Chapter 20: "Into The Depths of Desire"

My voice cut through the tension in the room like a knife, my words dripping with an icy resolve. "Now, Deborah, I'm not the kind of man who hits women to get information. So, I'm just going to need you to play nice this time," i said, my gaze piercing and unwavering.

Deborah looked up at him, her laughter echoing off the walls in a sadistic tone as she tried to toughen up. "Oh, sweetie, you really think you can intimidate me?" she taunted, her eyes gleaming with malicious intent.

My jaw clenched, my patience wearing thin. "I don't have to remind you again, do I?" i said, my voice like steel. "I'm not here to play games. I'm here to get answers."

Deborah's laughter faltered for a moment, replaced by a look of defiance. "And what if I don't feel like talking?" she challenged, her voice laced with arrogance.

My expression darkened, my eyes narrowing into slits. "Then we'll just have to find other ways to make you talk," i replied, my tone brooking no argument.

I could feel the tension crackling in the air as I took a bold step forward, unbuckling my pants with deliberate intent. The weight of my gaze bore down on Deborah, demanding her compliance.

"In case you've forgotten your place," I growled, my voice dripping with authority, "kneel, bitch."

Deborah's reaction was a mixture of shock and defiance, but beneath it all, I could see the flicker of fear in her eyes. Yet, even in the face of my command, she hesitated, her pride warring with her instinct for self-preservation.

But there was no room for hesitation in this moment. With a steely resolve, she sank to her knees before me, her defiance crumbling in the face of my unwavering dominance.

As she bowed her head in submission, I felt a surge of satisfaction coursing through my veins. It was a moment of triumph, a testament to my strength and authority in this dangerous game we played.

With a smirk of satisfaction, I stood tall and unyielding, my cock poised and ready.

"I didn't ask for your amusement," I commanded, my tone firm and unwavering. "Look at it, and don't you dare look away."

Deborah sneered, her voice dripping with disdain. "What do you think you're doing, you pathetic little worm? I don't want to touch your disgusting excuse for a manhood."

With a swift motion, I brought my cock into view, slapping it against her cherry-red cheeks. The sound echoed through the room.

"I'm showing you exactly who's in control here," I retorted, my voice dripping with icy determination. "And you'll look at it until I say otherwise. Understand?"

Deborah's gaze lingered on it for a moment, her eyes betraying a flicker of lust beneath her facade of contempt. As much as she tried to resist, the primal urges within her began to stir, overwhelming her rationality with raw desire.

I watched as Deborah's demeanor shifted, her facade crumbling before my eyes as she succumbed to her desires. With a faint smirk, I pushed the banana against her lips, feeling a surge of satisfaction as she eagerly accepted it.

"No more games, Deborah," I said, my voice carrying a note of amusement as she began to kiss the tip, her lips caressing the head with a newfound hunger. As she took a lick, savoring the taste of my precum, I couldn't help but feel a sense of triumph.

Deborah pulled her hair up into a ponytail, her movements deliberate as she continue to suck on my cock with unabashed enthusiasm. It was a sight to behold, her primal instincts laid bare as she indulged in her newfound pleasure without reservation.

I met Deborah's gaze with a steely resolve, my eyes boring into hers with an intensity that brooked no argument. "Look at me while you doing it, bitch," I commanded, my voice firm and unwavering. It was time for her to face the consequences of her actions, to confront the reality of her choices head-on.

With a firm grip on Deborah's long red hair, I took control, guiding her movements as she sucked it deeper.

Deborah's eyes took on a lewder gleam as she locked her eyes with me, her defiance giving way to an unfamiliar sense of submission. It was clear that she had never felt so powerless before in her life.

Used to getting her way like a spoiled brat, she has now found herself overwhelmed by a newfound sense of vulnerability and a pleasure of being dominated. It was a stark realization for her, one that made her all too willing to comply with her newfound feelings of submission.

With a sudden switch, she began to suck on it as if she had been craving it all along, savoring it with a fervor bordering on madness. Her tongue twisted around it in her mouth, her movements slow but deliberate, each suction tighter than the last. But what struck me the most was the newfound motivation in her eyes as she held my gaze, a fire burning within her that seemed to drive her every action. It was as if she had found a new purpose, a new source of power that fueled her desires like never before.

Deborah: moaning Mmm... I love sucking stranger's cock... It makes me feel so... mmm...

Ace: Fuck... This mouth is sucking my soul out...

