Chapter 18: ''Daring Rescue Mission''


As my fist collided with the wall, frustration boiled over, and the structure crumbled beneath the impact.

The intensity of the moment hung heavy in the air, not lost on my friends. They exchanged worried glances, concern palpable in their eyes.

Mary spoke up first, her voice tinged with anxiety. "Ace, are you sure about this? It's dangerous out there," she said, her worry evident.

Her genuine concern touched me, and with a roguish grin, I replied in a tone dripping with flirtatious confidence, "Mary, you worry too much. You know I thrive on danger. Besides, what's life without a little risk?"

Pam nodded in agreement, her worry etched in her eyes. "But Ace, this is different. You don't know what you're dealing with. And we know you're not like other guys. But if something happens to you..." Her voice trailed off, the weight of her concern mirrored in her tone.

Leaning in with a playful wink, I reassured her, "Ah, Pam, you know me too well to doubt me, sweetheart. But trust me, I've got this. With you two beautiful angels waiting for me by my side, how could I possibly fail and not return?"

Their worried expressions softened at my words, their trust in me evident.

With a suave flourish, I added, "And hey, when I return victorious, I'll have plenty of thrilling tales to tell you guys later. Who knows, maybe I'll even bring back a souvenir or two."

Before I could respond, Hiro chimed in, his voice steady and unwavering. "I'll hold down the fort for you, big brother Ace," he said, determination shining through.

Emi stepped forward, wrapping me in a tight hug. "Please promise you'll come back," she whispered, her voice trembling with emotion.

Drawing on the strength of my friends' support, I squared my shoulders, a confident smile spreading across my face.

"Of course I'll come back," I replied, my tone filled with assurance. "And when I do, I'll introduce you all to my mom and brother. They'll love to meet you guys," I added, my words a promise of hope.

As my gaze shifted to Bill, scanning him with intrigue, he couldn't help but feel a twinge of confusion. His brows furrowed slightly as he met my probing gaze, unsure of what to make of the sudden scrutiny.

Sensing Bill's uncertainty, I flashed him a reassuring smile, though it did little to ease the confusion gnawing at him.

"Bill, you've got something special, don't you?" I asked, my tone filled with genuine curiosity.

Bill blinked, taken aback by the unexpected attention. "Um... I guess I do?" he replied tentatively, uncertainty lacing his voice.

Pam chimed in again, her voice tinged with concern. "There he goes again, with his weird expressions, like he's scheming something," she said, her worry evident.

I sent a playful wink Pam's way and a reassuring smile before turning back to Bill, though the confusion still lingered in his expression.

Hiro stepped forward once more, offering his support. "Don't worry, Bill. Big brother Ace knows what he's doing," he said, his voice steady and resolute.

I extended a direct invitation to Bill to join my endeavor, hope and curiosity flickering in his eyes. He glanced at his daughters, Ava and Mia, who exchanged a silent but resolute nod, signaling their trust in him.

With a hesitant but grateful smile, Bill turned back to me. "Thank you, Ace. That means a lot," he said, his voice filled with emotion. "But... are you sure about this? We've only just met. You talk about a place where we'll be safe, but... how can you guarantee that?"

My own confidence never wavered as I met Bill's gaze with unwavering determination. "I know it sounds too good to be true, but trust me, Bill. I've got a plan," I replied, certainty in my voice.

Bill couldn't help but feel a surge of curiosity. "A plan? What kind of plan?" he asked, interest piqued.

With a secretive smile, I leaned in closer, my voice dropping to a conspiratorial whisper. "Let's just say I've got a few tricks up my sleeve. You guys tried to escape before, right? But if you join me this time, things will be different," I said cryptically.

Bill's eyes widened in surprise. "Different? How?" he pressed, curiosity getting the better of him.

Leaning back, my expression filled with confidence, I explained, "Let's just say I've got a lot of aces up my sleeve. Once we leave this city, I'll make sure you and your daughters have a life like you've never dreamed of before," my words carrying a note of promise.

Bill's mind raced with possibilities as he considered Ace's words. Could it be true? Could there really be a way out of this endless cycle of scavenging and struggling to survive, or was Ace lying, luring them into a darker destiny?

Glancing at Ava and Mia, who looked at him with hopeful eyes, Bill felt a surge of determination welling up within him.

"Alright, Ace. I trust you," he said finally, his voice filled with resolve. "We'll join you, and we'll see this plan of yours through to the end."

