Chapter 19: ''Confrontation in the Chamber of Sin''

As I endured the humiliating ordeal of being forcibly stripped by the guards, maintaining my facade of weakness while carefully analyzing their behavior and routines. I observed their interactions, a dialogue unfolded between the guards, their voices a grim reminder of the dire circumstances they all faced. 

"I reckon this one will break just like the rest," one guard remarked with a sneer, his voice thick with contempt. 

The other guard chuckled darkly, a hint of sadistic amusement in his tone. "You're on, mate. I bet a can of food that he'll be begging for mercy by tomorrow." 

I listened intently, my mind racing as I gleaned valuable insights into their mentality and motivations. Despite the precariousness of my situation, I remained calm and focused, my determination unwavering in the face of adversity. As the guards continued to banter, i bided my time, plotting my next move with calculated precision. 

Guard 1 barked orders at me, his voice dripping with contempt. "Get over here, you sorry excuse for a man! Time for your scrub down." 

I nodded timidly, my heart pounding in my chest. "Y-yes, sir... I'll... I'll come over." 

Guard 2 chuckled sadistically, mocking my fear. "Look at him, he's shaking like a leaf. Think he'll make it through the night with Deborah without crying?" 

I clenched my fists, swallowing my pride. "Just got to endure it... just got to endure it..." 

Guard 1 snapped at me again, his impatience evident. "Quit your mumbling and get over here, wuss! Strip down, we ain't got all day." 

I complied silently, feeling exposed and vulnerable. "Y-yes, sir... right away, sir..." 

Guard 2 made a mocking bet with his companion. "Ha! Look at him squirm. This is gonna be fun." 

The brush scraped against my skin harshly, causing me to wince in pain. "Ow... please, not so rough..." 

Guard 1 showed no mercy, his tone harsh and unforgiving. "Shut up and take it like a man! We're not here to coddle you." 

I gritted my teeth, enduring the torment silently. "Y-yes, sir... sorry, sir..." 

Guard 2 expressed his disdain for my weakness. "Pathetic. You'd think he'd be used to this by now. 

Guard 1's words sent a chill down my spine, his tone leaving no room for argument. "Alright, that's enough. Get him a towel to clean up and make sure he puts on that outfit over there. Deborah picked it out especially for you." 

I swallowed hard; my pride shattered as I nodded obediently. "Y-yes, sir... I'll do it right away..." 

With trembling hands, I accepted the towel from Guard 2, feeling the weight of their judgment bearing down on me. I scrubbed at my skin vigorously, trying to erase the shame that clung to me like a second skin. 

Once I was deemed clean enough, Guard 1 gestured towards the outfit they had selected for me. It was a revealing style of clothes, designed to accentuate every curve and contour of my body. The fabric was sheer and form-fitting, leaving little to the imagination as it clung to my skin like a second skin. 

I hesitated for a moment, feeling a surge of humiliation wash over me. But in the end, I knew that it was not the right time for resistance. With a heavy heart, I put on the outfit, feeling exposed and vulnerable in a way that I promise to never experience again after this. 

The guards leered at me mockingly, their eyes drinking in every inch of my exposed flesh. I could feel their judgmental gazes burning into me, stripping away what little remained of my dignity at that moment. 

As I stood there, feeling utterly ashamed of my outfit, Guard 1 barked out his orders in a tone that brooked no argument. "Alright, now follow us and keep your eyes down on the ground," he commanded, his voice dripping with disdain. 

I obeyed without protest, my heart heavy with shame as I followed the guards down a dimly lit corridor. The air was thick with the scent of sweat and anticipation, a palpable tension hanging in the air as we made our way towards our destination. 

Finally, we arrived at a set of heavy double doors, which Guard 1 pushed open with a flourish. I stepped inside, my eyes widening in shock as I took in the scene before me. 

The room was large and opulent, with plush furnishings and decadent decorations adorning every surface. But what caught my attention the most were the various implements of toys of pleasure scattered throughout the room—whips, chains, handcuffs, all kinds of dildos and other assorted toys, all arranged in a display that sent a shiver down my spine. 

I felt a knot form in the pit of my stomach as I realized the true nature of this place. It was a den of depravity, a playground for the rich and powerful to indulge their darkest desires. 

But there was no time to dwell on my horror. Guard 1 gestured towards a plush velvet couch in the center of the room, his voice cutting through the silence like a knife. "Sit here, and wait," he commanded, his tone leaving no room for argument. 

