Chapter 17: "F**k Around And Find Out"

"After half an hour, Reaper returned, his massive frame exuding an aura of dominance. With a flick of his claw, he nonchalantly cast aside the blood that adorned it, the crimson droplets scattering like raindrops in the wind. 'The path into the city is clear, my liege,' he declared, his voice resonating with a chilling certainty that sent shivers down our spines." 

"Alright, everyone, gather 'round," I commanded, my voice steady and commanding. As they assembled, a surge of confidence washed over me. This was my moment to showcase the strategic prowess that had earned their respect. 

"Reaper," I began, addressing the towering figure before me, "you'll take point in our formation. Your keen senses and formidable presence will lead the way and alert us to any dangers ahead." 

"Yes, my liege," rumbled Reaper, his voice deep and gravelly, the glow of his eyes intensifying. 

Turning to Pam, I continued, "You'll be right behind Reaper. Your sharpshooting skills will provide crucial support and cover from any threats that may arise." 

"I'm locked and loaded, Ace," Pam said confidently, adjusting her Ruger Nightstalker. 

"Hiro and Emi," I said, facing the twins, "you'll stick close to Pam, ensuring her safety and offering assistance whenever needed." 

"We've got your back, Pam," Hiro and Emi affirmed together, their determination clear. 

"Mary," I addressed the cowgirl, "you'll bring up the rear, ensuring our flank is secure and providing backup as necessary." 

"I'll keep watch, Ace," Mary added, her hand resting on the hilt of her Silent Stalker. 

"As for me," I concluded, "I'll deploy four of my undead minions to bolster our defenses. They'll ensure our formation remains intact and impenetrable. I'll be at the rear, overseeing our progress and addressing any unforeseen challenges." 

"Alright, team," I declared firmly. "Our destination is my old homestead in Mooncrest Metropolis. The road ahead is fraught with obstacles, so we proceed on foot." 

I consulted the map on my data pad, tracing our route with my finger. "We'll navigate through the streets, avoiding main roads where the undead tend to gather. Our target is Old Hickory Lane, tucked away in the heart of the town. It's a fair distance from here, but it's the safest path we've got." 

With unanimous nods, we set off, our determination guiding us through the shadowed streets of Mooncrest Metropolis. 

Mooncrest Metropolis loomed before us like a ghostly specter, its once bustling streets now eerily silent and desolate. As we ventured deeper into the heart of the town, the signs of chaos were unmistakable. Storefronts lay shattered and looted, their windows boarded up or broken, while abandoned cars littered the streets like discarded toys. The air was thick with an oppressive silence, broken only by the occasional rustle of wind through fallen leaves and the distant moans of the undead. The moon cast an eerie glow over the scene, illuminating graffiti-strewn walls that told tales of desperation and fear. Shadows danced menacingly, playing tricks on our senses as we navigated cautiously through the labyrinth of debris and decay. Every step forward felt like a gamble, each corner turned a potential encounter with danger. 

We moved cautiously, ducking and weaving through the labyrinthine streets, our senses on high alert for any sign of danger. The sound of shuffling footsteps and low growls echoed off the crumbling walls, sending shivers down our spines. 

As we approached the alley leading to my house, the quiet tension was shattered by the sound of frantic footsteps, the sound of approaching footsteps grew louder, I knew we had to act fast. With a silent gesture, I signaled for my companions to stay hidden as we watched the scene unfold before us. The alleyway felt like a prison, the walls closing in around us as we waited for the inevitable confrontation. 

Suddenly twenty figures emerged from the shadows, their twisted forms illuminated by the dim light, it became clear they were no ordinary group. Their clothes were torn and stained with dark splotches, and grotesque trinkets adorned their bodies — human fingers, ears, and even eyes dangling as morbid ornaments. Among them, the leader stood out, his features contorted into a sinister grin that sent shivers down our spines... 

"What do we do, Dad?" they asked in desperation. 

The man, their father, turned to embrace his daughters, his expression pained. "You know what fate awaits us if they catch us," he said, tears streaming down his face. 

With a heavy heart, his daughters accepted the grim reality of their situation. They were going to make an agonizing decision to end their lives before the cannibals could capture them. 

Then before they could end themselves, the leader of the cannibals appeared, his laughter ringing out like a death knell. With a wicked grin, he kicked a severed head towards the survivors, taunting them with cruel words. 

Rage consumed the father, his cries of defiance drowned out by the jeers of the cannibals. But his resistance was futile, and they disarmed him with ease, their leader sneering in triumph. 

"Galeos, you and your kind are worse than the zombies," the father spat, his voice filled with contempt. "I would rather die than join you in your blasphemy." 

But Galeos merely laughed, his eyes glinting with malice. "Don't worry, Bill," he taunted. "You'll join your wife soon enough." 

 "But first, you're going to watch us defile your daughters," he sneered, his voice filled with malicious intent. "We'll cut them up after we fucks them right in front of you and feed them to you." 

The survivors recoiled in horror at his words, their hearts pounding with dread. They knew there was no escape from the depravity of these cannibals, no hope of salvation in this forsaken place. All they could do was brace themselves for the nightmare that was about to unfold. 

As I watched the cannibal's goon approach the girl, a surge of panic gripped me. I knew I had to act, and fast. With each step they took, the tension in the air grew thicker, suffocating almost. 

Breaking through the silence like a bolt of lightning, my voice echoed with a confidence I scarcely felt, "Dead cannibal 1... Dead cannibal 2, 3, 4, 5..." Each number rolled off my tongue, marking another adversary about to meet their end. 

In front of me, I could sense Galeos's disbelief. "Huh, this guy must've lost his mind," he muttered under his breath. 

But I didn't falter. With a smirk that masked the turmoil within, I halted, locking eyes with the goons. "I'm in a hurry here," I declared, my tone laced with a warning they would be wise to heed. "So, I'm giving you lowlifes a chance to scram. Since I'm already in a foul mood, do not test me, if you fuck around you will find out." 

The weight of my words hung heavy in the air, each syllable a challenge daring them to defy me. Would they retreat, recognizing the danger in crossing me? Or would they push their luck? 

Galeos issued the fatal command, a smirk playing across his lips, exuding confidence in his power over life and death. The goons exchanged knowing glances, their smiles chilling reflections of their leader's malevolence. But before they could take a single step forward, I acted. 

With a swift motion of my hands, the scene erupted into shock. In a flash of movement too fast for the human eye to follow, the heads of the five goons were sent soaring from their bodies, a grim testament to the consequences of underestimating me. 

"Like I said, f**k around and find out," I sneered, my voice laden with deadly intent. With a single commanding gesture, I summoned the Reaper, a spectral figure cloaked in darkness. The Reaper emerged with eerie grace, wielding a gleaming scythe that moved faster than the eye could follow. In a swift, merciless dance, it severed heads from bodies with chilling precision, sending a grim message to those who dared defy me. 

Galeos and his henchmen stood frozen in terror, their faces twisted in horror as the Reaper's scythe brought swift justice. One by one, they fell to the ground, lifeless and headless. The alley fell silent save for the echoes of death, a haunting testament to the consequences of crossing a force darker and more formidable then their own. 

As the final head thudded to a halt at my feet, a heavy silence settled over the alley, punctuated only by the fading echoes of the Reaper retreating into obscurity. Galeos, once defiant and sneering, now stood trembling in the aftermath of the grim tableau before him. The veil of arrogance had been torn away, revealing the stark reality of his situation. He had underestimated the depths of darkness he had provoked, and now faced the chilling realization of challenging a force far beyond his comprehension. 

But I intervened, gesturing to the Reaper to hold back for the moment. With a final, cautionary glance, I signaled an end to the carnage, allowing Galeos to reflect on the precarious balance between power and annihilation. 

As the dust settled and the echoes of violence dissipated, a digital chime shattered the silence, its significance resounding through the air. 

My system alerted me to the consequences of my actions: 5 million good karma points earned, a testament to the justice served and lives potentially saved. Yet, alongside that glimmer of righteousness came a stark reminder of the darker path I tread—20 million bad karma points accrued, each a mark of the bloodshed and chaos that stained my hands. For every life taken, for every moment of unchecked rage, the scales of karma tipped further into darkness. 

Then, emerging from hiding, Pam, Mary, Hiro, and Emi approached with faces etched with relief. Pam clasped my hand, her eyes misty with tears. "Y'all alright?" she asked, her concern palpable. 

"We're okay," I reassured her with a smile. "But what about you guys? Are you safe?" 

Mary wiped away a tear and nodded. "Thanks to you, we're fine now," she said softly. 

Suddenly, Ava and Mia, two teenage girls, stepped forward, their expressions a mix of gratitude and fear. Ava's voice trembled as she spoke. "Thank you," she said sincerely. "If it weren't for you, we might not have made it." 

Mia nodded vigorously, tears brimming in her eyes. "You saved us," she choked out emotionally. 

Before I could respond, their father, Bill, appeared, his eyes wide with relief as he clasped my hand tightly. "Thank you, young man," he said, his voice thick with emotion. "You saved my girls. You saved us all." 

