Chapter 65:

Xiao Yezi awakened the nine-tailed cat demon bloodline when he mutated. Although I don't know if there are any other mutated animals that have awakened some awesome bloodline, Xiaozi Ye is undoubtedly ahead of many mutated animals.

Although his inherited memory is somewhat incomplete due to his low strength, the incomplete content is still profound and magical.

For example, a servant contract.

Previously in Mengjiawan, it was only because Xiao Zizi used the servant contract to control the three-headed dog that he successfully captured the three powerful people alive and prevented them from escaping.

There are two types of servant contracts, one is the master-servant contract, and the other is the slave contract.

A master-servant contract is just like a temporary contract, a bit like an employment relationship, with a time limit. The slave contract is completely bound to the master and cannot be broken except by death.

Just like those servants who sold themselves as slaves in ancient times, some signed a living contract and could be redeemed and gained freedom, while some signed a death contract and remained the slaves of their masters for the rest of their lives.

The master-servant contract is like a living contract for the former, and the slave contract is like a death contract for the latter. Both have pros and cons.

The master-servant contract is only temporary. When the time limit is reached, the mutated animal will return to normal. There is no limit on the number of contract places. However, the slave contract is bound for life. The slave's strength is linked to the master, and cannot be two levels higher than the master. Moreover, the number of places is limited. No matter how strong the slave is, he can only contract three slaves.

Ye Tianyi learned about this magical servant contract from Xiao Zizi, and immediately the pressure from the mutated beast was gone. It's a pity that only Xiao Zizi can use this servant contract, and Ye Tianyi can't learn it even if he learns it. He guessed that this was probably the inheritance of the nine-tailed cat demon, and only the cat demon who had received the inheritance could learn it.

Time was still tight, so Ye Tianyi and Xiao Yezi worked separately, one to subdue the zombies and the other to subdue the mutated animals. With a two-pronged approach, most of City B was soon included in their sphere of influence.

The big noise caused by Ye Tianyi and Xiao Yezi in City B attracted the attention of the survivor base in City B.

The Survivor Base in City B is different from the Survivor Base in City A, where the Xiao family and the Jiang family have serious internal conflicts. The rights of the Survivor Base in City B are in the hands of General Han. Although the people under his control may have their own small ideas, But on the face of it, no one would dare to disobey General Han's orders. Therefore, the survivor base in City B, which is relatively peaceful internally, has more control over the situation in City B. The movement of the zombie swarm caused by Ye Tianyi and the mutated zombie group caused by Xiao Yezi caused strong tension among the senior officials of the Survivor Base in City B. sense of crisis.

With Ye Tianyi and Xiao Yezi unaware of the situation, the top management of the survivor base in City B made a decision - to send bombers to blow up City B.

Although City B is smaller than City A, it has a very large population, so there are also a lot of zombies. The zombie groups controlled by Ye Tianyi gathered together, making the survivor base in City B feel threatened. They were worried that the zombie group would attack the base. , the base will not be able to bear it. Now that the Survivor Base in City B has entered the formal stage, a safe zone has been opened for farming around it. They are unwilling to ask the people in the base to abandon the newly established safe base and move to other dangerous places. Therefore, the people at the survivor base in City B decided to nip the threat in the bud.

Basically, the survivors in City B entered the Survivor Base of City B, and those who did not enter basically died in the city, or became zombies, or entered the stomachs of zombies. In addition, Ye Tianyi had almost collected the supplies in City B. The survivors who entered City B to collect supplies repeatedly returned empty-handed and suffered heavy losses. These reasons made the base leaders decide to abandon City B and directly bomb City B to solve the problem. The direct threat of zombie hordes. Anyway, the west of the base is not far from City C. City C has a small population and few zombies, but it is a city with developed agriculture and sufficient food supplies. Moreover, the strength of the Survivor Base in City C is far inferior to that of the Survivor Base in City B.

&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&, Ye Tianyi separated from Xiao Yezi to collect materials as usual. He had just emptied a large supermarket in the city center and suddenly looked up at the sky. Several small black spots gradually became larger and farther and farther away from the ground. The closer... Ye Tianyi's eyesight was very good. When those small black dots lowered to a certain height, he could clearly see their true face - it turned out to be a bomber!

Ye Tianyi, who saw the bomber's appearance clearly, immediately realized that humans were going to blow up the city!

Because of the emergence of superpowers and the paralysis of the industrial chain of human gunpowder medicine, it is now a non-renewable resource. Generally, humans can not consume ammunition without consuming it. Moreover, ordinary guns now pose no threat to evolved zombies, so Ye Tianyi will The focus was on human superpowers and not on technological weapons.