Time seemed to stretch on endlessly as I sat there, the weight of the room pressing down on me like a suffocating blanket. Each passing moment felt like an eternity, the silence broken only by the sound of my own racing heartbeat. 

Finally, the door creaked open, the room pulsed with an air of sinister allure as Deborah made her entrance, her figure commanding attention with every step she took. Her curves were accentuated by the revealing outfit she wore—a form-fitting ensemble that left little to the imagination. Her ample chest bounced softly with each movement, drawing the eye with its undeniable allure. 

Clad in a military-style hat and long boots, Deborah exuded an aura of authority and power. Her hips swayed with a hypnotic rhythm as she moved, the red see-through leggings clinging to her smooth, long legs in a tantalizing display. A white long coat draped over her shoulders, and her red long hair shimmered in the dim light, adding an air of sophistication to her commanding presence. 

As she wielded the whip with practiced ease, her gaze bore into me with an intensity that sent a shiver down my spine. There was a sadistic gleam in her eyes, a hunger for control and dominance that was both terrifying and intoxicating. 

Despite the danger she posed, I couldn't help but be captivated by her undeniable allure. She was a force to be reckoned with, a woman of unparalleled beauty and power who held sway over all who crossed her path. 

But beneath her seductive exterior lurked a darkness that chilled me to the bone. I knew that I was about to be used as merely a pawn in her twisted game to satisfy her lust, a plaything to be used and discarded at her whim. 

"Kneel down, dog, and crawl to my feet," she commanded, her voice dripping with malice. 

With a heavy heart, I lowered myself to the ground and began to crawl towards her, the plush carpet rubbing against my knee as I moved. Each movement was an exercise in humiliation, a reminder of my act of powerlessness in the face of her dominance. 

As I crawled, I couldn't help but feign plead for mercy ''pls just let me go i swear not reveal any of this'' my words falling on deaf ears. Deborah's laughter rang out like a death knell, a cruel reminder of my fate. 

But even as I played along, a plan began to form in my mind. I would gather as much information as I could about Deborah personality and her operation if i could, biding my time until the moment was right to strike back. 

Deborah's laughter echoed off the walls as she wielded the whip like a mad dog, her movements fueled by a sadistic frenzy. With each crack of the whip, she reveled in the power she held over me, her eyes gleaming with malicious intent. 

At first, I refused to give her the satisfaction of seeing me flinch, maintaining my facade of indifference as I stared her down with a defiant glare. But as her expression shifted from sinister laughter to a cold, devilish gaze, I knew that I had to play my part. 

"How dare you stare at me with those eyes," Deborah spat, her voice laced with fury, as she intensified her whipping on Ace. 

With a dramatic flourish, I collapsed to the ground, curling up into a submissive position like a beaten dog. 

I clenched my jaw against the searing pain, gritting my teeth as I endured the onslaught. Every lash felt like a fiery brand against my skin, so i decided to up my game by crying out loudly 

"Please, mercy!" Ace cried out in feigned agony, his voice trembling as he begged for respite from Deborah's relentless assault. 

Determined to maintain my facade of weakness. I could feel the sting of the whip against my skin, all I have to do was focusing on channeling my inner demon as I was smirked to myself, how I'm going to repay her back tenfold, as I looked up at Deborah from my vulnerable position. 

Despite the pain and humiliation, a fire burned within me, a determination to turn the tables on this sadistic temptress and reclaim my freedom. 

Deborah's voice dripped with malice as she remarked, "You've got a nice, handsome face there." Her words hung in the air like a sinister promise before she added, "Let's change that." With a cold stare I grinned back at Deborah as I effortlessly snatched the whip in the air with a smirk that sent chills down Deborah's spine, I rose to my feet slowly, my eyes blazing with a newfound intensity. 

"Playtime's over, sweetheart," I growled, my voice dripping with icy determination. 

my movements fluid and precise. Before she could react, I pulled her inn and had her pinned against me, my arm wrapped around her throat in a vice-like grip. 

Her eyes widened in shock as she struggled against my hold, but it was futile. With my overpowered strength i held her captive with ease, my gaze boring into hers with an unyielding intensity. 

"Who the fuck are you?" she gasped, her voice barely a whisper as she struggled to talk. 

But I didn't answer. Instead, I tightened my grip, cutting off her air supply slightly and silencing her. 

I leaned in close, my grip firm around Deborah's throat, relishing the fear that flickered in her eyes. "Not so fun to be on the other side for once, huh?" I taunted, savoring the taste of power. 