His words touched me deeply, resonating with the weight of our actions. In that moment, surrounded by tears and heartfelt gratitude, I felt a swell of pride and a glimmer of hope amidst the apocalypse. 

As Bill approached, his expression fraught with gratitude and desperation, he clasped my hand tightly. "Thank you," he uttered, his voice quivering with emotion. "I don't have much, but please, don't harm my daughters. I'll do anything to repay you." 

His words caught me off guard, and I furrowed my brow in confusion. "Harm your daughters? Why would I do that?" I asked, genuinely puzzled. 

Bill seemed taken aback by my response. "Isn't that how you do it on the west side? Payment for protection?" he ventured; his voice tinged with uncertainty. 

Before I could respond, Mary, Pam, Hiro, and Emi chimed in, their voices filled with reassurance. "Oh, bless your heart, Bill. Ace ain't like that," Pam said, her Southern drawl comforting. "He's a good man, ain't gonna harm nobody." 

Hiro nodded in agreement. "Yeah, Bill, Ace ain't about that life. He saved us all," he added, his tone earnest. 

Emi steps forward; her eyes filled with warmth. "You don't owe him anything, Bill. He did what he did out of kindness," she said softly. 

Mary put a hand on Bill's shoulder, her eyes gentle. "We know ye feeling now Bill, but ace is just nice like that," she said reassuringly. 

Bill looked around at the group, his expression softening as he absorbed their words. "Thank you," he said quietly, a hint of relief in his voice. "I'm sorry, I just... I didn't know." 

"Actually, Bill, I might need your guys' help with something," I blurted out, my tone rushed and worried. 

Before I could explain further, Ava and Mia chimed in, their voices eager but cautious. "But first, let's get out of the street before anything else," Ava suggested, her eyes darting around nervously. 

With a nod of agreement, we hurriedly made our way to my house, the sense of urgency hanging heavy in the air. As we stepped inside, the familiar surroundings provided a brief moment of solace amidst the chaos. 

As I hurriedly scanned the chaotic scene in my house, desperation clawed at my chest. It looked like a tornado had torn through, leaving destruction in its wake. Blood spatters adorned the walls, adding to the ominous atmosphere. 

My heart lurched as I caught sight of two figures in my mom's room. Fear gripped me, threatening to paralyze my movements. Was this the worst-case scenario I had dreaded? 

Pam tried to offer some comfort, her voice barely a whisper, but Mary's solemn shake of the head conveyed the grim reality: there was little hope to be found here. 

Feeling the weight of their silent support, I clenched my fists, my resolve hardening. Then, Ava and Mia's voices broke through the turmoil, their words a beacon of clarity amidst the chaos. 

"I know those clothes. They're from the west side of town," Ava exclaimed, her tone urgent. 

With a surge of determination, I snatched up my knife and rushed into the room, ready to face whatever awaited me. But as I confronted the figures, relief flooded through me. They weren't my family, just unfortunate souls who had stumbled into this nightmare. 

In a swift and decisive motion, Pam raised her weapon and fired, the sharp crack of gunfire echoing through the room. The two zombies staggered back, their undead forms jolting with the impact of the bullets. 

With a final, fatal shot, Pam dispatched the creatures, their lifeless bodies crumpling to the ground. The air hung heavy with the scent of gunpowder as silence settled over the room once more. 

Turning to face her, I offered a grateful nod, words failing to express the depth of my appreciation. Pam returned the gesture, her expression happy but determined. 

As I picked up the photo of my brother and mom, I turned to Bill, Ava, and Mia, asking, "Any idea where they are?" 

Bill shook his head sadly. "Sorry, Ace. We don't know," he replied. 

Ava and Mia exchanged a glance, then Ava said, "I think they might be at the Inferno Forge." 

"Inferno Forge?" I echoed, a chill running down my spine. 

Ava nodded; her expression serious. "Yeah, it's this place out west where they make guns and stuff using prisoners as slave labor," she explained. 

My heart a little more relieved. The thought of my family stuck there gave me hope and also anxiety. 

But instead of wallowing, I clenched my fists, determined to find them. 

Looking at my friends, we shared a silent nod. 

Balance Update: In the last chapter, Ace's balance of good and bad karma points shifted slightly: 

Good Karma Points: 10.5M 

Bad Karma Points: 35M 

In the last chapter, Ace's balance of good and bad karma points shifted slightly: 

Minions serving Ace: 

Ibliss: Guarding Kingdom gate, can't be summoned.