Chapter 15: "Trepidation's Trail: Mooncrest Metropolis Awaits"

Waking up, I felt something soft in my hands. Blinking away the grogginess, I saw Pam and Mary snoozing on either side of me. Confusion hit me like a ton of bricks as I tried to remember what happened after Pam and I... well, you know. 

Then, Hiro sauntered in, a smirk plastered on his face. "Looks like you had one heck of a night, big bro," he teased. 

I groaned, feeling the embarrassment creeping in. "What happened?" I croaked out. 

Hiro settled in, clearly enjoying my discomfort. "You were the star of the show," he began, relishing every moment. "Pam and Mary were all over you." 

My jaw practically hit the floor. "Both of them?" I sputtered. 

Hiro nodded, his grin widening. "Yep, both of 'em," he confirmed. "And somehow, you ended up with 'em in your bed." 

I shook my head, trying to wrap my mind around it all. "I don't remember any of this," I confessed. 

Emi chimed in from the windowsill with a laugh. "It was like something out of a movie," she added, her eyes sparkling with amusement. "You were the main attraction, Ace." 

Rubbing my temples, I couldn't help but feel a flush of embarrassment. "Well, this is unexpected," I muttered. 

Hiro slapped me on the back, his grin infectious. "Don't sweat it, big bro," he reassured me. "Nothing bad happened." 

I looked over at Hiro and Emi, a grin spreading across my face. "So, did you two have fun at the party?" 

Hiro beamed. "Oh, you bet we did! It was awesome!" 

Emi nodded eagerly. "Yeah, we danced and played games. It was like we were just regular kids again; you know?" 

I chuckled, feeling a weight lift off my shoulders. "That's great to hear. You both deserve a break from all this madness." 

Hiro's eyes sparkled with excitement. "Totally. And guess what? Emi even won a pie-eating contest!" 

Emi grinned proudly. "Yeah, I stuffed my face like there was no tomorrow! It was so much fun." 

I nodded, genuinely happy for them. "Sounds like you had a blast. I'm glad you got to enjoy yourselves." 

Hiro clapped me on the back. "Thanks, big bro. And don't worry, we made sure to keep an eye on you last night. You were in good hands." 

I grinned back at them. "Appreciate it, Hiro. You guys are the best." 

I glanced over at Pam and Mary, a smirk playing on my lips. "Well, well, look who's finally awake." 

Pam blinked, looking around in confusion. "Uh, what happened? Why are we in your bed, Ace?" 

Hiro chuckled, exchanging a knowing glance with Emi. "Oh, you two had quite the night. Let me tell you all about it." 

Emi chimed in, her eyes twinkling mischievously. "Yeah, it was like somethin' out of a wild western tale!" 

Hiro nodded enthusiastically. "So, it all started when Pam here decided to challenge Ace to a drinking contest." 

Pam's eyes widened in disbelief. "I did what now?" 

Mary let out a giggle, nudging Pam playfully. "Looks like you got a little too brave last night, darlin'." 

I grinned, enjoying the chance to tease Pam. "Yeah, you were pretty insistent that you could outdrink me." 

Hiro continued the story, his voice laced with amusement. "And let's just say things escalated pretty quickly from there." 

Emi nodded in agreement. "Before we knew it, you two were arm wrestlin', dancin' on tables, and even singin' duets together." 

Pam's cheeks flushed with embarrassment as she tried to piece together the events of the previous night. "Oh gosh, did we really do all that?" 

Mary chuckled, patting Pam's hand comfortingly. "Don't worry, honey. We all had a bit too much fun last night." 

I winked at Pam, a playful glint in my eye. "But hey, at least you managed to keep up with me. Not everyone can handle the Ace experience." 

Pam rolled her eyes, but there was a hint of amusement in her expression. "Oh, trust me, I'll never forget the Ace experience." 

Mary laughed, shaking her head fondly. "Well, it certainly sounds like you two had a night to remember." 

I grinned, feeling a sense of camaraderie with my friends and newfound companions. "Yeah, it was definitely one for the books. But hey, that's what makes life interestin', right?" 

Hiro nodded in agreement. "Absolutely. And who knows what adventures await us next?" 

Emi beamed, her eyes shining with excitement. "I can't wait to find out!" 

Pam and Mary Lou glanced around in astonishment, taking in the sight of the unfamiliar surroundings. Pam's eyes widened as she took in the majestic fortress, with its towering walls and luxurious furnishings. "Well, I'll be darned," she murmured, her voice tinged with awe. "This place is somethin' else." 

Mary Lou nodded in agreement, her gaze sweeping over the balcony view that stretched out before them. "I ain't never seen nothin' like it," she admitted, her voice filled with wonder. "It's like we're in a whole other world." 

