Chapter 69:

Before the end of the world, City B was a big city not much smaller than City A and second only to the capital City S. It naturally had a very large population and many zombies. Fortunately, although the number of troops stationed in City B is not as large as that in City A, it is still by no means small, and a security base was quickly established.

There are hundreds of thousands of people in the survivor base in City B, which is a powerful force that no one can help but covet.

The Gao family is the second-in-command in the survivor base in City B after General Han, so they are naturally very ambitious. This time the Gao family stumbled, and there were countless people who made matters worse. But soon the Gao family released news - a press conference would be held in three days.

The Gao family vaguely only said that they would hold a press conference, but they did not say what news they would release. Who cares what kind of news you would release at the press conference in this apocalyptic world? However, the Gao family also spread a vague news, saying that they were going to release an invention that would have a significant impact on human survival and development... It was said in a very fancy way, as if the Gao family's invention would become a Like the savior of mankind.

Although many people secretly muttered that they did not buy it, there were also many people who went to see what kind of medicine Gaojia Gourd was selling on the day of the press conference.

At the press conference, the head of the Gao family took Gao Nuoping onto the stage, followed by several superpowers to protect him.

Seeing Gao Nuoping, everyone's eyes were focused on him. Everyone knew Gao Nuoping, a young but highly accomplished medical talent, and the Gao family often used his name to attract people's attention.

The head of the Gao family said a few words before handing over the home court to Gao Nuoping.

Gao Nuoping stepped forward and took a metal box from the hands of a superpower behind him. The box opened and he took out a spray bottle from the box. The body of the spray bottle was transparent and contained most of the bottle of diluted water. green liquid. He raised the spray bottle containing light green liquid in his hand, and his voice spread through the speaker: "Look at the spray bottle in my hand."

Everyone had already focused on the test tube in his hand.

Gao Nuoping continued: "Everyone knows that since the last virus outbreak, plants have also mutated. Among the mutated plants, the ones with the largest number and the most powerful attack power are vine-type plants." He moved his hands with excitement. The spray bottle inside was raised high, and his voice became louder, "This is the vine repellent I developed. As long as it is lightly sprayed on the vine-type mutant plants, those vine-type mutant plants will automatically retreat..."

Gao Nuoping After explaining the effectiveness of the vine repellent, he took a few steps back and asked a wood-type superpower behind him to spawn a vine-type mutant plant. He himself used a spray bottle to gently shoot at the twisting vine. As soon as he sprayed it, the vines immediately seemed to have encountered something terrible and quickly retreated away... Gao Nuoping also sprayed some vine repellent on himself, and then walked towards the mutated vine plant. Wherever he went, Just avoid the vines.

After listening to Gao Nuoping's words, and then seeing the effect of this vine repellent, everyone went crazy...

Gao Nuoping said that as long as it is a vine-type mutant plant, this vine repellent is effective on it. of. When they left the base, the most mutated plants they encountered were vine-type plants, which were very difficult to deal with. If they had this vine repellent, they could reduce a lot of losses and casualties. How could they not go crazy?

Ye Tianyi, who was mixed in with the crazy crowd, stretched out his hand to press the hat on his head, turned around quietly and left the press conference... After all the superpowers sent were wiped out in Wujiawan, he knew that someone at the survivor base in City B was targeting him, and he couldn't avoid it even if he wanted to. Fortunately, his appearance is the same as that of a human being, and the method for humans to detect whether they are infected with the zombie virus is to isolate for one day. He easily sneaked into the survivor base in city b just like the survivor base in city a.

The timing of his sneaking into the base coincided with the time when the Gao family released a vine repellent to divert everyone's attention in order to avoid responsibility for the deaths of more than a thousand people with powers.

Ye Tianyi was not in a good mood after leaving the press conference, because human research on mutated plants and zombies was probably beyond his imagination. Now that the Gao family can develop a vine repellent, maybe humans will one day develop it. Potions to deal with mutated plants and animals, and even potions to deal with zombies...

If Ye Tianyi was still a human now, he would be happy to see it happen, but now he has become a zombie. Regardless of his original race, he is already the same as humans. Deadly enemy. It has nothing to do with personal grudges, but rather that the positions of both parties are inherently hostile and the conflict is irreconcilable.

Just like a rabbit can never believe that a lion will be kind to it, humans can do the same with zombies that feed on living human flesh and blood.

Ye Tianyi distorted the spatial fluctuations through precise control of space, making himself invisible. He quietly avoided the patrols in the base and sneaked into the underground research institute.

The location of this underground research institute is very hidden, and the construction materials used are strange materials that can mutate after the apocalypse and can isolate spiritual power. However, there is an upper limit to the isolation of spiritual power by this strange material. The spiritual power of level five or above is It cannot be isolated, so this research institute has nowhere to hide under the detection of his mental power.