But now that humans sent bombers to blow up the entire city, Ye Tianyi was still shocked. At the same time, he also deeply reflected on his contempt for technological weapons.

Although Ye Tianyi is about to advance to the sixth level, he is not arrogant enough to think that he can face the bombing attack without incident.

Therefore, after he saw the bomber clearly, he immediately teleported in the direction of Little Ye Zi. Holding Little Ye Zi in his arms, he teleported wildly outside the city. As for the evolved zombie boy he had accepted before and the supplies that he had not yet collected, he I don't care about it all, and I can't control it anymore.

Even if he didn't look back to see what was going on behind him, Ye Tianyi could still outline the scene behind him in his mind from the rumbling explosions and the stench of the burning corpses.

The gasoline bombs dropped by the bombers were not very explosive, but the burning temperature was very high. The zombies could only struggle in the endless sea of ​​​​fire until they were burned to death. In particular, zombies have no intelligence. If the water in their bodies is evaporated by the fire and they feel uncomfortable, they will just run around and bring the flames to other zombies. The extremely high temperature flames spread, and almost all the zombies still inside City B are Everyone was burning with flames. Except for the evolved zombies with fire-based powers that were not afraid of flames, even the zombies with water-based ice-based powers could only struggle and fall into the sea of ​​fire after their powers were exhausted.

Ye Tianyi, who had the ability to teleport and successfully escaped from the bombing range of City B, stood on a tree holding the prototype of Little Ye Zi, looking at City B that was burned in the fire from a distance, and sighed: "I'm really small. He underestimated the methods of human beings." He didn't expect humans to be so cruel and willing to blow up a big city like City B. But if you think about it from someone else's perspective, it's not hard to understand that sacrificing a city B to kill millions of zombies is enough.

Ye Tianyi turned his head and looked in the direction of City A, wondering how the Survivor Base in City A would react if the Survivor Base in City B made such a move. You know, there are no less zombies in city A than in city B.

If all humans use this method, I'm afraid the number of zombies will decrease sharply. If... Ye Tianyi once again looked at the few small black dots that were gradually flying away in the sky, with an extremely solemn expression.

&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& The fire in B City lasted for more than two months before it was almost over, and some local areas are still burning.

Ye Tianyi walked into City B again. Many zombies and mutated animals and plants were killed in this shocking fire. There must be a lot of crystal nuclei and so on. If you don't pick them up, you won't pick them up. Are you going to take advantage of those human superpowers?

As a zombie, he has a sense of the crystal core and can quickly find the crystal core through this sense. However, humans can only rely on human power to rummage through the charred or burned corpses of zombies in order to find crystal nuclei.

Ye Tianyi's original worries caused by the fire were diluted a lot by the abundant harvest. Although millions of zombies died, Ye Tianyi, who had human memory, was not interested in this group of low-IQ people who only knew how to eat. What kind of love do walking dead have for their fellow humans? Isn't that a joke? He doesn't even have any love for fellow human beings.

Counting his harvest, he picked up hundreds of thousands of crystal core elixirs from mutated zombies, mutated plants, and so on. This was something he deliberately picked up casually while avoiding the human collection team. For the first time, he discovered that picking up things can be tiring. Using his mental energy to pick up crystal nuclei caused a lot of mental energy consumption. Ye Tianyi regretfully looked at the area that he had not yet scanned, and kept stuffing it into his mouth. The small leaf of the ice-type water-type crystal core entered the space.

In the space, I drank the spiritual spring and ate dozens of crystal cores, and then a zombie and a cat lay down on the crystal core mountain to rest.

Little Ye Zi finished chewing the crystal core in his paws, touched his belly, and felt that he was not full yet. Then he watched the crystal core mountain eyes under his butt glow blue, ignored the owner on the side, and plunged into the crystal core. Only a handful of tail tips can be seen inside.

Ye Tianyi looked at Ye Tianyi with doting eyes as he gathered up the crystal core mountain and turned it around in order to find the ice and water crystal cores. He stretched out his hand to grab the tip of its tail and pulled the whole cat out: "You are like this When are you going to look for it? I'll help you find it."

He put the little leaf aside and swept it over with his mental power. The properties of the crystal core came out immediately, and then he used his mental power to use the little leaf. He pulled out the ice-type and water-type crystal cores and piled them in front of Little Leaf, allowing him to open his belly and eat as much as he wanted. He also thoughtfully placed a large basin of spiritual spring next to him so that Little Leaf could drink immediately when he was thirsty. to the water.

Absorbing the energy in the crystal core is not very stable, but with the magical spiritual spring, there is almost no problem.