I chuckled, stepping forward to join them. "Welcome to my fortress," I said proudly, gesturing around at the grandeur of the surroundings. "Or, as I like to call it, my portable base." 

Pam raised an eyebrow, her curiosity piqued. "Your portable base? What in tarnation does that mean?" 

I grinned, launching into an explanation of my fortress and its capabilities. "Well, you see, this fortress is more than just a place to hang your hat," I began, my excitement growing as I spoke. "It's equipped with all the latest technology and defenses, making it the perfect hideout in these troubled times." 

Mary Lou's eyes widened with interest as she listened to my explanation. "So, you mean to tell me that this place can move around wherever you want it to?" she asked, her voice tinged with amazement. 

I nodded, a sense of pride swelling within me. "That's right," I confirmed. "With the touch of a button, we can pack up and move out, leaving no trace behind. It's like having our own mobile fortress, ready to take us wherever we need to go." 

Pam let out a low whistle, clearly impressed by the capabilities of my fortress. "Well, I'll be darned," she murmured, shaking her head in disbelief. "You really are somethin' else, Ace." 

I grinned, feeling a sense of satisfaction at their reaction. "Just doin' my part to keep us safe," I said modestly. "Now, who's ready for some breakfast? I've got a kitchen that would put the fanciest restaurant to shame." 

As we made our way towards the kitchen, I couldn't help but feel a sense of pride in my fortress and the sense of security it provided. 

Hiro and Emi wasted no time in making their demands known as soon as we entered the kitchen. "Pancakes! Pancakes! Pancakes!" they chanted in unison, their voices rising in excitement. 

I chuckled at their enthusiasm, watching as they marched around me like hungry soldiers on a mission. "Alright, alright, no need to storm the fortress," I said with a laugh, gesturing towards the ingredients on the counter. "Looks like we're making pancakes today for you kiddos." 

I couldn't help but smile at their innocent enthusiasm as I watched Hiro and Emi's excitement fill the room. "Alright, alright, no need to storm the fortress," I chuckled, acknowledging their fervor. 

Turning to Pam and Mary Lou, I asked with genuine curiosity, "If you could eat anything right now, what would you wish for?" 

They exchanged a glance, a hint of confusion flickering in their eyes before they decided to play along. In unison, they answered, their voices filled with longing, "Grilled cheese, meatballs and pepperoni pizza, fries, and some nice southern-style fried chicken." 

Their wishes sounded like a feast fit for royalty, and I couldn't help but chuckle at their fantasies. "Your wish is my command, ladies," I replied, a playful glint in my eye as I opened the space storage to reveal all the ingredients needed to fulfill their cravings. 

Their eyes widened in surprise as they beheld the array of ingredients before them, and I could see the disbelief written on their faces. "Ace, where did all this come from?" Pam asked, her voice filled with awe. "These ingredients are so fresh, and some of them are so rare!" 

Mary Lou nodded in agreement, her eyes scanning the ingredients with wonder. "I've never seen such a variety of ingredients in one place," she remarked, her voice tinged with amazement. "And they all look so delicious!" 

I couldn't help but feel a sense of satisfaction at their reactions, knowing that I had managed to impress them with my abilities. "Well, you ladies deserve nothing but the best," I said with a grin, relishing in their awe. "Now, let's get cooking!" 

As I began cooking up a storm in the kitchen, I couldn't help but feel a sense of familiarity wash over me. Before the apocalypse, I'd worked all sorts of odd jobs, and it seemed those skills were coming in handy now as I whipped up pancakes, grilled cheese, and southern-style fried chicken with practiced ease. 

The aroma of sizzling meatballs and golden fries filled the air, and Pam and Mary Lou couldn't help but marvel at the sight. "Well, I'll be hornswoggled," Mary Lou drawled, her eyes wide with amazement. "Would ya look at that spread? It's like a feast fit for royalty! 

Pam nodded in agreement, a grin spreading across her face. "Sure is, Mom. Ain't never seen nothin' like it! And just look at them pancakes flippin' like they do in them fancy diners." 

They shared a laugh as we also watched the siblings bicker over breakfast, their playful squabbles adding to the warmth and joy of the moment. 

After what felt like an eternity of cooking, I finally put the finishing touches on the last dish. As I plated up the grilled cheese, meatballs, pepperoni pizza, fries, and southern-style fried chicken, a sense of satisfaction washed over me. 

"Voila!" I exclaimed, presenting the feast before them with a flourish. "Bon appétit, everyone!" 

The sight and smell of the delicious food had everyone's mouths watering, and I couldn't help but feel a swell of pride at their reactions. 

As we gathered around the table, the air thick with anticipation, I couldn't help but feel a sense of pride as everyone dug into the feast I'd prepared. Pam and Mary Lou wasted no time in grabbing the grilled cheese sandwiches, their eyes widening with delight as they took their first bites. 

