Chapter 13: "The Bell's Warning, Like Daughter, Like Mother"

The serene moment shattered as the distant chime of a bell echoed through the town, jolting me from the passionate haze. I glanced at Pamela, whose expression had shifted from desire to concern in an instant. With hurried movements, she began hastily dressing herself. 

"What's happening, Pam?" I asked, my voice tinged with worry as I followed suit, pulling on my clothes in haste. 

"Ain't got time for explanations now, Ace," Pamela replied, her voice urgent and laced with a cowgirl drawl. "Put on your clothes on, and I'll fill you in on the way." 

With a sense of urgency propelling us forward, we hurriedly dressed, the urgency of the situation hanging heavy in the air. Once ready, we exchanged a quick nod before setting off, the urgency of Pamela's strides matching the pounding of my heart as we raced towards the source of the bell's tolling. 

As we rode Mountain through the dusty trails, Pamela's voice broke the tension of our hurried journey. 

"Ya know, Ace," she drawled, her cowgirl accent adding weight to her words, "that bell ain't just for showin' off. It's our town's way of warnin'. One ring means fire, two's for them raiders, and three..." She trailed off, her expression grim. 

I nodded, my heart sinking at the implications. "Threes for the worst," I finished for her, my voice tight with worry. "Zombie horde." 

Pamela's gaze met mine, and I saw the flicker of concern in her eyes. "That's right," she affirmed, her voice tinged with urgency. "And right now, we got a three-ring situation." 

We rode on in silence, the urgency of our mission weighing heavy on our shoulders. 

Ace's gaze flickered from the daunting number of 20 million Bad Karma points to the 5 million Good Karma points nestled nearby. Despite the allure of balance, urgency pulsed through him, driving his decision. 

Before I activated my talent scout ability and turned my focus towards Pamela, I couldn't help but feel a sense of shock wash over me. With each passing moment, my eyes widened in amazement as I delved into her attributes. 

It was like uncovering hidden treasures in a vast desert. The depth of her skill and the natural prowess she possessed as a marksman were nothing short of astonishing. In that moment, I realized that Pamela was not just any ordinary companion; she was a force to be reckoned with, a true cowgirl with talents that rivalled even the legendary Mary Jane. 

Pamela's potential was undeniable, and I was driven to find the perfect weapon that would enhance her natural talents. With a keen eye for detail and a steady hand, she possessed the qualities of a true marksman... With each flick of my, I scoured through the vast array of options, searching for the ideal firearm that would unleash her full potential on the battlefield 

I delved deeper into the system, then in the corner of my eye i spotted something intriguing the Ruger Nightstalker, a formidable firearm with capabilities beyond imagination. 

This high-tech marvel boasted not one, but two modes of fire: standard bullets for precise targeting and explosive rounds for devastating impact. What's more, it boasted zero reload time, ensuring uninterrupted firepower in the heat of battle. With a grin of anticipation, I selected the Ruger Super Blackhawk for Pamela, knowing it would unleash unparalleled destruction in her capable hands. 

Then without hesitation, I accessed the system's interface and committed 10 million Bad karma points to summon a boss summon. 

My anticipation surged as the holographic preview materialized, revealing not a foe, but an ally – my summoned minion boss. Towering and imposing, the creature radiated power, its form exuding an eerie aura that promised strength and loyalty. 

A thrill coursed through me as I beheld my new ally, eager to test its strength in the battles ahead. My lips curled into a confident smile as I mentally strategized, envisioning the minion boss, whom I dubbed "Dawn jester," unleashing its formidable abilities on our enemies. 

Beside me, Pamela watched my reaction, puzzled by my sudden excitement. "Why are you grinning like a cat in a creamery, Ace?" she asked, her curiosity piqued. 

My smile faltered slightly, but I quickly recovered, offering a casual shrug. "Oh, you know, just thinking about today," I replied teasingly, not wanting to reveal the details of my plan. "How can I not after all of that, right cowgirl?" i winked playfully at Pamela. 

Pamela blushes, though a lingering sense of lushness still remained in her. She liked my boldness, but i think she could sense there was something about my demeanor that hinted at more than I was letting on. She decided to let it go for now, knowing that we had bigger concern right now. 

As we reached the town, Hiro and Emi rushed towards us, their expressions filled with anxiety and urgency. Something was definitely amiss. 

"What's going on, Hiro?" I asked, my voice tinged with concern as I took in their distressed demeanor. 

Hiro wasted no time in explaining the dire situation. "Ace, Pamela, it's Mary Lou," he began, his voice filled with frustration. "The townsfolk have turned on her. They're blaming her for everything – the attacks, the chaos, you name it. They're planning to hang her in the town square." 

Pamela's eyes widened in shock, her hand instinctively reaching for her gun. "We have to do something," she declared, her cowgirl accent tinged with determination. 