My smirk widened as I tightened my hold on her throat for a brief moment before easing off slightly. "Oh, pardon me. Where are my manners? You can barely breathe, can you?" I mocked, my voice dripping with contempt. 

With a warning tone, I continued, making sure she understood the consequences of her actions. "I'm going to let go of your throat now. But if you scream, well... things are going to get a whole lot worse. Consider yourself warned." 

As I released my grip, Deborah let out a piercing scream calling out for the guard's, the sound echoing off the walls of the room. In an instant, the door burst open, and guards flooded in, their weapons drawn and ready for action. 

Deborah wasted no time in regaining her composure, her voice dripping with venom once again as she addressed me directly. "What an idiot! should've killed me when you had the chance, you're a dead man now," she spat, her eyes blazing with fury. 

With a cruel smirk, she issued her command to the guards. "Cut him up slowly and skin him alive," she ordered, her gaze fixed on me with a chilling intensity. 

In a bored sense, I replied, " Sweet Deborah, you really don't have any ounce of honor, do you?" As i whispered "Reaper," in a low tone, Reaper appeared from the abyss behind me with a terrifying aura, looming over the dimness of the room. His shadow covered the space, sending shivers down the spine of everyone present in the room. 

Deborah's face twisted in fear as she stared at Reaper, her voice trembling with disbelief. "W-what in the hell is that thing?" she exclaimed, her words barely above a whisper as a chill ran down her spine. 

Deborah's panicked voice echoed through the room as she barked orders at the guards. 

"Kill that thing!" she shouted, her tone laced with fear and desperation. But the guards remained frozen in place, their eyes wide with terror. 

Growing increasingly enraged, Deborah's voice rose to a fever pitch. 

"What the hell are you doing? Go kill it!" she demanded, her words ringing with fury as she gestured frantically towards Reaper. 

The guards hesitated for a moment longer before finally mustering the courage to inch closer to the menacing figure, awaiting further instruction 

As Deborah met my gaze, a shiver of fear ran down her spine. I grinned with evil intention, relishing the terror in her eyes as I raised my hand. In a flash, Reaper vanished, leaving behind a chilling emptiness in the air. Panic seized the guards as they realized the looming threat had disappeared without a trace. 

The guards, their faces drained of color, frantically scanned the room, their eyes wide with terror. 

"Where is it?!" one of them shouted in a panicked voice, his hands trembling as he gripped his weapon tightly. 

Another guard, his voice shaking with fear, responded, "Do you see it?" His words were barely audible over the collective din of panicked breathing and pounding hearts. 

As the tension in the room reached its peak, a chilling silence fell over us all. Suddenly, one by one, the heads of the guards were violently wrenched from their bodies, sending shockwaves of terror rippling through the room. Their screams pierced the air as their lifeless bodies crumpled to the ground, leaving only a haunting stillness in their wake. 

As the last of her guards fell, I turned my attention back to Deborah, her eyes wide with fear as she realized the extent of her predicament. She was alone now, vulnerable and defenseless in the face of my wrath. 

Deborah's panicked eyes met mine, and a shiver ran down her spine as she witnessed the evil intent in my gaze. With a voice dripping with menace, I uttered, "Go ahead, scream again, sweetheart, if you dare." Then, with a swift motion, I kicked a lifeless head, filled with terror, toward her. The sight caused her to lose all composure, her face contorted in fear. 

I approached her slowly, each step deliberate and calculated. There was nowhere for her to run, nowhere for her to hide. She was at my mercy now, and I intended to make her pay for her sins. 

With a cold smile, I met her gaze, my eyes ablaze with a fierce determination. "It's just you and me now, Deborah," I said, my voice dripping with malice. "And I think it's time we had a little chat." 

Balance Update: In the last chapter, Ace's balance of good and bad karma points shifted slightly: 

Good Karma Points: 2+5-1=6M 

Bad Karma Points: 15+5 = 20M 

In the last chapter, Ace's balance of bad karma points shifted slightly: 

Minions serving Ace: 

Ibliss: Guarding Kingdom gate hole, can't be summoned. 

Cronus: Guarding Kingdom gate hole, can't be summoned. 

Reaper: Can be summoned. 

Dawn Jester: Can be summoned but wreak havoc every time. 

Undead Soldier: Can be summoned, 1000 Strong fast, but dumb can't do task other than killing and guarding.