"Well, I'll be danged," Mary Lou exclaimed between mouthfuls, her voice muffled by the cheesy goodness. "This here grilled cheese is like meltin' heaven in my mouth! Ain't never tasted nothin' so divine!" 

Pam nodded enthusiastically, a satisfied grin on her face. "You got that right, Mom! And these meatballs? Tender as can be, with just the right amount of seasoning. Ace, you sure know your way around a kitchen!" 

As they moved on to the pepperoni pizza, the room filled with exclamations of delight. "Hot dog! This pizza's got just the right amount of kick," Pam declared, her accent thick with excitement. "Spicy pepperoni and gooey cheese? Now, that's what I call a slice of heaven!" 

Mary Lou's eyes lit up as she reached for the fries, savoring the crispy golden exterior and fluffy potato insides. "These fries are like a taste of home," she murmured, her voice tinged with nostalgia. "Reminds me of fryin' up spuds back on the ranch." 

And when they finally sampled the southern-style fried chicken, the room fell silent, the only sound the satisfying crunch of crispy skin. Pam and Mary Lou exchanged knowing glances before nodding in unison. 

"Now this here's the pièce de résistance," Mary Lou declared, her tone reverent. "Juicy, tender chicken with a perfectly seasoned crust? Ace, you've outdone yourself!" 

Hiro and Emi, who had been eagerly devouring their meals alongside us, chimed in with their own enthusiastic approval. "Yeah, big bro, this is the best meal ever!" Hiro exclaimed between bites of pizza. 

Emi nodded in agreement; her cheeks flushed with excitement. "It's so yummy! Can we have this every day, Ace?" 

As we sat around the table, enjoying each other's company and savoring every last bite of the delicious feast, I couldn't help but feel a sense of contentment wash over me. In that moment, surrounded by friends and loved ones, all the trials and tribulations of the apocalypse seemed to fade away, replaced by the simple pleasure of good food and good company. 

With a heavy heart, I broached the topic of our next destination. "You know," I began, my voice tinged with determination, "I've got a mission. I need to go back to Mooncrest Metropolis." 

Pam and Mary exchanged concerned glances; their brows furrowed with worry. "Mooncrest Metropolis?" Mary repeated, her voice filled with apprehension. "What's got you headin' back there, Ace?" 

"It's my family," I explained, the weight of my words hanging heavy in the air. "My mom and brother are still there, and I need to find them." 

Pam and Mary exchanged wary looks, their expressions mirroring my own concerns. "Mooncrest Metropolis?" Mary repeated, her tone tinged with apprehension. "Ain't nothin' good ever said 'bout that place." 

"They say the west side's run by a bunch of cannibals," Pam chimed in, her words sending a chill down my spine. "And the east? Well, it's just as dangerous, if not worse." 

Mooncrest Metropolis. The name alone carried a weight of foreboding, conjuring images of lawlessness and peril. But despite the fear gnawing at my gut, I knew we had to face whatever awaited us there. 

"System," I called out, "we need a bigger, armored car with plenty of firepower if we're going to Mooncrest Metropolis." 

After a moment of searching, the system presented me with a high-tech vehicle equipped with top-grade weapons and advanced armor. It was a formidable machine, with sleek lines and a menacing presence. 

"This looks perfect," I muttered, examining the specs. The armor was reinforced, capable of withstanding even the toughest of attacks, while the weapons boasted impressive firepower. 

But as I scrolled through the details, my heart sank at the price tag. "One million good karma points?" I exclaimed, disbelief coloring my voice. 

"It's a significant investment chosen one," the system acknowledged, its digital voice calm and unwavering. "But given the dangers of Mooncrest Metropolis, it may be your best chance at survival." 

I took a deep breath, weighing our options. We needed this vehicle if we were going to stand a chance against the dangers ahead. "You're right," I agreed reluctantly. "Let's proceed with the purchase." 

With a determined nod, I confirmed the transaction, feeling the weight of our fate settle upon my shoulders. As the vehicle materialized before me, its sleek exterior gleaming in the sunlight, I couldn't help but feel a sense of apprehension mingled with determination. 

"This is our ticket to survival," I declared to the system, steeling myself for the challenges that lay ahead. "Let's make sure we're ready for whatever comes our way." 

The system chimed in with additional details. "This vehicle has space for up to ten people, and it's equipped with a machine gun station featuring steel and iron-shredding bullets," it announced, highlighting the vehicle's formidable capabilities. With these features, we were well-prepared for the dangers that awaited us in Mooncrest Metropolis. 

Balance Update: In the last chapter, Ace's balance of good and bad karma points shifted slightly: 

Good Karma Points: 2+5-1=6M 

Bad Karma Points: 5+10= 15M 

In the last chapter, Ace's balance of good and bad karma points shifted slightly: