Chapter 14: "Lost in Temptation"

After the brutal battle, everyone in the village pitched in to clear out the bodies of the undead. We gathered 'round and started stacking 'em up in a big ol' pile. Gotta get rid of 'em quick, ya know, before any critters come snackin' on 'em.

Once we got the pile all set, we lit it up. Flames shot up high, and the stench was somethin' awful. But we knew it had to be done to keep the town safe.

As the fire crackled and the bodies burned, there was this quiet sorta respect hangin' in the air. We'd been through hell, but we made it out alive, and that counted for somethin'.

When the fire finally died down, we all took a moment to catch our breath. It weren't an easy sight to see, but it was a necessary one. 

With the grim task of cleaning up behind us, the town folks decided it was time for a little celebration. We hadn't had much to celebrate lately, but dang it, we were gonna make the most of it.

We gathered 'round in the town square, where folks had set up tables loaded with all sorts of goodies. There were pies and cakes, biscuits and gravy, and a whole mess of barbecue fixin's. The smell alone was enough to make your mouth water.

We set up a watch, folks taking turns keeping an eye out for any sign of trouble. Can't be too careful with them undead lurking around.

And as for my minions, well, they were put to good use too. Reaper and Dawn Jester stood watch at the outskirts of town, their presence enough to give any zombie second thoughts about gettin' too close. It was a comfort knowing they had our backs while we enjoyed our little party.

But even with all the precautions, we didn't let fear spoil the fun. We danced and laughed, sang and celebrated like there was no tomorrow. And in a way, maybe there wasn't. Life's too short to spend it worrying about what might happen.

Folks laughed and cried, hugged and there were more than enough food, so they feasted without worrying. It was like they were one big family again, bound together by simple shared struggle and their determination to rebuild their lost humanity.

As the festivities continued, I couldn't help but notice Pam and Mary Lou getting a tad bit tipsy over by the punch bowl. Their laughter echoed through the air, warm and infectious.

But as they made their way towards me, a nervous flutter stirred in my chest. What were they scheming about?

Mary Lou sauntered up with a mischievous twinkle in her eye. "Well, well, look who we have here," she drawled, her voice low and playful. "Ace, darling, could ye' help me tying my boot's? I think I had a little too much to drink," she winked.

I nodded nervously, tryin' to keep my cool as I kneeled down to assist her. But just as I reached for her boot, she let out a dramatic gasp. "Oh no, I've gone and fallen!" she exclaimed with a playful giggle, pretendin' to lose her balance.

Before I could react, she gave me a gentle shove, and the next thing I knew, I was sprawled out on the ground, she landed right at my face.

My face turned crimson as i found himself under Mary Lou's dress, my eyes widening at the sight before me. i couldn't believe what was happening, but before i knew it, i was staring at her pink pussy lips inches away from me, as she had opened her creamy white smooth legs wide open.

Feelin' a mix of shock and hunger of uncontrollable lust, i found myself taking a lick, my cheeks burning as i heard Mary Lou's soft moan. "Oh, darlin' Ace," she murmured, her voice laced with a blush. "Seems like you got mighty hungry under there."

I licked her furiously as she leaned in moaning in the public with no shame, her touch at my crouch making me completely rock hard. Pam realizing what happening under her mother dress pushed her mom away from Ace with a playful pout. "Now, Mom, don't go puttin' ideas in his head," Pam teased, her voice light as she pulled Ace away. "I'm the one you should be payin' attention to."

Their banter had me squirming, unsure where to look. "Ladies, please," I stammered, my voice betraying my nerves. "Let's not make this a competition."

But they weren't about to let me off easy. Mary Lou winked slyly. "Oh, but Ace, where's the fun in that?" she teased, her gaze lingering a bit longer than necessary.

Pam shot her a mock glare. "Hands off, Mom. He's mine," she declared, playfully tugging at my sleeve.

With a mock sigh, Mary Lou stumbled back, muttering something about not bein' any fun in a drunken slur. Meanwhile, Pam led Ace behind a secluded building, the air filled with a tense anticipation.

In the quiet of the moment, Pam pressed Ace against the building, her gaze slightly intoxicated but undeniably alluring. "Let's finish our date," she whispered, her lips hoverin' temptingly close to his.

Without another word, she closed the distance between them, and i found myself lost in the hot french kiss, her tongue moved gentle.

As the passion between us ignited, my hands roamed freely, tracing the curves of her perky chest and the softness of her behind. Our eyes remained locked, a silent exchange of desire passing between us.

With each touch, the heat between us intensified, and before I knew it, my hand was snakin' its way under the loose fabric of her jeans shorts and then under her red laced string. To my surprise, she didn't resist; instead, she let out a seductive moan, her breath hitching with anticipation.

The air around us crackled with tension as Pam's words hung in the air, electrifying the moment. With a fiery gaze, she locked eyes with me, her desire burning bright.

With my finger's touching lightly around her pussy lips sending waves of pleasure through her, Pam's body arched in response, aching for more. She ground against his fingers, her desire burning like a wildfire. "Make me a woman tonight. I need ye, Ace'," she gasped, her voice thick with need.

My breath caught in my throat at her words, my own desire igniting like wildfire. The intimacy between us grew as our bodies moved in sync, the heat of the moment consuming us both.

With a husky breath, I whispered, "Are you sure, Pam?" My voice was thick with desire, my heart pounding in my chest as I awaited her response.

