Chapter 66:

Little Yezi is probably due to the goblin's extraordinary talent. It can fully absorb the essence that Ye Tianyi injected into it and use it for its own use. The red and swollen injuries recovered quickly. This is undoubtedly a gift for Ye Tianyi's big... The tail provided good conditions for naughtiness, and it was not suppressed. It wiped the dick of this stupid cat who was always teasing him without knowing it, over and over again.

After being crazy for more than two days, Ye Tianyi was just satisfied and came out of the space, while Xiao Yezi was sleeping in the space and could not come out.

The satisfied man was of course in a good mood. He happily searched the entire city B, then avoided the human superpowers and left the city B with his group of zombie brothers who had escaped. Arrive at Mengjiawan.

Ye Tianyi originally wanted to temporarily place these thousands of evolved zombies in Mengjiawan. At least there was Ning Zian, a local snake, to protect him. After the limelight in City B has passed, it won't be too late for him to return to City B with his zombie brothers.

However, the plan failed to keep up with the change. When Ye Tianyi came to Mengjiawan again, he found that the place was deserted. Except for a few zombies that had slipped through the net, there was no living person. There were a lot of blood on the ground, but there was not even a corpse. . Being able to do it so cleanly obviously couldn't have been done by a zombie, and Ye Tianyi didn't smell the smell of zombies, but instead had a strong scent of a superpower.

He went to find Ning Zian, but he only saw the destroyed mountain top, with traces of battles everywhere. The family portrait that Ning Zian cherished so much was also thrown to the ground, and the glass frame was shattered on the ground. Apparently, he was also Captured.

Ning Zian was arrested, and Ye Tianyi couldn't think of anyone else besides the people from the survivor base in City B.

It seems that this place is not suitable for staying longer.

Ye Tianyi immediately left Mengjiawan with his zombie brothers and found a bay with only zombies a little further away. This is Wujiawan, which is smaller than Mengjiawan, but it can still accommodate thousands of evolved zombies. It's more than enough, because zombies don't need to hide like humans. Private space, even if we are crowded together, it doesn't matter.

Then Ye Tianyi took Xiao Yezi and these thousands of evolved zombie brothers to settle down in Wujiawan. With the large number of crystal nuclei in the space, they didn't have to go out to look for food. It's not that Ye Tianyi doesn't want to go to the survivor base in City B to check the situation, but his most important thing now is to increase his gun strength first.

Level 4 to Level 5 is a watershed. Level 5 and above have a huge gap in strength every time they break through a level. Ye Tianyi now has the fifth-level advanced thunder power and the fifth-level peak space spiritual power. He only needs to wait for the thunder power to break through to the fifth-level peak before he can advance to the sixth level.

Although no zombie or human has advanced to the sixth level so far, and it is not clear how powerful the sixth level is, Ye Tianyi can guess from his breakthrough from the fourth level to the fifth level. When he breaks through to the sixth level, he must be strong. A meteoric rise.

Ye Tianyi and Xiao Yezi spend every day in the space, eating crystal cores and drinking from spiritual springs. Their lives are as comfortable as those of gods. Especially with the large amount of crystal cores fed to them, their strength is as good as It keeps rising every day, and one of them is a zombie and the other is a mutated beast. They are instinctive in controlling the use of supernatural powers, and there is no problem of not being able to keep up with the level.

<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Except for Ye Tianyi who would come out to feed the zombie brothers, at other times they were bored in the space. When they had consumed almost all the crystal nuclei in the entire space, they came out hand in hand.

More than half a year had passed since they arrived at Wujiawan.

More than half a year is not a long time, but in this more than half a year, the evolution speed of zombies across the country has accelerated a lot, except for those large survivor bases that are still strong. Unable to survive, many small and medium-sized survivor bases have been destroyed in zombies.

A few days after Ye Tianyi and Xiao Yezi came out, before he could evacuate with his zombie brothers, he discovered that a large number of people with special powers were driving military trucks approaching Wujiawan. The purpose was obvious. They should be heading towards Wujiawan. , or in other words, it is directed at them.

But are they coming for the thousands of evolved zombies in Wujiawan or are they coming for him and Xiao Yezi?

Ye Tianyi could not help but think more. After all, tens of thousands of evolved zombies are a huge force. Even if the survivor base in city B sends a large number of superpowers regardless of losses, they can still destroy them. But to kill this group of evolved zombies, in addition to Harvesting thousands of crystal cores and killing thousands of people will get nothing. It can be said that the gain outweighs the loss. So why do these supernatural beings come again?

Ye Tianyi guessed that there are two possibilities. One is that this group of superpowers has some good way to reduce losses and kill these thousands of evolved zombies for thousands of crystal nuclei. The other is that this group of superpowers are targeting him and him. Xiao Yezi came, or in other words, came for him alone.