The little leaf just ate and ate in the space, as if its little belly couldn't get enough. In order to provide it with enough ice and water crystal cores, Ye Tianyi made room to continue picking up crystal cores as soon as his mental power recovered.

After picking them up, Ye Tianyi found a group of thousands of evolved zombies in the burned-out City B.

These thousands of evolved zombies were the zombie brothers he was looking for originally, but when he just gathered them and went to search for other evolved zombies, he encountered a bomber. Ye Tianyi didn't have the time or the thought to care about the life and death of these zombie boys. Even if he escaped with little Ye Zi, he just wanted to take advantage of it when he came back to City B this time. He never thought about the possibility that these zombie boys would still be alive.

After all, the temperature of the flame is too high, even zombies with evolved powers will be burned to death after the powers are used up. Even Ye Tianyi himself couldn't guarantee that he could survive the flames after all his powers were exhausted.

Unexpectedly, the group of evolved zombies he gathered together were still alive! Although the zombies on the outermost periphery looked miserable with burns on their skin, in fact they were not seriously injured at all.

Seeing this group of evolved zombies, Ye Tianyi's eyes lit up. Could it be that these evolved zombies were able to survive because they all gathered together when the flames were burning and released their powers together. They unintentionally cooperated and survived. This fire?

Thinking about it this way, it is really very possible. It's a pity that although these zombies are evolved zombies, they are not very intelligent. Even if he asks, he can't find out the reason. He can only make guesses.

However, this discovery undoubtedly alleviated Ye Tianyi's previous worries a lot.

&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&Ye Tianyi was about to scream a few times to ask these evolved zombie boys to follow him when he suddenly noticed something abnormal in the space.

Little leaves!

He quickly stepped into the space to check on Xiao Yezi's condition.

A ball of light as big as two basketballs appeared in the open space next to the Crystal Core Mountain where Little Leaf had been staying. The ball of light was like a ball made of light silk threads. The densely packed light silk threads were visible to the naked eye. But I can't see clearly the specific situation below the layer.

Although Ye Tianyi was still worried about Little Yezi, he recalled how Little Yezi ate the crystal cores before and knew that it was about to advance again.

In the fourth advancement, he grows a fifth tail and becomes half-cat.

And now that he has advanced for the fifth time, he should be able to grow a sixth tail. Then can Xiao Yezi transform into a complete human form?

When he thought about Little Ye Zi turning into a human form like himself, Ye Tianyi couldn't help but make up some forbidden content in his mind... Ahem.

Xiao Yezi's advancement this time was very smooth. It can be said that it came naturally. Ye Tianyi noticed the change in the space and entered the space to wait. Only a quarter of an hour later, the light ball was beating like a living heart. It beat rhythmically, and then gradually expanded and became larger...

There was a "bump" sound, like the sound of a balloon bursting, the light ball exploded, invisible and colored light filaments scattered throughout the space and then disappeared. The original light ball A beautiful young man with long hair appeared somewhere.

The young man was completely naked, with a fair and slender body, perfect proportions, and extremely beautiful appearance. There was an enchanting temptation in his purity, which made people want to throw him down immediately and then press him hard and violate him, make him cry, and let him be in his body. Tossing and turning, moaning and crying, begging for mercy.

What a wonderful idea.

Ye Tianyi's originally disguised dark eyes instantly lost their disguise and turned into blood-red eyes, staring at the young man's naked body. His eyes were full of naked desire, and he wanted to swallow the young man alive.

Fortunately, Ye Tianyi's reason prevailed. He suppressed the rising desire and threw a set of clothes to the young man: "Hurry up and put on clothes!" If he didn't put on clothes, he was really worried that he wouldn't be able to control himself and pounced on him.

He couldn't bear the body of Xiao Yezi, who became a beautiful young man after the advancement. Firstly, he couldn't bear to face the naked body of his sweetheart, and secondly, because Xiaoyezi was a cat demon with natural charm skills.

The master's neck, the beautiful face pressed tightly against the master's cheek, and he shouted happily: "Master! Master! I have grown a sixth tail!!!"

Ye Tianyi suppressed his gaze, and the veins on his forehead jumped. , he gritted his teeth and hugged Xiao Yezi's slender and flexible waist, and said a faint "Yeah" in a hoarse voice. It's not that he doesn't want to say more, but he's worried that if he talks too much, his patience will disappear and he can't help but overwhelm this little goblin.

However, Xiao Yezi, who was excited at this time, was not satisfied with the owner's understatement of "um". She pursed her lips and pressed closer to her owner, and said: "Master, don't think it's nothing for me to grow a sixth tail." Yes, let me tell you, I can practice the art of tonic after I grow my sixth tail!" He raised his head proudly.

