatest benefit for himself. It can almost be said that in his heart, the most important thing is the safety of himself and the little leaf he cares about. As for other people, he doesn't care at all.

If he were a human being, he would of course be willing to help humans develop a medicine to resist the zombie virus. But he is a zombie... If humans develop a medicine to resist the zombie virus, and humans bitten and scratched by zombies will no longer turn into zombies, then the number of zombies will not increase. Even if zombies don't die, they will one day be killed by humans. At that time, he, a zombie, will have no choice but to hide among the crowd like a rat in a ditch to survive.


Ye Tianyi, who has a cold nature and has no attachment to human beings, quickly made the choice that was most beneficial to him.

Only if zombies continue to exist can he protect Xiao Yezi and live better in the apocalypse. Zombies are all mutated from humans, so Ye Tianyi will never exterminate humans for the sake of the zombies. Only the coexistence of humans and zombies is the best for the development of the zombies. Because as long as there are enough humans surviving, the zombie population will be able to be supplemented by a steady stream of new troops. Humans have the ability to reproduce that zombies do not have.

Ye Tianyi has already begun to consider whether he should rule all the zombies and then raise humans in captivity...

As for the question of whether he can rule all the zombies - is there any need to ask? Ye Tianyi is very confident. If he has the help of the mysterious formula space spiritual spring, and wakes up to be a third-level zombie ahead of other zombies, he will not be able to stand at the top. How can he protect Xiao Yezi in this crisis-ridden apocalypse?

Ye Tianyi's spiritual power invaded the spiritual consciousness of the two male superpowers. After taking out the information about the research institute from their mouths, he killed them neatly and burned their bodies with thunder and fire. After making sure that the scene at this time would not stain Xiao Zizi's eyes, he lifted the shield on Xiao Zizi's mental power and put down the palm covering his eyes.

Little Leaf was very well-behaved. Although he was surprised why the owner didn't let him watch before, he didn't lose his temper.

But when his curiosity comes out, the tail behind his butt can't help but start wagging around.

Ye Tianyi was well aware of his habit and was worried that his tail would be exposed from the hem of his windbreaker. He quickly put his hand into Xiao Zi's windbreaker, grabbed the five restless tails and scolded in a low voice: "Don't move!" Grasping the sensitive place at the base of the tail, his whole body softened into a puddle of water. He lay softly in Ye Tianyi's arms and whispered softly: "Master... don't touch me there..." Do

n't even grab the tail. Grasping the root of the tail, okay, it feels so strange...

Ning Zi'an looked at the two people hugging each other in front of him, and at a glance he could see that Ye Tianyi's hands were already restless. He reached into the beautiful boy's clothes, and as a half-corpse, he also had very good hearing. When he heard the words Xiao Zizi whispered, he understood it instantly.

Ning Zian looked at Ye Tianyi meaningfully. It turned out that this person was so sweet. Even if he turned into a zombie, he still had a beautiful young man by his side. He was really lucky. He had previously wondered why Ye Tianyi had a zombie with a human next to him (as a half-zombie, he judged zombies and humans based on the presence or absence of life characteristics. Xiao Yezi was a mutated animal, not a zombie, so it had life characteristics. He regarded him as a human being)——I see.