Chapter 16: "Into The Unknown City of Mooncrest Metropolis"

As the engine of our new car hummed to life with a futuristic purr, I couldn't help but marvel at its advanced technology. It was like nothing I'd ever seen before, whispering along the road with barely a sound. With a glance at my companions, I couldn't contain a grin as we prepared to embark on our journey.

We rolled through the familiar streets of Silver Hollow, I couldn't shake the feeling of nostalgia that washed over me. The townsfolk lined the streets, waving us off with bittersweet smiles. It was a scene etched into my memory, a testament to the bonds of bad and good we had forged in this small corner of the world.

Turning to Pam and Mary, I couldn't resist asking, "Will you miss this place?"

Pam's gaze softened as she took in the familiar sights passing by. "It's hard not to," she admitted, her voice tinged with nostalgia. "But we've got each other, and that's what matters most."

Mary nodded in agreement, her expression wistful yet resolute. "Silver Hollow will always be home," she said softly. "But we've got a new adventure ahead of us, and I reckon it's time to embrace it."

I couldn't help but admire their optimism, their unwavering determination to face whatever lay ahead. It was a reminder of the strength we found in each other, the bonds that had carried us through the darkest of times.

With a steady hand on the wheel and my eyes fixed on the horizon, I pressed on into the unknown. The road stretched out before us, a winding path leading us ever closer to our destiny. And as Silver Hollow disappeared from our view completely, with Pam, Mary, Hiro and Emi by my side, i knew we could face whatever challenges awaited us there, our journey was only just beginning Mooncrest Metropolis awaited us next, a city shrouded in mystery and danger.

As the miles stretched on, the road seemed to unfurl endlessly before us, a ribbon of asphalt winding its way through the desolate landscape. The sun beat down relentlessly, casting harsh shadows across the barren terrain as we pressed onward in our trusty vehicle.

Pam sat in the backseat, her eyes scanning the horizon for any signs of movement. "Sure is quiet out here," she remarked, her voice tinged with unease.

I glanced at her through the rearview mirror, offering a reassuring smile. "Don't worry, Pam. We'll make it in no time," I said, my tone meant to soothe her nerves.

But just as I spoke those words, a low growl echoed in the distance. "Looks like we've got company," Hiro muttered, his hand instinctively reaching for Emi hand.

Sure enough, on the horizon, a small horde of zombies emerged, their decaying forms lumbering towards us with an eerie determination. "Looks like we've got some unwanted guests," I said, my grip tightening on the steering wheel.

Without hesitation, Pam reached for her Ruger Nightstalker, a determined glint in her eyes. "Time to put this baby to the test," she declared, flicking the weapon into explosive mode.

With a deafening roar, she unleashed a barrage of explosive rounds, the force of the blasts tearing through the approaching zombies with ease. The air filled with the acrid scent of gunpowder as the undead were sent flying, their bodies torn apart by the sheer force of the explosions.

"Holy cow, Pam!" Mary exclaimed, her eyes wide with disbelief. "That thing's pack some heavy round's!"

Pam grinned, a sense of satisfaction washing over her. "Just doin' my part to keep us safe," she replied, her drawl thick with pride.

As the last of the zombies fell, we continued our journey, the adrenaline still coursing through our veins. But as the sun began to dip below the horizon, we knew it was time to find shelter for the night.

With a flick of my wrist, I summoned the cube from my space storage, its smooth surface glinting in the fading light. In an instant, it expanded and transformed into the familiar enormous fortress castle, its towering walls offering a sense of security in the midst of the wilderness.

Hiro and Emi whistled in amazement, their eyes wide with wonder. "No matter how many times I see that, I never cease to be impressed," Hiro remarked, his voice tinged with awe.

Mary and Pam nodded in agreement, their expressions filled with gratitude. "What would we do without you, Ace?" Mary said, her tone sincere.

Pam chimed in with a grin. "I can't wait to take a hot shower," she added, anticipation evident in her voice.

Once inside the heavy castle gate, we settled in for the night, enjoying the comforts of our sanctuary. We indulged in warm bath, deluxe food and desserts, treating ourselves to a movie marathon under the glow of the castle's magical lights.

But as the night wore on, I found myself drawn to the balcony, the cool night air a welcome respite from the warmth of the castle. Mary followed me, her footsteps echoing softly against the stone floor.

"Mind if I join you?" she asked, her voice soft.