Ye Tianyi's current strength is enough to despise everyone in the Survivor Base in City B. As long as his identity is not exposed and he is surrounded by countless firepower, he is not afraid at all. This extremely well-defended underground research institute is full of flaws in the view of Ye Tianyi, who is at the peak of the fifth level. He can easily avoid countless agencies and patrols and enter the inside of the research institute. Those that cannot be avoided are also some induction devices. Setting these The people who used the sensing devices wanted to guard against humans, not zombies, so these sensing devices that enveloped the entire institute could only sense living people, and had no reaction at all to Ye Tianyi, who had no life characteristics.

Ye Tianyi entered the experimental body cultivation rooms one after another. There were many zombies locked up in the same cultivation room, and there were also individual superpowers lying in the nutrition cabin without knowing whether they were alive or dead... No wonder the underground research institute was hidden by the base's higher-ups and dared not let them go. On the surface, although it is the end of the world, people. body. Reality. It turns out that such crazy things can still easily cause panic and turmoil.

Looking at the experimental culture rooms one by one, Ye Tianyi unexpectedly saw an acquaintance in a certain laboratory.

"Su Tianyun..." Ye Tianyi silently recited the name of the guy who made him look like a human or a ghost.

He looked at the miserable condition of Su Tianyun who was soaked in the unknown liquid, and the anger and hatred hidden in his heart calmed down one by one.

He curled his lips coldly, then turned around and left the training room without hesitation.

<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<Su Tianyun is indeed miserable now.

His head was half-open, and the beating brain nerves could be seen inside. The body below the chest was already the same as the upper half of him. The body was separated and placed in another culture chamber and soaked in light blue liquid. And a half-formed man who looked very similar to him in a training cabin on the side was his gram. Long. Body...

Su Tianyun was originally sent to the Xiao family laboratory at the survivor base in City A, but the Xiao family did not make much achievements in this area of ​​research, and the research members were just a group of ordinary researchers, unlike B There are so many outstanding researchers at the City Survivor Base Research Institute, and there is also Gao Nuoping, a top medical scientist before the end of the world.

Therefore, after the Xiao family could not squeeze more benefits out of Su Tianyun, they used him as a bargaining chip to exchange insect repellent with the Gao family, which was considered a waste.

But Gao Nuoping got more benefits from Su Tianyun - because Su Tianyun often drank the spiritual spring water in the Jade Guanyin space when he got it, he had something different from ordinary people.

These anomalies are not easy to discover, and the researchers of the Xiao family did not notice it. Gao Nuoping still discovered when studying the half-corpse man that a certain substance in the half-corpse man's body was the same as a certain substance in Su Tianyun's body. noticed and valued.

Su Tianyun is still conscious. Although he cannot speak, his brain is connected to the instrument nearby, and everything he thinks will be displayed on the display of the instrument. As early as the first day he was sent to this underground research institute, all his secrets were exposed on that instrument. How he pushed Ye Tianyi downstairs who was awakening his supernatural powers, how he obtained the Jade Guanyin Space... All these secrets were learned by Gao Nuoping through this instrument. This is why the Gao family wanted to send people to capture Ye Tianyi privately.

However, for some unknown reason, the fact that Su Tianyun was reborn was not shown on the instrument, and the Gao family did not know either.

Ye Tianyi, who left the training room where Su Tianyun was, also found the training room where Ning Zian and other half-corpse people were, but their situation was not much better than that of Su Tianyun.

Ye Tianyi walked around the research institute and looked at every experimental product culture room and laboratory. However, he couldn't understand the data of the research instruments, but it didn't matter if he didn't understand, as long as he could destroy it. He did not alert anyone and left a large amount of explosives in the culture rooms and laboratories. As for the explosives in other places, there were less explosives. The explosives he had collected before were not very sufficient.

Then Ye Tianyi quietly returned the same way and left the underground research institute. The moment he left, he immediately activated his mental power to explode all the explosives he had placed...


The entire survivor base in City B trembled slightly, and the hidden building on the underground research institute collapsed, revealing Some of the ruins of the bombed underground research institute, and even some of the walls of the culture room and laboratory are still strong and have not fallen down. It has to be said that the top management of the B City base is really willing to spend money in this regard. The materials used in these walls are all It is a post-apocalyptic mutated material.

But it is a pity that Ye Tianyi's explosives were not exploded from outside the wall, but he sneaked into the room and exploded it inside. Even if the walls are still intact, the experimental products and instruments in the room must have been completely destroyed.

The bombing of the underground research institute caused a huge earthquake in the survivor base in city b...