I nodded grimly, the weight of the situation settling heavily on my shoulders. Mary Lou had risked everything to help us, and now she was paying the price. 

Turning to Pamela, I met her gaze with a sense of urgency. "Pam, listen to me," I began, my voice carrying the weight of determination. "You've got to trust me on this. I promise you; I'll do everything in my power to save your mother, Mary Lou." 

I paused, giving her a moment to absorb my words before continuing. "You see, I'm no hero," I confessed, my tone earnest. "I've always believed in saving those who deserve it, and your mother deserves a chance to live. But here's the thing, Pam. We've got two choices." 

I held her gaze, my expression grave yet resolute. "Option one: I take matters into my own hands. I punish those villagers myself, and I save your mother. But it won't be pretty, and it might change things between us and this town forever." 

"Or" I continued, "option two: We save your mother together, but we leave this town behind. We start fresh, just you, me, and your mother. And when the time is right, I'll take you to my kingdom. You'll be safe there, I promise." 

I watched as uncertainty flickered across Pamela's features; her hesitation noticable. But then, after a moment of contemplation, she nodded, her decision made. "Let's go," she said softly, her voice trembling with determination. "Let's save my mother and start over together." 

I placed a hand on Pamela's shoulder, my gaze locking with hers in a moment of shared understanding. "Pam, I need you to do something' for me," I said, my voice steady despite the urgency of the situation. "Take Hiro and Emi, get them to safety. Scout the horde, find out as much as you can about their numbers and movements. I'll find your mother and bring her back to you. But I need you to trust me on this." 

Pamela's expression softened, her eyes reflecting a mix of concern and determination. "Are ya sure 'bout this, Ace?" she asked, her voice wavering slightly. 

I nodded, a sense of conviction coursing through me. "You got nothing to worry about pam," I replied. "It's the least I can do for you and her." 

Pam nodded firmly as she accepted my plan. She turned to Hiro and Emi, relaying what I'd said. The moment felt charged with purpose. With Pam backing me and my own grit, I knew I'd find and save her mother, no matter what. 

Mounted on his horse, Ace surveyed the desolate town, his jaw set in grim determination. The people, once vibrant and lively, now looked like ghosts—hollow-eyed, malnourished, and driven to the edge by fear. They seemed barely able to stand, their gaunt faces showing the toll of countless sleepless nights, haunted by fear. 

With a heavy heart, Ace urged his horse forward, Reaper and his undead army trailing behind him. As they neared the town hall, the air grew thick with tension, and fear radiated from the gathered crowd. 

My voice cut through the silence, commanding attention. "Listen up, you coward!" His words echoed off the crumbling buildings, stirring whispers among the people. 

The townsfolk, their faces twisted with despair and madness, turned to face Ace, eyes wide with fear and disbelief. Murmurs rippled through the crowd, revealing their desperation. 

I glanced at the ragged crowd, seeing their haunted eyes. Despite their weakness, i sensed a stubborn refusal to surrender. 

My voice tenses the air, words echoing with a mix of frustration and determination. "I know what y'all think of me," I continue, my gaze piercing through the crowd. "You all think I'm too handsome to be this brave and strong, getting rid of the bullies for you and saving you from Logan's tyranny. But as soon as things turned to shit, you all start pointin' your fingers. What a shame." 

I paused, letting my words sink in before continuing. "Here's what I'm going to do," I declared, my tone unwavering. "I promise a pretty soul to not hurt this town. I'm only here to get Mary Lou up there, and then I'm on my way. But if anyone dares to stop me..." My voice trailed off, leaving the threat hanging in the air. 

As I dismounted my horse, the crowd parted before me, their eyes wary as Reaper loomed beside me. Making my way to Mary Lou, my heart sank at the sight of her naked and humiliated. Anger surged within me, and I demanded, "Whose idea was this?" 

Silence greeted my question at first, but my resolve didn't waver. "I'm going to count to ten," I warned, my voice low and menacing. "If none of y'all speak up, I'll wipe you all out." 

"Ten... Nine... Eight..." I counted, the tension thickening with each passing second. Then, in a chorus of panicked screams, the crowd pointed to a man and his family. Without hesitation, I motioned for Reaper to carry out my command, the punishment swift and brutal as justice was served before the horrified onlookers. 

I handed my jacket to Mary Lou without a word, a small smile playing on my lips as she tearfully accepted it. Motioning to my undead army, I directed them to shield her from the prying eyes of the crowd as we made our way out of town. 

But before we could leave, the townspeople pleaded with me for help against the approaching horde. My minions halted at the plea, their eerie presence casting a shadow over the desperate scene. With a hint of malice in my voice, I responded, "Before this, I might've helped. But now..." 

Turning away, I declared, "You're on your own." 