I shook my head, offering her a small smile. "Not at all," I replied, gesturing for her to join me.

We stood side by side, gazing out at the starlit sky in comfortable silence. After a moment, Mary spoke up. "Y'know, if Pam hadn't gotten ya first, I might've tried to make you mine," she said with a playful glint in her eye.

I chuckled, shaking my head in amusement. "Well, lucky for me, I've got both of ya," I said, wrapping an arm around her shoulders. "And I wouldn't have it any other way."

Mary blushed at my words, a surprised expression crossing her face. "I never thought about it that way until now, and to be honest with ya. I'd neve' though to meet a young, dependable man like you, Ace," she admitted, her tone softening.

I squeezed her shoulder gently, meeting her gaze with sincerity. "I'll never let anything happen to you or your daughter i promise, not this time, never," I vowed.

Mary: "So, Ace, what happened that time? You seemed... kind of sad, somehow."

I chuckled softly, trying to deflect her concern. "Well, Mary, you know how it is. Just mumbling some nonsense to myself, that's all."

She furrowed her brow, unconvinced. "Come on now, Ace. Don't be coy with me. A woman can tell when something's botherin' ya."

I paused, my gaze drifting into the distance. "It's nothin' you need to worry your pretty little head about, Mary. Just ghosts from the past, haunting me like shadows in the night sometimes, I promise."

Mary's expression softened, her concern evident. "Hm... Ace, you do so much for us, at least know we are always here for ya' no matter what weigh down your heart. I can see whatever it is... is bothering you a lot."

I managed a small, appreciative smile. "I appreciate the sentiment, Mary, I truly do. But some memories are like scars on the soul, best left buried for now."

She nodded solemnly. "Ah understand, Ace. Jest seein' yer expression like that, it hurt mah soul."

With a forced smile, I replied, "Thanks, Mary. I'll keep that in mind."

As the conversation lightened and laughter filled the air, I found myself retreating inward, the weight of my past pressing down on me like a heavy burden.

"Well, Mary, it's getting pretty late," I interjected, attempting to mask the turmoil within. "We've got a long ride ahead of us tomorrow. Best get some shut-eye while we can."

"Yeah, i heard you. Let's hit the hay then," Mary replied with a heavy sigh.

With a sense of relief, I slipped away from the conversation, seeking solace in the quiet of the night. Yet even as I gazed out at the moonlit landscape, the memories lingered, a constant reminder of the trials that lay ahead.

The morning sun greeted us as we gathered around the breakfast table, the aroma of freshly cooked breakfast filling the air. As we savored our meal, conversation flowed easily among us.

"So, how'd everyone sleep last night?" I asked, casting a glance around the table.

Mary stretched her arms with a satisfied sigh. "Like a baby, Ace. That bed was like sleepin' on a cloud."

Pam nodded in agreement. "Yeah, I don't think I've slept that soundly in ages. Thanks for the comfy digs, Ace."

Emi grinned, her eyes sparkling with mischief. "I had a dream about unicorns and rainbows. It was pretty awesome."

Hiro chuckled. "I think Emi's still half-asleep, dreaming with her eyes open."

We laughed together, the warmth of camaraderie washing over us. But soon it was time to hit the road again. With a push of a button, I deactivated the cube, and in an instant, the fortress castle condensed into a compact cube, ready to be stowed away.

Back in the car, we resumed our journey, the landscape shifting around us as we drew closer to Mooncrest Metropolis. But as the city loomed on the horizon, a sense of unease settled over us.

As we rolled on, the signs got creepier by the mile. Dead cars littered the roadside like abandoned toys, and it seemed like every tree had a body dangling from it. Pam's hands gripped the wheel so tight, you'd think she was trying to crush it. "This ain't lookin' good, guys," she muttered, her voice shaky.

Mary's eyes darted around, taking in the grim scene. "I heard stories 'bout this place," she said, her accent thick with unease. "But I never thought it'd be this... bad."

Emi let out a shaky breath. "It's like somethin' out of a horror movie," she whispered, her voice barely above a murmur.

Hiro's face was all serious business. "yeah and we gonna walk right into it" he warned, his voice low and serious. "Who knows what's waiting for us in this godforsaken city."

As we reached the sign welcoming us to Mooncrest Metropolis, a chill ran down my spine at the sight of the ominous warnings painted over it. "Cannibal danger, they capture and eat humans! Beware, don't trust them," it read in bold, alarming letters.

