Chapter 70

After the underground research institute in the survivor base in city b was blown up by Ye Tianyi, the data and experimental subjects were destroyed, and there were many research institutes. Research on supernatural powers and zombies has stalled. As a result, the forces in the base once again fell into chaos, and they began to divide their interests again...

and these were no longer the business of Ye Tianyi and Xiao Yezi. Anyway, there are mutated insects and ants at the survivor base in city a. After the invasion, the Xiao family was quite powerless under the control of Commander Jiang and could not control the city b at all. The people in the survivor base in city b were even more busy internally. Dou has no time to care about him.

Ye Tianyi stayed near the base for a while and hunted some high-level superpowers in the base. This would not only increase his strength, but also weaken the evolution speed of the superpowers, which would facilitate his future plans.

Ye Tianyi was sitting leisurely in a hotel suite playing with his laptop, monitoring the surrounding situation around the clock. A snow-white folded-eared cat squatted on his shoulder, and next to him was scrubbing the floor. The original owner of this suite, stained with black blood, had turned into a green-faced, fanged zombie that was drooling.

Although this laptop cannot connect to the Internet, there are quite a lot of various resources downloaded on it, including many movies and TV series, ranging from science fiction movies to family drama soap operas. As for the charging problem... At this time, Ye Tianyi felt that his thunder power, which always lowered the average score and affected promotion, was still very useful. Although it could not turn electricity into experience points, it could still turn the power into electricity.

Ye Tianyi clicked on the movies one by one, and then closed them in every possible way. When he clicked on an eight o'clock bloody drama, Xiao Yezi, who had been lying on his shoulder and swung his tail out of boredom, suddenly meowed a few times: "Meow~ Master, I want to watch this, meow~"

Little Ye Zi made a rare request to him. Of course, Ye Tianyi would not be dissatisfied, so he let the movie that should have been closed continue to play...

"Hey, let's go! You Mom asked you to divorce me, why are you coming to me?"

"Honey, don't be angry, my mother has such a temper, we can't divorce even for the sake of our children..."

"Son! Mom tells you! This marriage must be divorced today! I won't allow you to be with her anymore!"

Listening to this line, Ye Tianyi's mouth twitched, and then he noticed the name of the movie - "The Domineering Mother-in-law's Daughter-in-law" "What the hell is this?

However, seeing Xiao Yezi's pair of blue eyes staring at the screen with great seriousness, even though Ye Tianyi was so shocked, he remained silent and didn't say anything, let alone click "X".

The lines continued: "Mother-in-law, how could you do this to us? You pretended to be sick just to break us up! Fortunately, I was worried that you were really sick..."

"Really? Are you really worried about me? I I'm so happy. My dear, you know, I've actually liked you for a long time... Why did you identify that brat? Don't I love you more than that brat?"

"Mother-in-law, I don't understand what you are saying ? Are you telling the truth? Do you really like me?"


He finally understood the meaning of the movie's title...

At this time Little Ye Zi curiously asked: "Master, why did the mother-in-law not let her be with her son?"

Ye Tianyi said seriously: "You can still fall in love if you are of different races, but you can't fall in love if you are of different genders...for example We. "Although our races are different, our gender is the same.

Xiao Yezi still didn't understand: "What does falling in love mean?"

Ye Tianyi silently held the cat on his shoulders in his arms: "Transform into a human form!"

Xiao Yezi transformed into a human form, his whole body smooth and smooth.

This time, Ye Tianyi did not dress him like before, but instead held him on the bed, kissed and touched him: "We are in love now..."

<<<<<<<<<<<< <<<<<<<<Now that humans can't take care of Ye Tianyi, he will have time to develop his own power.

Ye Tianyi has experienced so much and deeply understands the importance of his younger brother. If he had a capable younger brother, why would he need to personally do something like sneaking into the base and blowing up the research institute? If there are a sufficient number of subordinates, there is no need to sneak into the base, just attack the base directly.

So he took this opportunity to gather all the zombies and zombie animals and plants that he could gather. He no longer took the specialized route as before, but accepted all comers. It didn't matter if he was low in strength, couldn't he still be used as ashes?

As a high rise. Using zombies with high intelligence and strength, Ye Tianyi's expansion of power has been going smoothly. Even Xiao Yezi helped recruit a group of mutant zombie brothers. But his luck seemed to have run out, and this day he met a big man. trouble!

Ye Tianyi learned from a zombie with spiritual intelligence that there was a high-level zombie in a village on the outskirts of this area, so he came to tame it himself. But when he stepped into this village, a strong sense of crisis hit his heart, danger! ! !

He had never had such a strong sense of crisis, but he had no doubts about his intuition.

Ye Tianyi suddenly changed from someone who entered the village openly to someone who quietly entered the village to shoot.

However, this is of no use.

He had not walked a few meters into the village when he felt something was staring at him. Then his mental power swept up and saw a huge black shadow shooting towards him quickly. The speed was so fast that his mental power could not scan the true face of the black shadow. .

Ye Tianyi was also very fast, but not as fast as the black shadow. He had no time to avoid it, so he could only punch the flying black shadow on the spot with his right hand wrapped in thunder and lightning.

Hitting the black shadow, the black shadow flew out and crushed a house.

Ye Tianyi didn't ask for an advantage, and staggered back a few steps. He only felt that his right arm was numb, and he almost lost consciousness.

He used his supernatural power to unblock his paralyzed right arm, and stared closely at the unknown creature he had just knocked away - it was a very ferocious and strange-looking thing, like a humanoid zombie that had mutated for some unknown reason.

Its limbs became thicker and it crawled on all fours. A spherical fleshy tumor about the same size as its head grew on its head. Dark green mucus came out of the fleshy tumor from time to time. Its mouth became very large, and its black tongue was thick. The tongue was long and stretched out, very elastic, but black smoke visible to the naked eye rose from the tongue, which was daunting.

The monster was not seriously injured after being knocked away by Ye Tianyi, but its chest was a little burnt. It quickly got up, got down on all fours, and stared at him with its scarlet eyes, but did not launch another attack. It seemed that it also realized that Ye Tianyi was not easy to mess with, and was a powerful enemy that needed to be treated with caution.

<<< However, it seems to have undergone some special mutation. Its flesh body is extremely strong, and the flesh tumors on its tongue and head are highly poisonous. It is not easy to deal with at all. It can be said to be the most powerful opponent Ye Tianyi has ever encountered.

The monster didn't seem to be very patient. After staring at Ye Tianyi for a long time, and seeing that he didn't move, it couldn't help but charge forward again. It's just that this time it's not as fast as last time, so fast that it can't even capture his true face with its mental strength. When it rushes up, it doesn't seem to want to try Ye Tianyi's electric snake flying fist again, but it is ten meters away from Ye Tianyi. Start attacking with your tongue.

The monster's tongue flicked out, and Ye Tianyi, who had been prepared for it, quickly ducked to the side. His tongue hit a stone behind where Ye Tianyi was standing. The large stone was instantly shattered, and then exploded. The slowly rising black smoke, like snow meeting hot oil, quickly melted into a puddle of black water.

What a strong tongue! What a powerful poison!

Ye Tianyi did not dare to relax at all, and always deployed his mental power around to monitor the monster's actions. His thunder power and space power formed a two-layer protective shield around him to prevent him from getting close to the poison.

A Tang Dao appeared out of thin air in his hand. This knife was obtained after he sneaked into the survivor base in City B and killed a person with supernatural powers. This Tang sword is reinforced with post-apocalyptic strange metals and can have super powers. Ye Tianyi added thunder and space powers to it. When the monster attacked him with its tongue again, he quickly struck it with a knife.

Space distortion!

The thunder power scorched the monster's tongue to black, temporarily paralyzing it, and then used space distortion to isolate the poison on the tongue from contact with the Tang Dao. He slashed down with the Tang Dao and cut off the tip of the monster's tongue.

After the tip of the tongue was cut off, it disappeared immediately and was taken into the space by Ye Tianyi - he was worried that the monster's healing ability was too strong and he reattached the tip of the tongue.

However, his worries are not unfounded.

This monster's healing ability is indeed powerful. It can still move when the tip of its tongue is cut off, but it doesn't turn into a dead thing until it is thrown into space. The remaining tongue was retracted by the painful monster. Ye Tianyi saw with his own eyes that when it was retracted, the broken tongue grew out of the tip again. It's just that the newly grown tip of the tongue is still fresh and tender, not black, and not highly poisonous.

After the monster's tongue was severely injured, it no longer used its tongue to attack. Instead, it fought Ye Tianyi up close, sometimes using the venom from the fleshy tumors on its head to assassinate Ye Tianyi.

But Ye Tianyi's whole body defense was extremely strong. The venom was electrocuted into black smoke by the crackling of the lightning power defense shield. The monster's powerful attack was also easily diverted by his space power defense shield, without any pain or itching. .

Although this monster is powerful, it is still only a mid-level fifth-level zombie, not as good as Ye Tianyi, who is at the peak of fifth-level and has three series of powers.

Its advantages are strong defense, high power, and fast speed, but no matter how strong the defense is under Ye Tianyi's thunder power, it is useless. The space power can transfer the attack power, and no matter how fast it is, it can't escape under the monitoring of mental power. Due to its shape and level suppression, Ye Tianyi fought fiercely with it for more than two hours and finally captured it.

Although this battle was won, it was not easy to win. But when he finally got the trophy, Ye Tianyi was very happy - because the crystal core of this monster turned out to be. Although the battle was won, it was not easy to win. But when he finally got the trophy, Ye Tianyi was very happy - because the crystal core of this monster turned out to have no attributes! He had seen this monster using poison before and thought it was a poison-type crystal core.

Crystal nuclei without attributes are usually grown in the brains of evolved zombies that have not awakened their powers. Any ability can absorb crystal nuclei without attributes to increase their strength.

And probably because this monster is a mutant zombie, the quality of this mid-level fifth-order crystal core is still mid-level fifth-level, but its quantity is comparable to more than a dozen mid-level fifth-level crystal nuclei.

Ye Tianyi couldn't help but smile a little, and he carefully admired the transparent crystal core washed with clear water against the sunlight...With it, he will soon be able to advance to the sixth level, and then the world will be his. Rampant!