She pulled down her bra, revealing her huge alluring cleavages and her pinky tit's, a surge of excitement shot through me, causing my cock to twitch harder in mouth response. Her smile widened at my reaction, a pause filled with anticipation before she leaned forward to lick my balls underneath and than she sucked it into her mouth.

Deborah's moans filled the room as she sucked and spat on it, each sound echoing with a mixture of pleasure and submission. I couldn't help but moan back, my voice dripping with degradation as i reveled in her newfound vulnerability.

Deborah: moaning Mmm... Yes... That's it...

Ace: You like that, don't you, you filthy little slut? Keep sucking like the obedient whore you are.

Then in response Deborah pressed her soft ample cleavage with her hands against my cock, bouncing it up and down while she licked and sucked at the tip of my cock. The sensation was incredible, sending shivers down my spine as I moaned uncontrollably, overwhelmed by the pleasure coursing through me.

You like that, huh? Bouncing those tits on my cock while you suck on it... Goddamn...

I lay down on my back on the floor, my command firm as i instructed Deborah to straddle my face. Obediently, she complied, positioning herself over me as she resumed sucking on my cock.

From this angle, i had a perfect view of her pink pussy nestled between her legs, and without hesitation, i leaned forward to lick it gently at first.

Deborah's moans filled the air as she gasped in pleasure, her voice trembling with ecstasy. "Wow, oh yes, just like that," she purred, her hips bucking instinctively against my tongue.

In a moment of frenzied heat and complete lewdness, Deborah whimpered, her voice thick with desire. "I can't take it anymore," she confessed, her body trembling with anticipation.

With a surge of instinctual desire, she stood up, towering over Ace, her breath coming in ragged gasps.

Without a thought, i reached out and pulled on her arm to come back down, my grip firm and unyielding. Deborah's knees buckled beneath her, in accident and in a stroke of improbable luck, she fell forward, her pink pussy landing squarely on top of my dick. With a deep, primal groan, my dick penetrated deep into her tight pussy, our bodies melding together in a haze of accident pleasure and desire.

Deborah's moans of pleasure filled the air, her voice rising in ecstasy as she surrendered to the overwhelming sensations of my cock penetrating her sending ecstasy coursing through her body.

Her eyes widened in gasp of shock, her lips parting in a silent gasp as my cock delved deep into her pussy.

A flush of heat suffused her cheeks, her skin flushed with arousal as she surrendered herself entirely to the pleasure of the moment.

Every nerve in her body was alight with sensation, every touch sending waves of pleasure crashing over her in relentless waves.

As i hesitated, on the verge of apologizing, i decided to slowly pull my cock out from her dripping wet pussy, i looked up at Deborah as i pulled my cock out gently and i was stunned by what i saw.

Her eyes were glazed over, her expression one of pure bliss as she seemed completely bewitched by the sensations coursing through her.

In a low, lewd murmur, Deborah's voice filled the room, her words barely audible amidst her moans of pleasure.

"So good... yes, just what i needed mmm...ahhhh, more," she whimpered, before i get to say anything she slammed her waist down making me penetrate her pink pussy even deeper, wrapping my cock as a warm blanket, she was moving it on her own accord as she slid my cock back inn and out slowly riding it with passion.

The sound of our bodies coming together echoed through the room, Deborah's cheeks clapping against my cock with each movement giving me pure bliss. She continued to moan in a haze of pleasure every time my dick rammed her booty cheek, her words a symphony of lewdness as she surrendered herself completely to the overwhelming sensations consuming her.

In the heat of the moment, I couldn't hold back. Deborah's moans were like fuel to the fire, driving me to lose control. I grabbed her by the throat, feeling the rush of power as I took charge.

With each thrust, she cried out louder, urging me on with her words. "Yes, yes, fuck me! I'm yours!" she pleaded, her voice filled with desire. her words a desperate plea for more as she arched her back, offering herself up to me without reservation.

I couldn't resist her lewdness any longer. Leaning in, I kissed her deeply, our tongues entwining in a passionate embrace. It was like we were lost in our own world, consumed by the intensity of our desire.

Then after a while she got down on all fours, spreading herself wide open, practically begging for it. There was something primal about the way she moved, enticing me with every sway of her hips and arch of her back. It was impossible to resist her at this point.

I Noticed Deborah's long, shimmering red hair cascaded down her back, swaying with every movement as she presented herself to me. The way she arched her back and spread her cheeks was mesmerizing, accentuating every curve of her body.