I couldn't help but let out a nervous chuckle. "Well, that's a warm welcome," I quipped, trying to lighten the mood despite the unsettling message.

Emi's voice trembled as she spoke up. "I-I don't know about this, guys," she confessed, her eyes wide with fear.

But before she could dwell on her apprehension, Pam and Mary were quick to reassure her. "Don't worry, Emi, we've got each other's backs," Pam said, her voice steady and reassuring.

Mary nodded in agreement. "Yeah, we ain't lettin' no cannibals ruin our day," she added, her cowgirl accent lending a touch of determination to her words.

With their support, Emi visibly relaxed, a small smile tugging at the corners of her lips.

When we finally approached the city we noticed blockade of stacked cars, I couldn't help but ponder our next move. "Hm... if we use Pam's gun, we might be able to blast through this mess," I mused aloud, considering the risks of such a bold approach. "But that'll definitely alert everyone in this town of our arrival, i guess let's go with the silent approach this time around."

Turning to Mary, with a mental command, I activated my Talent Scout ability, focusing on Mary to glean any insights about her skills. To my surprise, the results were beyond my expectations. Mary wasn't just a marksman—she was a legendary one.

"So that's where Pam got it from," I murmured to myself, impressed by the discovery.

I skimmed through the weapons in the Good Karma shop, shaking my head at the ones that didn't catch my eye. Then, bam! i spotted it—a long-range sniper gun called the "Silent Stalker." This bad boy could shoot from miles away and didn't make a peep when fired. Sneaky, right? But get this—it had a secret mode also that turned it into a close-combat mode called the "Whispering Cowboy." It was like two guns in one!

After weighing his options, Ace decided to drop a whopping 500,000 Good Karma points to snag it. Hey, when you find the perfect weapon, you don't hesitate!

Ace flashed a grin as he handed the Silent Stalker to Mary. "Here, Mary. A little something to make sure those cannibals know not to mess with us."

Mary's eyes lit up as she accepted the weapon. "Whoa, Ace! Thanks a bunch! This thing looks serious!"

Ace nodded, explaining the gun's features. "Yep, it's a real beauty. This baby's got a long-range silent mode for when you need to clip head's from distance, i got a feeling it will fit you style nicely. But if you find ourselves in a tight spot, just switch it to close-combat mode ushing this button, and it'll transform into a badass semi-automatic gun mode called Whispering Cowboy."

Hiro, Emi, and Pam crowded around, eager to get a look at the new addition to their arsenal. "That's awesome!" Hiro exclaimed.

Emi nodded enthusiastically. "Yeah, Mary, with that gun, you'll be unstoppable!"

Pam grinned. "it suit's you a lot, Mom!"

Mary's smile widened as she examined the Silent Stalker. "Thank you, Ace! With this bad boy by my side, those cannibals won't stand a chance!"

As Mary admired her new weapon, She couldn't help but feel a surge of confidence.

I watched as Reaper knelt before me, his new form emanating an aura of power and intimidation. With a nod, I issued my command. "Reaper, I need you to scout ahead. Let us know what we're up against."

Reaper's devilish smile widened as he acknowledged me. "As you command, my liege."

With a swift movement, Reaper vanished into thin air, leaving behind nothing but a trail of eerie mist.

Hiro and Emi exchanged excited glances. "Wow, did you see that? He just disappeared!" Hiro exclaimed, his eyes wide with amazement.

Emi nodded enthusiastically. "Yeah, that was incredible! Reaper's abilities never cease to fascinate me."

I couldn't help but grin at their reactions. "Reaper's something else, isn't he? Always reliable."

As we waited the anticipation hung thick in the air, tension gripped us like a vice as we awaited word from Reaper. Mooncrest Metropolis had no idea who was coming their way, and what about to hit them.

Balance Update: In the last chapter, Ace's balance of good and bad karma points shifted slightly:

Good Karma Points: 2+5-1=6M

Bad Karma Points: 5+10= 15M

In the last chapter, Ace's balance of good and bad karma points shifted slightly:

Minions serving Ace:

Ibliss: Guarding Kingdom gate hole, cant be summoned.

Cronus: Guarding Kingdom gate hole, cant be summoned.

Reaper: On Duty

Dawn Jester: Can be summoned, but wreak havoc every time.

Undead Soldier: Can be summoned, 1000 Strong fast, but dumb can't do task other than killing and guarding.