Mary Lou couldn't bear to let them suffer, her voice trembling as she pleaded with me. "Please, Ace, you have to help them. They're not bad people, just desperate and hungry." 

I let out a heavy sigh, my expression conflicted as I relented. "Dammit Mary... I will," I conceded, my voice tinged with determination. "On one condition." 

Ace: "You and your daughter join me." 

Mary Lou: Nods, tears glistening in her eyes. 

Ace: Raises his voice "You heard that, you fucker's? The one that you tried to hang and humiliated just now, have asked me sincerely to save all of your wretched soul." 

Ace: "Let's head inside the general store first, Mary Lou. It's safer in there." 

Mary Lou nodded, her eyes reflecting gratitude as they stepped into the shelter of the general store. As she swiftly dressed, her concern for her daughter was evident. 

Mary Lou: "Where's Emily, Ace? Is she safe?" 

Ace: "Don't you worry, Mary Lou. Pam safe and sound with Hiro and Emi." 

I couldn't help but admire Mary Lou's resilience as she hastily dressed, her movements as smooth as a flowing river even amidst the chaos. my gaze lingered on her, noticing how her clothes accentuated her curves, the gentle sway of her hips drawing his attention. 

Ace: clears throat" We'll go to her as soon as we are done here, Mary Lou. I promise." 

Mary Lou sauntered over to me, a playful glint in her eyes as she teased, "Now, now, Ace. Ain't my body too old for your young eyes to be preyin' on like that?" 

 She suddenly knelt down to her knee seducingly, her movements were deliberate, her posture exuding confidence despite the situation. I felt a nervous flutter in my chest as I stammered, "How can any man not stare when you got curves like that?" 

Her laughter echoed in the room, a melodious sound that eased the tension between us. With a wink, she replied, "Smooth talker, ain't ya, Ace?" 

Ace felt a flush of embarrassment as Mary Lou's gaze flickered to the bulge in his pants. Without missing a beat, her hands deftly unbuckling his belt and reaching inside to reveal his cock. 

As she pulled it out, her eyes widened with hunger, and without hesitation, she sucked the head and around it slowly, my precum mixed with her saliva dribbling down her chin as she sucks it with fervor. I couldn't help but moans at the sight of her skills, impressed by her skills and the way she attacked my dick with such motion on her tongue. 

Ace: "Well, now ain't this a sight," I chuckled, watching Mary Lou devour my dick with such lewdness. 

Mary Lou: With a mischievous glint in her eyes, she glanced up at me. "Can't let a hard young dick go to waste now, can i?" she quipped, her voice laced with playful tease as she continued to suck on my hard cock. 

 ahhh damn, I nodded. "You are really good at this," I replied, unable to tear my gaze away from her captivating enthusiasm. 

Mary Lou: Her eyes sparkled with amusement as she licked her lips, a devilish grin spreading across her face. "Hmmm...I reckon Pam had beaten me to it and had a taste of this before me, didn't she?" she mused, her tone teasing as she took another deep suck. 

Ace: Moaning softly, "That she did," I admitted, a hint of nostalgia tugging at my heart as I recalled past moments with Pam. "But I reckon you're better than her, since you the teacher," I added, a playful twinkle in my eye. 

Mary Lou: Her laughter mingled with mine as she continued to devour me, her cowboy hat falling off in the process. " 

Ace: Unable to resist, I reached out my hand and grabbed her blond tousled hair tightly guided her head, encouraging her to take it even deeper. "There you go all the way," I encouraged, a grin spreading across my face as I watched her moans loudly and her saliva dripping while on all her four sucking fervently. 

Mary Lou: Her eyes widened with delight as she obeyed, her senses overwhelmed by the taste and texture of my dick. "Mm, that's the stuff," she murmured, her voice muffled as she continued to suck eagerly and in erotic intense way, she sucked it hard with her lips and slow like a demoness. 

Ace: As I reached my climax I let out, with an intense pleasure. Ahhh, Mary Louuuu, damn.... it, I'm coming!! 

With a satisfied look, she eagerly kept sucking it slowly while using her tongue to magnify the pleasure, her eyes widened when I burst all my cum deep in her throat, a look of contentment washing over her features as she gazed up at me. "Thank you kindly for the meal," she murmured, her voice soft and seductive. 

Ace: Moaning, I gently released her hair, a grin spreading across my face as I admired her skills. "Well, Mary', you certainly made short work of me, like daughter like mother" I remarked, impressed by her blowjob. 

Mary Lou: Her laughter tinkled through the air as she wiped a stray drop of cum from her chin. "Can't let good protein go to waste now in these times of need," she replied with a playful wink, her eyes sparkling with mischief. 

"Now, what's next on the agenda, Ace?" she asked, her tone eager and expectant.