As the weight of their decision settled over them, Bill couldn't help but feel a glimmer of hope, bolstered by Ace's promise of a better life on the horizon.

Preparing to embark on his journey towards the western territory, Ace turned to Mary with a solemn expression.

"Mary, I need you to head up to the second floor with your silent stalker. Keep an eye out for any trouble and let us know if anything seems off," he instructed, his voice carrying the weight of their mission.

Mary nodded in understanding, her expression determined as she prepared to carry out her task. "You got it, Ace. We'll keep this place safe," she replied, her tone resolute.

Turning to Bill, Ace's gaze softened with gratitude.

"Bill, I'm entrusting you with the safety of this place and everyone in it. Keep an eye out for the young ones and make sure they're safe," he said sincerely.

Bill nodded in agreement, his determination matching Ace's resolve.

"You can count on me, Ace. We'll hold down the fort," he promised, his voice filled with determination.

With a final nod of reassurance, Ace turned and headed out towards the western territory, his mind focused on the task ahead.

As he traversed the desolate streets, Ace summoned Reaper, his loyal companion, to swiftly dispatch any zombies that dared to cross his path.

Approaching a group of survivors, Ace noticed their hardened expressions and the glint of mistrust in their eyes. There were six of them, their stance defensive and their weapons at the ready.

Undeterred, Ace maintained his facade of weakness, pretending to flee from an imaginary horde of zombies.

"Help! Please, you have to help me!" he cried out, desperation lacing his voice as he ran towards the survivors, his heart racing with anticipation.

The group eyed him warily, exchanging wary glances as they assessed the situation. Ace could sense their skepticism, their suspicion hanging heavy in the air.

The leader of the group, a burly man with a steely gaze, stepped forward, his expression guarded. "What's your game, stranger?" he growled, suspicion evident in his voice.

Swallowing hard, Ace's pulse quickened as he met the man's intense stare.

"No game, I swear. I'm just trying to survive out here," he insisted, his voice quavering with feigned fear.

The leader exchanged a meaningful glance with his companions before finally nodding in begrudging agreement.

"Fine, we'll help you," he conceded, his tone gruff as he motioned for Ace to lead them to the small horde of zombies.

As they sprang into action, swiftly dispatching the zombies that threatened Ace's life, he stumbled forward, feigning weakness.

"Thank you... thank you so much for saving me," he gasped, his voice strained with effort.

But his moment of gratitude was short-lived.

Before he could react, the survivors turned their attention back to him, their expressions hardening with determination.

The leader stepped forward, a shrewd glint in his eyes.

"Looks like we saved your sorry hide out there," he sneered, his voice laced with malice. "And in these parts, that means your life now belongs to us."

Ace's heart raced as he maintained his facade of vulnerability, his mind racing with possibilities.

"I... I understand," he replied, his voice trembling with apprehension. "Thank you for saving me."

But the leader's warning was clear—Ace's fate was no longer his own.

As the other survivors bound him tightly with rough ropes, Ace gritted his teeth against the constriction, biding his time and waiting for the perfect opportunity to wreak havoc.

With a silent nod from their leader, the survivors began to drag Ace back to their base, a place known as Inferno Forge—a name that sent a shiver down Ace's spine.

Outwardly submissive, inwardly plotting, the conversation of the survivors buzzed around Ace like a swarm of angry bees.

"Looks like we've got ourselves a live one, boys," one remarked, excitement tingling in his voice. "Maybe we'll get a bonus payday for bringing him in."

Another chuckled darkly. "Yeah, and Deborah's gonna love this one. He's a stud, for sure."

As they led Ace through the twisted labyrinth of Inferno Forge, the base lived up to its name.

The air was thick with the stench of sweat and fear, and the dim lighting cast long shadows that seemed to reach out and grab at him.

Everywhere Ace looked, he saw abused and overworked souls, their faces etched with exhaustion and despair.

Guards prowled the corridors like hungry wolves, their eyes glinting with malice as they herded the prisoners like cattle.

It was a grim and foreboding place, a twisted reflection of humanity's darkest impulses.

And at its heart stood Deborah, a queen ruling over her kingdom of misery with an iron fist.

As we approached her throne room, I braced myself for what was to come. Whatever fate awaited me, I knew that I would need all my wits about me if I hoped to survive the horrors of Inferno Forge.