Ye Tianyi froze, and asked in a hoarse voice: "The art of collecting tonic?" Could it be the kind of art of tonic he thought of?

Little Ye Zi, who had no idea that he was playing with fire, triumphantly explained to his master: "The art of collecting tonic is to replenish a man's yang essence. The speed of cultivation is much faster than eating crystal cores and swallowing the essence of the sun and moon..."

However, Ye Tianyi could no longer wait for the little goblin to continue talking. He directly pinched the waist of the pregnant woman tightly, teleported to the bedroom of the house in the space, and pressed the woman onto the soft bed...

— ——River crabs crawled over——River crabs crawled over——River crabs crawled over——

Little Ye Zi, who had been eaten over and over again, complained with tears in her eyes: "Master, I don't want to practice I have learned the art of collecting and replenishing. I will eat the crystal core obediently. Don't punish me qaq."

Ye Tianyi, who deceived Little Yezi that he was practicing the art of replenishing, did not feel guilty at all. He stretched out his hand to scoop up Little Yezi with a satisfied look on his face. In his arms, he coaxed in a low voice: "Hey, little Ye Zi, you now know that the art of collecting tonic is difficult to practice, right?"

Before, he learned from Xiao Ye that the art of gathering tonic requires having sex with a man (ps: more than one). When he was able to practice, he immediately told this little goblin how hard it was to practice the art of tonic.

In fact, if this art of supplementing could only be practiced with one man, Ye Tianyi would definitely trick this simple little guy into supplementing him every day.

But forget it if he wants to pluck other men, how can he let others touch him? In the same way, his cat cannot be touched by others!

The big devil, who was satisfied with eating the pure little kitten demon clean, smiled broadly and hugged the tired little kitten back to its original shape. He walked out of the space and let the group of evolved zombies hide themselves, so as not to be searched for the crystal core. Human beings discovered it and continued to pick up crystal nuclei.

Ye Tianyi looked down at the little Ye Zi who was sleeping soundly in his arms, and couldn't help but feel lucky. Fortunately, he was simple and easy to fool. Otherwise, if Little Ye Zi suddenly turned into two little kittens the size of palms when they were having sex, it would be a lot of fun. .

After waiting for so long, Ye Tianyi finally got his wish. He was so happy that he was not too angry that the crystal core he was looking for was snatched away by a human superpower who suddenly appeared. He just looked at the man with a smile. The young superpower who was grabbing the food in front of him said: "Pull out the crystal core in your hand, and you can leave."

Ye Tianyi felt that he was already very merciful, at least he didn't kill the other person without saying a word .

However, he felt that he was being kind, but the young male with supernatural powers felt that he was extremely arrogant.

&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& is a unique dual-power person. Therefore, he has a high status in the survivor base of city B. He was attracted by many forces and received preferential treatment. Later, he joined the largest military force in the base. No matter where he goes, there are people who respect and fear him. Young people with powers who are no more than 20 years old naturally become very proud and cannot stand the slightest contempt.

Ye Tianyi's plain words sounded like an arrogant "put your things down and get out of here" in his ears.

The young superpower sneered: "Which team are you from?"

Ye Tianyi gave him a cold look.

The young superpower who was stimulated by this emotionless look stopped asking and just threw a white fireball with extremely high temperature, trying to kill the guy who dared to speak rudely to him.

But obviously, this young superpower is just a cannonball who feels good about himself and wants to die. The high-temperature white fireball was blocked by the mental barrier three meters away when it was thrown in front of Ye Tianyi. Little Ye Zi, who was awakened by the movement in Ye Tianyi's arms, was so impatient that he didn't even bother to open his eyes. He opened his mouth and spit out a small water ball. This small water ball was more than twice as small as the white fire ball, but when it fell on top of the fire ball , but immediately extinguished the seemingly powerful and hot fireball.

Xiao Yezi seemed very confident that his water ball could extinguish the fire ball. After spitting out the water ball, he immediately buried his head in Ye Tianyi's arms and continued to sleep soundly.

The young superpower did not back down, but Xiao Yezi's move aroused his greed.

He stared at the little leaf in Ye Tianyi's arms with gleaming eyes, and said: "Release the mutant cat in your arms, and you can leave."

This sentence was exactly what Ye Tianyi said to him before, but now he has changed it a few times. This word was returned to Ye Tianyi. And he seemed very proud of his move. He stretched out his hands that were suddenly covered with a layer of metal and raised them at Ye Tianyi threateningly.