With a quiet determination, Pam turned away from Ace and began to remove her jeans, the fabric slipping down her legs with a soft rustle. Without a word, she bent down, her back arching as she revealed the tantalizing curve of her backside, a silent invitation for me to make her a women, she looked back at me as she decided to tease me even more while shaking her ass seductively to make me completely crazy for her.

"Ace," Pam murmured, her voice barely a whisper as she looked back at me with shy eyes. "It's my first time. Please, be gentle." Her cheeks were tinged with a rosy blush, but her gaze was filled with a fierce determination as she awaited my response.

With trembling hands, i held my dick in my hands, the tension between us crackling with anticipation. Slowly, i pressed it against Pam's eager opening, the sensation of her soft pink pussy lips against my dick was unreal let me tell you that much, it was sending a shiver down my spine. Her seductive moans and the hungry arch of her backside fueled my own desire even more, urging me to satisfy her cravings.

With a mischievous grin, i teased Pam, drawing out her desire as i rubbed my cock against her pussy lips. Her pleas grew more desperate with each passing moment. "Ace, please," she begged, her ass moving eagerly against my hard exploding dick. "I need you now," she pleaded, unable to contain her longing any longer.

Pam's eyes widened in pleasure as i pushed the tip into her pussy, eliciting a moan of delight. "Ouwwiee, Ace!" she gasped, her voice filled with ecstasy. But before she could fully process the sensation, Ace pulled out slowly, leaving her breathless and looking back at me in a trance she try to say something, but before she could with a firm grip on her cherry red cheeks, i pushed my cock slowly into her pink pussy all the way, eliciting a scream of pleasure from Pam ''ouuuuwieeee, it's all the way inside me'' The sensation was overwhelming for petite body, and her arched with ecstasy as she surrendered to the intense pleasure coursing through her.

I moved slowly at first, savoring every moment as Pam moans intensely before screaming loudly in a trance of though, she let out "Oh, your cock feels so good, Ace." Her words sent a thrill down my spine, but in the corner of my eye, i caught a glimpse of someone hiding beside a bush. As i looked closer, i saw Mary Lou, her lips curled into a smirk, spreading her long legs to reveal her pink pussy to me, while spitting in her hand and masturbating to me while i was inside her daugther, as she gaze at me with a alluring eyes locking unto mine adding a tantalizing twist to the already intense moment.

As my eyes widened in panic at the thought of Pam seeing her mom masturbating to us fucking, i instinctively grabbed Pam's ponytail and pulled her towards me, arched her petite body all the way close to my face. Pam, taken aback by the sudden movement, looked at me with surprise moan.

But before she could utter a word, i stuck my pointing finger in her mouth realizing the situation, Pam's eyes lit up with understanding. Without a moment's hesitation, she delicately suck and lick's it fervently in a crazy trance as she keep moaning in pleasure.

I watched in awe as she suck my finger with surprising lustful force and the way she moved her tongue. As my eyes locked back to Mary, she kept biting her lips as she moved her finger's faster, so i decided to make it more interesting to spice up the atmosphere of this surreal moment. I started to ram my cock harder at pam cherry red cheek's as she start to moan's loudly completely losing it '' ouuuu, like that, pls yes, just like that you're hitting my womb. Ace, destroy my little pussy. She let out in a lewd voice' she keep sucking my finger harder each time i rammed her, while rolling her eyes every time i hit her womb, while i kept my gaze locked on Mary with a animalistic gaze of pure lust.

Than in a complete craze i lost control, so i grabbed her ponytail in a firm grip and rammed her cheek's faster, pam elicit a scream of alluring pleasure. Pam's response was filled with lewdness and eagerness as she called out to me, "Yes, Ace, fast like that, ouuuu yes, yes!!. Her words rang out with excitement and lewdness, in a thick hasty voice she continue '' i feel weird down there it... ohhh my god Ace, you are soo gooood,ahhh yes i never felt anything like this before!'' conveying her newfound pleasure she surrendered to it completely.

While i continuesly rammed her cheek's she then start to twitch and shake unknowingly, her petite and tantalizing body start's to move in a possessed seductive way. I start to lick and suck behind her ear's lightly as i keep on thrusting my cock deep in her, then like a wounded animal, her knees buckled as she twitches uncontrollably and in a powerful moan she screams ''ohhh Ace, i...i '' following her body language i changed the pace of my hips in a sensual slow motion and as i cummed all the way inside of her little pussy and she roll her eye's like a possessed soul yet again, i let "ahhhh, oh my God, Pam, i think i might've get addicted to your amazing body," i exclaimed in breathless wonder, my voice filled with awe and pleasure.

As i still moved my hips unbeknowingly slowly in and out of pam pink pussy, she twitched in pleasure uncontrollably, she responded with jagged, short breaths, "OMG, Ace, that was the best thing I ever felt. It was the longest orgasm and i even came twice, it is like your cock is made for my pussy" she replied in weak knee's as I pulled out slowly of her sore pussy.

Pam looked at me with eyes that seemed to say she was completely in love with me. So, I kissed her passionately before Pam weak knee's buckled making her falls down on her knee's, while on her knees, she looked up at me and said. "I guess i have to clean ye up." without hands she used her tongue to caress it gently before devouring my cock completely down to the shaft with her mouth, sucking it dry, but she keeps sucking it bopped her head, I glanced over to where Mary had been hiding, but she was gone from the bush.. Pam looked up at me with a mischievous smile and said, "I love sucking your tasty cock, Ace."

i replied with a playful grin, "You can suck it anytime, Pam, anytime you want."