Entering Deborah's throne room, my eyes fell upon her imposing figure. She stood tall, commanding respect and fear in equal measure with an air of authority that filled the room. In her thirties, she exuded maturity and experience beyond her years. Her fiery red hair cascaded down her shoulders, framing a face that was both strikingly beautiful and undeniably menacing. Her eyes, cold and calculating, held a sadistic glint that sent a chill down my spine.

It was her commanding presence that truly captivated attention. Deborah's figure was accentuated by tight leather armor, emphasizing her curves with deliberate intent. Every movement seemed designed to draw attention to her formidable stature, a display of power and dominance.

In her hand, she gripped a long katana sword, its blade gleaming ominously in the dim light of the throne room—a weapon that symbolized her ruthless determination to maintain control.

Bound and helpless before her, I couldn't help but feel a mix of awe and terror. Deborah was a force of nature, her outward beauty masking a heart as cold and cruel as the steel of her sword. As she studied me with curiosity and amusement, I knew my fate now rested entirely in her hands.

Deborah's voice shattered the tense silence like a blade slicing through the air, dripping with authority and menace.

"Well, well, what have we here?" she purred, amusement evident in her tone as she eyed me with predatory curiosity.

The leader of the slave traders stepped forward, his demeanor respectful yet tense. "We found this one out in the wastelands, Mistress Deborah. We thought he might fetch us a tidy sum," he explained, his voice tinged with deference.

Deborah's lips curled into a cruel smile, satisfaction gleaming in her eyes as she appraised me.

"Is that so?" she mused condescendingly. "And what makes you think that I would be interested in such... riffraff?"

The slaver leader shifted nervously, his words stumbling in Deborah's presence. "He's strong, capable," he insisted, his voice betraying uncertainty.

Deborah's sneer conveyed disdain. "I see no value in empty promises and false bravado," she retorted coldly.

"But perhaps... perhaps there is some use for him yet."

With a flick of her wrist, she signaled to a nearby guard, who promptly fetched a casket of rations.

"And who knows," she added, leaning in with a dangerous whisper, "if this lost lamb proves himself useful, perhaps I'll even permit you some... indulgence with the women of your choosing," she offered, a sinister smile playing on her lips.

The slavers bowed gratefully, their relief noticeable as Deborah withdrew, leaving me with a sinking feeling in the pit of my stomach. Her words hung in the air, promising uncertainty and a precarious future under her rule in Inferno Forge.

Deborah's voice cut through the throne room, smooth and cold as ice, commanding the attention of the departing slavers and guards.

"You may leave now," she commanded, her tone brooking no argument.

With a sinister smile curling her lips, Deborah's eyes gleamed with anticipation as she issued her next order.

"Prepare this one for tonight," she instructed, her voice laced with malice. "Make him clean, make him ready."

The guards nodded solemnly, their expressions grim as they approached me, their hands rough and unyielding as they began to unbind my restraints.

Deborah watched with a predatory gaze, her amusement evident as she surveyed my helpless form.

"Let's see if this one breaks as easily as the last toy," she mused, a dark edge to her voice.

As the guards led me away, I played my part convincingly, pleading for mercy with every fiber of my being.

"Please," I begged, fear evident in my trembling voice. "Have mercy. I'll do anything you ask, just spare me."

Deborah's laughter rang out, filling the air with a chilling amusement.

"Oh, we've got a lively one here," she remarked, her voice tinged with mockery. "It may be an entertaining night after all."

With each step deeper into the bowels of Inferno Forge, I maintained my facade of vulnerability, knowing I had to bide my time until the opportunity arose to turn the tables on Deborah and her kingdom of cruelty.

But as the shadows enveloped us and the sounds of the dungeon echoed around me, a fire ignited within.

"Oh yes, it's gonna be fun alright" I thought to myself, a smirk playing at the corners of my lips despite the dire circumstances.

"Tonight, Deborah, the tables will turn. I'll make you my bitch."

Balance Update: In the last chapter, Ace's balance of good and bad karma points shifted slightly:

Good Karma Points: 2+5-1=6M

Bad Karma Points: 5+10= 15M

In the last chapter, Ace's balance of good and bad karma points shifted slightly:

Minions serving Ace:

Ibliss: Guarding Kingdom gate hole, cant be summoned.

Cronus: Guarding Kingdom gate hole, cant be summoned.

Reaper: Can be summoned.

Dawn Jester: Can be summoned, but wreak havoc every time.

Undead Soldier: Can be summoned, 1000 Strong fast, but dumb can't do task other than killing and guarding.