As I pointed my cock towards her she used her hands while looking back at me to help me sliding my cock in her pink pussy with ease and as slid into her, she let out the most intoxicating moan, a sound that could drive any man wild. It was like music to my ears, so sultry and enticing that it made my cock pulsate even more making me rock solid.

"Ah... oh yes," she gasped looking at me with satisfied lewdness, her voice dripping with desire. "Just like that... deeper..."

Her words fueled my desire even further as I plunged into her, each thrust met with another one of those captivating moans that made it impossible to think about anything else.

With a swift movement, I decided to flip her onto her back, shifting into missionary position.

As I hovered over her, our eyes locked, her gaze filled with a fiery passion that mirrored my own. Deborah's eyes spoke volumes, telling a story of complete surrender and belonging.

It was as if she was giving herself to me entirely, her trust and desire evident in the way she watched me pound into her pussy.

"Oh, yes, just like that," Deborah moaned, her voice a sultry melody of desire. "Don't stop, keep going... harder... faster..." Her words were punctuated by gasps and whimpers, each one a testament to the pleasure she was experiencing. "I need more... give it to me

Her moans filled the room, a symphony of pleasure and desire as she bit her lip in anticipation.

Suddenly, her nails dug into my back, adding an extra layer of urgency to our passionate encounter. With each desperate breath, she looked at me, a mixture of surprise and worry dancing in her eyes as I hit that sweet spot, her expression changed, morphing into one of pure ecstasy.

In a chorus of feminine moans, she confirmed what I already knew—I had found her G-spot. With renewed determination, I continued to thrust into her, each movement sending shockwaves of pleasure through her body.

Her climax hit her like a tidal wave, her body convulsing with pleasure as she came hard. But I didn't let up, still pounding into her as she twitched and quivered beneath me, lost in the throes of ecstasy.

With each thrust, she quivered beneath me, her movements synchronized with mine in a dance of raw passion. And as I felt my own climax building, I knew that I couldn't hold back any longer.

Between gasps and moans, I managed to ask, "Where should I bust?"

With a voice barely above a whisper, she begged, "Deep in my pussy."

That was all the invitation I needed. With a hard thrust, I buried myself deep inside her, letting out a loud, "Ahhh, fuck, I'm coming!"

And man, did I ever. Shooting my load deep into her, hitting her G-spot with every pulsing spurt. Each thrust drove me deeper, emptying myself completely as she moaned and writhed beneath me, lost in a haze of pleasure.

Assuming she had enough i tried to pull out gently, but to my surprise Deborah's legs wrapped around me like a vice, her grip firm and unyielding as she held me captive inside her.

Try as I might, I couldn't break free from her soft pussy grip, her pussy strength surprising me as she held me in place, unwilling to let me go.

With a smirk, she whispered in my ear, "Not so fast, tiger. You're not going anywhere until I'm satisfied."

Deborah's then start to gently lick and kiss me everywhere, her kiss and lick were like fire, igniting a passionate frenzy between us. Her tongue danced with on my body as her hands roamed over my back, setting my skin ablaze with desire.

Deborah's lips ventured downward wrapped around me cock again, sucking it hard and slow, each movement sending jolts of pleasure through my body. Her moans were lewd and uninhibited as continue to suck on my cock with lewdness, driving me wild with desire.

Slowly, tantalizingly, she moved her head, her touch sending shivers down my spine. And when she took me all the way to the shaft in her mouth, it was with a eagerness that belied the intensity of her desire.

As she worked her magic, her hips ground against my hand, urging me to touch her more, to explore every inch of her heated skin. And as I obliged, caressing her pussy lightly, she responded with even more fervor, her passion igniting a fire within me.

In that moment, it felt like Deborah was made to satisfy me and me to satisfy her, like our desires were perfectly aligned. And as she sucked the soul out of me, I couldn't help but lose myself in the sheer intensity of our connection.

Balance Update: In the last chapter, Ace's balance of good and bad karma points shifted slightly:

Good Karma Points: 2+5-1=6M

Bad Karma Points: 20+5 = 25M

In this chapter, Ace bad karma points balance shifted slightly:

Minions serving Ace:

Ibliss: Guarding Kingdom gate, cant be summoned.

Cronus: Guarding Kingdom gate, cant be summoned.

Reaper: Can be summoned.

Dawn Jester: Can be summoned.

Undead Soldier: Can be summoned, 1000 Strong fast, but dumb can't do task other than killing and guarding.