These words and actions completely angered Ye Tianyi. Originally, he wanted to let this guy go. Even if this guy escaped with the snatched crystal core, Ye Tianyi, who was in a good mood, might not even bother to chase him. But he relied on his abilities of gold and fire to arrogantly ask for Xiao Yezi in front of Ye Tianyi, which already touched his inner skin.

Ye Tianyi looked at the metal in the young man's hand and chuckled: "Gold and fire superpower?!"

Then a thick dark purple thunder and lightning suddenly appeared on the top of the young superpower's head, and fell down helplessly. The young man who was so proud just now was turned into a human-shaped piece of charcoal, which looked no different from those burnt corpses.

Ye Tianyi walked over, sneered and stomped on his charred head, and used his mental power to take away the Yidan in his brain and all the crystal nuclei collected on his body.


&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&Ye Tianyi shook off the water droplets on the Yidan in his hand, then raised his head and looked into the sky ahead. Several helicopters gradually flew closer, and a dozen black spots slowly fell from the helicopters. It should be It was a dozen humans who parachuted here to search for crystal nuclei.

He didn't care too much about this. He touched the long six tails of Little Leaf who was sleeping soundly in his arms, turned around and jumped on the roof. In the blink of an eye, his figure was far away.

The dozen or so human superpowers found a landing spot and landed on the ground. A few of them happened to land on the roof and looked over from a distance. One of them said in surprise: "There seems to be someone over there!

" A comrade turned to look over, but saw nothing but the charred roof. He said nonchalantly: "Are you dazzled? This City B has been burned by fire for more than two months, and not even a weed tree can grow. Is there anyone who can come out? "

The man doesn't believe that he is really dazzled. Although his superpower is not related to eyesight, as a superpower, who is not comparable to the eagle eye? You can clearly see whether a mosquito is male or female from a distance of more than ten meters, but can you still see it wrongly?

Then the comrade said casually: "But maybe some superpower came to take advantage. After all, there is no danger in City B. There are crystal cores everywhere. If the commander hadn't forbidden people from the base to go out, I'm afraid Before we could come, all the crystal cores were searched by those people whose eyes were green with hunger."

After listening to his comrade's reasonable analysis, and he did not see the figure who just left again, he said. Put this accident behind you, no longer take it to heart, and carry out the task seriously.

Ye Tianyi, who didn't know that someone had accidentally seen his back, jumped on the roof while using his mental tentacles to collect all the crystal nuclei he found along the way. There are never too many good things that can upgrade him. Especially with such a large base, he actually found more than a dozen thunder crystal cores, which was really an unexpected surprise.

Among his three abilities, the thunder ability was the hardest to upgrade. He could only rely on the mysterious formula to slowly polish it. I thought I could try a thunderstorm to find myself struck by lightning, and see if I could turn natural thunder into energy for the advancement of thunder powers. Who knew that the weather was getting hotter and hotter day by day, let alone thunderstorms? There was not even a sign of drizzle.

There has been only one rain since the end of the world, and although that rain was torrential, there was no thunder.

Although these dozen thunder crystal cores were not of high grade and not large in number, they still gave him hope. After all, there are still thunder-type crystal cores. Search and search in this city B. With the huge base of millions, even if there is only one in ten thousand, you can find hundreds of thunder-type crystal cores.

Even when Ye Tianyi was searching for the crystal core, he did not forget to pay some attention to the little leaf in his arms.

Under Ye Tianyi's careful care, Little Ye Zi slept peacefully in his stable arms. It was not until night fell that Little Ye Zi woke up from her deep sleep.

Ye Tianyi tenderly smoothed its fur on its back. It seemed that it was really tired from having sex in the space.

After Xiao Yezi woke up, he complained: "Master, please don't let so many people in next time, okay? It will take me a long time to refine it."

Ye Tianyi stiffened his hairy hand: "..."

He stretched out his hand to lift it Pick up the tail of the small leaf and look at the small jujube behind it. Well, judging from the color and shape, it is the same as when it was not in bud.

Ye Tianyi thought expressionlessly: It seems that little Ye Zi is extremely talented and does not need to exercise any more restraint.

Little Ye Zi, who was holding up his tail and staring at the jú flowers, thought his master was going to make fun of him again. Not long after he recovered, he panicked and turned into a human form, getting rid of the situation where Ye Tianyi was holding his tail.

However, the innocent little cat has no idea that after turning into a naked human form, he will be able to deliver a delicious meal to his master's mouth.

Xiao Yezi, who was covering his tailbone, looked at his master accusingly: "Master, how could you pull my tail like this?"

Ye Tianyi looked at Silly Meow, whose tail quietly came out from behind but didn't know it, with silent eyes. The redness...