The second possibility was Ye Tianyi's guess based on Ning Zian being captured by the survivor base in city b. If the survivor base in city b got in touch with the survivor base in city a, and the Xiao family informed the survivors in city b of his existence, After hearing the news about him from Ning Zian, it is not surprising to deduce that there is a high-level zombie like him here from the thousands of evolved zombies gathered in this deserted place.

During his lifetime, Ye Tianyi was able to support the huge Ye family at a young age and made Ye family advance instead of retreating. Obviously he was a very smart person, but at the same time he was also a very suspicious person. Even though the final fact may be that he was suspicious and overthinking, Ye Tianyi never felt that there was anything wrong with him guessing all the possibilities before the incident happened and then making various arrangements to deal with emergencies. wrong.

Don't be afraid of ten thousand, just be afraid of what happens. It's always better to be more prepared than to rush and panic when things happen.

This is also the reason why Ye Tianyi likes Xiao Zizi. He didn't understand what love was, but he knew that Xiao Yezi was the only one who would not betray and could trust him. He and Xiao Yezi were each other's only ones. Even if their previous feelings were mixed with too many other feelings, not just pure love, so what? As long as they are the most important people in each other's lives.

Ye Tianyi's paranoia would never be used on a little fool like Xiao Zizi.

Regardless of whether Ye Tianyi's paranoia arrangements were useful or useless in the past, it is obvious that his paranoia was very useful this time.

Because this group of superpowers from the survivor base in City B are coming for him.

<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Every move of the superpowers in the base cannot escape his surveillance.

More than sixty military trucks drove to Wujiawan at no slow speed. Outside Wujiawan, the ordinary gray zombies summoned by Ye Tianyi to be the first barrier roared a few times before being crushed by the military trucks armed to the teeth. It turned into mud, leaving nothing but a black pool of rotten rotten water.

Ye Tianyi frowned, and then divided the thousands of evolved zombies in Wujiawan into ten brigades. Each brigade had several hundred zombies with similar levels and abilities, so that they could maximize their strength. Then Ye Tianyi controlled a large group of wind-type zombies with special powers to quietly approach the more than sixty military trucks with the help of the wind, and then controlled a large group of earth-type zombies with special powers to sneak...

Today, he was determined to kill this group of super-powerful zombies. They all stay here.

Wang Lifeng is the supreme commander of this secret operation. Except for him and several high-level superpowers sent by a few research institutes around him, no one knows the real goal of their trip. Everyone else thinks they are here. Kill these evolved zombies to get the crystal core.

Thinking of what he had been reminded by the director of the research institute before taking up the task, Wang Lifeng looked at the cement road leading to Wujiawan in front of him and felt that his whole body was cold and his hands were sweating. He quietly wiped his palms on his military uniform pants, but The closer he got to Wujiawan, the harder his heart beat.

I wonder if they can return alive from this mission. After all, they have to deal with not only thousands of evolved zombies, but also a powerful being who is said to be the Zombie King...

Wang Lifeng will accept this mission, firstly, because it is above It's not easy to refuse the order. After all, he has no backstage connections and has gotten to where he is today thanks to his powerful supernatural power. If he doesn't accept it, he'll probably no longer be able to enjoy the treatment he has now; secondly, because of the rewards of this mission. It was too tempting. If he succeeded, even if he failed, as long as he brought back some valuable news, he and his family would no longer have to worry about various scarce supplies.

With the thought that he could return to the base safely by treating the other supernatural beings who didn't know their true nature as ashes to explore the way, Wang Lifeng came with his men. The ambition and luck before departure all turned into panic as we approached our destination, Wujiawan.

The high-level superpower user from the research institute who was not under Wang Lifeng's supervision noticed his action of wiping the cold sweat from his palms. There was a bit of contempt in his eyes, and then he turned away from looking at this coward.

Wang Lifeng naturally noticed the looks of these high-level superpower users from the institute, but he didn't care at all. Anyway, these guys who have no level and no actual combat experience, but they are just high-level people with low abilities, he is the only one who has done it. It's just a stepping stone to the mission, why bother with a few people who will die sooner or later?

However, at this moment, a strong wind suddenly came up, causing the only thin non-mutated trees on the roadside to break their waists. Even the military cards were unable to withstand the pressure of the wind.

A high-level superpower user in a research institute was caught off guard and blinded by the wind. He couldn't help but cursed: "Damn it, why is there such a strong wind all of a sudden? The weather in this post-apocalyptic world is getting weirder and weirder!" "

Wang Lifeng looked at Wujiawan in front of him, which was obscured by the sand blown by the strong wind, and felt cold in his heart. The other side of Wujiawan is backed by a mountain. Even if there is a strong wind, it is impossible to cross a small mountain. Such a strong wind can be blown out from Wujiawan.

Then it can only be... Wang Lifeng shouted loudly and sternly: "Be careful of enemy attacks-"